Self-Discipline! Have You Seen Marineford at Four o’clock in the Morning?

Chapter 408 : The time you have grown up is too short

The long, jet-black hair gradually faded, and finally appeared a tragic white.

The huge snow-white spider phantom, under the entanglement of infinite monsters and ghosts, the pair of compound eyes exudes a scarlet light, looking like choosing someone to eat.

The gust of wind suddenly rose, and the only remaining eye of the ghost spider with long gray hair volleyed and danced in the sky gradually overflowed with a awakening bloodstain, and the blood dripped down his cheeks, like a demon god of Shura.

And the aura on his body is constantly rising in a terrifying trend, as if there is no end.

As the evil, harsh and cold murderous aura on him exploded, the ground under his feet also cracked and lifted layer by layer.

Feeling the determination and determination exuded by the ghost spider at this moment, Kata Kuri was silent.


"Really tenacious... Marine who is destined to embark on the path of Shura."

He suddenly took a deep breath, then exhaled it long.

Charlotte Kata Kuri pays her own expense. I have never seen such a tenacious person in my life.

His body has reached the limit it can bear tomorrow morning, whether it is physical strength or mental strength, it has reached the extreme of overdraft.

But the murderous intent and fighting intent in his eyes seemed to be completely beyond the limits of this shackle, and was completely out of control.


Such a thought suddenly flashed in his mind.


He suddenly screamed in a low voice, and the tight Haki escaped from his body, and then quickly covered the countless glutinous balls on the surrounding ground.

The wriggling glutinous ball frenzy was immediately dyed with a layer of purple-black shiny luster.

"Nine head rice cakes!"


The surging glutinous group tide suddenly "spit out" nine donuts, and then suddenly a huge purple-black arm shot out of the nine donuts, turning into a fist and hitting the ghost spider!

The purple-black fist like a hill is full of amazing power under Armament Haki, and it blasts down at the ghost spider like a rocket launcher!

A blood stain spilled from the ghost spider's mouth again, and under the wildly dancing white hair, a weird red light bloomed from that one eye.

He saw it.

Unprecedented clarity!

Although the brain and nerves continuously sent bursts of tearing pain to his body, he laughed wildly!

He clenched Qiushui in his hand.

One step on the ground.

boom! !

The terrifying force stepped on the ground and collapsed one meter. When the rocks were flying, his figure did not retreat but moved forward to greet the dense glutinous group with fists in the sky!

"One sword stream·Ghost Shura·Hurricane!"

His body suddenly twisted in mid-air, spun up at an alarming speed, and then swung the knife heavily!

boom! !

The roaring sword qi slashed like a dark hurricane surging back, actually forcibly forcing all Kata Kuri's attacks to stagnate.

The sword light flickered sharply,

next moment,

The figure of the ghost spider jumped out of the torn and splashing waxy ball in the sky,

The black sword that represents the will of Wanokuni’s strongest warrior,

Lifted up high,

Haunted out a wild flame like a fire!

"Is it that easy?"

Kata Kuri snorted coldly, red glow in his eyes surging one after another.

He took a heavy step and slammed a punch at the ghost spider!

This punch fell strangely into the empty space, as if it was just hitting the air in front of him.

But Ghost Spider's complexion changed abruptly, gritted his teeth and forcibly closed his knife, Qiu Shui lay across his chest.

Boom! !

A huge fist suddenly protruded from a donut behind Kata Kuli, and hit the ghost spider hard like a giant cannon!

"Strange power rice cake!!"

boom! !

The ghost spider's figure flew upside down suddenly, and slammed into the ground a hundred meters away like a meteor, causing the ground to crack and dust rising like a dragon.

"Don't understand? The time you have grown up is too short..."

Kata Kuli carried the trident in his hands, and slowly stepped forward with a cold expression.

"When I was following my mother in the New World battle with various strong men, you might still be training in the military academy."

"Whether it is Haki, physical skills, physical fitness or combat experience, you are far inferior to me."

"Perhaps given you enough time, you can catch up with me and even defeat me."

"But now, even if you overdraw all your lifespan and physical energy, it can't pose the slightest threat to me."

He coldly looked at the ghost spider lying in a huge pit in the distance, vomiting blood, shook his head and said:

"Your swordsmanship is indeed very strong, but it is limited to this."

"Let's stop here, ghost spider."

Kata Kuri raised his hand, killing intent flashed in his eyes.

A huge black doughnut was formed in front of him, rose up in the air, and turned into a huge sphere full of sharp needles.

"Gan Li Rice Cake!"

The rainstorm pear blossom-like spikes in the sky suddenly turned into countless rain of arrows, shrouded and fell towards the location of the ghost spider.

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