Self-Discipline! Sven Scum At Naval Headquarters

Chapter 193 Only Children Can Tell Right From Wrong, Adults Only Talk About Interests! 【One More Req

The scary thing about Buster Call has never been his indiscriminate attacks, which are only means.

【 Buster Call】 What is really terrifying is that he can unconditionally gather the strongest combat power of the closest Marine in the surrounding sea.

In the history of Naval Headquarters, there are only a handful of Buster Call.

The most recent one, in Bai Ye's mind, dates back to about a decade ago.

At that time, because One Piece Roger was publicly executed and died, one of his crew members, Douglas-Bullet, went completely crazy and ran wild in this sea.

And in order to deal with the madman Bullet, Sengoku launched the slaughter of Lingling at the time.

The configuration of the Buster Call consists of 10 warships and 5 Vice Admiral and Marine elites, which looks a little shabby.

After all, the configuration of five vice admirals does not sound like it can make the whole sea fearful.

But in fact, the water in Vice Admiral, it's quite deep.

First of all, the gap between the Marine branch and the Naval Headquarters is very different.

Moreover, there is also Garp and this oversized guy in Tanaka.

And, more importantly, Akainu Aokiji and Kizaru are currently admiral candidates, but that's just a nice shout, and in terms of titles, they are still vice admiral.

So -

Like this random [Buster Call], it is pure luck.

Maybe the Vice Admiral you matched is five parallel goods, but if you are lucky, you may not be able to fight the top combat power of Naval Headquarters against [Four Emperors].

And if it's a purposeful Buster Call, it's different.

Buster Call: Once launched, it is at least an Admiral + five Vice Admiral configuration guarantees.

Because, at least Admiral, the one who launched the Buster Call.

Ten years ago, Bullet led Buster Call by Sengoku and Garp!

Eight years ago in Ohara, "Buster Call" mixed Aokiji and Akainu!

And the current [Buster Call] is at least the configuration of Bai Ye + Crane.

[Buster Call] was criticized for not being good, but it was really lowered by the "Enies Lobby" incident in the original book.

The reason is simple.

Because it was not Aokiji that launched the [Buster Call], but the Spandam product, so it made the [Buster Call] look a little watery.

But in fact, even the "Buster Call" of the [Enies Lobby] is already exaggerated.

Because, at that time, five Vice Admirals, one did not move, all were shelling.

With the strength of the Straw Hat Regiment at that time, those veteran Vice Admiral were not qualified to clean them up.

But whenever Aokiji was present that time, it was an Admiral + five Vice Admiral configuration, and with this combat power, it was completely possible to fight hard with the [Four Emperors] regiment of [New World].

Right now, as time goes by, warships are constantly converging.

And the warship of the crane has long begun carpet bombing of [Mignon Island].

At this moment, Tsuru stood on the bow of the warship, calmly looking at the exploded island, and couldn't help but ask.

"Bai Ye, how did you feel about launching Buster Call for the first time?"

Hearing this, Bai Ye spread his hands calmly and said with a smile

"How can I feel?"

Hearing this, Crane turned around and glanced at Bai Ye.

Seeing Bai Ye show a calm smile, she couldn't help but sigh.

"I don't know what to say about you!"

"Buster Call】 Sengoku launched the fruit twice, the first time to stop the Bullet of the Runaway, and the next day, he slaughtered a civilization with his own hands!"

For this, he was annoyed for a long time, did not eat a bite of food for ten days, starved himself into a beggar, and that time, many people died, many innocent people! For the first time, he doubted the [justice] behind himself!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye looked at the crane calmly and then smiled.

"Chief of Staff Tsuru, what do you mean by telling me this? What do you expect to change. E?"

"If you really think so, then maybe it's your biggest misunderstanding of me!"

Hearing this, Tsuru frowned.

"Bai Ye, which is the real you?"

"The embodiment of justice in the mouths of commoners, the brutal emperor of the dark forces underground, the butcher knife of power under the Five Elders, what role do you play in Naval Headquarters!?"

