"Stop crying, your eyes are swollen like that. It won't be beautiful if you cry anymore," Tian Zhen comforted Xia Wanrong in Li Dan's residence.

Xia Wanrong cried louder when she looked at the spiritual tablets on the table and the horrific portrait painted by the fourth child.

"Is there really nothing left?" Xia Wanrong leaned on Tian Zhen's shoulder and asked Lihua Daiyu.

Tian Zhen's eyes were also red, he wiped them gently with his hands, and then hugged Xia Wanrong.

"It's true. I didn't even find it when I went down there myself. It's too deep, there are rubble everywhere, there's no other way out, and Xiao Wu..." Tian Zhen choked up as he said this.

Xia Wanrong screamed louder, Tian Zhen stepped forward gently and took down the portrait on the table.

The painting by the fourth child is really ugly, which makes people even more worried.

Three sticks of incense, a few fruit plates, and a spiritual tablet are enough.

"Tomorrow is the 100th day. Let's build a tomb for Xiao Wu so that he can be buried in peace," Tian Zhen said.

Xia Wanrong sniffed: "But the boss and the second child haven't paid their respects yet. Have you informed them yet?"

When talking about this matter, Tian Zhen became a little angry: "The two unfilial sons are lying to me. The boss said at that time that he would go out to Tianhe Academy to do some personal matters, but I looked for it and couldn't find it at all. I also asked that person People around said they hadn’t seen it.

When I came back, I passed by its neighbor Zongmen Xing Palace. By chance, I bumped into Ouyang Ling and her master Mu Qingxuan. The two of them were acting quite alike now. They were all extremely pale. Ouyang Ling caught him. I asked Dan'er about it and said that it was going to happen soon and he would invite us to come and play together.

What can I say, I can only pretend to agree and tell someone the pain in my heart. "

Although Tian Zhen said this angrily, his eyes were full of worry.

"And the second brother, when he got me drunk, I was also worried about the boss, so I deliberately revealed his location to him and asked him to help. Good guy, the two of them have been gone for more than a year without any news. Now Xiaowu is back again No, I want to have a good meal in the future..."

Tian Zhen was about to speak but stopped.

Xia Wanrong started crying again.

"Oh ho——"

The voice of the third child, Chen Hai, came from outside.

Xia Wanrong turned around with some worry: "Since Xiao Wu's accident, the third child has spoken very little. I'm really worried that he will become the old Xiao Wu. He is already a kind-hearted person. If things go on like this, if he can't think about it, ——”

Tian Zhen also sighed: "He is honest. He forced his way into Yingluo Peak at night and dragged Lu Shiyao to bury Xiaowu. He injured so many people and even an elder was caught off guard and received a blow on the chest. I How long does it take to apologize before suppressing the matter?"

Xia Wanrong sniffed softly: "No wonder him. I heard from Bai Yihang, Zhou Ling'er and the other children that they encountered dangers along the way. Xiao Wu didn't know how many times he stood in front of that girl. If he wasn't afraid of you, If she gets into trouble, I want to bury her alive.”

"I know that people are selfish. We have no children, but we have been raising these five children as our own sons. Do you think I am not sad? After receiving the news, I kept diving into the bottom of the water, but there was nothing. , only piles of rocks and a dilapidated snake den."

"What about the body of the Nine Poison Yin Phosphorous Python?"

"I didn't see it. Maybe they were washed into the underwater whirlpool. I went deep into a few of them. The current was too strong. If there were any, they would have been torn into pieces."

"That means there is no trace of Xiao Wu's body left," Xia Wanrong's eyes turned red again.

Tian Zhen let out another long sigh. Every time he looked at Xiao Wu, the woman would ask him again, just to see if she could hear any loopholes or hopes.

However, it has been three months. If Xiao Wu was alive, he would have come back long ago.

Maybe you can meet him if you go out now.

"Oh ho——"

At this time, the voice of the fourth child, Ling Feng, came from outside.

