Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 357: I don’t care about the miscellaneous feathered bird, Grandpa! (Three thousand chapters)

"Damn it, brother, since when did you settle down here?"

When the three of them arrived at Qianhu Island, there were statues of Li Dan everywhere.

Even some buildings have his face carved on them.

In fact, they are not only available on Qianhu Island, but also on the surrounding islands.

After all, it was because Li Dan single-handedly involved millions of sea monsters and gave them the island owners time.

Then he went around in a roundabout way and destroyed the Demon King's lair.

Only then did the islands enjoy peace and harmony today.

"Guests from afar, are you also here to participate in our Haidan Festival? Bring it with you, Lord Poseidon will bless you!"

Just as Li Dan was about to speak, several children came over.

There was a smile on everyone's face.

They also held a long string of fresh kelp in their hands, which they hung for the three of them.

Then reach out.

Want money!

Kelp Festival, Sea Urchin Festival or Sea Dan Festival?

The three of them didn't hear clearly, but they still gave each of them a few spiritual crystals.

Until Li Dan met Ge Yang.

"Oh, our Lord Poseidon, we meet again!" Ge Yang laughed and gave Li Dan a big bear hug.

Although Ge Yang is still at the Spirit Gathering Realm today, his face is glowing red.

My mental state couldn't be better.

Li Dan smiled bitterly and looked at the scene of singing, dancing, and noisy gongs and drums around him: "I said, when did I become the God of the Sea again? Was it you who instigated it again?"

"No, but I didn't do it alone. All the surrounding islands unanimously decided to designate today as Haidan Festival to thank the sea god Li Dan for helping us escape from the sea of ​​suffering and giving us a rich and beautiful ocean. You forgot, it was six years ago Today, we worked together to get rid of the Demon King’s lair.”

Li Dan was speechless.

"Then this kelp is——"

"The kelp symbolizes our close connection with each other and win-win cooperation. It is also a symbol of unity. Walk around, let me introduce you to an old friend, and he says he knows you."

Ge Yang happily pulled Li Dan towards the crowd.

Li Dan wondered, could he still meet old friends here?

Why am I not impressed?

After a while, Li Dan was stunned when he saw a red starfish being carried shopping among the crowd.


That's right, the old friend who was lying contentedly on the chair at this moment, holding a wine glass in one hand and spreading flower petals to the crowd with the other hand, was Pai Daxing who was trapped in the Xinghai Forest outside Tianhe Academy by Dean Xuan Kongzi.

A demon king in the late stage of infant transformation.

At this moment, it looked like it was enjoying itself.

No, why is it here?

By the way, it seemed to have told itself at that time that Dean Xuan Kongzi promised to set him free in three years.

Calculating the time, it’s almost time.

"As expected, you know it. It's called Pai Daxing. It came here three months ago and is now a good friend of our islands. It is a demon clan, but it did not kill any of us. Instead, it saved some of the people on our island. Overboard child.”

"He helped us find some resources deep under the sea. Especially when he saw your statue, he said he had seen you before, but the name didn't match. Instead of calling him Li Dan, why did he call him SpongeBob SquarePants?"

When Ge Yang said this, Pai Daxing happened to see Li Dan and ran down excitedly.

"Bao'er, you're finally here, I'm liberated!"

Pai Daxing came over and hugged Li Dan excitedly.

Once in the depths of the Xinghai Forest, Li Dan could communicate with the sea monster by speaking its language.

He said that he was also a demon named Spongebob, and he started talking to it.

It wants to be its big brother and take good care of Li Dan.

Li Dan burst out laughing and communicated with it in Siren language: "Congratulations, why are you here?"

"Hey, it's hard to put it into words. It's fate, let's talk as we walk!"

Pai Daxing happily pulled Li Dan away to a place with few people.

Jiang Zhe and Jiang Yanli quickly followed.

Sure enough, just as Li Dan guessed, Xuan Kongzi gave it freedom. In the human world, what can it do as a marine monster?

