Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 1286 Another day when I can’t think of a chapter name

Zhuge Tiedan rushed over happily, and it was obvious that he was very excited.

Li Dan also smiled, looking at the various dragons that were staying in the air in the distance, not daring to cross the golden monkey, and slapped Zhuge Tiedan on the shoulder.

"You really lived up to your parents' expectations this time and became a real tough guy." Li Dan said with a smile.

Zhuge Tiedan's face suddenly turned red after hearing this, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Second brother, I haven't seen you for many years. You are still as handsome and young as before. By the way, where are the eldest brother and third brother?" Zhuge Tiedan looked at the people standing next to Li Dan.

None of them are Jiang Zhe and Jiang Yanli.

Li Dan said: "They are in our world and have not come out, but they live a very happy life."

Zhuge Tiedan felt relieved after hearing this.

At this moment, several auras came from the depths of the Zuowanglin Mountain Range.

Several of them have reached the Great Saint Realm.

The Saint King also has some.

Mu Tianxing immediately came through the air and was about to join the golden monkey. When he saw the person standing opposite Zhuge Tiedan, his body trembled suddenly and his eyes were full of disbelief.

At this moment, Ling Feng and Chen Hai also jumped out from behind Wu Jiuling, shouting happily.

"Eldest brother, it's us!"

Li Dan also showed an honest smile when he looked at Mu Tianxing, whom he hadn't seen for many years.

Just like in Tianya Haige back then, he was always being bullied by others because he was a boring gourd. Every time, his senior brother showed up to save him.

"If anyone dares to bully you again in the future, just tell me and I'll beat him so hard that he doesn't even recognize him," Mu Tianxing said.

At this time, Li Dan showed his teeth and smiled innocently.

"Elder brother——"


Hearing that Li Dan was back, the entire Tianya Haige was alarmed.

When Brother Li Dan and his party arrived at Tianya Haige's territory, they realized that everything around them was a perfect replica of their hometown.

A bunch of nostalgic people.

Then, Li Dan met his second senior brother Xu Zhong, who ran out first.

Next up was Xia Wanrong, the master's wife who still maintained her eighteen-year-old appearance and figure after taking the Beauty Pill.

Master Tian Zhen with red eyes.

Bao Youwei from Huozhaofang, the senior sisters from Yingluo Peak, Cao Zhengyang, the senior uncles from all peaks...

Bai Yihang, Zhou Ling'er, the mute Hou Nan, the little princess of the Jin Dynasty, Junior Sister Li Ruoyu...

All the old friends from the past are here.

Li Dan felt very excited when he saw a large family rushing toward him.

I almost cried.

After wandering outside for so long, I finally... came home!

"Li Dan from Taihua Peak is back!" Li Dan yelled, then laughed and rushed towards everyone...

At the foot of the mountain, Yin Ting and Ling Zhao wiped their tears for no reason as they watched the people jumping and jumping around Li Dan, who were genuinely happy from the bottom of their hearts.

The young commander in this life seems to be living a happy life.

No longer alone.

All kinds of love that Da Qin lacked were completely made up for here.

The taciturn Wu Jiuling's eyes were flashing at this moment.

He cut off his memory and almost forgot everything.

However, it seems that I have seen this scene where countless people support one person from the bottom of their hearts.

Generalissimo, this is how he returns in triumph.

The entire Eighth Army is like this!

Mu Tianxing stood beside the golden monkey and other temple guardians and rubbed his eyes.

Looking at the frowning monkey, he whispered: "Brother Monkey, don't worry, that's my junior brother, they are a family."

The golden monkey nodded slightly, and then pointed at Wu Jiuling, who was strong and broad-backed.

"That person is very scary, even scarier than adults."

After hearing this, Mu Tianxing was filled with disbelief, and his eyes suddenly became serious: "Are you sure?"

"OK!" said the monkey.

Seeing this, Mu Tianxing couldn't help but gulped.

The Lord is the most powerful person he has ever seen in his life, and a person who is even more powerful than the Lord appears here in the base camp.

Unfortunately, the Lord is not here yet, and seems to have gone to the second floor of the Exile Land.

It was impossible for Xiao Wu to suppress the other party.

