Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 1538 Five Ghost Boy Nanhuangtong

At this moment, Jiang Shengnan felt that he was really in trouble.

Thinking that he would be lucky if he survived the catastrophe, he secretly came to Langye County to see his savior.

After working on it for a long time, I came across such a thing.


She raised her head and looked at the Blade War Locust who gave her two choices. She coughed and stood up, wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth.

The euphorbia in his hand was inserted into the ground with a clang.

The enemy is very strong. He chose himself as a spokesperson to do things for him. He knows everything with his toes, whether it is destroying our human race area or collecting some intelligence.

No matter which one, it will cause irreparable damage to our human race area.

And at this age, it was the first time for her to face a living Zerg alone.

She had very few opportunities to come into contact with the Zerg, mostly through books or images.

Even corpses are traded at auctions.

Of course, there are also those that are alive, but are watched by countless people.

She applied for the exam over the border, but failed.

It is even more difficult to cross the border.

Therefore, she has basically no chance of facing the real Zerg.

But when she finally met him, it became the end of her life.

Jiang Shengnan smiled.

"Two ways? Well, it seems like a good choice. Logically speaking, I should pretend to agree first. I guess you will leave some control method on me, and then after I get out, I will find a strong person to help me get rid of it. Everything about me is perfect.

After all, my ancestor is a strong person in the semi-ancestral realm, so he should be stronger than you.

But, you, this random person, will disappoint you.

I, Jiang Shengnan, am from Langxie County of Great Qin. I am the kind of person who would rather bend than bend.

No matter my character or the education I have received since childhood, I don’t want to give in when I first encounter an enemy like you.

Even pretending to give in will leave a shadow in my heart.

So, I choose the second path, come on! "

After Jiang Shengnan finished speaking, he suddenly raised the euphorbia, acted like a tiger, and then pointed it at Li Dan.

His face was full of solemnity and determination.

"Human race, Jiang Shengnan, please give me some advice!"

After he finished speaking, powerful spiritual power immediately surged out of his body, shaking his robes, and he rushed over with an aura that belonged to the middle stage of the order realm.

Li Dan smiled.

"In that case, I'll send you on your way!"

Li Dan came out with one palm...

Jiang Shengnan shook his head, and when he opened his eyes again, he found that he was still in that alley.

The body still maintained the charging posture.

But what about Blade Fighting Locust?


She looked at the spurge in her hand and her still burning body to make sure it was real.


She quickly ran out of the alley, people were coming and going, and some even called friends and headed towards the Sheriff's Mansion.

At this moment, Jiang Shengnan was a little confused.

what happened?

Did the other party let me go out of kindness?

No, I have to find someone to tell this matter quickly.

Jiang Shengnan quickly put away his weapon and ran towards the Sheriff's Mansion...

Li Dan transformed into Huang Ganjun again and started walking around.

He was satisfied with Jiang Shengnan's performance.

I just have a bit of a hot temper, so I need time to hone it.

But not long after he left, a lightning rune in his hand suddenly flickered.

Wu Jiuling's surprised voice came from inside.

"Young Marshal, I made a discovery!"

Li Dan's eyes lit up and he quickly determined Wu Jiuling's location through the coordinate symbols.

It's not far from here, about three hundred miles away.

He took out the tiger talismans of the Seventh and Eighth Legions and checked them, but there were still no stars.

It seems that they are not from these two legions.

When discussing this mission, Li Dan told them that no matter who they met, they should inform him before making a decision.

Don't rush forward to identify yourself, or even recognize each other.

Time changes many things.

including their perceptions and beliefs.

And several of them are ‘dead’ people.

If you want to win over your partners, you have to review them over and over again.

Just like Xiao Qinghe now, even the veterans of the Eighth Regiment and his former family members did not reveal much to him.

But just a few steps later, Li Dan suddenly touched his neck in confusion.

Looking around, there was nothing.

"Strange, why did my back feel so cold for a moment just now?"

The powerful spiritual consciousness was quietly released, but nothing happened.

After looking at the sun in the sky again, Li Dan continued to move towards the coordinates.

At the same time, at the top of a fifty-story building, a heavily armed man sat quietly.

His whole body was also wrapped extremely tightly.

He was hunched over, with a strange black wooden stick hanging from one hand.

He slowly raised his head and looked at the county governor's mansion wrapped in layers in the distance.

Under the hood, the corners of the mouth slowly revealed a strange arc, and there was even a pair of fangs.

Soon, a breeze suddenly blew around him.

This breeze feels very cold, and can even make a Heaven-reaching soul shiver.

After the dark wind, in front of this person, there suddenly appeared a boy in red that only he could see.

The boy in red is pale, has no hair on his body, and his body is even more unreal.

Wearing a small round hat, with a pair of blushes on her cheeks, she knelt in front of him with her bare feet and sleeves rolled up.

"Master!" The boy in red knelt down and said.

Before the man could speak, four sinister winds blew from all directions, and four more boys in red appeared.

"Master!" All the boys in red bowed together.

"Five ghost boy, have you checked clearly?" The man in black robe raised his head and asked calmly.

Under the sun, his face was finally exposed.

The entire face was as gray as dead wood, but the pupils were strangely vertical.


"Master, no trace of the alchemist was found in the governor's mansion!" One of the boys said.

Nanhuang Tong was stunned and quickly said: "Impossible. I saw with my own eyes that the tenth-grade elixir was refined and then fell into the governor's mansion. How could it not be inside? Are you sure you have checked it clearly?"

The boy in red's eyes were dull: "Master, no."

Nan Huangtong pondered: "You shouldn't. You are the five ghost boys that I have spent half my life developing. You have a certain range of perception of the breath of all alchemists. No matter how deep the opponent is hiding, is there something wrong? ?”

"Return to the master, no!"

Two more boys in red spoke.

Nan Huangtong could only look at the other two.

"Going back to the master, I found two people, a man and a woman, who have the aura of alchemy."

"Returning to the master, I found one who has the aura of alchemy."

The two boys spoke.

This made Nan Huangtong's eyes light up, and he immediately put his hand between the two boys' eyebrows.

Soon, a picture of two boys and girls talking angrily to each other appeared.

The other one was also a young boy walking on the street.

But he seemed to notice something, and he touched the back of his head in confusion.

Seeing this scene, Nan Huangtong's cold face finally showed a smile.

"Apparently, there should be three little alchemists. Normally, I would be too lazy to take action against such little shrimps. But it's really pitiful to think about it. The number of alchemists who have died in my hands has become less and less over the years. It's just too many. Reduced, can't find even one or two.

It seems that I have made great achievements in battle over the years. I originally wanted to go back, but when I arrived at a large county near the border of the human race, a tenth-level alchemist appeared instead.

Now that we have encountered it, we should resolve it.

There is a high probability that these three young men are the tenth-grade disciples. Let’s just deal with them together and look for you again! "

Nan Huangtong muttered to himself, then stood up slowly,

A breath of semi-ancestral realm quietly spread out from the whole body...

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