Self-Discipline! Sven Scum At Naval Headquarters

Chapter 232 Thunder Vs Twinkle! 【One More Request For Automatic】


In the ruins of the ice, a flash of light rose into the sky, converging directly in the sky, and turning into the appearance of Porusalino.

At this moment, Porusalino looked at Bai Ye with a shocked face, and his heart was already flooded with shock.

Earlier, Bai Ye approached him and asked him to jump out and fight him.

Although Bai Ye stressed that there was no need for exercises, Porusalino did not take it seriously.

Because, this is acting for Porusalino, deliberately losing to Bai Ye, so that Bai Ye is convinced by the main Marine.

However, at the moment, this is not the case at all.

Bai Ye, it's ridiculously strong!

But no, there is no reason.

When the two sides first met, it was only a few months ago.

At that time, the two sides had their first encounter, although it was very short, but Porusalino felt that he had almost figured out Bai Ye's strength.

To put it bluntly, Bai Ye at that time was just a rookie with a heaven-defying physique, he really wanted to kill him, and it would not take long to end the battle.

After that, Bai Ye studied with Zephyr.

In this regard, Porusalino did not pay much attention.

However, it has not been more than three months since he has studied with Zephyr for 10 years, and he has to go to the New World to do things and perform the tasks assigned by the Five Elders.

And it was in such a short period of time that Porusalino felt that the strength of day and night had changed dramatically.

Nothing else.

But that physique, I am afraid that it has improved several times.

From the past reluctant kick to burst his own flash kick, to the current one-handed uninjured blocking, the gap is not a star and a half.

"What a monster..."

"It's all come to this point, Chief Inspector Bai Ye, your physique can actually be improved, if it weren't for the ability of Thunder Fruit, no one would doubt whether you ate the Phantom Beast Devil Fruit!"

Devil Fruit's abilities have an impact on the body's physique.

Especially Zoan.

And the phantom beast species in Zoan is one of the best.

Almost any phantom beast species is an invincible physical monster with thick blood and thick blue endurance, and Kaido is the representative of Ultimate.

Before he got the fish fruit, he was just an unknown intern on the Rocks boat, although he was already a little famous at that time.

However, it is just a small follower behind the big guys.

And when he obtained the Phantom Beast Fish Fruit-Green Dragon Form, his strength could be described as a thousand miles a day, and now he has become one of the four strongest pirates in [New World].

"So, are you still thinking about releasing water?"

Bai Ye smiled.

Porusalino, on the other hand, spread his hands lewdly.

"Release water? Please, Chief Inspector Bai Ye, it's going to die!"

After speaking, Porusalino's body instantly showed a star flash, and his hands were placed in front of him.

Then, the Dao flash shot out instantly.

"Eight-foot mirror!"

Flash carries the speed of light.

This beam of light instantly shone on Bai Ye's body.

And at the moment when Bai Ye was irradiated, Porusalino had already come to Bai Ye.

"Speed is everything!"

Inspector Bai Ye, can your thunder keep up with the speed of light!?"

With a flash of light, he instantly kicked towards Bai Ye's face.

At this moment, Bai Ye even kept looking up, seemingly unaware of Porusalino's close flashing kick.

However, at the moment when Porusalino's flash kick was about to fall.

Bai Ye's body flashed with blue-white electric light.

And in response to Porusalino, Bai Ye also carried a thunderous kick.


Flash and thunder are instantly intertwined.

The huge impact turned into a terrifying explosion in an instant, causing the entire frozen harbor of Naval Headquarters to tremble.

Under this huge impact, Porusalino was shot out on the spot, turning into a flash of light, and his face Jōnin couldn't help but show a look of horror.

"Hey, hey!"

"Just kidding, Chief Inspector Bai Ye, just now you kept up with the speed of light!?"

In the smoke, Bai Ye raised his hand to remove it, stepped out, and the blue-white electric light rippled up and down his body, and then smiled.

"How is it possible!"

"Even if I am fast, I can't be faster than the speed of light!"

"Lightning is indeed terrible, but unfortunately, your elementalization takes time, I can't keep up with the speed of light, and you can't keep up, so I just need to react faster than you!"

Bai Ye spread his hands and spoke calmly.

"Porusalino, this kind of thing, kicks the undead..."

"You said to show strength, at least a little sincerity!?"

Hearing this, Porusalino's eyes narrowed slightly, and he instantly jumped for life.

The next moment, along with the explosion of flashes, dense flashes of laser burst towards Bai Ye.

"Eight-foot qionggou jade!"

"Stroke jade? Good to go!"

Bai Ye smiled.


In an instant, a terrifying thunder broke out all over his body.

Facing the flash bombs like heavy rain, Bai Ye spread out his hands [instantly released the selling light].

"Discharge - Chidori Stream!"

In a flash.

The dense thunder, like the branches of a tree, instantly centered on Bai Ye's body and directly unfolded.

And the next moment.

The dense thunder turned into lightning, and instantly struck the eight-foot Qionggou Jade Factory that was speeding forward!

A ray of lightning shattered a light bomb.

And Porusalino's eight-foot qionggou jade was blocked by Bai Ye's thunder without injury.

The dense light bullets failed to touch Bai Ye.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the port who was watching all this fell silent.

What level Porusalino is, the whole Naval Headquarters knows.

At the moment, Porusalino even took out the eight-foot qionggou jade, but he was still suppressed by Bai Ye, and the three words of the inspector general were really not just words.

"What a scary Observation Haki!"

"Not only is the range large, but the accuracy is also quite terrifying, and it actually used thunder to defend against all the attacks of Porusalino!"

At the moment, Zephyr clasped his hands to his chest.

Although Bai Ye's operation was very fucking before.

However, he has to admit that both Haki and Devil Fruit development have been played by Bai Ye to a considerable height.

"The old man hasn't seen you for a few days... How has it changed so much?"

Zephyr couldn't help but be shocked.

It hasn't been 080 years since he last finished Bai Ye's training.

At that time, Bai Ye's Haki was just getting started.

And at present, this level of Haki can be regarded as a terrible achievement in [New World].

At this time, Sengoku subconsciously patted Zephyr's shoulder and quipped.

"Don't you often warn your students not to rely too much on Devil Fruit?"

"Look at those two guys using the Devil Fruit ability to fight again!"

Hearing this, Zephyr glanced at Sengoku and smiled.

"Hehe, what do you know!"

"Look, in the case that Devil Fruit's ability can't tell the winner or loser, the physical Haki swordsmanship and other Porusalino will be suppressed by Bai Ye!"

"Porusalino is relying too much on Devil Fruit's abilities, sooner or later he will suffer a big loss, now is the time to teach him a lesson!"

Sengoku raised an eyebrow.


Two students, the other you didn't say anything at all?

"What about Bai Ye?"

Hearing this, Zephyr grinned.

“ Bai Ye!?”

"I'm not worried about him!"

"Because, he has never given up his practice of physical Haki and swordsmanship, for Porusalino, Sparkling fruit is the main means of attack, but for Bai Ye, Thunder Fruit is just the icing on the cake!"

As he spoke, Sengoku's face changed slightly.

"That guy from Porusalino actually drew the knife first!"

Hearing this, Fa was not surprised.


"Devil Fruit's ability doesn't work, so you can only fight the basics!"

"Porusalino is going to lose the battle!"

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