Self-Discipline! Sven Scum At Naval Headquarters

Chapter 235 Naval Headquarters With A Quick Surname Change! 【One More Request For Automatic】


Above the sky and the sea, flickering ice, flashing light and thunder, three top-level Logia elements are constantly intertwined, blooming the gorgeous and brilliant spectacle at the moment.

The 100-meter-high tsunami was frozen by Kuzan and turned into a lifelike ice sculpture.

Immediately after, above the sky, Kuzan's figure immediately fell and landed on the ice, rippling in a circle of cold ripples.

"Is it finally over..."

"Really, if you continue to fight, maybe even I will join it!"

Kuzan said as he returned to his rightful place.

At the same time, Porusalino turned into a flash of light, galloping from the ice in the distance, and finally stopped next to Kuzan and Sakazuki.

The terrible battle ended in an instant, and everything, in the blink of an eye, tends to calm ~.

At this moment, all the marines in the port were stunned, and even held their breath.

This battle is terrible.

No one could have predicted that Bai Ye, the chief inspector, could be so strong.

It's outrageous.

Porusalino is an alternate for Admiral of Headquarters, and the failure to be promoted to Admiral is not a lack of strength, but the previous Admiral is still working and the marshal has not yet been elected.

At present, with Porusalino's Admiral-level combat power as a reference, Bai Ye's battle is completely comparable to or even overwhelmed Admiral.

What's more.

As everyone in the Marines knows, Bai Ye was recruited as a special recruit just over two months ago.

At that time, Bai Ye already had a terrifying physique that could fight Zephyr for nine days and nine nights.

However, in the end, once Zephyr used [Armament Haki], Bai Ye couldn't bear it on the spot.

It can be seen that Bai Ye at that time was not at the top level.

But how long has it been now?

At the moment, not only ordinary marine, but also Vice Admiral of the headquarters, and Akainu Aokiji Zephyr Sengoku and others were stunned.

I thought this was a play designed by Bai Ye, but Bai Ye didn't take the acting at all, and directly fought with you with real knives and real guns.

Did Porusalino release water?

Vice Admiral and the Marine above could tell that Porusalino not only didn't release the water, but also played hard.

His usual Sparkling fruit is blocked by Thunder Fruit, and even though Porusalino has a speed advantage, Night can even counter faster flashes with its terrible reflex nerves.

Playing Porusalino was a little dizzy.

This couldn't help but make Porusalino make the choice of fighting with Bai Ye for basics, physical skills and swordsmanship.

It's a pity that as an Admiral-level combat power, Porusalino can't suppress Bai Ye at all in physical and swordsmanship, and even Bai Ye fights more easily.

Although his hands are not enough to exert their full strength, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Bai Ye hides more.

"Chief Inspector Bai Ye, what a monster, terrible!"

"The old man is not an opponent!"

Porusalino breathed a sigh of relief and quickly raised his hand to speak.

The last time Kaski was blocked by Kaido and the redhead in New World, he had never played so hard.

Although Porusalino often used [monster] [terrible] in his mouth as a joke, this time, he was telling the whole truth.

Bai Ye is really a monster.

Others may not feel much, but Porusalino can feel it as a party.

Physical, swordplay, reflexes... But in terms of basic performance, he was almost suppressed by Bai Ye in all aspects.

Bai Ye's physique is on the same level as Kaido and big-mom.

During the battle, Porusalino even wondered if Bai Ye was eating Thunder Fruit, but a phantom beast that could manipulate thunder.

That physique, the Internet is scary.

The only thing that can compete between the two is Devil Fruit's ability.

And, in some ways, Bai Ye is even better at developing his Thunder Fruit's abilities than he does.


Porusalino couldn't figure it out, he had been getting Sparkling fruit for more than ten years, Bai Ye had only eaten Thunder Fruit for how long, and his ability development was actually better than him.

"Porusalino, the old man told you a long time ago, don't rely too much on your Devil Fruit ability!"

At this moment, Zephyr looked at Porusalino with stitches and said.

Hearing this, the corners of Porusalino's mouth twitched.

I have to say, Zephyr is really bitter.

If it were normal, Porusalino would have to complain in the face of Zephyr's [wordiness], but at the moment, he was not qualified, so he had to nod.

