Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 52 The human came to provoke me

Deep under the sea, there are nearly three hundred sea beasts of various colors wandering around, and some are lazily sleeping on the craters of the seabed.

No one noticed that there was a bubble tightly stuck to the back of one of them, and inside the bubble was a group of human spiritual energy fluctuations.

This is the 'spy' placed by Li Dan among the enemies.

At this moment it is sleeping soundly.

Today's sea beasts are half as many as the more than one hundred that attacked that day, just because another team joined in.

The distribution of sea beasts is actually the same as that of humans, showing a tribal state.

There is a tribe leader who can command them at any time. Not only are they smart, but they are also good at practicing. They are commonly known as sea monsters.

When the greater king began to call, many tribes formed a rope and listened to his orders.

Today, a tribe from Linbian came together, and its siren was a male shark. He was responsible for a sneak attack on the surrounding Broken Star Island last night, and I heard that the harvest was quite fruitful.

"How is it possible that there is still a Huanyuan realm human spiritual cultivator on Qianhu Island? It's too miserable for you, isn't it?" Male Shark looked at the sea lion and gloated.

The sea lion looked at the redness and swelling on its body, and itched at the roots of its teeth. When it thought of that human being under the night, it made it want to peel off its skin and twitch.

"Don't be too proud. When the king pretended to retreat and lured them out, the task assigned to us was to sneak attack all the surrounding islands. Originally Broken Star Island was my target. You said it was close to you and I gave it to you. Now You should be the one who gets hurt," the sea lion said angrily.

The male shark gently shook his fish tail and swam around in a circle, put one hand on his chin and said: "We and humans, whichever side wins, takes a step back and gives up resources for them to explore. How much does it cost?" Over the years, a tacit understanding has formed a habit.

This time the king asked us to take us by surprise. Twenty-seven teams were hidden, which reduced the combat effectiveness of the large forces and led them to retreat miserably. The strong men from each island also went out as usual to collect resources. Everything was planned.

Look at the other teams, including me, who made a lot of money this time. Not only did they kill a lot of humans, but they also took away their resources before leaving. Why are you so unlucky? Before he could get close, he was chased and ran away in panic. There were only a few dozen followers left in the team, which was so miserable. "

Facing the male shark's words, the sea lion punched the rock and spit out a series of bubbles.

Seemingly thinking of something, it hurriedly said: "By the way, there's one more thing you think is evil or not. The human race ambushing me can not only understand what I say, but can also speak our language."

When the male shark heard this, he immediately shook his head in disbelief: "How is it possible? Our race on the seabed is independent and has an independent language. How can they humans say, I heard that on the land, in addition to humans, there are also various monsters. They live in the same territory and speak different languages. The king also said that there are other tree-human languages, elven languages, troll languages, etc.

They can't even communicate with each other, how can anyone understand our language? You must have been hallucinating because you were beaten so hard," the male shark vowed.

The sea lion snorted, thought about it carefully, and shook his head: "I'm definitely not dazzled. He is indeed speaking our sea monster language. I heard that humans have very strong talents. They have photographic memory and can read things once. Learn, the other party must have studied our language in depth, so I suspect that if I was ambushed by him this time, it is very likely that he had already understood our intentions, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence."

Male Shark laughed and said: "You mean, when the plan was laid out, he was hiding around, and then he understood what we said and went to ambush you? Since the other party has the strength of the middle stage of Huayuan Realm, if he wants to stay It should be easy to kill you, why do I only beat you and not kill you?"

The sea lion looked at the redness and swelling all over his body and became even more angry.

Not very harmful, but very insulting!

"If I encounter that human again, I will tear him into pieces!" the sea lion said angrily.


Next, the bottom of the sea trembled, and then a sea beast staggered in: "Report, report to the clan leader, that human race came to the door yesterday!"

"What!" When the sea lion heard this, he became furious, picked up his weapon and rushed out.

The male shark blinked, is it true?

When they came out of the extinct volcano cave below, they saw Li Dan standing on the bottom of the sea, with a bubble of spiritual power surrounding him isolating him. At this moment, he had his arms folded and was looking around curiously.

And more than three hundred sea beasts have surrounded him.

This is the first time Li Dan has come to the bottom of the sea like this, but with his current supply of spiritual power, he can only last for half an hour at most. This is still without being attacked, and his own counterattack consumes spiritual power and other factors.

If this layer of spiritual energy bubble bursts, it is really possible to be suffocated to death.

Practitioners can do things that ordinary people can't do, but in the end they are still ordinary people, and they are far from being able to do whatever they want in every place.

Fortunately, this time it was just a provocation, not a fight.

Soon, the sea lion and the male shark came out with weapons.

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet. Sea Lion will never forget the insult he did to him last night.

"You see, he is the one who dares to come to my door. He looks down on me at all. Lao Hei, help me!" Sea Lion said directly to the male shark.

The male shark was full of curiosity.

"It seems that he really has some tricks up his sleeve. He even knows where you are stationed. It's interesting!"

Suddenly, the two sea monsters exuded the strength of the early stage of Huayuan Realm and approached Li Dan.

"Human, can you leave your name?" Sea Lion asked, suppressing the anger in his heart.

Li Dan picked his ears, why did the other party's words sound so familiar?

By the way, last night when it was approaching the deep sea area, it shouted such a sentence. Unfortunately, it only progressed to 1/30 of the Siren Language, so it was not very proficient.

But I'm definitely still scolding myself.

Barbarians have no cultivation at all. If you still cultivate to the Huayuan realm, you are simply blind.

Nan Xiao looked at Li Dan who was confused at first and then angry, and whispered: "Is this what you mean by understanding our language? I don't understand it at all!"


Li Dan finally saw clearly the other sea monster next to the sea lion.

Let me go, isn't this the pervert who was fished out at that time?

It's so disgusting. Why do all the mermaids have big yellow buck teeth and dead fish eyes? Can't there be beautiful female mermaids?

Li Dan didn't want to stay anymore. He didn't say a word, but slowly raised his middle finger to the sea lion.

Before they could react, Tutu ran away.

The sea lion's body was shaking violently, and its eyes were scarlet.

So shameless!

So shameless!

The insult last night was not enough. This time he came to the door and insulted it in front of outsiders.

I can't stand it anymore, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to cut you into pieces!

"Children, come on, kill him!" the sea lion roared, holding a trident, and was the first to charge forward.

More than seventy sea beasts followed their clan leader, and the remaining two hundred or so beasts all looked at the male shark.

"What are you still doing? Come on, didn't you see him spitting on me in front of my face? This is a huge insult to my handsome appearance!" After the male shark roared angrily, he immediately followed.

Suddenly, waves and sand rolled on the bottom of the sea, and all the sea beasts roared and chased after Li Dan...

Thanks to boss [Blank SC] for the 100 reward.

Thanks to boss [Book Friends 20201101155254456] for the 100 reward.

Thank you both for your support.

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