Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 897 Imagination? I have your master

Li Dan finally got his wish and accepted the first apprentice in his life.

She is fair-skinned and beautiful. From now on, she can be heard calling her Master sweetly behind him.

I don't know how happy the master and his wife would be if they knew that they all have disciples.

"Our sect is called Tianya Haige, and it is divided into eighteen peaks. Your master and I are located at Taihua Peak. I have my master and my wife above me, and there are four senior brothers at the side. Remember!"

Although now in this vast world, I didn't find the fifth continent last time I went back, let alone the senior brother and the Yin-Yang Sheji Map in his hand.

But when he was outside, he always thought about home.

Master and wife, aunt, mother, four senior brothers, uncles and uncles... and Lu Shiyao.

That was his last spiritual haven.

Now that he has accepted a disciple, it is natural that he should pass on the lineage and let her know and understand it.

But at this moment, An Muxi was stunned on the spot.

She had never heard of a sect like Tianya Haige, perhaps in other domains.

However, the master is so powerful and so young. In such a sect, there are actually four senior brothers, and he ranks fifth.

Master is now in the realm of gods, doesn't that mean that his four senior brothers will also be in the realm of gods at the end of the day?

And up there, there are masters, masters, and the others. How strong is this?

How powerful are the eighteen peaks combined?

How strong should the Pavilion Master of Tianyahai Pavilion be?

Oh my god, I am just a blind cat who has stumbled upon a dead mouse. I just want to become a teacher, but the sect is so terrifying.

No wonder I haven't heard of it, this is definitely a hidden sect.

At this moment, An Muxi's face turned red with excitement: "Disciple will also be a member of Tianya Hai Pavilion from now on. Thank you Master!"

Being able to join such a large sect is a blessing she has gained over ten lifetimes.

Li Dan was extremely satisfied with her performance and wanted to say that maybe our master and apprentice are the strongest people in Tianya Haige.

After all, even the supreme realm is a shackle in my own universe.

The last time I went back, the Black Emperor and several people from the shrine who had survived from the ancient times finally made a breakthrough, but they were also solved by themselves.

The entire Tianya Hai Pavilion is within the Yin Yang Sheji Map, and was led into the fifth continent by the senior brother.

Time flows so fast there and resources are abundant.

Although he is under the care of his senior brother, he still doesn’t know if he has broken through to the Supreme Realm?

After all, there are still semi-saints and saints with the energy of heaven, as well as six mantras of heaven that can only be obtained by the Confucian world, and they can be promoted to the saint king.

He also wanted to go back, but apart from the ten major universes and other connected and connected universes around him, the eighteenth-line small universe was so densely packed that he couldn't even find the route.

Not to mention that when Sister Hua left a message, she was not even considered a member of the 18th line, and no one came.

Time flows too fast, too behind.

When you are strong enough, you must try your best to get the coordinates.

After all, his home, his roots, and everything he is tied to are there!

"Since you have accepted me as your master, I have also accepted you as my disciple. As long as you live up to me, I will live up to you and train you with all my strength!" Li Dan said.

When An Muxi heard this, she knelt down again after standing up. Her face turned red and she raised her right hand to swear, but Li Dan stopped her again.

"Don't hesitate to swear. I believe in your character. The most important thing now is to improve your cultivation, because the magical power I taught you requires at least a saint king to use it."

The book "One Thought, Flowers Bloom, Rule the World" that Li Dan taught her before was originally given to him by Xiaoyaozi, who was in the realm of the Saint King.

If you want to maximize your abilities, of course you have to be the Saint King.

Moreover, after integrating Jiang Qingyue's memories, he also gained many magical powers, all of which required him to reach the level of Saint King.

"How many books have you written now? How many mantras of heaven? How have you been studying recently?"

Li Dan asked her to get up and then studied.

An Muxi felt a little ashamed: "My disciple is stupid. There are currently five books in my account. They were all obtained when they were first published. Two of them are duplicates. Since I entered the Eagle Dog Class, I have not opened the book, but studied with the teachers. "

Li Dan nodded after hearing this.

