Self-Discipline! Have You Seen Marineford at Four o’clock in the Morning?

Chapter 125 : Zephyr is like a master like a father

After talking about Momousagi, he slipped away.

Those small steps are so fast that it is almost useless to shave.

Roy looked at her back, which disappeared quickly after a few flashes, with a slight astonishment, feeling a little confused in her heart.

Don't you just call it your name... Why are you running so fast?

He shook his head, looked out the window again, and quietly stared at the snow-filled world outside.

What he didn't know was,

In the military,

Only a very small number of close relationships or elders can directly call Momousagi's name.

哪怕是茶豚加计这个跟 Momousagi同一届的天才,也是舔着脸被 Momousagi揍了好多次之后,才勉勉强强地得到了这个“承认”。

And Roy, a junior of military academy, can make Momousagi let him call his name directly. The meaning behind this is no longer as simple as strength.

It's just that none of this has much to do with Roy, a straight steel man who is single.

But not long after Momousagi left,

Roy was stunned to see the old man Zephyr rushing in carrying a few large boxes.

"What are you going to do, old man?"

He asked puzzledly, but the monk of Zhang Er couldn't figure it out.

Zephyr threw a few large boxes on his shoulders to the ground with a bang, poured himself a cup of hot water, and gurgled his head up and drank it in one gulp.

Roy squatted down and looked at the tumbling box on the ground. This action seemed to affect the wound a bit, making him grin a little with pain.

Zephyr finished drinking the water, took a breath, patted the snow on his body and hair, poured another cup of hot water for Roy, and said casually:

"This is your reward."

"It's not a good thing, it's three Devil Fruits."

Roy, who took the hot water from Zephyr and took half a sip, squirted out the water in his mouth with a pop when he heard Zephyr's words.

He stared at the indifferent Zephyr in front of him, and suddenly said:

"Old man, don't you go robbing?"

Three Devil Fruits...

Even if Naval Headquarters is rich and powerful, it is not so easy to get out of three Devil Fruits at once.

Zephyr slapped Roy on the head, staring angrily:

"What are you talking about, brat!"

"This old man is coming back from the empty old man!"

"You are now a direct disciple of the old man. You must have what Sakazuki and the others have."

He suddenly fell silent, turning his face away from Roy, his voice faintly sounded.

"You can't fight with your life every time you fight..."

Roy was taken aback, his heart warmed, and a soft smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Zephyr, the old man, on the surface Tenten was violating himself, and he wanted to torture him to death when he was training, but he was really good to him.

Looking at the three boxes in front of you, Roy, the old man, you look down and go to the Marshal Kong to speak. It must not be easy, right?

Roy shook his head.

"Teacher Zephyr, you can take these three Devil Fruits back."

"──What are you talking about!!" Zephyr suddenly turned his head and scolded in anger, looking like he hates iron for steel.

"Don't rectify those who don't have to be polite to the old man!"

"Give it to the old man!"

"What the old man gave out has never been recovered!"

"Don't you give me face?"

His nostrils were in the sky, he looked like he was a thief, and he raised his casserole-big fist as he spoke.

Roy smiled helplessly.

Zephyr opened all three boxes with one hand at this time,

"A total of three Devil Fruit, Zoan ancient tyrannosaurus form, Logia Snow-snow Fruit, Paramecia hot fruit."

"Although they are all unfamiliar Devil Fruits, they don't match your abilities."

"But Old Man Kong has made a final decision. He will try his best to help you find a fruit that is no less than Sakazuki and the three of them. Even if you can't find it, he will go to Mariejois and ask Five Elders to ask for it!"

Speaking of Zephyr, he picked up all the three Devil Fruits and stuffed them into Roy's hands.

"Don't talk so much nonsense boy, take it to the old man!"

"In the future, even if you don't use these things yourself, you can still use them for others."

"It's okay to fight and kill outside the army, but there are too many people in the army."

As he said, Zephyr suddenly got down, leaned in Roy's ear and lowered his voice:

"It won't be long before the old man will retreat, Sengoku will take his class, and the old man, Admiral's virtual title, will also be released."

"At that time, Admiral will have three positions available."

"Although you are not qualified to be in one of the three positions, it is okay to prepare in advance. It is really not possible that the old man will get you an Admiral candidate at that time."

"These three Devil Fruits, the old man is for you to build your own team."

"Your time in the army is still short. Although you have accumulated a lot of fame and prestige in the war, there are not many people who truly support you in the army."

"you can….…."

Zephyr kept talking like this, wishing to teach Roy all the humanities in the army.

Roy squatted on the ground and listened silently, his eyes getting wet and big unknowingly.

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