The land monsters didn't want to see it, so they had to look for the ocean.

By coincidence, I came here and saw the statue of Li Dan. It was here that I gradually came into contact with Ge Yang and others and became good friends.

According to Ge Yang, although he was harassed by monsters in the past, he suddenly disappeared, and there was no reference for the next generation.

More importantly, the previous Demon King was in the Spirit Gathering Realm of Great Perfection, and a group of them worked together to kill him.

Now Pai Daxing is in the late stage of Infant Transformation and cannot be defeated.

Fortunately, they don't have bad intentions. After repeated visits, I found that it was pretty good, so I stayed here.

Li Dan was also happy for them. After having a drink with everyone, he set off for Ruyuan City again, planning to take the teleportation array.

"Come and play now that you have time. People are falling from the sky all the time. I look forward to seeing you and me again!"

Patrick shook his hand and said goodbye.

Li Dan laughed loudly: "Be careful if I suddenly appear next time and hurt you!"

In Ruyuan City, Li Dan visited Lin Youyou and Fatty Lin's grandfather from a distance. After confirming that this guy was still at Tianhe Academy and had not returned from vacation, he stepped onto the teleportation array. With a flicker, the three of them disappeared...

Demon realm!

This is the territory belonging to the demon clan, or in other words, it is the largest area in the entire Eastern Continent that humans dare not set foot in.

Seventy percent of the monster beasts in the Eastern Continent are gathered here, making it a self-contained entity.

The rest of the monsters are scattered in the forests across the continent, claiming kingship and hegemony.

But only here, like the capital of a dynasty, is their holy place.

The Demon Realm is ruled by the ten most powerful demon beast families, at least on the surface.

Because there were rumors in the past, in some places deep in the Demon Realm, there are still some relics belonging to the ancient era. In terms of bloodline and power, they are not weaker than the top ten monster families.

As for whether it is true or not, that is another matter.

The competition among the top ten monster beast families is also becoming increasingly fierce. They are trying to win over each other and form alliances, but secretly they are siphoning fuel from the bottom of the pot.

Only strength and resources are their ultimate goal.

This is actually not much different from humans.

The demon territory is very vast, and its area is so large that it is unimaginable.

Even if you stand at a high altitude and look down, you will see the overlapping mountains with no end in sight, which is enough to make people feel the wild and wild atmosphere of the Demon Realm.

The Demon Realm claims that there are 100,000 mountains outlining the skeleton, but in fact the real number is far more than that, even several times more.

There are even some places where even they dare not go deep.

Because it’s weird!

Because it’s unknown!

In the Demon Realm, three figures were on their way.

Just two days ago, Jiang Zhe instilled the demon language into Li Dan.

This is a method that only dragons can master. If you were an ordinary person, you really have to learn it hard.

They had entered the Demon Realm ten days ago, and now they had penetrated deep into the central area.

Jiang Zhe seemed very excited to be back here again.

"Third brother, have you prepared the image stone I asked you to prepare? When the time comes, I will pretend to slap you in the face. You must remember to record it for me. I will watch it over and over again in the future!" Jiang Zhe said happily.

Jiang Yanli nodded: "Don't worry, brother, I have prepared several, they are enough!"

Li Dan was speechless for a while.

How much pleasure does this take for revenge?

But think about it, after being ridiculed by peers for so many years, and having the engagement broken off by Tian Yaohuang's people in front of his face, this humiliation has finally come to an end, and I might be more desperate than him.

"Second brother, why are you always laughing?" Jiang Zhe turned around and saw Li Dan smiling and couldn't help but ask.

Li Dan shook his head repeatedly: "No, I just suddenly thought that your machine bird was made to look like a bird just for riding, and you were divorced by Ziluan of Tianyaohuang..."

Jiang Zhe was stunned and scratched his head: "I really didn't expect this. My mother made the machine bird for me."

"Auntie is really..." Li Dan and Jiang Yanli looked at each other.

