Self-Discipline! Sven Scum At Naval Headquarters

Chapter 239 If He Comes To Play, Let Him Play Enough! [Two Changes For Automatic]

Located in the New World, the Golden City was originally just an island.

But when Tezzolo arrived, he used his Devil Fruit ability to build an entertainment city here.

In just one year, it has become the largest economic center of [New World], attracting many [New World] pirates and princes and nobles of major kingdoms.

And when Tezzolo established a business with the [Draco], he even obtained the immunity of the neutral region determined by the [World government].

The so-called neutral area, that is, the [Golden City] under the command of Tezzolo, is not bound by Marine and the World government.

Here, Marine cannot catch pirates and can only entertain here as one of the guests.

Although New World is not within the scope of Marine's command, this does not mean that Marine will not be active in New World.

Marine generally does not clash with the strength of the [Four Emperors], but the lone wolf pirates outside the [Four Emperors] forces, Marine still implements the policy of catching one by one.

In general, the survival space of lone wolf pirates in [New World] is quite limited.

In the sea area within the command of [Four Emperors], those found by [Four Emperors] will be targeted by [Four Emperors] forces, and when the time comes, either join the [Four Emperors] forces and become vassals, or the other party will destroy you.

In the waters outside the commanding range of the [Four Emperors], it is true that the [Four Emperors] forces will not be targeted, but 400 of these places Marine will patrol around and will be chased and killed by Marine

Therefore, many lone wolf pirates will choose to flee to [Golden City] after being chased and killed by Marine, as long as they enter [Golden City], Marine will not be able to shoot at them.

"Hehe, in this way, this Tezzolo is really a talent!"

At this moment, Bai Ye manipulates the power of the wind to gallop through the sky.

Because Gion and Yamato are in the [Science Department], Bai Ye has no good-looking little brother, coupled with the shortage of time, Bai Ye is too lazy to be a warship but flies over by himself.

Right now, Bai Ye was watching (Five Elders) distribute information about Tezzolo.

There is about the origin of Tezzolo, few people know, and by the time Tezzolo became famous, he was already quite rich.

Although it is not clear how Tezzolo's origin is, the routine in [Golden City], [Five Elders] still introduces Bai Ye clearly.

The purpose of [Golden City] is entertainment, in fact, it is an entertainment city, there are a large number of entertainment projects.

As long as you spend money to play here, there is generally no big problem, of course, the entertainment items inside are expensive to death.

And the signboard of [Golden City] is actually a casino.

For the New World, the Golden City built by Tezzolo is a huge casino.

In addition to making money through entertainment, Tezzolo relies on gambling.

Those who come to gamble have lost and won, but generally lose more.

Moreover, the richer you are, the more you lose, and by the time you react, the money is almost lost.

By this time, most people were already on top and couldn't stop at all, at this time, Tezzolo would borrow money to lend usury, and then they continued to lose.

When it was over, Tezzolo detained these people and did things for him.

And the entire [Golden City] is almost getting bigger and bigger under such a cycle.

What the?

You say that these people know that they will lose, and they still want to gamble?


But if you go to gamble, few people think they will lose.

As for others will lose? That's their bad luck and bad strength.

Will Laozi lose?


What a horse lost!

No, there's no reason I'll keep losing, one, last, win Laozi and stop.

Then, each one is the last, one after the other.

Everyone, almost all of them have this mentality.

Dutmer was stunned.

And such people, most of them are pirates, they are detained when they are detained, and no one cares about them at all.

At this moment, Bai Ye traveled against the wind, and in less than half a day, he came to the location of [Golden City].

On a small island that is not so large, on the coast, there is a golden castle.

From a distance, it looks golden, all made of gold, which looks quite spectacular.

Just looking at this scale, it is much larger than the [Golden Township] on Gaya Island.

Golden Township is a little stingy in front of this [Golden City].

Bai Ye flew in the sky, looking down below, and from a distance, this castle (badj) was more like a ship.

In fact, in the plot that Bai Ye is familiar with, [Golden City] is a golden ship that rivals the island.

It's just that at the moment, Tezzolo does not have the financial resources to do that.

However, looking at the current [Golden City], the form of its ship has begun to take shape, and after a few more years of money, the gold will be doubled several times [Golden Ship].

Thinking of this, Bai Ye smiled [and then flew towards the entrance of the Golden City.

There is still enough time at the moment, but Bai Ye is so curious about the content of [Golden City] that he plans to go inside.

At this moment, Tezzolo himself got the news inside the [Golden City].

Mr. Tanaka suddenly emerged from the golden ground.

This is Tezzolo's subordinate and butler, the one who wears through fruits, can penetrate all inorganic matter, and is a slight spatial ability in Paramecia.

At this moment, his face was a little worried.

"Lord Tezzolo, there is Marine coming to our [Golden City]!"

Hearing this, Tezzolo smiled and waved his hand.

"Come and come, we welcome anyone who comes!"

"No, this Marine is different, it's the Inspector General who has been in the limelight recently, Bai Ye!"

Tezzolo was stunned, and his face changed slightly.

"Chief Inspector, Bai Ye?"

To Bai Ye, Tezzoloko knows.

The "own son" of the [World government], in order to support the position, even set up a special inspector general with the same position as the Admiral of Headquarters.

Of course, Tezzolo's knowledge of Bai Ye is limited to that.

After all, the matter of bombing [Ghost Island] is declared to the outside world by Zephyr's hand, and Tezzolo's hand can't reach Naval Headquarters, and he doesn't even know about the Nine Nights of Nine Nights and Mid-Night Play.

However, he knows very well that this Bai Ye is very difficult to mess with!

Strength aside.

Bai Ye's background is hard enough.

To get [the World government] to open this kind of back door, God knows what guy is standing behind Bai Ye.

Now Tezzolo is indeed on the tower of the [Draco Man] line, so that the [World government] turns a blind eye to him, but if he really commits a crime, he still has to get him

Of course, Tezzolo controls the huge economic power of [New World], and he can't bow to [World government].

So -

"Leave him alone, if he comes to play, let him play enough!"

"Let Baccara accompany him, find out the pure beautiful woman, and allocate billions of Bailey to let him entertain himself!"

However -

Tezzolo's expression changed slightly.

I'm afraid this guy is not just here to play.

After all, some time ago, he also received an invitation from the World government to "Seven Warlords of the Sea".

For this kind of thing, Tezzolo naturally ignored it.

Just kidding, he was in front of his economic boss in [New World], and he was guilty of being a lackey to the World government?

He was afraid that he would accept the recruitment of the [World government] if he got into the.

"Let's be on guard—"

With that, Tezzolo slowly raised his right hand, and the ability of the golden fruit began to activate.

The golden powder then slowly spilled from the sky.

PS: There is something going on today, just two more!.

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