Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 1172 Is it so troublesome to reincarnate?

"Choose your birthplace this time!" the registration staff said.

Li Dan looked at the [Reincarnation Registration Office] sign hanging next to him, hesitated and said, "Can I choose to go abroad this time? I don't want to work overtime."

The registration officer glanced at Li Dan: "I don't do cross-border business here, and besides, the situation there is not very good right now."

"Okay." The person reminded him kindly, and Li Dan thought about it too.

"Choose your gender!"

"Do, do, be a woman. Men are under too much pressure. They have to buy a car, a house, a bride price, and a wife. I want to be a woman." Li Dan figured it out at this moment and said directly.

The registration officer wrote for a while, but he kindly reminded you again: "Then I tell you in advance, as a woman, it is easy to meet scumbags, and then there are a few days of discomfort every month, and it is not easy to get pregnant in ten months, it is very hard .”

When Li Dan heard this, he immediately shook his head: "Then, then I'll continue to choose to be a man."

"Okay, let's choose a date of birth and whether you want to choose an auspicious number."

"What numbers are there?" Li Dan didn't expect that there would be so many procedures to choose from for reincarnation.

The registration staff said: "January 11, February 22, and November 11 are all auspicious numbers."

Li Dan scratched his head, why did he sound so uncomfortable?

"Then let me choose. I choose November 11th."

"Okay, 88,000," the registration officer said.

Li Dan was stunned.

So expensive?

After working overtime until he got here, no one seemed to have given him any paper money.

"Forget it, I don't want it anymore, just do it randomly." Li Dan said quickly.

"Okay, that's it. You've almost filled in the information here. We have a life outline for free viewing in the next life. Do you want to take a look?" the registration staff said.

Li Dan's eyes lit up.

He seemed to have heard the old man say that the soul had read the script before reincarnation, but it would all be forgotten the moment it was born.

Therefore, it is not surprising that people have premonitions.

Since you have chosen this script, it means that there is always something satisfying in your life.

"Let me see, let me see, show me what my future wife looks like."

In my previous life, I dedicated my time to working overtime and never even had a good relationship. I must live a good life in this life.

"Okay, but there are 100 minutes of commercials at the beginning. Do you want to skip it?" The registration staff took out a scroll.

Li Dan immediately said: "Skip, I never watch ads."

"Then you need to activate VIP."

"Yes, I want to see what my future wife looks like." Li Dan couldn't wait.

"The scene where your future wife appears belongs to the advanced on-demand part, and you need to activate advanced VIP."

Hearing this, Li Dan was stunned again.

"I don't have any money, why do you always ask me to do business?"

"Ah, you don't have to worry about this. We can arrange installments for you with low interest rates and no pressure. The procedures are simple. Apply immediately and get it processed immediately. The main thing is that it will be approved in seconds!" the registration staff suggested with a rare smile on his face this time.

"Then how can I pay it back?"

"When you become a human being again, I will deduct it from your life wealth."

When Li Dan heard this, he immediately shook his head: "Forget it. I kept working overtime to make money in my previous life. Paying off debts in this life is not the life I want to live. Brother, is there any other way?"

"Tch, let's do a group purchase. You can also invite your ancestors to give you a chop or something, but it will take a long time."

"Okay, you can have this." Li Dan was delighted.

"By the way, I forgot to add one item just now. I didn't choose my place of birth." The registration staff quickly opened the scroll.

Li Dan thought for a while: "I want to choose the south this time. After I am born, everyone can still call me handsome."

"Okay, by the way, I would like to remind you that appearance is random, and if you want something good, you have to pay a fee." The level staff began to write.

Want money again?

"It's so difficult to be a human being." Li Dan covered his forehead in pain.

"Hey~~, you have reminded me. If you don't want to be a human, you can choose to be an animal." The registration clerk stopped writing.

Li Dan seemed to have reacted: "I never thought that I wanted to be an animal. I chose to be a giant panda, taking care of food and housing. I don't have to go to work for the rest of my life, and there are still people to take care of me."

"Haha, it's quite beautiful when you think about it. There are only a few giant pandas in the world, and I don't know how many candidates there are. You can't compete or win, but you can open a VIP channel and wait. After you have a quota, you can participate in the lottery. "

Li Dan: "..."

The registration clerk looked at Li Dan and shook his head: "Forget it, for a person like you who has a cleaner face, I suggest you choose flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, mice, etc. in this hot weather. If you cast it accurately, you will always hit the target, and your mother will no longer have to worry about your reincarnation."

When Li Dan heard this, he quickly said: "Forget it, I'll choose to be the person I was before. Everything will be random."

"Okay, go back and wait for the notice. Don't die so easily in the next life. The next person -"

Li Dan gave up his position in despair, frowning, always feeling that something was wrong, but he couldn't explain it.

But the next moment, a pink arc of electricity suddenly appeared on his palm and flashed past.

Soon, there were more and more arcs.

"Are you planning to reincarnate? Didn't you say you're waiting for notification?" Li Dan was confused.

But as the arcs became more and more frequent, a little bit of the once vague memories began to flood into my mind.

"Nine generations, nine generations..."

Suddenly, there seemed to be some voice calling him.

Li Dan was in a trance.

Then he crouched down with pain in his mind, and countless information poured into his body.


The next moment, those pink phones suddenly exploded with thunder, and blue arcs followed.

Li Dan screamed heartbreakingly——


Outside the main hall, the sky was getting brighter. Behind the pile of bones, the three of them were anxious.

"What's going on? Master Li has been there for so long, shouldn't he encounter any accidents?" Guo Xiaofeng said.

"Shut your crow mouth, can't you hope for something better?" Zhao Haitang was a little angry.

"I'm just talking. Are you so angry that you have a crush on someone else? I noticed him covering your mouth before, but you didn't even struggle. I..."

As soon as Guo Xiaofeng said this, a heartbreaking cry suddenly came from the hall, which shocked the three of them.

No way--

Boom boom!

The next moment, the two sleeping giants in the distance seemed to hear something and slowly woke up from the grotto.

"It's over, it's over. It's absolutely dangerous inside. Master Li has encountered something unexpected. Escape quickly!" Guo Xiaofeng said quickly.

Qingwei was also anxious: "Come on, these two giants have extremely sensitive senses of smell and hearing. We are no match. Besides, Master Li said that if he doesn't come out at dawn, let us retreat quickly."

"But -" Sister Hua looked at the main hall with some worry.

"Now is not the time for family love, let's go!"

Seeing the two giants walking directly towards here with heavy steps, Qingwei and Guo Xiaofeng looked at each other, each of them took Sister Hua's arm and hurriedly retreated...


In the main hall.

When Li Dan opened his eyes again, the flag of the [Great Qin Seventh Legion] that he had ignored was floating in the air.

A wisp of aura enveloped him.

And he was horrified to find that his flesh and blood had dried up to the point where he looked like he had just crawled out of a grave.

And beside him, Dahuang... no, it should be said that it was the Sixth Generation Butcher who was calling him anxiously.

Pink arcs of electricity surged across his body.

Keep giving birth to yourself.

Li Dan immediately understood that it was an illusion before, but this time it was Liudai who saved him.

Because Rokudai said that his electric beast can destroy all illusions.

You can even see and remember the true appearance of a generation!

It was so dangerous that he almost became a mummy!

PS: The recent writing has been a bit depressing. It’s not water. Relax. Xiaoyu also needs to adjust his mentality and find the feeling he had before.

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