Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 1551 This voice is... Mr. Wei Huayang Wei?

More than ten days passed quietly.

In the corner of the Sheriff's Mansion, a powerful aura rose into the sky.

This breath was so impactful that it went back after a while.

Immediately afterwards, the county governor Xiao Qinghe came out of the retreat with a red face.

At a glance, he saw his son waiting outside.

"Dad, are you really..."

Seeing Xiao Qinghe like this, Xiao Xuan asked excitedly.

Xiao Qinghe couldn't help laughing anymore.


Just two words made Xiao Xuan's eyes turn red instantly.

Others didn't know it, but he often saw how his father was in agony every night.

In the past, so many tenth-grade alchemy masters couldn't cure it, but this master hit the nail on the head.

So awesome.

"Let's go and thank Master!"

Xiao Qinghe turned around and went to the treasury, preparing to select a few more good things, but Xiao Xuan stepped forward and secretly informed him of what had happened during this period.

After listening to his son's words, Xiao Qinghe looked solemn.

Huang Qianjun killed the half-ancestral realm Nanhuangtong?

The ancestral territory patrol envoy appears.

Jiang Shengnan became a disciple.

Pest removal machine.

It has only been a short time and so many things have happened.


In the main hall, the county governor Xiao Qinghe was beaming with joy.

There were many good things suspended in front of him.

Li Dan confiscated it, and Zhou You was so excited when he saw the wealth that he took it all into his palace before anyone else could say anything.

"Thank you, Master!"

Xiao Qinghe knelt down and worshiped Li Dan respectfully.

Li Dan quickly helped him up: "You have thanked me many times. They are all family members, so there is no need for this."

Hearing this, Xiao Qinghe felt even more urge to go through fire and water for Li Dan.

To be honest, several people around him were from the Eighth Legion in the past.

He had not experienced this sense of belonging that was valued for a long time.

"Now that I've recovered, I need your help with something." Li Dan finally got to the point.

Others also looked over.

Hearing that the master could give him some orders, Xiao Qinghe quickly said: "You can give me your orders!"

Li Dan waved his hand, and then an iron cage appeared.

Inside the iron cage, there was a wooden man with a dull face.

Xiao Xuan and Wen Changjing looked at it with doubts on their faces.

This seems to be a wood spirit.

Anything surprising?

Xiao Qinghe was also confused.

"I wonder if you know Mr. Xiao?" Li Dan asked.

Xiao Qinghe frowned and knelt down to take a closer look.

Very strange.

He didn't know him.

But since the master said so, there is definitely a purpose.

After taking another closer look, he suddenly moved closer, and a familiar memory gradually appeared in his mind.

He stood up suddenly, his face full of disbelief.

"Xiangu Liu Chan of the 23rd Legion?"

He muttered to himself and lowered his head to observe for a while.

The more I look at it, the more they look like each other.

"I didn't expect you to still remember it, that's good!" Wei Huayang came over and said, his words full of relief.

Xiao Qinghe, who was still unsure, suddenly trembled and turned his head to look at Wei Huayang.

Even his heart trembled violently.

The eyes are incredible.

What shocked him was not that he recognized the willow cicada spirit in his memory, but the voice of the person in front of him.

This time, the other party seemed to have forgotten to hide.

But he knew this voice.

He's familiar.

The kind he'll never forget.

Because that was the voice of the chief alchemist of his eighth legion, Old Wei Huayang.

Yes, yes!

In this team, the mysterious master refined the elixir for him, and the person in front of him was forcibly pulled out of ten elixir rings.

It's Mr. Wei!

One of them turned out to be Mr. Wei.

He is still alive.

He is still alive.

Xiao Qinghe's eyes turned red instantly, but no one noticed this.

Or ignored.

Wei Huayang touched the iron cage with one hand and looked at the willow cicada spirit inside.

Full of emotion and heartache.

Everyone has forgotten their ancestors who worked silently, and the only ones who can remember them are themselves.

