Self-Discipline! Sven Scum At Naval Headquarters

Chapter 208 Catch Pirates? This Is A Cash Cow, You Have To Give It Up! 【One More Request For Automat

At the North Blue Governor's Mansion, Governor Jonas carefully handed Bai Ye the proposal he had quietly polished.

Bai Ye glanced at the cartilage of Johnus, and didn't say anything, just took the plan book and looked at it, and Johns quickly explained.

"Right now, North Blue's main problem is the reckless mafia plus lawless pirates!"

"Many kings' business route routes can only barely ensure normal transportation, and giving up the safest route to transport [Heavenly Gold] is already the biggest concession!"

"However, I have a plan ready to sort out the problem of pirate looting on the North Blue route, and as for the mafia, we can put pressure on them from the local elites!"

"After all, the mafia is different from the pirates, they are still within the rules!"

"At present, our main problem is to deal with some of the sea pirates in North Blue and control these sea pirates, and the remaining small pirates are just fish that slip through the net, and they will not cause much harassment to commercial transportation routes!"

Bai Ye calmly browsed the North Blue management plan designated by Johnson.

Bai Ye didn't expect how this kind of thing burst out of the soft egg of Jonus.

And -

A thick stack of proposal books, with only one word revealed to Bai Ye between the lines!


Catch pirates, suppress the mafia, unblock shipping routes, and ensure economic development.

It's simply [positive] and can't be [positive].

Seeing the end, Bai Ye smiled, reached out and knocked on the table, and spoke.

"You did this plan?"

Hearing this, Jonas rubbed his hands and quickly revealed a touch of humanity.

"That's right!"

"Inspector Bai Ye, I have racked my brains for the stability and peace of North Blue, for the order and development of the world!"

"This plan, compared to the plan preset by Inspector Bai Ye, is definitely worthless!"

"No, no, no, there is no possibility of comparison between these two, it is simply a heavenly one..."


Bai Ye waved his hand, not bothering to listen to this guy Johnus blowing rainbow farts here.

Interrupted by Bai Ye, Jonas was slightly embarrassed and just smiled.

After a moment, Bai Ye said with a smile.

"Governor Jonus, pirates can't be killed!"

"Moreover, after killing the pirates, Marine will be unemployed, which is also a big problem!"

"Do you know what I admire most about you?"

Jonus shook his head.

"You know how to fish, and, sitting in this position, you can also fish!"

Hearing this, Jonus was shocked.

Has this oil and water become a good thing?

"How? Don't understand?"

Jonus shook his head.

"I hope Inspector Bai Ye will solve his confusion!"

"Let me put it this way, let's say you are a businessman, your goods are robbed by pirates every day, and you have to turn to Marine as a last resort!"

"Now, you turned to two Marines, one of them was righteous and said to wrap it up on him, and the second Marine said, a million Baileys, I'll help you get everything!"

"At this time, which Marine will you choose!"

Isn't this nonsense?

"I definitely choose the second Marine, give the money!"

Bai Ye smiled.


"Give money to do things, it is natural and righteous, you must rest assured that [justice] can't be eaten, but [money] can."

Bai Ye nodded.

"That's a good point, but if you're a real businessman, there's another question to consider!

Jonus was stunned for a moment.


"They wonder, if I hadn't chosen to give money, would another Marine put little shoes on me!?"

For a moment, Jonas was stunned.

Really stunned.

He hadn't really thought about it.

Do you wear small shoes?


Nine times out of ten, it will.

Marine catches pirates, it is natural, catching pirates requires money, you don't choose me not to give you small shoes to whom?

"Now, Jonus, you're the Marine who reached out for money!"

"Therefore, the mafia will send you money, and the nobles of the kingdom will also find ways to bribe you!" One is that they send you money because they want you to do things, but, more importantly, they don't want you to do bad things!"

"The Vince Mo Ke family is making this calculation this time!"

Hearing this, Jonus nodded thoughtfully.

He seemed to understand something, but he didn't seem to understand much.

Thinking, he glanced at Bai Ye and couldn't help but ask.

"That... Inspector Bai Ye, what should I do?"

Bai Ye took a puff of his cigar, slowly spit it out, and spoke.

"Pirates, it must be done, and it must be strictly pursued!"

"However, you can't kill them all! In addition to really doing many evils, the kind of murderous pirates are just pirates who seek wealth, if we can not kill, we will not kill, if we can not catch, we will not catch

Can hurry, Wang!"

"Adopt overall management of pirates, block it is better to loosen it, and use pirates to make money to maintain order and peace!"

Hearing this, Jonas was confused.

Not only using pirates for money? To use them to maintain order and peace?

Where does this come from?

Jonas was shocked, feeling that Bai Ye's words refreshed his worldview and opened up a new world.

"This, this... Inspector Bai Ye, can you be clear? You say so... I don't have a good brain, I don't understand it!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye smiled and then spoke.

"Jonas, are we poor in Marine?"

Jonus was stunned.

It should be poor.

"Don't hesitate!"

"If you hesitate at all, it is disrespectful to glory and wealth!"

"We are poor, we must be poor, we must be poor, and we are quite poor!"

"Every time we go out to sea to crack down on bandits, we at Marine have to tighten our belts to get by, so... You have to be rich to pay!"