"This time the butcher knife under your command, are you hiding secrets for [Draco Man], or are you trying to bury something?"

Tsuru is wise.

She has always seen people accurately.

However, she couldn't see through Bai Ye.

And in the face of such a crane, Bai Ye smiled.

"Chief of Staff He, you said, is there a possibility, the so-called embodiment of justice, the brutal emperor, the power butcher knife... Is it just your delusion?"

"Perhaps, the Bai Ye in your eyes has not existed since the beginning?"

"Yesterday, you may think that I represent justice, and today, you can also think that I am cruel by nature, but tomorrow, you may have a new view of me..."

"But, no matter what you think of me, Bai Ye, it's always Bai Ye————"

Suddenly, Bai Ye calmly walked in front of the crane, and the two looked at each other.

"Among the staff officers of the crane, why do you think you can see through me?"

Why do you think that you represent justice, and on what basis do you think that this time he [Buster Call] needs to be like Sengoku, self-doubt!?"

"Perhaps, you can use your ability to test with your own hands, is my behavior dark and evil?"

With that, Bai Ye spread his hands unguarded.

Seeing this, He glanced at Bai Ye, then raised his hand and swiped over Bai Ye's body.

The ability of [Washing Fruit] is activated.

This wash can [wash] away Bai Ye's evil! Cleanse his mind.

The next moment.

Bai Ye is not washed like clothes, he is resistant to Devil Fruit ability.

However, Tsuru can indeed feel that her ability has worked on Bai Ye.


Bai Ye was still standing there, not to mention wavering, not even frowning.

This made the crane can't help but widen his eyes and couldn't help but speak.

"You guy, from beginning to end, think that there is not a trace of [evil] in your actions!?"

Tsuru was shocked.

She was really shocked!

The most terrifying thing about [washing fruits] is that it can wash the [evil] in the hearts of others and make them [spotless]!

This [spotless] refers not to the physical, but more psychological.

Right now, Bai Ye was washed and unresponsive.

That means that in Bai Ye's heart, there is no so-called [evil]!

This is what shocked the crane.

Because -

From beginning to end, Bai Ye believes that his behavior is full of [justice], only in this way, there will be no [evil]!

Hearing this, Bai Ye suddenly smiled and looked at the crane and said.

"Chief of Staff Tsuru, why should I think that there is [evil] in my actions!? Am I having a brain problem?"

"Since I did this, it means that I think that this is [justice], no matter what others think, at least, in my place, it is full of [justice]!"

Speaking, Bai Ye smiled and pointed to [Mignon Island] that was being shelled, and said.

"Chief of Staff Crane, in fact, there are not a single civilians on this island at all, because of the [Op-Op Fruit] trade, civilians have long been driven away, so those who [Buster Call] erased are pirates"

"Hearing me say that, do you feel much more acceptable?"

"But what if I told you that even if there were civilians on the island, I wouldn't hesitate to send a Buster Call?"

Bai Ye still had a smile on his face and his words were understated.

"Chief of Staff Tsuru!"

"Analyzing the world situation and taking charge of the overall situation, I may not be as good as you!"

"But the people's heart, I think I still have a lot of say!"

"Children distinguish right from wrong, distinguish between good and evil, adults, all look at interests!"

"Of course, I'm not emotional, but... It would never be used for such a thing, do you think?

At this moment, looking at Bai Ye's face, He was silent for a moment, and then waved his hand.

"Children can distinguish between right and wrong, adults, all look... Benefits?"


"I kind of understand why Five Elders value you... That is, I don't know if they have the strength and courage to control you!"

"Anyway, this [Buster Call], do you want to see the end!?"

Bai Ye nodded.

"Of course!"

"Didn't you say before, saying that I buried something, in this case, I naturally want to see the end and see if it is erased!"

Hearing this, Tsuru smiled and glanced at Bai Ye.

"You don't have to worry about causing (Five Elders) dissatisfaction!"