It's still pretty good, only three more, so if you work hard, you should be able to do it quickly.

"Is your cultivation level at the late saint level?" Li Dan sensed it.

An Muxi nodded: "Yes!"

Li Dan pondered: "It seems that I need to make a good training plan for you."

"In the recent period, I have been absorbing the immortal jade as much as possible. When the six Heavenly Dao Mantras are gathered together, my cultivation will be improved, and I will make a breakthrough in one fell swoop!" Li Dan raised his head and looked at An Muxi.

An Muxi nodded. He went out a few days ago and got something from the python's residence. If he gave it to the academy, he should be able to exchange it for a batch of fairy jade.

Not only can I exchange a ninth-grade elixir for my father, but I can also get some more, which I can use for my practice.

Li Dan thought of something and told An Muxi: "Try not to let anyone know about your appointment as your master. You can call me master when there is no one around. When there are others, just call me teacher as usual." That’s it.”

An Muxi nodded obediently again.

Master has such a powerful sect and would not come to a place like this for no reason.

There must be some mission, and I can't let it go wrong.

She is now also a member of the mysterious Tianya Hai Pavilion. She has to be considered as a master for such a sect.

"How have you been studying recently? Do you have any inspiration for writing a book?" Li Dan motioned to An Muxi to sit down.

He had to make good arrangements for his apprentice.

An Muxi shook her head with a bitter look on her face: "Ever since I entered the Eagle Dog Class, everyone around me feels like a genius and puts a lot of pressure on the students. Moreover, what the teachers in the academy teach is almost a template of the chicken eating the eagle.

In the past few years, the disciple has always felt that something is missing, so he has never started writing, and has no clue. I want to collect the remaining three Heavenly Dao Mantras, but I don’t know when it will be? "

When Li Dan heard this, he immediately laughed: "Actually, you don't have to put too much pressure on writing a book. Just pick up the pen and do it. Only when people believe in themselves can they write good works, and Tiandao Novel Network can give you recognition."

An Muxi nodded heavily when she heard Li Dan's encouragement.

Her parents told her the same thing.

"Yes, there is a lack of brain power. The brain power provided by the little chicken eating the eagle is now used by many people. A large number of them have been signed and put on the shelves. But after mass production, more and more products with the same template are even better in quality. Okay, not to mention putting it on the shelves, I won’t give it to you if you sign with Tiandao Novel Network.

Now many people are begging Ji Lao to give another lecture, but in Yunxia City he has been promoted to the second tenth grade alchemist in history, and he heard that countless people are inviting him, even the world lord is going.

But he still hasn't shown up, and now he seems to have disappeared. The chance of getting another idea from him is probably slim. "

An Muxi said this with a look of admiration and regret.

When Li Dan saw this, he felt secretly happy.

It seems that as a disciple, he is also a fan of chicken guys... bah, he is also a fan of his identity as a chicken-eating eagle and a tenth-level alchemist.

I just don’t know how you will be shocked if you find out in the future that this cheap master of yours is your idol.

But he can't tell anyone these things at the moment.

"Looking at how unsociable you are, I guess no tutor would be willing to tutor you alone. Don't forget, your teacher and I have also come from this path, and I have a lot of ideas!"

Li Dan is full of confidence.

An Muxi's eyes lit up.

Li Dan said: "As a teacher, I will give you one example now. You can write about an invincible ugly girl who takes over the body. When she opened her eyes, she found herself in a red tent.

Next to him, a dashing and handsome man was undressing and taking off his clothes. He peeked at the bronze mirror and saw that he was beautiful and sexy. Just when he was feeling that it was a good match, there was a knock on the door: "Sister-in-law." , open the door, Wu Song has something to say! ’”

Li Dan chuckled, while An Muxi looked confused.

However, my eyes lit up. It seems that this kind of writing style has not been written before.

Because this is shameful in everyone's eyes, but because of this, no one dares to write it.

The sense of expectation brought about by seizing someone else's body and living their life, I guess is likely to sign a contract and put it on the shelves, right?

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