"Who will pay this money?"

Jonas was stunned again, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Apply to Naval Headquarters!?"


Bai Ye slapped Jonus on the head and almost missed him away.

"What's the matter, haven't you read North Blue's financial daily every day?"

"What is the military budget allocated by the Naval Headquarters and the money sent by the mafia and the nobles of the kingdom?"

"This money, whoever has the money pays out!"

Jonus realized and nodded quickly.

"This money has to be paid by those mafias and nobles!"

Bai Ye smiled and nodded.

"That's right, Naval Headquarters is really poor, I will rectify it in the future, you first understand North Blue!"

At this time, Jonas was a little confused.

"But, those kingdom nobles... Will you pay?"

"Without money, we will not be able to get out of the army, and the problem of pirate robbery cannot be solved!"

"However, they will sue the [Naval Headquarters], and then it will be us who will be unlucky!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye smiled.

"Hehe, it's just an accusation, who cares?"

"Pirates plundered commercial transportation routes, [Heavenly Gold] was affected, and [World government] and [Draco] were the first to kill them!"

"Jonnas, you have to remember that we Marine, the armed organization of the [World government], to put it bluntly, it is a part-time worker, it is a security guard!"

"The money is not in hand, you can't work, the problem of class, let them go to the line themselves!" This is a contradiction between the aristocracy and the aristocracy, let them solve it themselves! The line between two capitalisms, we a proletarian guy squeezed in, isn't that uncomfortable?"

Bai Ye's words made Johnus stunned.

Is this really how the world works? He always felt that something was wrong.

"The transportation of [Heavenly Gold] was affected, wasn't [World Nobles] the first to find Marine?"

"You think too much!"

Bai Ye smiled.

"[Naval Headquarters] confronts the New World pirates, maintains the ruling order for the [World government], and [World government] and [Draco] envelop the member countries of the world and obtain [Heavenly Gold] to control the economic order, these are two different systems!"

"Let Marine manage the four seas and cover the major member countries, that is a convenient thing, do you see what high-end combat power does the four seas have?" Not at all, because it's not worth it!"

"So, the heavenly gold problem, [World government] pulled to find [Naval Headquarters], 1 [New World] to the line [Four Emperors] is too late, can deal with this trivial matter?"

"And a more efficient way is for [World government] to directly challenge the member countries that have problems with [Heavenly Gold]!"

"If the [Heavenly Gold] is not in hand, it will not be protected, not only will it not be protected, but it will also kill you, it's as simple as that!"

Bai Ye smiled, shook the soot in his hand, and spoke.

"So if ———— want to suppress bandits, those business aristocrats have to give money!"

"Then drive that group of pirates to other channels and eat another wave!" In this way, each family can get a short safe sailing route, and we can also catch the oil

"Then, after a circle, back to the first place, let's continue to eat!" Eat for a lifetime!"


Jonus was shocked, really shocked.

Is there such an operation?

Is this really using pirates to make money, fishing down, and cooperating with pirates has become the most bitter tool man, being driven everywhere, but they Marine earn more?

Jonas was stunned and looked at Bai Ye with a shocked expression.

What is the difference between this and Ming Robbery?

No, Bai Ye can obviously grab it directly, but he also helped these nobles drive away the pirates.

He was really, so gentle, I cried to death!

"Of course, Marine's face must be maintained!"

"You specifically go to pick those pirates who shoot at civilians, kill them, Made, don't rob the rich, but rob the civilians who don't have money, catch [Impel down] and close it is also a waste of resources, and then buy two headlines, publicize it, when the time comes, the reputation will come up, and the money will be in hand!"

Hearing this, Junas almost jumped up and slapped himself twice with excitement!


How could he not have thought of this method of making money before.

This is faster than grabbing money, and it continues to earn steadily.

Catch pirates?

He also catches a fart pirate, and now Jonas feels that he has to provide the pirates, which is his cash cow.

"Got it?"

Bai Ye extinguished the cigarette butt and said calmly.

Jonas nodded quickly.

"Got it!"

"Okay, the plan is reformulated, what to do and how to do it!"

"Also, the flood of pirates should still be controlled!"

"It's like the kind of pirates who feed very fat, kill when they should die, and kill the money they rob the merchant ship and go into our Marine's mouth."

"Now is the era of sea pirates, this sea, the last thing is pirates!"

Hearing this, Jonas quickly nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

Speaking, Bai Ye patted Jonas and spoke.


"From today, you follow

I'm mixed up!"

"Take care of North Blue, govern and govern, make money, don't disgrace Laozi!"

"Now Laozi covers you, let it go!"

Hear here.

Jonus's face changed dramatically, followed by ecstasy.

"Thank you, Inspector Bai Ye!"


This is the Inspector General, the Admiral of Headquarters.

With such a person covered on it, this is simply the strongest protective umbrella.

As for being a little brother, he was originally a younger brother, who is not good to be a little brother?

"Very good, now prepare a batch of supplies for me immediately, I will take them!"

"What supplies?"

"Food, water, all kinds of utensils, in short, hurry up!"

Jonus asked.

"How much?"

"Let's start with five billion Baileys!"

Jonus nodded quickly.

"Okay, I'll go get ready right away, give me half an hour, no, ten minutes!

"Go for it!"

Bai Ye waved his hand.

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