"I see!"

"Teacher Zephyr!"

Porusalino's sudden honesty stunned both Zephyr and Sengoku.

Sengoku couldn't help but lean into Zephyr's ear.

"It's rare to see Porusalino so honest, it seems that Bai Ye hit Porusalino quite a bit this time..."

Hearing this, Fa snorted.

"This is a good thing!"

"If you lose face at most in your own hands, if you put it in [New World], not to mention losing your life, I am afraid that you will also be seriously injured!"

"I see, the lesson this time is big enough!"

"However, Bai Ye guy is indeed a bit outrageous... When did that kid's physique become like this!?"

Sengoku was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but speak.

"You don't know?"

Zephyr glanced at Sengoku.

"How would I know?"

"Aren't you his teacher? Aren't you training him..."

The corner of Zephyr's mouth twitched.

These two sentences are simply an interrogation of his soul.


As a teacher, I don't know my students' weights, it's a shame! It's really a shame.

"The last time I trained, it was a month ago... Who knew he would get to this point in a month-"

"A month...."

Hearing this, Sengoku's face trembled.

In this way, it is no wonder Zephyr.

In a month's time, even if the progress is fast, I am afraid that there will be traces to follow.

But Bai Ye is really outrageous, it feels like he has been training for several years.

At this time, Bai Ye thundered, and Bai Ye's figure suddenly appeared in the port, with a blue-white rain sleep rippling all over his body.

Bai Ye straightened his collar, pushed his gold glasses, and then calmly walked up to the high platform.

0 begging for flowers...

At this moment, all the marines were silent, obviously frightened by the scene of Bai Ye's battle just now.

Bai Ye looked at all this and just smiled, this is the effect he wants.

Immediately after, Bai Ye circled around and then spoke.

"The time to enter the New World will be in three days!"

"Now, disband!"

"Also, Sakazuki, please dissolve the ice, how come you can't melt in three days, Kuzan, you used too much force!"

Hearing this, Kuzan couldn't help but spread his hands helplessly.


He has already restrained his abilities.

If you don't start a little heavier, can you freeze this tsunami?

After speaking, Bai Ye put on the [Justice] cloak and turned away.

When Bai Ye completely disappeared, the entire Marine Harbor suddenly erupted into a loud cry.

Seeing this scene, Fa and Sengoku couldn't help but shake their heads.

Damn it!

He loaded it!

Now, Bai Ye not only holds the military budget, but also wins the military heart, when the military budget is spent a lot, this group of Marine's elbows will inevitably turn to Bai Ye!

This couldn't help but make the corners of Sengoku's mouth twitch.

"Zephyr, what kind of marshal are we fighting for..."

The Naval Headquarters is about to follow Bai Ye's surname.

Bai Ye ignored that, and as he passed by Garp and Tsuru, he spoke.

"Chief of Staff Tsuru!"

"Have the latest Marine branch location coordinates been determined?"

The crane was stunned for a moment, a little surprised.

"Is the branch position going to be implemented so soon?"

Bai Ye smiled.

"Of course!"

"The most annoying thing I do is procrastination!"

"Timing is always fleeting, once you don't grasp it, you slip away, but it really slips away!"

"Don't tell me that more than a day has passed, and such a trifle has not been finalized!"

Hearing this, he couldn't help but make the corner of the crane's mouth twitch.


Entering the bottom of the New World [Marine Branch] is a big event in any way, after all, Naval Headquarters officially stepped into the first step of the New World.

This involves the distribution of the four forces of the New World and the division of the situation in the New World.

How to let Naval Headquarters, the public enemy of pirates, squeeze into the pirate group and not be completely hostile is the value of the crane's existence.

And this kind of thing is actually casually called a small thing by Bai Ye.

She didn't know if Bai Ye was playing the fool or really didn't understand.

Still, Tsuru nodded.

"I do have the answer, do you need me to report to you?"

Hearing this, Bai Ye was stunned.

Are you really sure?

Bai Ye also said casually, he also knew that this thing was difficult, otherwise he would not have handed it over to the crane to do, and the result was really done in one day?

Sure enough, there is a specialization in the art industry.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye smiled.

"Okay, come to the conference room and report to me!"

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