Self-Discipline! Sven Scum At Naval Headquarters

Chapter 286 Flick, Then Flick! 【Seeking Automatic】

Bai Ye put the phone worm down lightly, and a phone call, 100 billion Baileys will be in hand.

Sakazuki and Porusalino next to them were dumbfounded.

It is not that the headquarters of the military appropriation application has not done it.

Leaving aside the empty marshal, both Zephyr and Sengoku applied.

As a result, the military expenditure sent is basically some drizzle.

Naval Headquarters cries poverty all day long, but [World government] seems to be crying poverty, asking for military expenses? If you just don't have money.

It turned out to be completely different with Bai Ye.

【 World government ] has taken out 300 billion Baileys before and after!

Is this all military expenditure for how long does the headquarters have to use?

"Bai, Bai Ye, Chief Inspector Bai Ye, how did you, do you?"

At this moment, even Sakazuki couldn't help but ask.

Bai Ye was stunned for a moment.

"What did you say?"

"I said military spending!"

"[The World government] has allocated 300 billion Baileys, and when we applied for military funding, [the World government] was crying poverty?"

Hearing this, Day and Night smiled.

"Hehe10 hehe, I said it earlier!"

"Hanging [justice] in your mouth all day long is not a counter-eater!"

"Does the World government need your Marine's justice? No? He doesn't need to... What they need is face, what they need is to stabilize their rule.

Speaking, Bai Ye shook his head straight.

"One by one, I don't know if you are pretending to be confused, or are you really confused?"

Hearing this, Sakazuki and Porusalino both you look at me, I look at you.

That expression seemed to be really confused, not like it was pretended.

However, this is also easy to understand.

After all, they are still the headquarters of Vice Admiral, although they are admiral candidates, but vice admiral is always vice admiral, politics is such a thing, you can't feel it if you don't get to that position.

Even if Bai Ye jumps so fiercely in front, he just wants to squeeze into the political top, and after entering the top and getting the position of inspector general, the vision is naturally different

"You don't understand!"

"But, you'll know... Now Sengoku Admiral, Zephyr-sensei, Chief of Staff of Tsuru, by the way, plus a Vice Admiral Garp————"

"One of them counts as one, and they are all playing the fool!"

"They know what [the World government] wants, but it's just a gag — you say, can [the World government] not be poor?"

Bai Ye lit a cigar for himself, sucked it hard, and slowly spit it out.

"[World government] has never been afraid to spend money!"

"This is the boss of hundreds of member countries, how much [heavenly gold] is there in hundreds of member countries? You can't even imagine it!"

"Crying poor is just that the headquarters did not do what they wanted!"

"See how I do it?"

Bai Ye smiled, Taguchi said.

"The majesty of the [World government] is not enough, then bomb the [Ghost Island], hang up the flag of the [World government] alliance country, and the majesty will go up!"

"After showing off your muscles here, you have to give some benefits... Backhand to solve Alabasta's civil unrest!"

"In this way, [the World government] is strong enough and can solve the problems of the member countries... This credibility went up all at once!"

"Now killed Golden Lion and repelled Kaido... It's time to your head jump! How shocked how to come!"

"Shock! 【 Four Emperors 】 repelled, [Legend] is dead, [ World government ] faces New World!

"I'll ask you, are ordinary pirates afraid of seeing this title?"


After listening to Bai Ye's words, Sakazuki and Porusalino were stunned on the spot.

How else can it be?

Not right -

How do the rules work?

It feels a little strange, but I have to say, Bai Ye really makes sense.

"Okay, Bai Ye don't say it!"

At this moment, Gion who narrated couldn't listen anymore, and hurriedly spoke.

"Sakazuki candidate, Porusalino don't listen to Bai Ye!

"He knows how to fool!"

Last time, he also fooled Sister Crane like this, and Sister Crane slowed down for a long time!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye smiled and shook the cigar ash.

"What fool?"

"I'm telling the truth————"

Although there is indeed an element of deception in this, the relationship between Bai Ye and the boundary government cannot be simply interpreted as the relationship between the government and Marine.

They use and hire each other more.

However, this is not the point.

There are a lot of talents in this department, and if you can bring a few crooked, you can bring a few crooked, but when you break with Five Elders and want to fly solo, you can take a few away.

Thinking like this, Bai Ye smiled and then looked at the two.

"Sakazuki, Porusalino..."

"Think about me... As for whether it's right or not, you make your own decisions, I think you have a scale in your heart!"

Hearing this, the two nodded thoughtfully.

Seeing this, the corners of Bai Ye's mouth twitched.


Sakazuki forget it, Porusalino you pretend to be a fart there?

Bai Ye didn't think that Porusalino would think about these, and estimated that this expression was all fake.

"Even if it's justice, it's asking for money, right?"

Sakazuki nodded.

He always felt that something was wrong, but for a while, he couldn't say it, and he always felt that there was a big hole here, and he had jumped into it.

I don't know how long it has been.

Several warships sailed by at sea, and soon, [Golden Casino] was already close at hand!

The city of gold, shining under the sun.

The part that was destroyed by Bai Ye last time has been completely repaired, 580 and at this moment, the whole city has moved towards a ship.

It is clear that Tezzolo did it deliberately.

Bai Ye cleared his throat and pushed his glasses.

"Little ones!"

"[Golden Casino] has arrived!"

"I think everyone has heard of this place more or less, have you ever been here?"




A sonorous and powerful voice immediately came from the dense Marine.

"Okay, I'll give you this opportunity this time!"

"Three days, three days, let go and play!"

"I just have one request!"

"Don't cause trouble! But... We're not afraid of things!"

Hearing this, the Marine below was very excited, and they exchanged ears one by one.

However, it soon became clear that something was wrong.

Place is good.

But there is no money!

The reward that Bai Ye said before was recorded, and it has not been sent yet.

Hearing this, Bai Ye raised his eyebrows.

"I still want fart money————

"Own property, everything here, all free!"

With that, the warship slowly sailed into the [Golden Casino], and exited the port that was welcomed inside.

Tezzolo was standing there quietly.

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for tickets!!!。

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