Self-Discipline! Sven Scum At Naval Headquarters

Chapter 111 Pluton's Knife, Do You Know Rayleigh? [Two Changes For Automatic]

Gion hurriedly raised his hands and looked at Bai Ye who was rubbing on him with a surprised face, very confused.


"Teacher Zephyr, this—what's going on?"

She didn't dare to touch Bai Ye.

I'm afraid that Bai Ye will suddenly jump up and stab her again.


Bai Ye's knife just now really scared Gion.

At that moment, Gion was not prepared.

As a result, Bai Ye's sword momentum directly pulled the ceiling, and even made her hallucinate.

She felt that the knife did not come from Bai Ye.

It comes from a strong man who once reached the peak of this sea.

At this moment, Zephyr came over with a black face, looked at Gion, and snorted coldly.

"Gion, what's going on with you?"

Gion was stunned.

"Huh? Me?"

I was cut, why do you still talk about me?

"Yes, that means you... Seeing Bai Ye slashing over, you didn't react?"

Gion was dumbfounded.

"Isn't that Bai Ye... How do I know he can suddenly cut it over!"

At that time, when Gion was shot away, she planned to collect the knife.

After all, Bai Ye is not an enemy.

Zephyr, on the other hand, snorted coldly with a black face.

"Bai Ye this guy is asleep!"

"Apparently you broke him Paper Arts' knife made his body react, thinking that he was threatened, so he fought back!" Eight Four Seven""

Gion was stunned.

"Can the body fight back on its own?"

"This happens when life is returned to Ultimate's control of his body, isn't Bai Ye's Paper Arts a way to fight back..."

"Hello Rear Admiral... I don't have any judgment at all?"

"If that knife is cut down, I will be washed by the crane and dried for at least three days————


Gion almost cursed.

Are you in such a hurry not worried about me, but afraid of being troubled by Sister He?

"So what now?"

Now Bai Ye is still rubbing on Gion.

"Could it be that I'll just wait for him to wake up?"

Zephyr touched his chin.

"Can't you just push him away?"

"This... He wouldn't suddenly jump up and cut me again, would he?"

Zephyr raised his eyebrows.

"How is it possible!"

"You have no threat to him, he naturally won't have any reaction, so he cut you forward because of the life he practiced to return an instinct to protect his body!"

Is it?

Gion nodded subconsciously, and then reached out and pushed Bai Ye.

I found that Bai Ye really didn't respond, and besides, she could touch him.

Thinking of this, Gion breathed a sigh of relief, and then wanted to push Bai Ye away.

Get it on!

Didn't push.

Gion was stunned for a moment, and increased his strength a little.

Didn't push again...

Even this time Bai Ye directly hugged it, that power, Le De Gion was a little breathless.

It's not a good thing to be physically too good.

Gion hurriedly shook Bai Ye's body.


"Bai Ye, it's time to wake up!"

Bai Ye didn't respond.

Gion didn't dare to push too hard, afraid that it would irritate Bai Ye again if he didn't wait.

"Teacher Zephyr..."

"This—what to do!?"

The corner of Zephyr's mouth twitched.

It was the first time I encountered such a bad thing, and then looked at the time.

"Wait a minute.

"In three minutes, this kid will wake up!"

Gion was about to cry.

"I looked at his self-discipline training table, and he could do strength training for three hours in the morning with the largest warship in his headquarters..."

"Are you sure he'll wake up after a nap?"

Zephyr's face trembled.


If you change to normal, you really can't wake up, and if you change to someone else, I am afraid that you will have to sleep until the next morning.

However, this is Bai Ye after all.

Self-discipline to the point where you must precisely execute your own customized self-discipline plan.

Thinking of this, Zephyr's waist bar straightened a little.


"Wait for it, when the time comes, he will wake up!"

Seeing Zephyr so confident, Gion nodded as well.

It's not a big problem to think of.

And at this time, the law of the figure is thinking.

What happened to Bai Ye's knife just now.

He actually saw the shadow of Rayleigh from that knife.

From the momentum of that sword, to the angle and habit of swinging the sword, it cannot be said to be irrelevant, it can only be said to be exactly the same.

At that moment, Zephyr saw a momentum that looked like the peak of King's Landing on the sea, and it was no coincidence.

If you don't know that this person is Bai Ye.

Zephyr almost thought that Rayleigh, who had disappeared for years, had come to the Naval Headquarters.

"This... Can't figure it out!"

Zephyr touched his chin.

I was very confused.

Three minutes passed.

Time's up.

Can Bai Ye wake up?

Zephyr is also a little unsure, and only hopes that Bai Ye can save him some face, after all, his cow has been blown out.

And then

Bai Ye's eyes twitched twice and slowly opened.

Gion was shocked.

Good fellow, is it really time to wake up?

Is your creature setting your self-discipline schedule? Is it really accurate to the second?

After waking up, Bai Ye looked around, still a little confused.

He pulled Gion clothes and wiped the saliva at the corners of his mouth.

Gion jumped on the spot.


