Self-Discipline! Sven Scum At Naval Headquarters

Chapter 272 Bai Ye's Conqueror's, Mr. Guy, It's Time To Start The Class! 【Seeking Aut


Golden Lion's body was like a cannonball falling down, directly into the [Huangquan Road] that cut through the sea.

Bai Ye quickly flew in, convinced that Golden Lion was completely out of breath and heartbeat, and lifted his hand.

Under the transfer of [Op-Op Fruit], Golden Lion's two knives [Sakura] and [Mu Wither] immediately fell in front of Bai Ye.

Bai Ye didn't even expect it, and directly threw the two knives into his [King's Treasure] and fused them into treasures.

Although Bai Ye's swordsmanship has taken shape at the moment.

However, no one will dislike their own extra swordsmanship understanding, let alone this understanding still comes from that legendary pirate.

With Golden Lion's swordsmanship, Bai Ye's [Xiaoyaoliu] swordsmanship can undoubtedly go to the next level.

When the two knives were completely fused with the original treasure embryo, a new treasure was born.

Treasure: Sakura ten

Grade: A+

Type: Military treasure

Liberation: Lion Swordsmanship

Treasure: Wood dead

Grade: A+

10 categories: military treasures

Liberation: Sight, Arms, Conqueror's Haki

Golden Lion's swordsmanship was instantly understood by Bai Ye, which made Bai Ye have a new layer of understanding of his leisure.

However, at the moment when this treasure was formed.

A terrifying aura instantly burst out from Bai Ye's body and directly spread out.

In an instant, the sea that had been cut off suddenly began to tumble.

The ships floating above the sea have cracked, and even various wine barrels in the cabin have exploded.

People with insufficient strength lost consciousness on the spot under this momentum, foaming at the mouth and fainting.


Someone was shocked, and his face changed drastically.

Sensing this terrifying aura, his pupils instantly shrank to the size of a needle eye.

“ Conqueror's... This is Conqueror's Haki!"

A terrible sense of oppression, released from the cut sea route.

Above the sky, the clouds are tearing, and the sea on all sides is moving.

At this moment, even Kaido and Sakazuki, who were fighting in the distance, were startled and stopped fighting.

“ Conqueror's?”

"Is that Golden Lion guy? Wrong... It's not Golden Lion's!"

Kaido's face changed slightly.

He's played Golden Lion before, and his Conqueror's strength is clear.

Because the head was smashed by the rudder, Golden Lion's Conqueror's has weakened a lot, but now this Conqueror's is terrifyingly powerful.

At the moment, Kaido even felt that his shoulders were a little heavy.

In the distance, there were black and red lightning bursts.


"How many more masters will emerge today?"

Kaido sneered, sensing magma approaching, and instantly let out a breath of heat, colliding with Sakazuki's lava fist.

"Hehe, aren't you dead yet? Sakazuki, you can't help me

Hearing this, Sakazuki let out a breath, ignoring Kaido's words, and launched another onslaught.

"You won't know until you've fought it!"

With that, the two tore everything again.

On the other hand, the suddenly released Conqueror's Haki directly gave day and night a blessing.

"This, this... I got Conqueror's?"

"Can it still be like this!?"

Bai Ye took out the wood wither that turned into a treasure golden knife, and the liberation of this treasure was actually not swordsmanship, but Conqueror's Haki.

Bai Ye has both the color of seeing and the color of arming, and has reached the top level in shock, only Conqueror's has not awakened.

Of course, it's hard to say whether Bai Ye has Conqueror's.

Now, the liberation of the treasure directly made Bai Ye awaken Conqueror's.

Bai Ye froze in place and reacted after a long time.

Theoretically, fusing things like swords into treasures and getting the liberation ability is basically swordsmanship.

Because, this is the move that best represents this weapon.

But the problem is, the B of Golden Lion is a double knife.

【 Sakura Ten ] brushes the liberation of swordsmanship, then the other [wood wither] will not brush the same liberation, and the result is something second only to swordsmanship.

In the course of battle.

What does Golden Lion use the most besides swordsmanship?

That must be Haki's.

So -

The other knife brushed out Conqueror's Haki directly.

"I, I... It can't be that I found some bug!?"

Bai Ye took a deep breath.

Before that, he even disliked Golden Lion's knife stained with his flesh and blood, feeling very embarrassed, and even didn't want to fuse the treasure.

After all, Bai Ye's swordsmanship has been completed at the moment, and the help for Bai Ye is also limited in integrating other schools of swordsmanship.


Bai Ye let out a breath, but fortunately Bai Ye kept an eye on it and fused Golden Lion's knife into a treasure, almost missing the opportunity to awaken Conqueror's.

Actually, Bai Ye doesn't feel much about Conqueror's.

After all, Conqueror's thing, even his teacher Zephyr doesn't know how to cultivate, and after getting it, it can only be used to clear the soldier 470.

For that reason, day and night I didn't even study Conqueror's.

But now that you get it, it's different.

After all, if Conqueror's is controllable and cultivated to the point of entanglement, this can almost be regarded as the ceiling of the attack power of this sea.

Why is Kaido so awesome?

Because Conqueror's winding is really strong.

How powerful is Conqueror's winding attack?

Kaido can slash Bai Ye with a stick that doubles the damage of the dragon, which is already outrageous.

Before Conqueror's, Bai Ye probably didn't care.

But now that I get it, it's different!

At this moment, Bai Ye has an idea in his head.

Conqueror's must be cultivated to the point where it can be controlled and entangled.

But if no one teaches this thing, Bai Ye estimates that with his talent, he is afraid that he will not be able to reach the point of [entanglement] in this life.

So, another teacher must be needed!

Suddenly, Bai Ye raised his head and dropped his gaze into the distance.

Above the blood-red lava sky, a slender green dragon is manipulating natural disasters.

Bai Ye was relieved.

What a ready-made teacher!

"Teacher Guy!"

"It's time for class!"

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