Self-Discipline! Sven Scum At Naval Headquarters

Chapter 57 Who Said That Those Who Stand In The Light Are Heroes? 【Ask For The First Order】


The roaring cheer is a baptism of the ears.


Compared to the ears, the impact of this scene in front of you on Gion's soul is incomparable!

The entire port, including outside the port, and even outside the branch, is full of people!

There is Marine, but more than that, ordinary people.

Even on the sea, you can see boats floating, and on those boats, there are all people!

It's terrible!

How many people are there exactly?

Tens? Several hundred thousand?

It is simply impossible to calculate.

This is a range that Gion can't completely sweep with [Seeing and Smelling Colors] Haki.

Seeing this scene, Gion was silent.

And then—

I saw Bai Ye tidy up his suit, straighten his gold glasses, carry the word "justice", and walk out elegantly and calmly.

This was followed by deafening cheers.


"Six Four Three" Inspector Bai Ye! Are you leaving the branch?"

"Inspector Bai Ye! I knew it... With your ability, you can't just succumb to the East Blue branch!"

"Chief Inspector Bai Ye, thank you for guarding the 175 Sea Area these months!"

"We will always remember this period of peace!"

"Congratulations to Inspector Bai Ye!"

At this moment, I don't know who made such a head.

Then, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people roared in unison.

"Congratulations to Inspector Bai Ye!"

"Congratulations to Inspector Bai Ye!"

"Congratulations to Inspector Bai Ye!"

That momentum, anyone who listens to it, will feel their blood boiling!

It's so combustible!

Even if Boruto is transferred here, it will have to be burned!

At the moment, Garp is fine!

After all, he had seen Bai Ye's biographical materials.

It is known that he single-handedly maintained the peace of the entire 175 sea area, and that he always came from the masses and went to the masses.

So -

He knew that Bai Ye was very popular throughout the 175 Marine branch!

But even so, Garp was stunned by the terrible battle.

Not to mention, Spandain and Gion next to it!

Both of them were almost frightened silly.

Spandane shrunk his legs, frightened by the battle, and almost addicted.


"This is..."

Spandane opened his mouth, and the deafening cheer left him speechless.

At this moment, he even thought that he had misheard.

These people, all came to bid farewell to Bai Ye?

So many people?

I'm afraid that everyone in the sea around the 175 branch has come, right?

But how is it possible?

What kind of guy Bai Ye is, Spandain has experienced it with his own body.

Not only is it ruthless, but it's also black!

In the sea area under its jurisdiction, it has the largest gray industry in the entire East Blue underground, from which an unknown amount of oil and water is scavenged.

And -

Black eating black is also skillful!

Even dared to jump directly on a Marine colonel in front of him.

Can this horse be the [embodiment of justice]?

Are you kidding.

Spandain couldn't understand.

It's just that at this moment he is watching Bai Ye walking in front, carrying the word [justice], obviously a Sven scum, but this moment is dazzling so that he can't open his eyes.

Spandain was not alone.

Gion is equally incomprehensible.

What's going on with this force?

Sven scum, disrupting military discipline, arrogance, greed for money and lust...

If anything, Gion can name Bai Ye's shortcomings in one go.

But it's such a Bai Ye.

Leaving the 175 Marine branch, it was greeted by tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of farewells.

Is the world crazy, or is it crazy yourself?

Subconsciously, Gion looked at Garp and said.

“ Vice Admiral Garp...”

"I really don't understand!"

"How could this guy Bai Ye be loved by so many people!?"

"Did he deceive them?"

Hearing this, Garp burst out laughing.

"Gion, don't take everyone for fools!"

"You may be able to deceive a hundred, a thousand"

"But what about 10,000, 100,000, hundreds of thousands?"

"Where did so much deception come from!"

"It's just because, Bai Ye, this guy, has really done a Marine duty!"

"Marine's duties?"

Gion was stunned for a moment, then looked at Bai Ye in front of him.

Thinking back on what he did, Gion couldn't believe it until now.

"Just him?"

Garp nodded.

"That's right!"

"You think Bai Ye is a Sven scum, that's just what you see! It's the same as Bai Ye wants you to see!"

"But have you ever wondered what Bai Ye looks like in the eyes of ordinary people?"

Gion was stunned.

What else could it look like?

"A scumbag who deceived the feelings of countless women?"

"A ruffian who disrupts military discipline?"

"The Earth Emperor who developed the dark underground industry of the 175 branches?"

Garp laughed and shook his head.

"Wrong! Gion!"

"That's why I said, you're just what you see!"

"It doesn't matter if he deceived countless women's emotions for the time being, after all, even if his life style is rotten, he has never had emotional disputes!"

"So, it's hard to say whether he cheated on feelings, at least, the person doesn't think so.0"

"A ruffian who disrupts military discipline? But did you know that Bai Ye is the most disciplined Marine in the whole 175 Marine branch!?"

"With his own self-discipline, he led the self-discipline of the entire 175 Marine branch! When it was time for self-discipline, he was so strict that there was no one who was late. ”

"As for the Earth Emperor of the Dark Underground? In my opinion, that's what Bai Ye does best!"

"This world is divided into black and white, black and white, but how many can really completely separate black and white?"

"But Bai Ye did it!"

"In the white world, ordinary people live and work in peace and contentment, enjoying the safest peace in the whole East Blue, in the black world, even if the pirates and mafias punch out their brains, they have not been able to interfere in the white world!"

Hearing this, Gion was startled, a little surprised, and couldn't help but ask.

"There is such a thing?"

"How did he do it?"

Garp smiled at that.

"That's what makes him great as Marine!"

"That's what he punched and punched!"

"Gion, if you become the second-in-command of a branch, will you personally patrol and maintain law and order one after another every day?"

Gion shook his head.

"Should be... Won't it!"

It's all second-in-command, isn't this kind of thing handed over to subordinates to handle?

Do everything yourself, what do you want your subordinates to do?

"But, Bai Ye, he did it!"

"3.3 Bai Ye personally patrols every day!"

"Whether it is his ordinary Marine or becoming the second-in-command inspector of the branch, the peace in every corner of the entire 175 Marine... It was all punched by Bai Ye with his fists!11

"He hit so much that not a single pirate dares to make trouble here!"

"All the pirate mafias in the entire 175 Marine branch were terrified, and there was not even news of harassing ordinary people!"

"His Sven scum side happens to be the most feared side of these pirate mafiasi!"

"It is precisely because of his uncompromising means of scum that the regiment suppressed these scoundrels!"

"The great evil must be punished by the great evil!"

"So ah..."

Garp sighed heavily and patted Gion on the shoulder.

"Imagine it!"

"Who says that standing in the light is a hero?"

"Sven scum in the dark happens to be the hero of all the ordinary people who yearn for peace under the sun!"

What an irony!.

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