Self-Discipline! Sven Scum At Naval Headquarters

Chapter 32 This Punch Requires At Least Twenty Years Of Effort! 【Seeking Flowers】

Garp is already thinking about Bai Ye's defeat.

However -

Looking at the falling peach full of murderous intentions, Bai Ye smiled and felt it.

"The spring color can't be closed, and a red apricot comes out of the wall!"

"What a nice view!"


"Dare to go out of the wall? Look at me picking this flower of yours! ”

At this moment, Bai Ye's voice instantly came from the falling peach full of killing.

"Upright? I have it too! ”

"Look at me and smile!"

"Picking flowers - Tornado destroys parking lot!"


A huge whirlwind soared into the sky, disrupting all the fallen peaches.

And then -


One punch!

Shocking punch.

Heaven and earth seemed to dim for a while, and the sun and moon were lightless.

Followed by.

Heaven and earth are silent.

Falling peaches fall, flat boats dissipate, infinite killing, ashes fly.

The fist that soared into the sky has the most primitive, simple and brutal meaning!

In the eyes of everyone, it seems to be impacting the shackles of the world, becoming the most brilliant one between heaven and earth.

And then -

Garp was so shocked that he couldn't help but stand up directly.

“ Black Arm!?”

"Iron Fist!?"

Black Arm Zephyr!

Garp the Fist!

These are two of the big guys in Marine who play [Fist] to Ultimate!

These two can be called that!

It is not because of the black color of the armament.

It's not the armed color that makes the fist hard.

It's the fist of these two people themselves, which is unparalleled in the world!

One punch!

That terrifying momentum and impact can destroy all enemies in front of you!

However -

At this moment, Garp saw this invincible momentum in Bai Ye's punch.


This is no longer something that can be described with terrible physical fitness!

The instantaneous explosive power of this punch was enough to shatter a mountain.

"This kid, how did he hone his fists to this point in three months?"

I don't understand!

Even Garp the Fist stood here and saw it all.

I don't understand either!

The fist is not the same as those physical swordsmanship Haki.

There are no advanced techniques or techniques, no bells and whistles.

But -

I want to practice my boxing well.

It takes time!

Practicing boxing, especially this instantaneous explosive fist, takes time to precipitate!

Bai Ye's punch, at least twenty years of kung fu.

If Bai Ye still has the attainment of [Armed Color] Haki, this punch is afraid that the billion-level pirates in [New World] can't stop it!


"Is it really a genius of this level!?"

"This kind of fist was practiced by him at the bottom of the sea!?"

There is no denying the efficiency of undersea boxing.


Three months to get to that point.

Even Garp felt outrageous.

Born saboteur!

No doubt.

Bai Ye is such a genius!

"If you let Zephyr know this, I'm afraid it will be taken as a personal inheritance!"

Garp sighed.

And this is the time.

Bai Ye's fist and Yuan Yuan's mysterious righteousness bombarded everything, and it caused an uproar in an instant!

The floor of the port was violently lifted in an instant, followed by shattering, and even turning into dust.

Seeing this scene, Garp's face changed slightly.

"Not good!"

The pitch-black [Armed Color] Haki instantly appeared on Garp's right arm and turned into a Black Arm.

The next moment, Garp stepped out and rushed directly to the surrounding area of the battle between Yuan Yuan and Bai Ye, calmly raising his right hand.

With his own right hand, he suppressed all the shocks and Haki with one hand!

At this moment, feeling the impact on his hand, it made Garp nod.

"The impact of Bai Ye's fist and the leak of Haki Yuan are intertwined!"

"Really, these two guys, a test has made such a big move!"

Garp sighed.

Thanks to him still being here.


In the aftermath of this battle, none of the surrounding Marine could stand.

As a matter of fact.

Even at the moment, Garp single-handedly suppresses most of the impact.

The leakage of Bai Ye's fist and the momentum of Yuan Yuan Aoyi has made many of the surrounding Marine legs weak and unstable.

"It's almost over!"

"It's a pity, this girl is in a hurry, Haki is a little unstable!"

"On the contrary, Bai Ye is a kid who is so imposing, confident in himself to the extreme, and even conceited..."

The winner and the loser are divided in an instant.


Garp exerted his strength instantly, holding it with one hand.

Click, all the impact and Haki, directly crushed, disappeared in an instant!

Followed by.

Behind Garp, a dense crowd of onlookers Marine, including Carol, fell down as if his body had been evacuated.

Many people looked frightened, obviously frightened.

"Sleeping, sleeping..."

"It's terrible, isn't it?"

"I, I survived!"

"The battle between Bai, Inspector Bai Ye and Rear Admiral... It's terrible! ”

"Is this the battle between the ranks of the generals of the main department?"

"I'll never watch the excitement again!"


At this moment, countless Marines were frightened, and even some fled with crawls.

The entire port fell into a dead silence.

Garp ignored that, his gaze looking ahead.

In the very center of the impact, only one piece of floor is intact.

At this moment, Bai Ye was sitting cross-legged on that floor.

Yuan Yuan, on the other hand, was lying in her arms, his eyes closed, obviously unconscious.

At this time——

Bai Ye didn't know where he felt a cigar and lit it slowly.

Put it in his mouth, inhale fiercely, and after an epic past his lungs, a wisp of smoke surrounded Bai Ye.


Extremely elegant!

At this time, Garp walked up to Bai Ye and sat down on the floor.

"Beautiful punch!"

"Deliberately provoked Yuanyuan?"

Hearing this, Bai Ye smiled.

"Well... There are many reasons! ”

"This kind of attractive female officer can't help but want to tease!"

"However, I do want to test my strength level!"

That's true.

"Vice Admiral Garp, I thought you would come down in person, but I didn't expect you to send Yuan Yuan!"

Hearing this, Garp shrugged.

"The appearance of Yuan Yuan is an accident!"

"However, the old man is also curious, when did you get together with Yuan Yuan?"

Bai Ye smiled mysteriously.


"It's our romantic encounter, you don't understand."

"This kind of woman, you have to adjust slowly!"

Garp shrugged.

"Then you have to be careful, she has many suitors in the headquarters, and one is also a [special move]!"

Bai Ye took a puff of his cigar and didn't care.

"Why, is he good?"

"After all, it's a special move!"

"Am I handsome?"

Garp was stunned for a moment.

"Eh... That's to no! ”

"Do I have money?"

"Eh... Probably neither! ”

"Is it romantic with me?"

The corner of Garp's mouth twitched.

"I'm afraid, still not!"

"Is it strong with me?"

This, on Bai Ye's physical expression...

"Still no..."

Bai Ye smiled.

"So, do you think I care?"

"And, Vice Admiral Garp, did you misunderstand something."

"I'm not going after her!"

"To a beautiful woman, what is the use of pursuing, sleep with her!"

"You don't dare to sleep and she says she likes her?"

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