Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 2141 Empress? How can it be? (Please subscribe)

Then, one after another, the final items came out, and their rarity was snatched up by many big forces.

Even the fourth to last item was bought by a Shadow Clan member who suddenly appeared for 2.3 million.

Li Dan didn't yell anything anymore, because he didn't need these things.

No need to spend money on this.

All he could think about now was how powerful was the [Flower in the Mirror and Moon in the Mirror] spiritual weapon he auctioned?

What are the disadvantages?

It can actually make a strong man who has transcended the Hongmeng realm unable to withstand and repair it, and sell it for money.

"Pa bang..."

At this moment, Mr. Tong on the stage suddenly changed his previous smile and clapped his hands with a serious face.

Everyone immediately fell silent and looked towards the stage with heated faces.

Everyone knows that the real highlight of the Jiutian Alliance's once-in-a-ten thousand-year auction is coming.

Mo Yin, the leader of the Corpse Demon Tribe, had a strange light in his eyes and murmured softly: "What could these three things be?"

Ni Tianyou, the leader of the Nether Clan, condensed his eyes and became as sharp as an eagle.

He didn't auction anything more, he just saved his money to see what these three real finale items were.

"Mr. Tong is so serious, it looks like he has something good!" Yao Wangui was very excited, and subconsciously moved his body forward, hoping to see clearly through the crystal wall in front of him.

The entire auction was so quiet that the beating of many people's hearts could even be heard.

I still remember that one year, the final item in the auction here was an Imperial Pill.

[Fate] Auction, but I dare to bid on anything.


At this time, Pei Lao and four other Hongmeng realms also came from Yijiao and stood together with Tong Lao.

The guardianship and solemnity of the five Hongmeng realms instantly aroused everyone's curiosity again.

Is it possible that there is an Emperor Pill this time too?

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost created, Mr. Tong lightly tapped his foot.

Then the table behind suddenly made a clicking sound, and then a special mask appeared, and then a black and gold table that was different from the previous one slowly rose up.

The silk cloth covering it was very large, and it seemed to be hiding something special.

As the black gold crystal platform stopped, many people stretched their necks to stare at it with burning eyes.

"Okay, this third to last item has to be energy shielded because it is special. I hope you won't take it off. In addition, I would like to declare here that all the items auctioned by my [Destiny] Auction House, It’s all reasonable and legal.”

"There is no intention to target any group or to offend. To us, it is just a transaction."

Mr. Tong smiled at everyone present and explained.

Everyone was wondering, could this thing involve a certain ethnic group?

Spirit Master Li Dan suddenly noticed that when Tong Lao said these words, he looked at him intentionally or unintentionally.

What's going on?

Is it related to the Wushen Clan?

"I smell the smell of corpses, and I seem to be from the same era as Mr. Pig!"

At this moment, Pig Tail's voice sounded in Li Dan's mind.

Li Dan was stunned and said jokingly: "I said, you are talking to yourself and no one cares about you, why are you talking to me?"

"Master Pig, I want to say, do you care?" Pig Tail cursed.

Li Dan rolled his eyes at him. This guy seemed to be planning to take advantage of me.

Then [Flowers in the Mirror, Moon in the Water] is still open to question whether I will repair it or not. Look at what you are capable of. Do you really think I will beg you for it?

At this moment, Tong Lao said no more, but carefully pulled down the silk with Pei Lao alone.

Suddenly, a strong aura rushed out. Even if it was covered by that layer of light, everyone, including many Hongmeng realms present, felt their hearts throbbing and felt an indescribable pressure.

This coercion has already exceeded Hongmeng Realm.

Then everyone quickly looked around.

It was a huge stone three meters high.

No, this is not an ordinary stone, but a stone stained with unknown blood.

And in the stone, there is a majestic man sealed.

Although the big man had been dead for who knows how many years, his facial features were upright, giving him a strong sense of strength, as if he could reach for the stars and the moon with just a single move of his hands and feet.

His eyes exuded a familiar sense of madness.

Some of the clothes exposed in the stone have two ancient characters written on them - God of War!

In fact, the uniform attire of the Martial God Clan has been updated three times.

Only some of the big clan members present knew him, and the clothes this big man was wearing were the clothes of the first generation of the Martial God clan.

This is a warrior from the Martial God Clan!

And it surpassed the Hongmeng realm during his lifetime, and was even stronger.

Suddenly, many people looked at Wunima.

No wonder Tonglao foreshadowed some words for no reason. His feelings were because the items being auctioned were the ancestors of the Martial God Clan.

The corpse demon clan and the underworld clan even showed happy expressions.

And the spirit master Li Dan suddenly stood up. Not only that, the real body Li Dan in the VIP room also looked down in disbelief.

What he cared about was not the big man, but the other side of the stone.

There, another figure emerged.

Half of the woman's face is embedded in the stone, but her pretty face can be clearly seen, with her eyes closed as if she is asleep.

The exposed half of the arm looks like it was carved from mutton-fat jade, giving people a dreamy feel.

The red hair exudes a faint light, unable to cover up half of her beautiful face.

It gives people the illusion that this is a goddess who is not stained by the secular world.


Li Dan's voice was trembling, and his heart was pounding. He couldn't believe it.

But soon he rubbed his eyes and looked again.

He immediately breathed a sigh of relief, because the woman was 30% to 40% similar to the empress, but she was not her.

Scared me.

While Li Dan was relieved, he suddenly missed her.

In this world, he seems to be the only one who has seen the empress's appearance. I don't know what's going on now?

Where are Lu Shiyao and Yan Shiyao?

He decided that after the matter here was over, he would go to the Dark Temple to find them.

This scene really scared him.

There are some things that he doesn't want to cherish until he loses them.

Again, others noticed this.

Did these two people die together?

But it doesn't seem to be the case, but why are they in the same stone?

How was it sealed?

It's such a shame that such a beautiful woman died.

A buzz began to echo throughout the auction room.

Spirit Master Li Dan received a message from Mo Yin and Ni Tian You Ming venting their anger.

"Oh, have you seen that, your senior of the Martial God Clan, judging from his clothes, he is still an ancient and true Martial God. As a junior, do you really have the heart to let him wander outside without being able to return to his roots?"

"Perhaps he still hides some secrets of your Martial God Clan. Don't worry, we will take good care of you later and help you capture your ancestor and return him to his homeland!"

Li Dan ignored these two villains at all, but frowned.

Why is this woman so similar to the empress?

Could it be possible that they are related?

If that's the case, he really has to win.

A wave of coercion instantly swept across the entire place. After everyone calmed down, Mr. Tong first circled around the stone and then slowly spoke.

"I won't introduce the origin of this thing. It is considered a forbidden place. No one knows what happened to them. However, after appraisal by some masters at the auction, it can be determined that this big man comes from the Wushen Clan, and His status is not low."

"This woman once held a weapon in her hand. Unfortunately, it shattered when we analyzed it. But we can confirm that the weapon came from the Dark Temple, and this woman should also come from there. The specific identity is unknown."

Tong Lao once again released a bombshell, making countless people sigh.

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