Self-Discipline! Sven Scum At Naval Headquarters

Chapter 101 Self-Discipline Is Contagious! 【One More Request For Automatic】

Sengoku and Zephyr carried Bai Ye into the office in a fierce manner, and then walked out with a confused face.

The two looked at each other, what to say, a little doubtful of life?

At this time, Sengoku took out the fine cigar that Bai Ye handed them and handed one to Zephyr.

"Or, brother two take a puff?"

Zephyr was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"Hmm! Okay!"

And then -

The two men lit their cigars and took a hard puff.

The smell of cigars made the thinking of the two more and more clear.

However, the clearer it is, the more doubts about life become.

Two Admiral of Headquarters, and future candidates for Marine Marshal, just lay on the railing smoking a cigarette.

That back was depressed to the extreme.

What to say.

This kind of artistic conception has a kind of rickets and vicissitudes of the old father's body in Zhu Ziqing's [back], and there is a kind of loneliness of the sunset and dusk. "One Seven Seven" hiss~hoo~

The tobacco smell of cigars stimulates their brains.

And then

"Sengoku, don't say it, this cigar, it tastes good enough, and it is not rushed, it is really different from the bargain I smoked!"

Sengoku also smoked a smouldering cigarette, listening to Zephyr mention this, and subconsciously spoke.

"You said, this cigar won't be specially offered by the [Heavenly Gold] Zhongtian Dragon Man!?"

And then -

The two fell silent.

The look in each other's eyes made them all tacit.

No, it definitely is.

Immediately after, Zephyr shook his head.

"Miscalculated, you should ask him for more!"

"Anyway, you are his teacher, just look for him?"

Zephyr glared at Sengoku.

"I'm his teacher, not a bandit!"

"What's the matter, not to mention what he fished in East Blue, it's a whole batch of [Heavenly Gold] goods sneering!" We who are Admiral don't have this treatment!"

Draco special offering!

It's not that Admiral can't enjoy it.

It's just that it is far from being as extravagant as Bai Ye.

Then, I don't know how long it took, the cigars were almost burned.

Zephyr took one last puff of his cigar, still trampling it out on the ground.

"Sengoku, you said that our two old things are old

"I don't know if I'm old, but I'm definitely not young..."

Oh, yes!

Not young anymore.

The two looked at each other and recalled each other's youth.

Youth, sweat.

And then -

Zephyr was melancholy.

"Sengoku, now the young people in this area... Is it all rolled up like this?"

"Is there really a problem with those training plans I customized?"

The corner of Sengoku's mouth twitched.

"No, no problem..."

"Moreover, the amount is much larger than when we were younger——"

After all, times are different.

When Zephyr and Sengoku were young, the era of sea pirates had not yet begun, and the number of pirates was far less than it is now.

Now that the era of sea pirates has opened ten years, it is the outbreak period of increased pirate budding, the pressure of Marine, an unprecedented day.

In the front, there is the madness of the pirates in the first half of the Grand Line, and then there is the emperor of the [New World] who stirs up the storm, in short, this sea, just one word - chaos!


"Putting aside the rest for the time being, as far as basic training is concerned, he directly increased it by more than ten times.

At that time, Bai Ye banged categorically on the table and said that this plan did not work, and it had to be changed.

Zephyr was dumbfounded.

He felt that to demand it according to his own standards was completely delaying Bai Ye's future.

What a good boy!

What a disciplined Marine!

"Maybe it's time for us to change ourselves!"

Suddenly, Fa Leng came to such a point.

"I was thinking about retirement before, but now, I think I'm wrong!"

Zephyr felt an inexplicable blood boiling inside him at the moment.

Sengoku next to him suddenly smiled.

"Unfortunately, Zephyr, I feel that way too..."

Although both of them have done their due diligence as Marine!

Zephyr took a back seat as Admiral, but as a part-time general instructor, he taught the next generation of Admiral candidates.

This kind of merit is definitely worthy of the word "model worker".


I don't know why, the two always feel that they are too laid back now!

"Zephyr, the action of [New World] cannot be delayed!"

Zephyr nodded.

"Sengoku, I think the new students in the military academy are still under too little pressure!"

The two looked at each other.

Obviously did not say anything, but it seems that a consensus has been reached at this moment.

Then, in unison, they spoke.

"It's time to get this Naval Headquarters moving!"

Self-discipline is also contagious.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

That's right.

That's how it feels.

Self-discipline, youth, blood, sweat...

The two of us are old, but not old yet.

And then...

At this moment, not far from the two of them, a yellow figure slowly walked forward.0

The two were stunned for a moment.

At this moment, I saw Kizaru wearing sunglasses, walking down the aisle with a leisurely face, holding a nail clipper in his hand, trimming his nails, and after a while, subconsciously blowing

The whole process is very leisurely.

I didn't know, I thought it was some retired old man walking.

Kizaru is really enjoying his life now.

Since determining his status as Admiral's candidate, Kizaru's lifestyle has become more regular and healthy.

Before that, for the sake of merit, he was also very attentive.

As for now?

Hehe, my Admiral's position is a nail in the coffin, do you need to worry?

The old man has caught pirates all his life, tired all his life, and is not allowed to be leisurely and leisurely?

Of course, he is not a salted fish, at most he is paddling to fish.

However, compared with Akainu and Aokiji, there is a gap.

And Kizaru sometimes feels that his two colleagues are not very good at brains.

Akainu, in particular, is so reckless that no matter how hard the other party fights, in short, if you meet, Laozi will kill you.

You either leave a life or an arm or leg.

He remembered the scene where Akainu and Kaido were dead, that scene, snorting.

Sakazuki, do you know that this will also be short-lived?

As for Aokiji.

Day after day I think about the future of Marine, inexplicable justice.

In the past, when performing the Ohara Buster Call mission, he also had a big fight with Akainu, and the two almost fought.

Kuzan, do you know how fast your brain cells are dying? 5.5


Or the old man is the smartest.

Moreover, Kizaru has always felt that Admiral is a good position!

The power is great, free enough, and the only ones who can control him are the marshal and the world government.

Vice Admiral can't do it, every day to catch pirates to brush their exploits, and, with the first order, he will run and break his leg.

And the marshal is not good, the commander-in-chief is all Marine, it's scary to think about it, the person below made a mistake, and the first thing the world government looked for was the marshal.

Kizaru had already decided.

Future marshals will definitely be born in their three Admiral.

At that time, he will learn from Vice Admiral Garp, the first to retire from the campaign, and let Sakazuki and Kuzan slowly go to the line.

This is the future that the old man dreams of!

After cutting her nails, Kizaru stretched her arms.



However one

Before his arm could be opened, two large hands came towards him behind his back.

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