Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 1611 These shadow armies have seen you

Time passed by so slowly, and no one knows how long it took, but Yan Chifeng suddenly stood up, like a tiger waiting for an opportunity, and looked behind him.

There were footsteps, and then, a thin, frail-looking figure dressed as a scholar walked in.

His brows were filled with a heroic spirit and an icy glow.

When he saw the person coming, Yan Chifeng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The light on his body gradually dissipated, revealing a beautiful face.

There is a sense of power, strength and torch in his handsome appearance.

If you look closely, you will see that there are some similarities with the scholar who came in this time.

But at this moment, his smile added an element of evil.

This is the real Yan Chifeng!

"Why are you here now?" Yan Chifeng asked.

The scholar first glanced at the pool in the center of the mountain, and then smiled.

"There are only three of us left in this world. Now that my little sister is reborn, how can I not be there!" said the scholar.

This person is none other than Yan Jing!

He is also Yan Shiyao's second brother.

After hearing Yan Jing's words, Yan Chifeng looked back at Tan Shui, his eyes flashing.

"Yes, we are the only three brothers and sisters left in this world. If everything goes well, she will be reborn in a few days. If I had known that we could get a method to save her from Fengdu, we wouldn't have to use it for so many years. So many messy ways.”

Yan Chifeng breathed a long sigh of relief.

Yan Jing took a step forward, looked at the deep pool, and spoke slowly: "Feng is a taboo in this main world. No one knows its history, let alone who created it. Only a few people have entered it over the years, because It appears randomly.

Brother, you were very lucky last time to bring the blood energy of the Blood Demon Ancestor into the Blood Spirit Banner. Otherwise, it would be a real regret if you were so lucky and found nothing after entering. "

Yan Jing's words made Yan Chifeng nod repeatedly, and he thought of the silver mine.

I thought of the fateful black-robed masked man I saw in Pingyang City.

The time I encountered him in the Silver Mine, I flew by by accident and heard the fighting below.

Then I came down out of curiosity to find out. Unexpectedly, I recognized the blood demon ancestor's space ship at a glance.

Then he obtained the blood essence and soul of the Blood Demon Ancestor who killed countless Zerg in the Blood Spirit Banner.

"Yes, thanks to Fengdu giving his blood in exchange for this method, we realized that all our previous efforts were a waste of time. I thought we were almost half-way successful, and were ready to go to various small worlds to find my little sister." Yan Chifeng road.

Yan Jing also agreed: "Resurrecting the little sister with the soul-dividing method was our previous strategy, but there is a high probability of failure. Forget it, let's not talk about it anymore. I heard about Pingyang City. There is a half-ancestral statue. It was such a fluke that I almost ruined something big by showing up.”

Yan Chifeng said: "Since I obtained the method of resurrecting my little sister from Fengdu, I immediately sent you a message with a forbidden technique, asking you to arrange it in advance. I was already very close to the Half-Ancestral Realm at that time. If I wanted to come back safely, the only way Breakthrough, which delayed a little time.

If I didn't have the semi-ancestral realm cultivation this time, I really wouldn't be able to defeat the opponent. But you may not believe it. In the end, this person didn't cause trouble, but let me use my time to complete the first step of the blood sacrifice. And you guessed this person is who? "

"Who?" Yan Jing asked hurriedly.

Yan Chifeng simply told the other party slowly what happened to him in the occupied land.

After hearing this, Yan Jing was surprised: "The other party was able to step into the Half-Ancestral Realm from the Order Realm where you first met in just a few years. This speed is simply terrifying. This is simply not something ordinary people can do. Could it be that? Recovering?"

Yan Chifeng shook his head: "Not sure."

"But because of him, you got the Blood Spirit Banner of the Half-Ancestral Realm Blood Demon Ancestor, and then entered Fengdu, and now you met again in Pingyang City. This is really fate. How did he come back?" Yan Jing clicked his tongue. road.