Tian Zhen turned his head and listened, frowning.

This kid hasn't been acting normally lately.

Xia Wanrong held her hands tremblingly, and gently stepped forward to touch the spiritual tablet: "Don't blame the fourth child, he just wanted to find a place to vent, so that everyone can remember Xiao Wu and remember that there was such a person."

Tian Zhen smiled bitterly: "I don't blame him, even if he instigated the Huozhaofang to not let those people cook and starve everyone for seven days to pay tribute to the little food god, even now, a hundred days have not passed, Huozhaofang Over there, because of Bao Youwei, all the meals that Xiaowu contributed and improved are not allowed to be cooked, and he will personally supervise them."

"It is said that it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. In Tianyahaige, one hundred thousand people got tired of the food they had before. They finally changed back. Now they are back again. They feel very uncomfortable every day. Along with the other ten The masters of the Seven Peaks all came to me, hoping to talk about the Huozhaofang. We all sympathize deeply with Xiao Wu and will always remember his contribution."

"To be honest, Xiaowu can have such a big impact, even I am proud of him."

"Not to mention anything else, two months ago, Xiao Wu was mourned for the first time. Regardless of past grudges, 9,800 disciples in Yingluo Peak lined up from the mountainside to the foot of the mountain in white clothes. Everyone took turns to pay tribute to Xiao Wu. Light incense, place a wreath, and read a love poem you like.”

"There are also more than a dozen other sects in the surrounding area, with nearly 20,000 young male and female disciples, who spontaneously came to express their condolences to the Patriarch Qingsheng. The scene and the scale caused the outside world to spread rumors that the sect leader of our Tianya Haige passed away. , just like that, the head brother also talked to me once and asked me to take it easy."

"In order to ensure that everyone can participate, and to prevent spies from other sects from infiltrating, we mobilized 40,000 people to maintain order. Now I have reason to doubt whether I will be treated like this after I die. By then, I will probably Being able to laugh..."

Before Tian Zhen finished speaking, Xia Wanrong punched him in the chest, a little angry, and then said, "You are not dead, can you say something auspicious?"

A smile appeared on Tian Zhen's lips, and he hugged Xia Wanrong tightly: "Okay, okay, I was wrong. I just said that if, after all, we are all going to get old, sick, and die one day, then we can go and protect Xiao Wu."

Xia Wanrong gently pressed her face against Tian Zhen's chest: "Don't leave me alone then. Take me with you when you go there. I'll prepare something delicious for Xiao Wu."

Tian Zhen gently stroked Xia Wanrong's hair and smelled the fragrance: "Okay, I know your cooking skills have improved, and it's all thanks to Xiao Wu..."

"Oh ho——"

This time, it was Li Dan's turn to hear Li Dan's voice from outside.

Listening to the familiar voice, Tian Zhen looked at the spirit tablet and said, "You said you were the same. I heard that kid Bai Yihang said that you were the one who gave them the antidote pill, you were the one who slapped Lu Shiyao, and you were the one who pushed the doll away. , you saint, it’s already that time, it’s important to save your life, this is what I told you five long ago.

No matter when, life is the first priority. If you say your life is gone, what can you do with other people's praise and titles? Even if you miss them, no one will remember them after a few years. You are just like Lu Shiyao. If you don't believe it, just look at it. Within five or six years, people will be in the right place. "

"If you dare then, I will hold your spiritual tablet in front of her to confront her," Xia Wanrong said angrily as if she had seen a scene in the future.

"That's awesome!"

"It's so exciting that you don't want it."

"That's not——"

There was a conversation between the three people outside. Tian Zhen and Xia Wanrong both trembled and looked at each other in disbelief.

He quickly turned around and ran outside...

Thanks to boss [Mo Zihua] for the 100 reward.

Thank you to the boss of [Tibi Jiangshan] for the 100 reward. Thank you for your support.

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