"Bai Ye, what are you doing here!?"

"Why wipe your saliva with my clothes!"

At this moment, Bai Ye sobered up and immediately stretched out.


"How can I drool when I sleep!?"

Gion immediately glared at Bai Ye.

"Your saliva is flowing on me!"

Bai Ye paused.

It shouldn't be.

However, Bai Ye looked at his collar and was stunned for a moment.

There are really traces of saliva.

And -

Bai Ye moved his arm.

"Why do you feel so stiff in your arms after sleeping?"

In the distance, Gion who saw this scene turned red.

The saliva of Bai Ye's collar is hers.

Also, Bai Ye's stiff arms are probably also sleeping on her.

She then walked up to Bai Ye and handed him ten handkerchiefs.

"Take it and wipe it yourself!"

"Usually dressed so Sven, but the sleeping position is so ugly!"

Bai Ye took Gion's handkerchief, wiped the watermark on his body, and looked at the two of them.

"What's wrong with you?"

"A look of Xingshi asking guilt?"

Zephyr paused and couldn't help but speak.

"You really don't know what's going on?"

Bai Ye spread his hands.

"Didn't I fall asleep?"

The corner of Zephyr's mouth twitched.

Sleeping so deeply?

Zephyr then pointed to Gion and couldn't help but speak.

"You know what... When you slept, you almost cut down Gion!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye was stunned, and then looked at Gion.


Gion nodded.

Bai Ye immediately walked over and took Gion's hand and looked back and forth at her.

"Are you hurt?"

"Are you all right?"

"This... It doesn't seem to hurt!"

Zephyr waved his hand, too lazy to talk to Bai Ye, and asked directly.

"Bai Ye, ask you something!"


Bai Ye glanced at Zephyr.0

"Do you know Rayleigh?"

Zephyr's question stunned Bai Ye.

"Of course I know that!"

"Didn't you just tell me about Rayleigh's black knife training in the morning?"

Zephyr shook his head.

"No, I mean, do you know him?"

"Forget it, too lazy to turn the corner... Have you seen him?"

Bai Ye shook his head.

"How could I have seen him."

"Teacher Zephyr, why do you ask that?"

Zephyr touched his chin and stared straight at Bai Ye, wanting to see if Day and Night were lying.


Bai Ye's reaction, from the expression to the tone, is quite natural, not like a lie.

So -

That knife just now, coincidence?

"No, it's nothing, you haven't seen it!"

With that, Zephyr smiled and then spoke.

"Very good, Bai Ye, your understanding of Guang is a little beyond the imagination of the old man!"

"During this time, digest this content well, and strive to turn the six styles into the real [Haki] as soon as possible!"

"In terms of swordsmanship, don't ponder it alone, practice more with Gion, so that you can improve!"

"The old man still has some things!"

With that, Zephyr picked up the topology that Bai Ye was copying and left quickly.

After Zephyr left, Bai Ye's eyes narrowed slightly.

Does Zephyr know what he's in contact with Rayleigh?

How do you know?

There's no reason.

Jiaji and his subordinates were punished to [Impel down].

Wait a minute...

Bai Ye suddenly remembered that Zephyr said that he almost cut down Gion when he fell asleep.

Could it be that the knife is exposed?

After all, Bai Ye inherited Rayleigh's swordsmanship.

When Zephyr used to be a front-line Admiral, he had to deal with Roger and his gang on a daily basis.

"Hey, you can see this, the eyes are a little vicious..."

Of course.

Even if Zephyr knew about it, it didn't matter.

The main thing is that Bai Ye and Rayleigh promised Rayleigh not to disclose his existence when they traded.

For what he promised, Bai Ye naturally did not go back and take the initiative to leak it.

"Forget it, too lazy to think about it!"

Bai Ye left it behind and looked at Gion.


Bai Ye smiled, and that smile made Gion's body tremble at 4.4, and he shuddered.

"What, what's wrong?"

Before Bai Ye finished speaking, Gion directly pulled out the knife.

Bai Ye was stunned.

"What are you going to do?"

Gion raised his chin aggressively.

"When you fell asleep, you almost cut me!"

"I'm angry, the consequences are serious!"

"Go, go to the training ground..."

"Let's ————"


Bai Ye smiled.

It just so happens that he also wants to integrate Rayleigh's swordsmanship.

Pluton's swordsmanship, after all, is Rayleigh's.

Bai Ye intends to integrate Rayleigh's swordsmanship, and then, on this basis, trap the first set of his own swords.

Since you are standing on the shoulders of giants, you must think about surpassing.

Otherwise, Bai Ye might as well directly [replicate], why bother to get Rayleigh's sword?

"Yes, you row!"

At the moment, Gion is very arrogant.

"You can't Haki yet, I won't bully you, let's just fight for the sword!"

"Gion, you're crazy! Don't be beaten up and called daddy then!"

Gion was very disdainful.

"Don't be beaten by me and called sister!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye spread his hands calmly.

"It's okay!"

"We'll all talk about it then!"

"You call me dad, I call you sister!"

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