Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 102 Li Dan transforms into a woman (please subscribe)

The sun is really poisonous today.

At noon, there was no cloud in the blue sky.

The scorching sun was scorching the earth, and the heat wave filling the air made people breathless.

There was no wind, and the surrounding trees all lowered their heads listlessly.

Everyone stayed in their respective caves or rooms to rest and take a nap. Anyone who came out at this time was simply sick.

Just like Li Dan, wearing a pair of big pants and a cattail leaf fan on his chest, sleeping soundly.

From time to time, I would chirp a few times, but I didn’t know what I was dreaming about.

At the foot of Taihua Peak, behind a scattered boulder, the seven people from Zhuge Liancheng were sweating profusely and their faces were rosy.

Lao Qi stumbled and almost fainted.

"It's already this time, where are the people?" Zhuge Liancheng slapped his younger brother who was still looking around.

The younger brother wiped the sweat from his head with one hand and covered his face with the other, looking frustrated: "I, I don't know. According to the normal time, I came down early today."

He raised his head and glanced at the sun above his head. Suddenly he felt dizzy and rolled his eyes.

Heat stroke!

Zhuge Liancheng looked at him, kicked him away, and then looked at the other brothers.

"What should I do? I feel like we are a bunch of fools."

"What else can I do? I can only continue to wait, otherwise my sin will be in vain," said the second senior brother Han Xiao, who was severely dehydrated and had a parched mouth.

Others also nodded.

"How about we find a shade tree."

"This is a good suggestion. If you don't say it earlier, just leave it alone."


It wasn't until the afternoon that Li Dan yawned and woke up groggily.

Looking at the frozen air outside, Li Dan felt happy for a while.

Thanks to the fact that Yingluo Peak was chosen as the next target. If it had been any other peak, I would have set out at this time and would have been exposed to the sun.

Fortunately, fortunately.

But it’s almost time. According to the normal procedure, Mistress should go to the hot spring in the back mountain.

Master is definitely not worried and will protect him from behind.

Li Dan quickly washed his face, put on his clothes, and headed up the mountain.

Arriving at the residence of Master and Mistress, Li Dan looked around, then raised his hands and saluted: "Master and Mistress, are you there?"

No one responded inside.

"Is there anyone? If there's no one, I'll come in!"

Li Dan gently released his consciousness, and sure enough, no one was there.

A carp jumped in through the window.

The master's wife kept the room very clean and spotless. If the master had been a sloppy man, it would have stunk to the sky.

Li Dan easily found the mistress's wardrobe and opened it quietly. Hundreds of colorful clothes suddenly appeared.

Seeing the tops, skirts, shoes, belts, hairpins, beads, etc. neatly arranged, Li Dan shook his head.

How do women all over the world, including those from different worlds, achieve the same thing?

This is typically a super luxurious cloakroom.

Li Dan began to choose clothes for himself. They should not be too bright or too dark, and they should match his skin.


Is this a wig?

Where did the master's wife do this?

It almost scared me.

Li Dan trembled all over, and while he was looking at the clothes, he moved his hand, and a head of black hair suddenly appeared from behind the clothes, which scared Li Dan and almost screamed.

Fortunately, he covered his mouth in time.

When I picked it up, I saw that it was really a wig. No, it was not a wig. It was collected by my wife after she lost her hair and couldn't bear to throw it away.

It seems that at this age, even if you are a practitioner, you still have to endure the pain of hair loss.

But Li Dan was overjoyed, he was lacking this.

After choosing the clothes, Li Dan secretly took the mistress's rouge, gouache and spices, then wiped the floor clean with clean gloves, slowly retreated to the window, closed it gently, and finally walked halfway up the mountain.

When Li Dan returned to the room, he looked at his 'criminal tool' in front of the mirror, squeezed it with both hands, and then loosened it.

I didn't expect that one day I would be able to dress up as a woman. If I had done this before, I wouldn't have done it even if I killed him.

However, there is no way.

For the sake of self-discipline, for the sake of being an intermediate alchemist, and for the sake of being able to deceive the eyes of the old aunt who is the 'house manager', he only has this way.


Li Dan slapped the table.

Anyway, it’s shameless, and it’s not just for a moment.

Li Dan closed the door and the window and began to take off his clothes...

The moon is thin and stars are thin, it is already night, and there will be a curfew in Yingluo Peak for another hour, no one is allowed to enter or exit, and there will be more patrols and elders.

In the room, in front of a huge bronze mirror, a tall and beautiful 'woman' appeared.

‘He’ was wearing a dark brown dress, with a belt that tied up her slender waist, and her round and perky buttocks were so hot.

With pretty cheeks, long hair, and a slight smile, she is simply charming.

Especially the curvature supported by the two steamed buns on the chest can no longer be described as plump.

And those eyelashes, that blush, that woman's fragrance...

Li Dan touched his cheek with trembling hands, feeling lost for a while.

"Oh my god, was I born with the wrong gender? This look is so feminine," Li Dan kept posing in front of the bronze mirror, but soon felt it was inappropriate and stopped quickly.

He breathed a long sigh of relief and cheered up while facing himself in the bronze mirror.

"Li Dan, this is just a mission. Don't think about anything else, and don't have bad habits. After the mission is completed, you will return it to the master's wife. You are not allowed to dress as a woman in the future."

"Remember, you are a man, a man with lofty ideals. God gave you a gun to conquer the world!"

After making sure that nothing was missing, Li Dan took a few long breaths again, pulled up his trouser legs, took off his fishing net, then quietly opened the door, looked at the night with stars already out, and headed down the mountain... …

At the foot of Taihua Peak, the six Zhuge Liancheng brothers endured mosquito bites.

Looking at each other.

"How about we go back? It feels so embarrassing. We look like a bunch of fools."

"It's already this hour, he's probably asleep."

"I'm just unwilling to accept it. The more I think about it, the more I feel aggrieved. We've been in the sun all day."

"Damn Li Dan, it's all his fault."

"Hush, hush, someone is coming down, take cover quickly!"

Several people immediately lurked down and squinted their eyes to see a sneaky figure coming down the mountain looking around. After confirming that no one was there, they quickly followed the path towards Yingluo Peak.

While running, I pinched my throat with my hands, as if I was practicing my voice, but also seemed to be thinking about it.

"Li Dan, Dandan, Daner..."

Several people looked at the beautiful figure with a hot figure and listened to people shouting Li Dan's name. They poked their heads out from behind the tree in disbelief.

Everyone was stunned, and then the collective was filled with indignation.

"Beast, there has never been a female disciple on Taihua Peak. Did you see that this is the Love Saint in everyone's eyes?"

"Shameless, bah, so shameless, you even took them to the mountain to spend the night."

"If I had known earlier, I should have brought Junior Sister Li here and let her see with her own eyes what kind of person this Li Dan is."

"Did you hear what she was shouting just now? Her voice was hoarse and she was still reluctant to leave."

"Bah, sneaky, sneaky, wait, I have an idea, fifth junior brother, sixth junior brother and seventh junior brother, you continue to guard here, second senior brother, fourth junior brother, the three of us will follow and have a look, maybe, she will become Our breakthrough point is not certain either.”

Zhuge Liancheng Road.

Several people agreed, and with the help of the night, the three of them turned into black shadows and followed them quietly...

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