Self-Discipline! Sven Scum At Naval Headquarters

Chapter 221 Naval Headquarters, Being Led Astray By Bai Ye! [Two Changes For Automatic]

At this moment, hanging up the phone worm, the goatee Five Elders rubbed his forehead, and the eyebrows gradually stretched.

Next to him, the blonde Five Elders suddenly smiled.

"This Bai Ye is really insatiable!"

"However, this kind of guy is not annoying!"

Hearing this, the goatee Five Elders also smiled.

It's not just that I don't hate it, I just love it to death.

"Because of this kid, Naval Headquarters is getting more and more presentable, it seems that the five of us old guys have a good eye!"

Bai Ye single-handedly brought the entire Naval Headquarters to a crooked state.

What was Naval Headquarters like before Bai Ye became Inspector General?

Hang [justice] on your lips all day long.

Protect civilians, maintain justice, and minimize sacrifice.

As for dealing with the pirates of the [New World] and maintaining the rule and face of the [World government], that is secondary.

【 World government 】 The next order, the people below can hold a meeting to discuss for ten days and a half, and they don't know what they are hesitating about.

Moreover, some yang and yin reasons are often used to excuse themselves.

Ohara is a good example.

Knowing that what they were studying was related to the historical text, the World government wanted to "zero eighty" them.

After all, this is about the truth of the world, no matter what the truth is, in short, [World government] believes that the historical text of this thing is a taboo, you can't touch it, you touch it, you have to die!


The Naval Headquarters below dragged on for a long time, warning Ohara many times, and it was Ohara who was so ironclad that Sengoku issued the "Buster Call" button.

Although it was indeed done and done very well in the end, the [World government] was definitely not satisfied.

You say, are you considered obedient or disobedient?

Listened? But didn't quite listen?

Bai Ye is different, when he finds out what important secrets, he launches [Buster Call] on the spot, and it should be destroyed.

You don't care what his real reason is.

In short, the secret of the national treasure, Doflamingo really knew, and at that time, Doflamingo did appear on the island, Bai Ye said that there is a risk of leakage, then there is.

Then extinguish!

I'd rather kill by mistake than let go!

This is the style that [World government] likes.

You take money, obey, get things done, and say anything.

Now, Naval Headquarters is moving in that direction.

Hundreds of billions of Bailey, is the world government unaffordable?


Is that a question of affordability?

That is the question of whether the Naval Headquarters is worth the 100 billion Bailey military spending given by the World Government.

You attack the New World, prevent big-mom from gaining the power of the Giants, and restore the lost prestige of the World government.

That hundred billion Bailey is really worth it.

They knew that hundreds of billions of Bailey would be used by Bai Ye to squander excessively, but this money was worth it!

"Hehe, I just don't know what medicine Bai Ye guy sells in the gourd!"

"This kind of guy who is drunk on paper and gold really wants to go to [New World] to establish a branch and then sit in the branch?"


Five Elders certainly don't believe it.

However, they don't know what Bai Ye is up to.

But, whatever Bai Ye's purpose.

Right now, their actions and goals are aligned, and that's fine.

Bai Ye has his own ideas, wants to do things by himself, Five Elders will not care, as long as they give money, you get things done, you can say anything.

On the other hand, looking at the headquarters that was gradually being taken crooked, Tsuru sighed and felt a little tired.

Next to Garp felt that the crane was a little strange and couldn't help but ask.

"Tsuru, what's wrong with you?"

Tsuru waved his hand.

"Nothing, just a little worried about the future of Naval Headquarters!"

Garp paused.

"Isn't that nice? This time, so much military spending has been allocated, which is a good thing for us Naval Headquarters!"


Tsuru glanced at Garp.

You don't know what Bai Ye guy is.

That's two hundred billion Baileys, although it is for the Naval Headquarters, but you let Bai Ye arrange it.

Make sure you arrange everyone clearly.

"It's changed, Naval Headquarters has begun to change its taste!"

Everything Bai Ye and Crane said at the beginning.

At present, Bai Ye is doing it step by step.

Tsuru rubbed his forehead, not knowing if it was good or bad.

Fortunately, Naval Headquarters does have money, no need to shout about poverty, and at the same time, Bai Ye will ask the [World government] for more money in the future, and will become more and more greedy.

