Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 514 Taoist Mingling, don’t make trouble

At that time, under the Nine Flames Dragon Formation on Gulong Island, Li Dan successfully created the evil Black Impermanence by manifesting the black shroud, the green coffin, the Yin Qi paper figurine, and the mandarin duck red hijab from the four fragmentary images.

At that time, Hei Wuchang sent him two messages.

The first one was to see the corpse of the Nine-Headed Ancient King-level Heavenly Demon Phoenix in the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Thunders, as well as the fifth fragment of the picture hidden in the skin of one of the feet.

The second message is that the fifth and sixth pieces are fused, which will summon the evil spirit Bai Imphang.

But I have never heard of a seventh residual image.


Li Dan looked at his divine palace.

In the God's Mansion, the edges of the fifth and sixth fragments of the picture are all exuding the light of desire, which shows that the stall in front of them is real.

However, the sixth piece I got from my mother was much larger than the one I got under the Dragon Tomb.

The fifth piece seemed to have been torn in two.

The evil Black Impermanence is a strange and ominous follower, the most loyal servant, and he himself is sealed in the residual image, so he should not be mistaken.

Only six dollars!

But the fifth piece was accidentally divided during this long period of hundreds of thousands of years.

Only in this way can it be explained.

It seems that he was lucky enough to come to the right place this time, otherwise when the two pieces are combined together, the evil spirit Bai Wuchang cannot be summoned, and he is still confused as to what went wrong.

In fact, the fifth piece is divided too finely and cannot be distinguished at all.

Besides, the other four pieces are on the Hei Wuchang side, and you can't be sure of their size or the true appearance of the map.

"Ten thousand immortal jade——"

Li Dan looked at the residual picture intentionally or unintentionally, but did not take the opportunity to buy it.

Because it was marked with Ancestral Dragon Skin and Treasure Map, if it were another stall owner, Li Dan might have bought it as if it were Taobao.

But the other party is a member of the Black Emperor, which is a bit intriguing.

You know, the strange and unknown person is the person that the shrine and the Black Emperor have been pursuing for many years.

This time I entered the fifth continent to find that person’s sleeping place.

Li Dan didn't believe it. They had always had rumors about finding that person with broken pictures. How could he not recognize this thing?

And what's more important is that there are more than twenty stalls around this stall, all of which are set up by members of the Black Emperor.

To be honest, if it were anyone else, everyone would be sitting there without publicity, and no one would know anyone.

But it happened that Li Dan had a mistress who could see clearly.

Trap, big trap!

Perhaps they were already preparing to look for strange and ominous actions this time. They took out this fragment of the map to see if anyone else would take the bait.

What a plan!

Li Dan speculated in his heart and looked around again.

"Your Excellency, are you interested in this map?" Just as Li Dan was about to stand up, the stall owner spoke slowly.

Li Dan looked at his package and suddenly smiled: "You have a treasure map or an ancestral dragon skin written on it. Everyone is interested."

"I got this thing from the fifth continent, and it is indeed the ancestral dragon skin. This cannot be faked." The stall owner said.

Li Dan chuckled: "Brother, the fifth continent is closed. You got it from inside. The treasure hidden place should be there too. Even if I bought it, how can I go in and look for it? Why don't you give me 10,000 immortal jade?" It doesn’t cost more than 100,000 yuan.”

The stall owner was embarrassed for a while.

Li Dan continued: "Besides, you have a treasure map and you don't look for it? You still sell it. I really think I'm stupid. God knows how many times you've been there."

"Well, what you said is true, but this is just a fragment of the map. I have never been there..."

"This is a trade fair. You don't have to explain to me whether you are going or not. I wish you a prosperous business!" After Li Dan finished speaking, he left directly.

He needs to observe carefully before talking.

Seeing Li Dan leave, the other party looked at the broken picture with disappointment in his eyes, and then shook his head slightly towards the stall owner opposite.

Everything is calm again.


Just as Li Dan turned two streets, several people gathered around a stall.

Li Dan actually felt a scent of elixir from several people.

These are alchemists, and their grades are not low.

They seemed to be arguing about something at this moment.

Li Dan stepped forward quickly and quickly shrank his eyes.

Because at this moment, in the jade box of the stall, there is a Snow Jade Bone Ginseng that is about twelve inches long, with natural runes exuding all over its body, and steaming energy.