She seems to be a tough and unyielding Dragon Mother!

"This place is..." Jiang Zhe looked around and suddenly felt something familiar.

The territory of the Demon Realm is too big, and Jiang Zhe rarely goes out.

After finally coming out, there weren't many things he could remember.

"Oh, I know where this place is. When I first came out, I was chased by an inexplicable Wolf King, and I even fell here!"

The next moment, Jiang Zhe seemed to have thought of something and came to a tree.

There is indeed a handprint here, and even after three years, it is still there.

There are some monsters in the Demon Realm that cannot be suppressed by relying on blood. Some of them would like to secretly devour some of your flesh and blood to evolve.

As Jiang Zhe left his family for the first time and could not transform into a dragon, it was inevitable that he would be chased by other monsters.

The last time was the Great Perfection of the Infant Transformation Realm, and three years later it was the middle stage of the Divine Palace Realm. This revenge must be avenged!

I want all the demons who bullied me to regret what they have done!

"Brothers, follow me to a place!" Jiang Zhe waved his hand, chose a place and left.

Li Dan and Jiang Zhe quickly followed.

This eldest brother of mine is really a narrow-minded person.

Until half an hour later, when the three of them were rapidly approaching their destination, a sharp phoenix sound suddenly came from the distance.

Immediately afterwards, a bell rang suddenly, causing the three people to hibernate immediately.

"Demon Phoenix Bell? Someone from Demon Phoenix got into a fight with the Blue Wolf King?" Jiang Zhe murmured.

After looking at Li Danjiang Yanli's eyes, his eyes lit up and he quickly stepped forward.

At the same time, the Blue Wolf King’s territory!

There were flames burning everywhere, and the corpses of wolves lay everywhere.

A pure smell of, the smell of burnt meat echoed.

On the ground, there was a big man with a wolf's head and a naked upper body covered with scars. He held a big knife in one hand, with red eyes, breathing heavily, and stared at the intruder on the other side fiercely.

It was a young man with a proud face, his eyes were colorful, his clothes were exquisite, and above his head, there was a huge black clock that was more than ten feet tall!

This clock is completely black, and on the surface of the giant clock is a black phoenix flapping its wings. The flowing black light and terrifying momentum are enough to show that this is an extremely powerful ancient soldier!

Behind the young man, there were two guardians exuding the aura of the Divine Palace Realm. They were looking at the Cang Wolf King with their hands folded across their chests.

"That's Zi Falcon, the younger brother of that girl Zi Luan!" Jiang Zhe, who was lurking over quietly, lowered his voice when he saw the young man's appearance.

Jiang Zhe didn't expect that he would meet Tianyaohuang's people here first.

At this moment, the purple falcon exudes the cultivation level of the early stage of the Divine Palace Realm, while the two guardians are in the middle stage of the Divine Palace Realm.

At this moment, the three of them looked at the Cang Wolf King below with proud faces.

Zi Falcon even raised his hand slightly, and the demon phoenix bell flashed, locking the target directly.

"King Canglang, you are a person with general knowledge. It is not easy to cultivate to the fifth level. Why give up your great future for a low-level dragon woman? Hand her over, and I will not only spare you from death, but also reward you as my How about the subordinate race of the Sky Demon Phoenix!"

"Bah, bastard bird, I don't care about your grandfather!" The Cang Wolf King just sent him a mouthful of bloody spit.

Straighten your chest.

"Kill or behead whatever you want, your grandfather, I don't know anything!"

Li Dan looked at the bloody Wolf King and was a little confused: "Is it the one chasing you? I think this guy is not afraid of death. He should be a free and easy monster. Did you steal something from him?"

"Do you think I look like a thief?" Jiang Zhe was speechless for a while.

But his eyes narrowed.

Is there a woman from his dragon clan here?

who is it?

Why are you being chased by Tianyaohuang’s people?

Being protected by the Blue Wolf King again?

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