Xiao Qinghe retired from the army a few years ago, and he can still be recognized now.

I have to say, they are soldiers from the Eighth Regiment!

Li Dan continued: "Yes, she is Liu Chan, the fairy aunt you call. She is like this now because Liu Mu's heart was dug out for a million years, and now we have placed the target of suspicion on Yunzhong County Burial. On Lingshan Mountain.”

But at this moment, Xiao Qinghe could not hear other words, he only felt dizzy.

Still receiving another incredible news.

But they didn't say anything, so they must have some concerns.

I can't be smart.

Absolutely not.

After thinking about it, Xiao Qinghe stood up.


He looked at Li Dan.

Wei Lao is the chief alchemist of the Eighth Legion, a master that countless people want to visit.

But starting from Qingcang City, he discovered that almost everyone obeyed the orders of the person in front of him.

Who is he?

And he is such a brilliant tenth-grade alchemist.

Who are the remaining men in black robes from the Eighth Legion?

Why do they hide like this?

As long as you explain it to the court, you will definitely get unimaginable compensation and reuse.

Li Dan glanced at him, probably shocked, so he had to repeat it again.

Xiao Qinghe frowned after hearing this.

"The Soul Burial Mountain in Yunzhong County? Master, are you saying that Fairy Liu Chan's willow wood heart was poached by Master Lan Suo up there?" Xiao Qinghe said.

As the head of a county, he certainly knows the situation there.

Because he had gone to find Master Lan Suo to refine elixirs for his soul.

But he couldn't cure it, so he just let it go.

Even more completely desperate.

Li Dan nodded.

Xiao Qinghe looked at the willow cicada in the cage, and he understood how much she was loved by the soldiers in the army.

Even the middle and lower levels of their eighth legion were talking about it.

Now it has become like this.

From the words of the masters in front of them, including Mr. Wei who was very close at hand, it could be seen from their attitudes that they wanted to save Liu Chan's life.

But the situation in Burial Mountain is complicated, with children from aristocratic families, sect geniuses, alchemists from all over the place, imperial protection, and two half-ancestors guarding it.

What can you do to the other party?

"Master, what do you want me to do?" Xiao Qinghe looked at Li Dan.

Wei Huayang came over and took out three golden jade butterflies.

Then he muttered and started transmitting sounds.

Xiao Qinghe's eyes became brighter and brighter, and finally he took three tenth-grade pill prescriptions directly, and then knelt down on one knee in front of Li Dan.

"My subordinates understand, get up now. I have a military teleportation array between major counties. It will take one month to reach Yunzhong County. If things go well, it will only take two months to go back and forth!" Xiao Qinghe said.

Li Dan was overjoyed when he heard this.

So much better.

He thought it would take half a year for a single trip like the Canglang Mercenary Group, and not a year for a round trip.

I didn't expect that the imperial court would have such consideration in this regard.

Not bad.

"Okay, go and come back quickly!" Li Dan said.

Xiao Qinghe nodded, called his son out, gave some instructions, and left in a hurry.

There were only a few of them left in the entire hall.

"The next thing we are waiting for is to do everything step by step. Let's deal with Liu Chan's matter first!" Li Dan said.

The others nodded and went back to their own halls to rest.

Hope everything goes well.

After a while, a ray of light flashed in the underground palace of the county guard, and Xiao Qinghe disappeared.


Yunzhong County, Burial Mountain!

The huge mountains are full of spiritual energy.

A new city was even formed at the foot of the mountain - the Soul Burial City!

All because this mountain has outstanding people and a genuine tenth-grade alchemy master living here.

Halfway up the mountain, there were even imperial guards patrolling back and forth, exuding coercion.

No outsider can even think of getting up there easily.

At this moment, a ray of light suddenly came out and turned into a messenger talisman, which was caught by the leader of the Forbidden Army.

"The governor of Yunzhong County and the governor of Langxie County jointly visited the master?"

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