Yan Chifeng smiled: "Maybe we all have our own methods."

But soon Yan Chifeng seemed to have thought of something and looked at Yan Jing.

"By the way, second brother, you have been feeling guilty for so many years. Are you staying in Kyoto and silently guarding that person named Pang Tiande or Zhongli? When you come back suddenly this time, I'm afraid it's not just to greet my little sister, right?"

Yan Jing was silent: "They are actually the same person, they are just called by different names at different times, but the eldest brother still understands me. The reason why I left is because they are back, so they no longer need my protection."

"Who?" Yan Chifeng was confused.

Yan Jing said: "In the past, the shadow army was Qingyu, Bingchi, Zhengu and Yelvling."

"They are still alive? Didn't you seems to be luck. I'm not very familiar with them, but congratulations anyway. This way you can feel less guilty." Yan Chifeng said with relief.

Yan Jing smiled bitterly: "Guilt? What do you mean by this thing? I can hardly breathe after so many years. My little sister died because of Li Dan. You and I know that we don't blame that guy. It was an ambush by the Zerg, but in the days that followed, we felt that this matter was not simple.

How could the Zerg suddenly attack two people in the order realm, and they were still determined to fight to the death, just because Li Dan was the only son of Marshal Li Gen? But when a distress message was sent to nearby legions, no one came to rescue.

As for the city lord of Pingyang City, who was in the Tongtian realm, he just left the station one day ago. Everything was too coincidental. "

Yan Chifeng said: "I know, but we have also investigated for a period of time. Marshal Li Gen could not have done anything to let his only son die. You know, if my little sister hadn't sacrificed her life, it would have been him, Li Dan, who died at that time."

"Yes, so in order to search more closely, when Li Dan started to form a shadow army to seek revenge from the Zerg, I got involved in it with other identities. However, after so many years, it still failed. Instead, the guy was wiped out by his father. Sister memory.

As we chatted and laughed with so many people and performed tasks, our relationship became deeper and deeper. Until the eve of going to Tianmenyuan, Marshal Li Gen came to me and directly called my name and asked me to carry a magic talisman with me. , and then told me the truth about that incident.

I agreed, but I didn't expect that the magic talisman was to report the coordinates to the Zerg, and it caused so many people to die tragically. I felt very guilty. "

When Yan Jing said this, her eyes turned red.

Yan Chifeng sighed: "It can only be said that people like us are still too young in the eyes of real old foxes."

"Zhongli was lucky enough to be alive and kept chasing me. In that silver mine, I knelt down to all my brothers and sisters who were killed by me, even though I knew he would never forgive me. After that, I followed the people of the Eighth Regiment back to get the information about my little sister. thing.

But I was knocked unconscious by those people on the way. When I woke up and rushed back to the military camp, I realized that all the legions had secretly disappeared. I realized that I had been tricked. After that, I kept guarding Zhongli to reduce the guilt in my heart. "

With melancholy, Yan Jing revealed the depression in her heart for many years.

Yan Chifeng patted his shoulder: "In the Tianmenyuan ambush, he didn't even spare his own son. If he deliberately let in the Chongguo team back then, it would make sense now, but we couldn't help it. He took himself with him The army also suffered retribution and was completely wiped out."

Yan Jing nodded: "Yes, everything is over, as long as the little sister can be resurrected safely this time, but I also got another piece of news."


"I used the puppet technique to bring Qing Yuan and the others into a secret place. I found an old friend of theirs and got some clues. You wouldn't have thought that they had set up a self-destruction technique in their own memories. To hide this.

Even if their old friend only snooped a little and then quietly retreated, it was enough to shock me. What was even more shocking was that they had seen you many times in the fallen land. "

When Yan Jing said this, his eyes lit up like never before.

"Have you seen me?"

Yan Chifeng was really confused now.

"What clues? What do these Shadow Army members look like?" Yan Chifeng asked.

Thank you to me [Senior Brother Shouze] for the 500 reward, thank you for your support!

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