Self-Discipline! Sven Scum At Naval Headquarters

Chapter 237 Goal, Golden Emperor And Golden City! [Three Changes For Automatic]

"His name is Tezzolo!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye was stunned.

"Golden Emperor?"

Tsuru smiled and then spoke.

"Golden Emperor, he does have such a title, after all, he is the [Golden Golden Fruit] ability!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye was silent for a moment and subconsciously touched his chin.

Tezzolo did know.

His golden fruit was obtained from the auction hall in Doflamingo.

Calculate the timeline, I'm afraid I got it at North Blue.

At present, Doflamingo has just entered the development of [New World], and Tezzolo has even broken out the reputation of [Golden Emperor]?

"Is he already so famous in New World?"

Tsuru waved his hand.

"Recently, but before that, he was not not famous, but mixed in the underground world, and was one of the new emperors of the [New World] underground world!"

"[New World] has many emperors!"

"Morgans, president of the [World Economic Society]! Commander-in-Chief [Intelligence Field]. ”

Stussy, the Queen of the Pleasure District!

"Feld of the [King of Usury]! Commander-in-Chief [Monetary Domain].

"Umet of [Sea King]! Commander-in-Chief [Transportation Field]. ”

【Warehouse Business Boss】10 kibson! Commander-in-chief [commodity field].

"Pieclo of [The Great Hand Undertaker]! Commander [Killer Realm]. ”

"And the [Golden Emperor] was also one of them before this, and because of the fruit ability, he mastered the hard currency of the Great Emperor's gold!"

"He became the richest man in [New World] in a very short period of time, and he can even affect [the world economy]!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye touched his chin.

This Tezzolo is a talent.

With his ability to accumulate wealth from the golden fruit, the gold he has obtained right now is probably more than the [Golden Township] in Bai Ye's treasure house.

"Although the rise of [Golden Emperor] Taizoro is very rapid, it has been suppressed by other underground world emperors!"

Bai Ye was stunned for a moment.

"Is there an overlap in business?"

Tsuru shrugged.

"This is only part of the reason, the overlap of business can still be discussed, and if you cooperate, even both parties can earn more!"

The [Golden Emperor] was suppressed and ostracized because he put a lot of underground things on the surface and picked out a lot of secrets!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye's eyes narrowed slightly.

The reason why such underground world characters keep popping up, Bai Ye just thinks of one.

"So that's the case, this guy [Golden Emperor] is not willing to stay underground, but wants to go to the bright side!"

Tsuru nodded.

"That's right, after stabbing out the basket, the [Golden Emperor] did not hesitate to sell many emperors of the underground world and established new business partners on the bright side!"

Bai Ye glanced at the crane.

"Who did he sell to?"


Tsuru continued to speak.

"Through the [Golden Emperor], the Tianlong people have gained a lot of benefits in [New World], which has affected the business of many underground emperors!"

"Of course, [Emperor] didn't do things perfectly, if he really wanted to do it, he could even trip some emperors!"

"After all, you also know that the underground emperor also has the power of the [World government]!"

"Black and white should be combined inside and outside, this thing can be done!"

Of course Bai Ye knows.

Stussy is a member of the CPO, and God knows if other underground emperors still have CPD people?

However, what exactly Taizoro and Draco cooperated for, Bai Ye also couldn't tell.

After all, before Tezzolo gained strength, the woman she liked was toyed with and killed by the Draco, which was a mortal enemy.

"So, the location of the Marine branch I chose is related to this Tezzolo?"

Tsuru nodded, then smiled.

"Of course! It is not for nothing that this guy can become the richest man in [New World] in a short period of time, and the economic vision is very long-term!"

"He sits his [Golden City] on an isolated island in the original [New World]!"

"It's the edge of the big-mom sea, but it's in the Kaido sea, which is not very careful, and these places are the favorite places for lone wolf pirates in the [New World]!"

