Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 2389 The man trapped in the past asks for help

A few days later, a group of people found an island on the edge of the Tongtian River based on Sun Yichui's old map.

And found a long-abandoned teleportation array in a collapsed cave.

"When I was traveling before, I collected relevant information about the surrounding areas, but I didn't expect that I would actually use it!"

Sun Yichu was very happy and quickly repaired it. Others also helped one after another.

About two days later, with the injection of a large amount of Hongmeng Pearl, the entire formation began to operate normally.

"Luckily, it hasn't been completely destroyed yet!" Sun Yichuan shouted excitedly.

Then the space ship was taken out, and everyone got on board and submerged into the space whirlpool.

However, after entering, it was discovered that this space tunnel was extremely unstable, and the entire space ship was in a bumpy state.

Even some parts of the tunnel wall are cracked, and the dark parts outside can be clearly seen.

Now I can only pray for God's blessing.

Half a month later, the colorful tunnels around him suddenly became blurry and gradually began to twist.

"It's over. What a bad luck. I encountered a space folding that is rare to encounter once in a million years!"

Sun Yichu turned pale when he saw this scene, and the others were equally horrified.

There are good and bad aspects to space folding.

The good thing is that it is possible to shorten the destination significantly, just like bending the ends of a piece of unfolded paper so that the two points coincide with each other.

But this probability is only 10%, and the remaining 90% is infinite compression and collapse until this space completely ceases to exist.

Perhaps they realized that the tunnel here was unstable, so the Dark Temple abandoned it.

Lu Shiyao and Yan Shiyao on the side held Li Dan's left and right arms tightly.

Li Dan comforted him softly and looked at the others. These people all made the trip because they were implicated.

If he hadn't been in a hurry, just like Youhu and the others, they could have reached the Northern Spirit Realm smoothly and safely in a few months through regular channels.

"You all get in!"

Only Li Dan has the highest cultivation level here. If he reaches the end, he might be able to use the [Time Tunnel] to give him a chance to survive.

"No, I want to be with you!"

Lu Shiyao and Yan Shiyao looked at the dark circle of light that appeared behind Li Dan and spoke almost at the same time.

"Believe me!" Li Dan said to the two women with firm eyes.

There it is again.

Although they believe it, but——

"Don't worry, I will go in too!" Li Dan could only comfort him.

Then he took everyone into the electric beast space.

Looking at this strange and stable place, everyone was curious, while Lu Shiyao and Yan Shiyao hurriedly searched for it.

"I'm here!" Li Dan walked out from the side with a smile.

The two women hurried over, they didn’t lie to us after all.

"It can't be a puppet, right?" Lu Shiyao quickly realized. After all, she had seen it when she rescued Youhu and others.

Li Dan immediately raised his hand: "I'm not a puppet, I can face the sky..."

Before he finished speaking, the two women quickly stretched out their hands to block Li Dan's mouth.

They believed it, but it was better to make such oaths less frequently.

Seeing the concerned eyes of the two women, Li Dan chuckled and hugged one with his left hand and the other with his right hand.

This life is enough!

Wu Nima and others came over, but they did not dare to relax.

In the event of space collapse, they don't know if the space they are currently in can withstand it?

Even if you can withstand it, if you can't get out, won't you have to wander in space for the rest of your life?

Li Dan didn't say anything more, but looked up above his head.

Outside, Spirit Master Li Dan looked solemn, ready to use the [Time Tunnel] at any time.

But the outside of the tunnel wall is almost filled with space turbulence. If it is too thick and the time tunnel cannot be penetrated, he may really get lost in space.

As Wu Nyima said, you have to wander around for the rest of your life.

"Crow treasure, crow treasure, please don't trick me!" Li Dan prayed secretly.

As time goes by, the surrounding tunnels become more blurry and distorted.

But suddenly, Li Dan seemed to sense something and turned his head subconsciously.

Then he saw in the blur on the left side, there seemed to be a figure bowing respectfully to him.

"Li...I'm the"

The intermittent sizzling sounds seemed to reach Li Dan's ears with great difficulty, which made him look shocked.

Just when he was confirming whether there were hallucinations or auditory hallucinations, a loud noise suddenly rumbled through the space, and the entire space ship became unstable, causing Li Dan to stumble.

When he stabilized his body, the distorted scene around him turned out to be much normal, and the colorful brilliance was still steadily retreating.

The twisted figure has long since disappeared, as if it was really just an illusion.

Li Dan frowned and carefully recalled the words that had been passed on to him.

"Trapped in the past? Maha? What do you mean? Does anyone know the identity of my ancient Maha clan?"

Before Li Dan could think clearly, a white circle of light slowly appeared in front of him.

It's the exit!

Without thinking more, Li Dan quickly controlled the space ship and went out. If he encountered such a situation again later, it would be too late to regret.

In the sky above a bustling city, ripples suddenly appeared in the void.

Then a huge silver ship jumped out.

Everyone just glanced at this scene and didn't pay much attention.

After all, there are all kinds of flying ships in the sky every day, and then everyone is busy with their own things, and the noise is soaring into the sky.

Li Dan breathed a long sigh of relief after breathing in the fresh air. Looking at the endless buildings and people below the clouds, his hanging heart finally calmed down.

Thanks Crow Treasure.

Then everyone was released.

"Good luck!" Li Dan said with a smile.

Everyone who survived the disaster suddenly cheered.

"Damn it, I know that my senior brother's luck is not blocked."

Wu Nima immediately flattered him. He now worshiped his senior brother Bingjia to the core.

Especially during the years I spent in the Dark Temple, I learned a little about the goddess and how high her status was.

But now, he had come with this senior brother to snatch the marriage. With such an exciting thing, how could God let them just fall into the fold of space.

"It's Youshui City, we've arrived at the Northern Spiritual Realm!"

Youhu stood on the deck and glanced down casually. After seeing several landmark buildings, he suddenly shouted with joy.

Li Dan's eyes lit up instantly.

Sun Yichui and others also looked over quickly.

Sure enough it is.

Then everyone looked at Li Dan, and there was a 10% chance that they would actually meet him.

Then next——

Li Dan's heart was pounding, and then he looked at Sun Yichui.

Sun Yichui understood immediately.

"Brother Li, don't worry, we will arrive within two days!"

Without saying a word, he directly entered the cabin and took the helm, and the entire ship sped away in a certain direction.

Two days later, everyone arrived at a wild mountain range.

This is the headquarters of the Dark Temple. It is still in a state of seclusion and is the entrance to the small world that is covered.

"When did there become an extra palace here?"

Just as Sun Yichu and others were about to take out their tokens, open the barrier, and then notify Li Dan to see if he could enter, they looked down and saw a large palace below.

"It's a ship. All these buildings are built on one ship!" An Yuan pointed at the side of the ship.

Everyone looked at it, and sure enough!

Was it intentional to stop here or unintentional to rest here?

Li Dan frowned and looked, because a palace in the center was slowly opened, and a young man stepped out.

His blond hair was disheveled, and his black gold battle clothes emitted a black light. His eyes were sparkling, full of wildness, and he raised his head to look at Li Dan and the others.

"That is--"

The next second, two figures appeared closely behind him.

Sister Hua Zhao Haitang!

Guanyin Li Xiuyuan!

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