Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 943 Chicken Guy is at the auction? Oh my God!

Lu Dongliu stood up suddenly, almost knocking off a row of tables in the entire room.

Several appraisers in the same row were even shocked.

"Lu Dongliu, you are going to die, you scared me!"

"Hey, darling, thanks to my quick hands, otherwise we would have to pay for this elixir if it broke."

"What's wrong with you? Are you in shock?"

After a few people calmed down, they looked at Lu Dongliu and asked doubtfully.

At this moment, Lu Dongliu's face was flushed, his eyes were full of excitement, and he even couldn't believe it.

The chicken eats the eagle, the mysterious legendary author, the tenth-level alchemist, unexpectedly reappeared after his last promotion.

And still chatting with him.

The key thing is to sell the ninth-grade elixir.

Oh my god, his ninth-grade elixir is simply priceless.

Even if a pill of the same level usually costs three million, he still has to estimate it to be thirty million.

He is a tenth-grade alchemist!

Because no one knows what kind of changes will happen to an ordinary pill after being refined through his techniques.

Moreover, being able to get on the line with him is a huge opportunity.

Lu Dongliu's heart was beating violently, and several appraisers also heard it at this moment, and they all stood up in confusion.

"Are you OK?"

"Is there something wrong with your health?"

"Why is your face so red?"

Lu Dongliu's body was trembling with excitement, and he felt his mouth watering as he looked at the alchemists.

"They contacted me, that person contacted me, what to do, what to do, find an adult, yes, find an adult, I can't make the decision, I can't make the decision..."

Lu Dongliu seemed to have gone crazy, muttering to himself, then staggered out and fell heavily when he reached the door.

Several high-ranking treasure appraisers looked at each other in confusion.

The situation was a bit unclear for a while.

After looking at each other, they quickly put down their work and chased out.

They also became curious.

Who contacted Lu Dongliu and made him lose his temper like this?

After all, Lu Dongliu was very stable on weekdays and had never seen any big storms. Otherwise, how could he have been transferred here to get this fat job?

"Have you seen Mr. Qin?"

"Where is Mr. Cao? Which side? Which side is it?"

Cao Feng and Qin Zhong were still standing aside, looking at the clamor ahead through the backstage curtain.

It seems that this Great Sage Realm Desolate Dragon, obtained halfway from Ziwei Ancient Star, should be sold for 40 million Immortal Jade.

The concierge in the VIP room is really good at setting off the atmosphere. After this time, the commission will be higher.

At this moment, Cao Feng heard the anxious voice behind him, turned his head, and saw Lu Dongliu staggering over.

The two were confused.

"S-Sir--" Lu Dongliu ran over, panting.

Qin Zhong said: "What's wrong? What happened?"

Lu Dongliu was sweating profusely and breathing heavily.

"Come, come, contact us, ninth-grade elixir, ninth-grade elixir..." Lu Dongliu was still out of breath.

The two frowned.

This is nothing.

"Look, look -" Lu Dongliu quickly opened the Tiandao Net.

The two of them approached and saw the name at a glance.

Instantly, his expression changed.

Especially when they quickly verified the identities of the people behind them, they all became excited.

The next moment, another message was sent.

[I just owe it to you first. I haven’t refined it yet, but I will definitely not break my promise. 】

Cao Feng and Qin Zhong looked at each other.

This is a free favor given to them by the chicken eating the eagle.

I just said that Yunxia City is the starting point of our brothers' fortune. How about today's first auction, the tenth-grade alchemist took the initiative to contact and send favors. If this is reported to the headquarters, both of their worth can be doubled.

While Lu Dongliu was eagerly waiting for the two adults' reply, Cao Feng and Qin Zhong were both stunned, and the smiles on their faces froze.

They looked at each other, then immediately turned around and looked through the gap in the curtain at the sea of ​​people outside.

The mysterious Ji Lao has not revealed his identity since he was promoted to the tenth level alchemist.

Regardless of the invitation from the realm master, the realm masters of various universes on the Tiandao Network waited for him at unknown prices.

Even the president of the Central Region Alchemist Guild has to give up his position.

But he still had no news.

But now, he is asking about the price of the ninth-grade elixir?


And the contact was not with the headquarters, but with their newly established Yunxia City official website?


There is no refining, but this 'big cake' is sold in advance and is priceless.


The two of them are not that kind of fools.

Everything is enough to show that the chicken eats the eagle, and the tenth-grade alchemist Ji Lao is in Yunxia City at the moment, in the auction in front of him.

He was auctioning things off, so he didn't have enough fairy jade, so he contacted them.

Oh my God, everyone thought Ji Lao had left Yunxia City, but they didn't expect that he was still there.

If the news of his appearance at their Tianbao Tower auction house spreads, their Tianbao Tower and themselves will be in trouble.

There is no more shocking advertisement than this.

At this moment, the two of them were breathing rapidly, but among the hundreds of thousands of people in front of them, they couldn't tell who the chicken guy was?

"Quickly, reply quickly, just ask Senior Jiguo which one you need, and we will send it directly. No, the whole auction will be stopped directly, and senior will choose!"

Qin Zhong swallowed his saliva at this moment and hurriedly said to Lu Dong.

He was so excited that he wanted to send a message to the third floor owner.

The chicken guy showed up again, still at the auction house. If the headquarters knew about it, I'm afraid all the landlords would come to visit him in person.

But Cao Feng grabbed Lu Dongliu's hand: "Wait a minute!"

"What's wrong?" Qin Zhong and Lu Dongliu both looked at him.

Cao Feng looked at the two of them: "What you did will only make that senior feel disgusted. Even the host will scold you if he finds out."

"This is Ji Lao's need and an unprecedented opportunity for us..."

"I know!" Cao Feng interrupted the rash Qin Zhong.

Then he put his hands behind his back and thought: "With our current authority, we can even give all resources to this senior unconditionally. Not only will there be no fault, but the posters will also reward us.

However, the appearance of this senior here means that he has not gone to the World Lord's Heavenly Emperor's Palace at all. He has been in Yunxia City all along. You have suspended the entire auction now, which is out of respect for that senior, but for others , what would they think?

When they know the truth in the future, they will only think that this senior is overbearing and will say the grapes are sour. There are many jealous people these days. If we do this, how will this senior regard the dirty information we got for him in the future? "

After the wise Cao Feng finished speaking, Qin Zhong suddenly broke into a sweat.

It seemed like he was on the verge of making a big mistake.

Lu Dongliu looked even more impressed.

Mr. Cao is smart, Mr. Qin is strong.

The almost perfect combination of one man and one man made the third floor owner pair them up and send them to work together.

"Thank you, thank you. I was reckless," Qin Zhong saluted directly to Cao Feng: "Then what do you think we should do now?"

Cao Feng thought for a while: "This is a huge favor. This senior does not need our fawning. After all, there are too many people who want to fawn over him in the entire Confucian world. Who are we? But the ninth-grade elixir , among the historical transactions in the auction, the most expensive one is worth 80 million immortal jade, that’s 100 million!”

"One hundred million? It's reasonable. This way it won't cause him any trouble. Okay, Lu Dongliu, just reply like this!" Qin Zhongdao.

Lu Dongliu nodded and began to reply.

Cao Feng looked outside and observed carefully.

Qin Zhong quickly opened his Tiandao Network and began to contact the original poster at the headquarters...

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