Self-Discipline! Sven Scum At Naval Headquarters

Chapter 120 Seven Warlords Of The Sea Recruitment Project Contract! [Two Changes For Automatic]

"Eh... It's not necessary, is it?"

After drinking Bai Ye's black tea, and making his Black Arm have an inexplicable feeling, Zephyr was embarrassed to say Bai Ye.

But one

"Didn't he agree to become [~ Seven Warlords of the Sea]!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye smiled and spoke.


"The pattern is small, Zephyr master!"

"Good people go through thousands of tribulations to achieve positive results, why can demons and ghosts put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the ground?"

"I know that hard work is what makes you happy... How much has he suffered?"

Bai Ye's words stunned both Zephyr and Gion.


When you say suffering, is this suffering?

Doesn't it mean that good human tribulations are tribulations?

The result is up to you...

Physics suffers?

"Do you still want black tea?"

In a word, Zephyr and Gion both shut up directly.

"Bring me another drink!"

Gion grinned and pushed the teacup out.

Zephyr hurried ahead.

"No, Gion, you have to give me a drink first

"Teacher Zephyr, there is a reason for first come, first come!"

Zephyr's face changed.

"Bai Ye this kid has a cup in the teapot!"

Gion was shocked.

"Teacher Zephyr, Tao actually grabbed tea with your students?"

The two began to scramble, and the movements in their hands became faster and faster.

Even in the end, between the two, there was an afterimage.

At this moment, Bai Ye silently sipping steaming black tea and watching the two [cannibalism]!

Elegance, because of elegance.

Then, watch the two play almost.

Bai Ye silently soaked another pot.



A moment later, Marine, returned, with a lot of treasure.

"Major Bai Ye!"

"In this raid, a total of 34.52 million Bailey was seized!"

"Gold adds up to thirteen million Baileys!"

"Various munitions and ingredients from a warehouse!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye raised his eyebrows.

"That's it?"

"Such a big pirate ship, the treasure found is not as much as Moria's heads?"

Bai Ye was a little speechless.

So, what is the future of being a pirate.

Dut is a bunch of poor ghosts.

This little money is not enough for a meal.

Bai Ye's words directly made the corners of Gion and Zephyr's mouths twitch next to him.

"More than 40 million Bailey, are you still too little?"

"Moria this guy is recruiting everywhere, and there is enough money left!"

"Moreover, he does not dare to plunder indiscriminately in [New World], many of the directions and countries are covered by the Emperor of New World!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye lit a cigar and took a deep breath.


"This still can't hide the fact that he is a poor ghost!"

"Therefore, when a pirate has no money, you have to watch me fish for oil and water, black and black!"

Speaking, Bai Ye with one hand.

"Brothers each divide the money, I don't bother to collect this money!"

Hearing this, the Marine below was excited.

More than 40 million Baileys!

Bai Ye gave them a share?

Marine hurriedly spoke excitedly.

"Thank you, Major Bai Ye!"

"Hey, what are you doing in a daze, don't you hurry up and say thank you Colonel Bai Ye!?"

"Thank you, thank you..."

It's different from these excited Marines.

Zephyr's eyes widened as big as Tongling.

“ Bai Ye!”

"The loot from the pirates needs to be confiscated!"

"More than 40 million Bailey, this is half a year's military budget of the old man's army, you gave it away?"

Hearing this, Bai Ye smiled.

"Teacher Zephyr, because of the white spot!"

"It's just money for a meal, not enough for the military ... Apply to the head! How can we encircle and suppress pirates and maintain justice without military funds?"


God rides on a horse for a meal.

"Can you eat forty million Bailey for a meal?"

Unlike the agitated Zephyr, Gion of the narrator rubbed his neck and whispered.

"Teacher Zephyr... He can really eat 40 million Bailey in one meal!"

"You don't know his luxury, just his ingredients, a ham is 30 million Baileys... He can make ten hams at a time!"

Zephyr was stunned for a moment and glanced silently at Gion.

"When did you stand on his side?"

"Elbow out?"

"That's how money is made?"

Gion pouted and whispered.


"That ham is delicious!"

Zephyr was speechless.

He felt that not only his subordinates, but also his students had been taken away by Bai Ye.

Not to mention the previous additions, he was originally a second-rate person, at most he was in the same stream.

But how could this Gion have such an idea?

Just take it at this speed.

This Naval Headquarters, sooner or later something will happen.

"Okay, Zephyr-sensei!"

"You are discouraged, the matter of military expenses, I want to think of a way, now no matter what, they are also half of my subordinates!"

Zephyr glanced at Bai Ye.

Half a subordinate?

He felt that this group of guys had become Bai Ye's younger brother and was also a subordinate.

"It's almost time now, let's go see Moria."

When he heard that he was going to get down to business, Zephyr let out a sigh of relief.

He felt that if he continued to build this with Bai Ye, he would be angry sooner or later.