[Twelve thousand snow jade bone ginseng, redeemable for: Wuzang Guiyuan Pill or pill prescription, Chunyang Red Blood Pill or pill prescription, and another ten thousand immortal jade pills]

On top of the ten thousand year elixir, the other party's trading items are suspended.

When he saw this ten thousand year old elixir, Li Dan was extremely excited.

Finally found it.

But when he saw what he wanted to exchange, his eyebrows jumped.

Not because of anything else, but because he happened to have these two kinds of elixirs.

It was the ten long-lost eighth-grade elixir recipes that floated out when we first obtained the Ten Thousand Wood Cauldron when we were in the Southern Continent, and there were also thirty other seventh-grade elixir recipes.

Li Dan got some elixirs in the Southern Continent this time and was going to try to refine them.

It's just that there were too many things going back and forth, and there was never a chance, and there were still a few elixirs missing for each one.

Li Dan looked at the stall owner again. The stall owner was still wrapped tightly, but Li Dan still smelled the fragrance of elixir from him.

This should be an alchemist of high rank.

"Your Excellency, a ten thousand year elixir is indeed very rare. It has not appeared on the continent for a long time. You should have obtained it from the fifth continent."

"The preservation is extremely fresh. Ten thousand immortal jade is a bit expensive. After all, the price of an ancient imperial weapon is only ten thousand immortal jade."

"Yes, yes, and I have never heard of the two elixir recipes you want. How about the Nine Thousand Immortal Jade deal?"

"Haha, you haven't heard of it because you are short-sighted. But I have heard of the Five Treasures Guiyuan Pill. It is an eighth-grade elixir from the ancient times. It has the power of rejuvenating people who have completely destroyed the Five Treasures."

"So, the other Chunyang Red Blood Pill should be an eighth-grade pill recipe, too expensive."

Several alchemists in the stall were talking to themselves for a while, but the stall owner raised his head at this moment.

A voice came from under the black robe: "If it's too expensive, you don't have to look at it!"

The faces of the other people who were quarreling with each other were a little embarrassed.

"Brother, these two elixir formulas have been lost long ago, but I have other eighth-grade elixir formulas, and I can add nine thousand immortal jade as a trade. How about it?" one person asked.

The old voice of the stall owner came out again: "I need to save these two prescriptions for life-saving, and there is no need to talk about anything else."

When several people heard this, they felt helpless.

But looking at the 12,000-year-old snow jade ginseng, I was full of love.

As alchemists, elixirs and prescriptions are all they have, but they cannot buy or sell them by force.

It seems that the other party is just hoping that someone will bring these two elixir recipes from the fifth continent this time.

At this moment, Li Dan stood up and deliberately made his voice look older like everyone else.

"I want it, how can I give it to you!"

Several people, including the stall owner, were all stunned.

The stall owner stood up even more excitedly, but quickly calmed down: "Don't try to trick me. I have the remnants of these two elixirs. You can tell the authenticity at a glance. If you try to trick me, I won't let you eat it." Walk around."

As soon as Li Dan flipped his hand, two pill prescriptions appeared directly.

"True or false, see for yourself!"

Seeing Li Dan handing him the prescription in such a straightforward manner, the stall owner was stunned.

But he quickly took it. Soon, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and finally he laughed excitedly.

"That's right, that's right. It's correct. It's all correct. It's true. Your Excellency, thank you very much!"

Li Dan gave him another 10,000 immortal jade, and under the envious eyes of several others, he successfully took away this ten thousand year elixir.

Finally he breathed a sigh of relief, the purpose of coming here was accomplished.

After leaving the stall, when Li Dan was about to explore the seventh fragment of the map again, a man was squatting in front of the stall, looking at the map with interest.

That person is none other than Guanyin.

At this moment, Guanyin didn't mean to dress up at all, she was very free and easy.

There was a wooden hairpin in his head and he was wearing loose Taoist robes, just looking at the map.

He has actually returned to the Ancient King Realm?

He also escaped from the fifth continent and was still a paper man clone when we last met.

"I want this picture!" Guanyin said.

But unexpectedly, the stall owner shook his head: "Taoist Mingling, stop making trouble!"

"I'm not making trouble. It's true. By the way, who are you? I haven't been called by this name for a long time. It seems that I am an old friend. My name is Li Xiuyuan now. How did you get this thing?" Guanyin asked curiously.

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