"Huh? Those five old guys? I knew they didn't trust me from the start... Between me and them, it's just a simple profit transaction!"

"You don't really think I'm their lackey, do you?"

"The benefits are big enough, I can lift the table at any time..."

With that, Tsuru pointed to the island in front of him.

"Is this the benefit of this time?"

"No, no!"

Bai Ye smiled and waved his hand.

"I just don't want them to grab the handle to annoy me, even if I don't launch [Buster Call] and they find something this time, I won't turn my face!"

'Let them go after Doflamingo, and I'll continue to be happy, okay?'

"Hehe, you're happy!"

Saying that, He glanced at Bai Ye coldly.

"I haven't settled the account with you about you abducting Gion!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye hurriedly raised his hand and surrendered.

"Young man's affairs, Chief of Staff He, why do you have to get involved blindly?"

Bai Ye's words made the corners of his mouth twitch.

"What is blind participation? That's my sister!"

"Hehe, you also know that she is your sister..."

"I don't know anything but fight and kill all day long, as a special recruit of the headquarters, I have no political consciousness at all, do you think this is good?"

"Chief of Staff He, you can't protect her for the rest of your life, there are some things that you must teach her, even if it is a lesson, let her experience it herself!"

"Overprotection is not protection, but coddling

Bai Ye's words silenced the crane.

She didn't expect that on the issue of Gion, the polarity would suddenly reverse, and Bai Ye would educate her in turn.

"So, that's why you took her to bomb the Ghost Island?"

"I was taking her to see the world, I tell you, she is very happy, how long have you not seen her really smile?"

"How long has it been since you seen her like a little girl, bouncing around you and laughing?"

"Have you never seen it, or have you never seen it?"

Bai Ye smiled.

"I've seen it!"

"She also kissed me secretly! Go away with jealousy!"


Tsuru was shocked.

What kind of tiger wolf is this saying?

"Jealous? What the

Eat one's heart out? Bai Ye, make your words clear!"

Tsuru is a little excited!

It's really exciting.

"Hehe, you have the ability to lift the [washing fruit] and look at me!"

"Don't think I don't know, when I was in the headquarters, you looked at me, that heartbeat..."


Crane was shocked, the first time so not faint (Li Li Zhao) determined.

Before Bai Ye finished speaking, the crane's big hand pressed towards Bai Ye.

Seeing this, Bai Ye was stunned and quickly dodged.

"Hehe, I poked it painfully?"

"Bai Ye, don't run! You see if I can't clean you up today!"

"That old guy at Zephyr didn't educate you well, I'll help him educate and educate!"

With that, the crane suddenly disappeared and grabbed Bai Ye's leg directly.

Bai Ye was stunned.


"Chief of Staff Crane, I've never seen you make a move, working so fast

"Get out of my warship!"

The crane directly grabbed Bai Ye's leg, picked him up, and threw Bai Ye out directly.

"It's not like words!"

Flying in the air, Bai Ye stepped on [Moonwalk] and stopped.

Bai Ye glanced at [Mignon Island] and was almost bombarded by [Buster Call]" and then waved his hand at the crane.

"[Buster Call] Done, Chief of Staff Tsuru, I won't bother!"

"Is there anything you want to say to Gion, I can bring it to you!"

Hearing this, Tsuru glanced at Bai Ye.

"You told her so!"

"Slap you!"

"Bai Ye, you are not allowed to fight back!"

Bai Ye then gestured.

"Okay, I'll definitely bring this to you!"

"Hitting is kissing, scolding is love, thank you Chief of Staff He's love!"

After speaking, Bai Ye immediately stepped on [Moonwalk] and walked away.

Standing on the warship, he looked helpless, and couldn't help but shake his head.

"What a slippery head!"

"Let me not talk about losing Doflamingo, and let me work for free!" What a good calculation!"

"Hehe, [Five Elders], you dare to reuse this kind of guy? The brain is broken...".

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