He wasn't too worried about Bai Ye's oscillation between black and white.

However, this extravagant and extravagant culture of eating kickbacks for black money everywhere must be paid attention to.

At this moment, Moria was locked up in a dark interrogation room, handcuffed by Hailou City, and everyone was dumbfounded.

It was the first time he had encountered something so outrageous.

He thought Bai Ye would succumb to the World government and become the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Can Moria promise?

No way.

However, after Marine took him to the interrogation room, he directly began to smother his head with torture instruments.

The matter of Seven Warlords of the Sea is not mentioned at all.

As soon as he came up, he directly gave him all the torture instruments in a circle.

Moria finally got past a circle of torture "thought she could catch her breath."

As a result, the other party did not take a break, and seamlessly went directly to the second round.

Moria was directly confused.

On the spot, he expressed his willingness to become [Seven Warlords of the Sea]!

Hearing this, this Marine stopped, hurried away.

Moria thought it was over.

It didn't take long for that Marine to come back, and then... Without saying a word, he directly began to smother Moria with a torture device.

"This, this... What do you mean by Marine?"

"I promised to be [Seven Warlords of the Sea], why do you still need to be tortured?"

Hearing this, the Marine glanced at Moria.

"Where is all this nonsense?"

"Major Bai Ye said, torture instrument, go on three full circles!"

"As the saying goes, first bitterness, can be reciprocated!"

"Obviously, what you have suffered is not enough!"


What does that mean?

Aren't you going to recruit Seven Warlords of the Sea? Where are so many broken things?

Moria was confused.

Inexplicably, he was subjected to two more rounds of torture instruments.

It's not that he can't stand it.

After all, it is also a pirate with a head and a face.


You have a problem with physically and mentally torturing me like this."

·0 Ask for flowers.....

At this moment, Moria was covered in injuries, although not fatal, but really tired.

And then -

The gate opened, and Bai Ye walked in calmly with Zephyr and Gion.

Bai Ye smiled and pushed his gold glasses.

"Moria, I heard you'd like to be Seven Warlords of the Sea?"

Moria glared at Bai Ye in annoyance.

"Well, that's right!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye smiled even happier.

"Really, did you say that you didn't have so many broken things soon?"

"Look, you have also been subjected to a few circles of torture instruments!"

"Now this is all my own people, isn't this the water washing the Dragon King Temple? You see this can be done. ”


As soon as these words came out, Zephyr and Gion next to them couldn't hold back, it was too bad.

And Moria now has a murderous heart.

Isn't it the torture device you put on Laozi?

The water also washed the Temple of the Dragon King.

Rush at your sister.

"Come on!"

"Why don't you loosen Moria yet?"

The voice just fell.

Immediately Marine came in and opened Moria's seastone handcuffs.

Seeing the handcuffs, Bai Ye was stunned for a moment, and then spoke.

"Wait, give me this handcuff!"

Seastone has not yet been integrated into Bai Ye.

Try it again.

Holding the handcuffs of Hailou City, he directly integrated into the Ren Treasure Factory day and night.

Treasure: Seastone

Grade: B

Category: Inherent treasure

Liberation: Has some resistance to Devil Fruit abilities.

Devil Fruit Ability Resistance?

This stuff is a good thing.

At this time, Bai Ye took out a document, handed it directly to Moria, and spoke.

"Come, since you promised to be [Seven Warlords of the Sea], then sign this!?"

What is it?

Moria frowned and then revived the file.

———— Seven Warlords of the Sea Recruitment Project Contract!

So formal?

Moria looked down, her face became more and more ugly, and in the end, he really couldn't hold back.

"This, this is serious?"

Hearing this, Bai Ye hurriedly walked into Moria and patted him on the shoulder with a very concerned look.

"What's wrong? Moria?”

"What's the problem?"

"If you have a question, you can always ask it."

"Let's solve it together, shall we?"


Solve your sister!

What kind of Overlord contract is this?

His obligations as Seven Warlords of the Sea.

This includes, but is not limited to, accepting calls at any time, protecting the face and interests of Marine and the World government, assisting Marine in catching pirates, and even assisting Marine in protecting civilians.

He was given the privilege of enjoying the reputation of "Seven Warlords of the Sea" and being able to legally loot some places.

But you can't rob the member countries of the World government, you can't rob the ordinary people, and so on

To sum up, this also has to be done, that has to be done, this will not work, that will not work.


"I'm a foreign editor from Marine?"

At the moment, seeing Moria so excited.

Bai Ye hurriedly came over and patted Moria on the shoulder very gently.


"Moria, you sign it!"

"You see, of the three present, who have you beaten?"

"I won't say it, the one over there is Zephyr Admiral, and the beautiful young lady on the other side is also a special trick

"You also don't want to be pressed to death here by one of our hands, and then... Three more rounds of torture instruments, right?"

"You said, right?"


Moria was confused.

Who the hell is a pirate!?

Am I in the den of thieves?.

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