Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 1403 Why is it the same routine again? Who are you looking down on?

next door!

Seeing his good brother ‘Wulu’ like this, Mu Xiao sighed and walked over to comfort him with his hands behind his back.

"Brother, you..."

"Leave me alone, leave me alone, what is the problem? This broken brochure is simply a lie!"

Li Dan ran out as if he had been abandoned.

"I won't give in, I won't give in!" Li Dan's roar could still be heard from afar in the dark prison.

Mu Xiao looked at the lost figure of 'Wu Locust' in the distance and sighed again.

He was not in a hurry to chase 'Wu Locust', but slowly came to the main hall where Bing Chi was imprisoned.

First he glanced at the suppressed 'Bing Chi', and then looked at Guifang and Jiuyin who were guarding outside the formation.

"We are all brothers, and we have worked together for so long. I admit that the fallen immortal pretending to be Wu Locust played a trick on all of us. However, only the three of us have had direct contact with each other. Wu Locust has not even met. I’ve seen it before, but now everyone is so wary of him, you..."

Mu Xiao hesitated to speak, Guifang and Jiuyin nodded: "I'm just saying it casually. What he is like now is purely due to his personality. I won't say it again in the future. That's alright. My current mission is Just stare at him.”

Guifang looked at the Bing Chi in the center of the formation.

Jiuyin yawned lazily, he was too lazy to talk to others.

Mu Xiao said nothing and went out with his hands behind his back.

Soon he was stunned.

"The formation failed again?"

When I brought Wu Locust in just now, I used tokens to unlock some hidden killing formations.

This was added in the last few days.

Wu Locust just rushed out recklessly, how come he wasn't triggered?

Mu Xiao took out the token in confusion.

He frowned, feeling like he had overlooked something.

He quickly chased after her.

Soon he passed through the third level of the prison, relying on tokens to clear the way.

But no locusts were seen.

what happened?

Mu Xiao felt uneasy for no reason and went out again.

Soon we arrived at the second floor, where the fallen immortals who had been forcibly taken Fengling Powder were imprisoned, and they all stayed numb in the prison.

"Has Wu Locust gone out?"

When seeing the guards here, Mu Xiao asked quickly.

The former guard captain quickly saluted: "Sir, Lord Wu hurried out and said that he had found some clues and wanted to report to Lord Bone."

"Clues?" Mu Xiao was stunned, thinking about his crazy look just now, his brows furrowed deeper.

The guard captain said: "Yes, sir, he seems very happy. I said that several human female slaves have been selected here, but he is not interested. Let us guard here."

"No, no, something is going to happen!" Mu Xiao said nothing and hurried toward the exit.

Soon, he was stunned.

Because he came to the first level of the prison.

It's just that there is no ordinary human being here anymore, and the entire cell is empty.

He couldn't help but swallow, and he vaguely guessed something, and his whole body trembled.

"no, I can not--"

He hurried out the door. Along the way, there was still no one in the several-kilometer-long prison.

Until he came to the gate, his whole face turned pale.

Suddenly the cell door was opened, and there was already a tense situation outside.

The 10,000 soldiers brought by 'Wu Locust' before were facing each other tit for tat with the 1,000 soldiers who belonged to him at the prison gate.

Especially when they saw Mu Xiao coming out, ten thousand Zerg warriors immediately aimed their weapons at him.

"Drink!" tens of thousands of soldiers roared.

"What's going on?" Mu Xiao asked.

The team leader guarding the prison came over quickly: "Sir, it was Lord Wu Locust who did it. He came out in a hurry just now and said that you have a problem. It is very likely that he is a fake fallen immortal from the human race. Let the soldiers guard the door. Once you show up, hurry up. Trapped, he went to find other adults, and his subordinates don’t believe it——"

At this time, Mu Xiao still didn't understand what happened, and his legs went weak.

He was not scared, but humiliated.

Soon, a large number of Zerg warriors appeared at the corner ahead, totaling 30,000.

"According to Master Wu's order, we surrounded the prison. If you dare to resist, you will be shot to death!"

Hearing this, Mu Xiao felt his head buzzing, and he spat out a mouthful of his hard work in anger.

He even staggered and almost fell.

"S-Sir, are you okay?" Several Zerg warriors quickly supported him.

"Get lost, you bunch of idiots!" Mu Xiao pushed away the supporter and immediately took out a scarlet token and was about to crush it.

As soon as this card is broken, the six colleagues and adults guarding the warehouse will rush over immediately.

But he quickly hesitated.

I was too embarrassed to be embarrassed. Now I really accompanied him all the way in and slipped away from him again.

And what if the tiger is lured away from the mountain?

Is his goal the warehouse?

There can't be any conflict here now, these soldiers are all following Wu Locust's orders.

Once he fights, he has confirmed the fact that he was ‘ordered’.

Moreover, the 30,000 soldiers at the city gate have been transferred, which means that they have gone out at this time.

Even if you chase him, it's too late.

It's his uncle's fault.

So where did the real black locust go?

If you were here, how could the other party lie to them again so blatantly?

Mu Xiao was so angry that his head hurt, so he quickly went inside without saying a word.

He had to see Bing Chi.

Soon, he came to the third level of prison again.

"What's wrong with you? Are you sweating profusely?" Seeing Mu Xiao hurried in, Guifang and Jiuyin were a little confused.

Mu Xiao didn't care and went straight to Bing Xiao.

After Guifang and Jiuyin were in a daze for a short time, they immediately reacted and drew out their weapons with powerful auras on their faces, with alert expressions on their faces.

"who are you?"

Mu Xiao didn't care, just stared at Bing Xiao who was suppressed in the center.

Seeing him motionless, Mu Xiao suddenly laughed.

In the end, he laughed so hard that he sat down on the ground and laughed while filming.

Guifang and Jiuyin arrived in an instant, and the weapons in their hands blocked his neck and throat.

"Don't move!"

Mu Xiao still didn't care, he just laughed a little out of breath and kept wiping his tears with both hands.

Such a strange scene made Guifang and Jiuyin a little confused.

"Old ghost, look!"

The next moment, Jiuyin seemed to find something and screamed.

Onikata looked over and his eyes suddenly widened.

Because at this moment, the figure and appearance of Bing Chi, who was imprisoned in the center of the formation, began to change little by little.

In just a few breaths, he turned into a corpse.

A corpse belonging to one of their own people.

"What, what's going on?" Guifang couldn't believe it.

Mu Xiao finally stopped laughing, and his whole body instantly became rickets.

It seemed as if he had aged thousands of years all of a sudden.

"We were fooled, the same routine, the same people, stupid, we are really stupid!" Mu Xiao's voice became hoarse.

He got angry.

But Guifang and Jiuyin, who were standing behind him, still didn't understand the true meaning of this sentence.


Li Dan just walked out swaggering again.

Still with an order, the Zerg opened the door.

By the way, Mu Xiao was charged with another crime and 30,000 Zerg soldiers were transferred there.

At this moment, there are four pairs of golden teleportation pillars in his divine palace.

Ordinary people with 400,000 people don't know what kind of advancement they will bring to him.

Really looking forward to it!

However, this also increased the burden on Xiaosan'er, who had to deal with the matters there quickly.

Li Dan took out the Tiger Talisman of the Seventh Legion, determined Chu Zhengfeng's location, and left directly.

This time, let’s keep this black locust who always takes the blame forever!

Thank you to the boss of [There are Fishes in Deep Water] for the 500 reward, thank you for your support!

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