What is the meaning of effort?


Some say it’s to meet the expectations of others

Others say it’s for career success…

But in my opinion,

Self-discipline, hard work, struggle

All upward and positive nouns,


It’s youth.

No matter how decadent and late the old man is, he once had an absurd dream of freedom.

No matter how humble and weak the knight is, he will long for one day to be able to protect the native girl with a white horse and a silver spear, and then die a heroic death.

Even the most timid and cowardly soldier will imagine wearing a battle flag, charging into battle, standing at the forefront of the border.

And try,

It’s for myself one day

In those moments when it was your turn to step up

You can really step up

Guard what you want to protect.

Nothing else.


In fact, I also understand it in my heart

Not everyone is a genius.

Not everyone,

can become that hero that thousands of people admire.

But that doesn’t mean that

We can’t be our own heroes.

Monsters have the way monsters fight

Ordinary people have the direction that ordinary people strive for

Maybe it will be different

But the same thing

We all strive and work for the goal of justice.

You can’t give up your dreams because of the complexity of reality

You can’t give up your pursuit because your dreams are far away.

Because history favors only the determined, the striver, the fighter

It will not wait for the hesitant, the slack, the fearful.

Live hard to have weight;

Run forward to get there.

Every class we have taken, every practical battle, every stage we have taken

Every bullet, every punch

Every success and failure, every fall and rise

will leave a mark on our lives

There will always be an impact on our future in some special way.


You are not alone.

When you stay up

Large sea kings thousands of meters high in the windless zone are roaring up to the sea;

When you hone your marksmanship,

The snow-white seagulls on the other side of the Red Earth Continent are flapping their wings across the sky;

When you study late at night

The bright starry sky of Ralph Drew at the end of the world is scattered with colors;

So boys,

Don’t worry

When you are working hard and self-disciplined for your future

Views you feel you’ve never seen

People you think you’ll never see for the rest of your life

Those you think you’ll never be on the stage

In fact, it is coming to you step by step.

You’re never alone

A teenager who works hard in the night,

The whole world is yours,

The whole world is waiting for you.

This is the best stage of our lives.

Confidence on the face,

Kindness that grows in the bottom of the heart,

Enriching knowledge in the brain,

Bone and dignity melted into the blood

Portrayed as strong in life

A shallow smile hanging on the corners of his mouth

And the dreams hidden in the heart.


This is our youth

Loud and radiant youth.

– “On the Meaning of Effort,” Naval Academy 6th freshman, Roy.



“Pretty shocking, isn’t it?”

Lieutenant General Tsuru’s eyes were slightly red, and his slightly old eyes were full of emotion.

But the corners of her mouth were full of gratifying smiles.

Like a flower that glows with youth again.

The crowd fell silent.

They had never seen such a gripping and straight to the heart.

Roy’s short “classroom” paper of less than a thousand words actually made these old immortals have a kind of passionate emotion in their hearts.

They only felt as if something hot was about to gush out of their chests.

The heroes were teenagers.

And youth and blood have always been synonymous with people’s yearning.

Read this passage word by word

Each of them seemed to think of their younger selves in their minds



Since when

Gradually deny the meaning of your efforts?

And when exactly did it start

Do you no longer have sincere hopes and expectations for the future?

Everyone was once a teenager.

They are no exception.

Come to think of it,

They just subconsciously raised their heads

His gaze fell on the school field in the distance

On that figure.

Then they were all stunned.

Because they all saw the unbelievable.



Every freshman in a military school,

Those freshmen who should have been lying on the ground lying on the ground and fishing for fish to rest and steal

It’s all from the heart


Follow the owner who wrote this paper

Conscious and self-disciplined training began again.

Maybe it’s because you’re inspired?

Or maybe it was because Roy saved their lives just now?

A couple of old guys don’t know.

But at this moment,

Look at the heat wave rolling and the dust roaring on the school field

That’s hundreds of freshmen,

A childish and green face

Gritting his teeth,

dripping with sweat,

In the effort,

In the struggle,

Train hard,

It’s like a delicate flower chasing after each other.

They all laughed heartily.

That little ghost named Roy

Maybe he really has some kind of power that is greater and unknown than the three of them

It’s like a seagull trying to spread its wings on the edge of a cliff

Another example is the proud cold plum in the ice and snow

Radiant youth?


Sora suddenly said.

“Huh?” Zefa paused.

Sora smiled, his eyes were in a trance

“Do what you want.”

“I don’t know why, I actually have some expectations.”



(Come on!) )

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