This is how to do.

"After this incident, you can find out the details about this person from your junior brother. I hope everything goes well, otherwise -" the golden monkey quietly transmitted the message.

Mu Tianxing nodded: "Don't worry, I'll ask later."

"It must be made clear that there is one thing I didn't tell you." The next moment, the golden monkey suddenly gave the Qiqiao Stone Man and Mu Tianxingdao.

Mu Tianxing and the Stone Man quietly looked at the monkey.

The golden monkey said: "Your Excellency left a letter before he left, saying that in ten years he would let me go deep into the temple to get it. If he comes back at that time, there will be no need for him. But nine months ago, I went in , because ten years are here.”

Both of them could hear the frustration transmitted by the golden monkey, and their hearts trembled inexplicably for a moment.

It seems that something big happened!

The golden monkey breathed a long sigh of relief and said: "I have burned that letter for fear of causing turmoil. The gentleman in the letter said that he was seriously injured and used our world to cultivate and take refuge. In the end, he was troubled by the two great powers of the shrine and the Black Emperor. Fighting in the camp.

So I used my great supernatural powers to create a new continent and retreat there, which is now the fifth continent.

Many years ago, after he recovered from his injuries, he moved the fifth continent to this new world, giving us the opportunity to advance to a higher level. It was also a matter of cause and effect, and returned the protective feelings of all of us. "

Hearing this, Mu Tianxing and Shitou Ren were both shocked.

Lord Luda was so powerful, his figure was similar to that of Wu Jiuling in front of them.

There was actually someone who could hurt him, and it took him so many years to recover from his injuries.

How incredible!

"My lord said that he went to the Exiled Land this time to save himself. It is very likely that he will not come back, or that he will not be able to come back because he failed to save himself. Now that we have the territory, everything will develop on our own.

I suppressed this news and did not tell any of you, just because I was afraid that everyone would feel that the backbone was gone, and I was even more afraid that strong people from the outside would come in.

That person is putting a lot of pressure on me now, so I have to find out this matter from your junior brother, so we can make preparations in advance. "

The golden monkey's tone was more solemn than ever before.

Mu Tianxing and Stone Man, who learned the truth, fell completely silent at this moment.

They couldn't accept the sudden news.

In the days to come, they can only rely on themselves.


At night, the entire Tianyahai Pavilion held a grand welcome ceremony, singing and singing almost every night.

Dagu and Guokui couldn't help but come out and sneak in among them.

After many years, Li Dan feels most relaxed only at home.

At the same time, outside XJTLU City.

Ten men wearing black robes and hoods came.

They all stopped and looked at the names on the huge city.

"Holy girl, when Lu Shiyao came back from the Confucian world, his subordinates sent people to follow his protector Hong Tianhe. This is the last place he came. Are you sure you want to take action?" A sinister voice came from under one of the black robes. A sad voice.

The black robe standing at the front slowly took off his hood, revealing the face of a woman with eyebrows and eyes similar to Du Lin's.

She is none other than Du Nan, the saint of the Du family.

No one expected that she would appear here.

At this moment, her eyes showed a ruthless look: "Of course I have to take action. In that competition, there were hundreds of candidate saints, and I almost became the first place. I should have been looked at differently by the Lord of the Realm, all because of Lu Shiyao. Bitch, I almost didn’t make the cut.”

"The saintly lady has her own destiny." One of them quickly flattered her.

The man who was so gloomy before hesitated and said, "Holy girl, at home in Jingyang City..."

Du Nan was silent, and after a few breaths he said: "If you die, you will die. I have heard about what they did. Living will only put endless black spots on my bright future, and will also become a bargaining chip for others to blackmail me. .

If I become an alternate world master, once a threat occurs.

No matter, people will say I am indifferent.

If you don't care, I will have to face the entire Ziwei Ancient Star in the future. When will such endless things end?

Now that I have been destroyed, I would like to thank the person who took action for completely helping me avoid future troubles. "

Hearing the saint's words, all the nine guardians who followed and were tied to a boat with the saint suddenly trembled in their hearts.

Ruthless and meaningless, with deep thoughts.

If such a woman does not perish, the future will be absolutely terrible.

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