The bad thing is that Tsuru doesn't know what kind of future this holds for Naval Headquarters.

"Forget it!"

"Resign yourself to fate!"

Tsuru waved his hand.

Bai Ye has already become the inspector general, and if she interjects again, she is afraid that she will be wearing small shoes, and the gain is not worth the loss.

It's the two old guys, Zephyr and Sengoku, who are kept in the dark and don't know what's going on.

Now it is still blossoming happily because of the hundreds of billions of military expenses.

At this time, Bai Ye clapped his hands.


"That's it!"

"Three days, enough time for the [World government] to transport our military supplies!"

Bai Ye smiled and spoke.

"So, in three days, Sensei Zephyr, Sengoku Admiral, you will finalize the plan against big-mom, stop procrastinating!"

With that, Bai Ye turned his head to look at the crane and smiled.

"Chief of Staff Tsuru!"

"You give analysis and analysis, where is it better for us to go deep into the Marine branch of [New World] first!"

Tsuru was stunned for a moment.

"Oh? Ask me about this, I thought you had already made a decision!"

Bai Ye poked his hand.

"I have to ask you as a professional about this, analyze the world situation, you are a professional!"

And the crane just gave Bai Ye a blank look.

"It's hard to say!"

"It makes sense that you go deep into [New World] to establish a Marine branch and establish a base camp in the enemy camp!"

"Not to mention Kaido and big-mom, they will inevitably rub against you, and if you go too deep, you may be targeted by redheads or even Whitebeard!"

"However, the construction is too shallow, and you think it is guarding the door..."

Hearing this, Bai Ye waved his hand.

"I want to hear it, it's not that!"

"You have to come up with a plan for me, designate a place to set up a branch!"

"As for how to avoid conflict with Redhead and Whitebeard, that's your job!"

"You're the chief of staff of Naval Headquarters, it's your job, you have to do it well!"

"We lead the troops to fight, you analyze the battle situation, each other's work, you can't confuse it!"

"As a companion, I trust you to leave this matter to you!"

"Or do you think you are incapable and unworthy of our trust!?"

Hearing this, the corner of the crane's mouth twitched .0

Don't say it yet.

Bai Ye became the chief inspector, and he really had the compulsion and leadership of a big leader.

Although Bai Ye seems insatiable and likes to be drunk and golden, you can't deny that this guy's ability is really strong.

It's not for nothing that he uses his experience at East Blue as a microcosm of the world.

Expanding the East Blue map to the whole world, Bai Ye really did it, and there's no denying his awesomeness.

Thinking like this, Tsuru nodded immediately.


"I'll come up with a few plans for you before you plan to take them, but in the end, it's up to you to push Kaido and big-mom to that point!"

"If I can't knock back the two [Four Emperors], then no matter how much I analyze, it will be for nothing!"

Bai Ye smiled.

"That's nature!"

With that, Bai Ye clapped his hands.

"Okay, now, the meeting is over!"

"Sakazuki, Porusalino, you two come with me!"

After the meeting dispersed, everyone left, while Sakazuki and Porusalino quietly followed Bai Ye.

"You two, follow me to the mission this time, are there any requirements?"

"If you mention it, don't be polite to me!"

Hearing this, Sakazuki and Porusalino were stunned for a moment and looked at each other.


What can they ask for?


"Or didn't you expect it when you were 3.1?"

Both shook their heads.

Seeing this, Day and Night smiled.


"You don't, but I do!"

"First of all, you guys have to relax your heartbeat and don't strain your nerves so much!"

"Go to the town behind Marlene at night and wait, I'll take you to be happy!"

"Since you want to give each other's backs, let's change to play with your heart!"

Hearing this, the two were even more stunned.

For a moment, they thought they had misheard.

Go to be merry and happy?

"Inspector General Bai Ye... This -- not quite right?"

Sakazuki couldn't help but speak.

"What's so bad!"

"Laozi is about to go fighting with the Four Emperors!"

"So it's Four Emperors, and I'm not allowed to enjoy it?"

Here's the truth.

But does that sound so weird?

If you don't fight with "Four Emperors", you can't enjoy it?

"That's how it was decided!"

"If anyone is absent, hehe-"

Bai Ye left with a meaningful smile and left abruptly, leaving Sakazuki and Porusalino in place, looking confused.

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