"On the surface, he has business dealings with big-mom, as for whether Kaido has it, I don't know for the time being, yes, he can match with [Draco], and on the other hand, he can attract a large number of lone wolf pirates!"

"It can be said that this [Golden City] he established is the best place for us to establish the Marine branch in the first place!"

"It can deter big-mom, and pinch the shortcomings of Kaido's house in [Wanokuni], and even one of the economic centers of [New World], if you want to develop, it is simply not too good!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye's eyes lit up, and it seemed that Taizolo's place was really good.

"However, it is also adjacent to the sea of Whitebeard, and if Whitebeard and big-mom attack at the same time, you will suffer from the enemy..."

"Of course, the possibility of Whitebeard and big-mom joining forces is very small, and it is scary to be encountered, after all, there have been cases where Kaido and Redhead have joined forces to attack our Marine before!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye immediately waved his hand.

"It's all trifles!"

As long as big-mom and Whitebeard are not on full-scale offense, Bai Ye feels that this is not a problem for him.

No matter how to say that with his strength, putting it in [New World] is also at the emperor level, unless big-mom and Whitebeard come at the same time, can he eat Bai Ye?


"Yes, I can go and see this place, if it is really suitable, I will inevitably go and look for that [Golden Emperor]!"

As he spoke, suddenly Tsuru smiled.

"For that [Golden Emperor], you can ask the top!"

"He and the Draco are very close, and I have received news that the people above seem willing to make him one of the [Seven Warlords of the Sea]!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye was stunned for a moment.

Golden Emperor? Seven Warlords of the Sea?

He does have this reputation and strength.

However, as far as Bai Ye knows about One Piece, Seven Warlords of the Sea is not him.

"[The World government] has sent someone to find him, but I haven't heard from him..."

Bai Ye nodded, and eighty percent were rejected.

Indeed, the Golden Emperor has this capital refusal.

Enough to influence the world economy, and even to connect with the Draco people, what reason is there to be this Seven Warlords of the Sea lackey spurned by pirates?

Tezzolo is really going to become "Seven Warlords of the Sea", which may also affect his business in "New World".

However -

"Seven Warlords of the Sea seems like a good idea!"

With this layer of identity, Bai Ye can manipulate him.

Thinking like this, Bai Ye nodded and then got up.

"Okay, I'll go to [Golden City] now!"

"Chief of Staff Tsuru, do you have coordinates?"

Hearing this, He was stunned for a moment.

"I do have a [permanent pointer], but you are going to 517 now? After three days, aren't you going to fight Kaido..."

"Our headquarters intelligence in [New World] has already given Kaido's recruitment operations!"

Bai Ye waved his hand.

"There are still three full days to go, and the arrangements on my side are handed over to Sakazuki, I believe in his ability!"

No way, if the place of the Marine branch is chosen, it will be one of Bai Ye's future hometowns, and Bai Ye naturally has to pay attention.

As for fighting Kaido, it's an oil head.

It doesn't matter if you win or lose, the important thing is to beat Kaido back and get the reason for establishing the Marine branch yourself.

Hearing this, He gave Bai Ye a strange look.

She didn't know what to say about Bai Ye.

Should he be said to have strong execution or a big heart?

Before going to war with One of the Four Emperors of the New World, Bai Ye was half-hearted about doing other things.

This can't help but make the crane have an extra heart eye in his heart, every mouth.

" Bai Ye!”

"Aren't you going to do anything else in the name of fighting Kaido?"

Hearing this, the corners of Bai Ye's mouth twitched.

Good fellow, Tsuru is really sharp.

He quickly waved his hand.


"Chief of Staff Crane, you misunderstood me a lot——"

"Think about it, when you start a war with [Four Emperors], isn't it Naval Headquarters and World government that make the biggest profit after winning?"

Tsuru thought about it, and it was indeed the case.

Because, she didn't think about the situation of single pressure day and night.

After all, in Tsuru's view, Bai Ye is intoxicated with paper drunken gold fans, and the [World government] is the greatest power in this world.

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for tickets!!!。

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