Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 991 A scalp-numbing tree diagram

Li Dan raised his hand, wanting to kill the ants casually, but there seemed to be a faint spiritual imprint on it.

After looking at this woman, Li Dan gritted his teeth and turned around to leave.

He has more important things to do and can't let things get in the way.

But just after he left, he turned back and used his spiritual power to imprison dozens of stone-eating demon ants.

Suddenly, they struggled violently and made a hissing sound.

"It's so powerful. What is this?" Li Dan was surprised.

Thunder surged in, and he was immediately stunned by the electricity.

When he got outside, he took out the severed arm and dealt with the bloody smell. Li Dan quietly returned to the hall again.

At this moment, some of the men in white robes were looking at the severed arm, while others were staring at the pink crystal on the stone platform.

This is their job, and they have to keep an eye on the changing formations at all times.

If the energy of time cannot be extracted from the sixth generation's broken arm, they will still be the unlucky ones.

Someone looked at the door of the hall and was a little confused: "Why has this guy Situ Zhong been gone for so long? Master Jiang must have fed him to his own stone-eating demon ant colony."

Suddenly, everyone burst out laughing.

Everyone is under the orders of the world lord, and they are working hard to complete their tasks here, and they are all serving public duties.

Everyone knows the secrets here. Even if something happens, the only one who can deal with them is the Realm Master.

Others, no matter how high their cultivation level is, have no right to deal with anyone!

So, just treat it as a joke in the boring work day after day.

Li Dan watched all this quietly, moving slightly to ensure that there were no hidden restrictions around him.

Then, Xiaosan and Xiangxiang turned into two bolts of lightning and quietly passed by close to the ground.


Just after a while, one of the men in white robes noticed something keenly.

Anyone who is assigned to work here by the Realm Master cannot be underestimated.

Xiaosan'er and Xiangxiang were clinging to the ground, motionless.

"What's wrong?" one of them asked.

The others went from laziness to alertness in almost an instant.

Li Dan secretly clicked his tongue.

This is a group of guys who appear to be extremely deceptive!

Sure enough, you can never underestimate others.

Seeing that others were also looking towards Xiao San'er's hidden corner, Li Dan had no choice but to start the plan in advance.

With a flick of his finger, the dozens of stone-eating demon ants that he had previously paralyzed with lightning suddenly came back to life.

The rustling sound quickly attracted the attention of these people.

They turned their heads and looked immediately wary.

"Those are... stone-eating demon ants? Why do they appear here?"

One of them looked at those black spots and was startled for a moment, then a look of shock suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Others also looked over, looking at the black ant spots with shocked expressions.

"These things belong to Mr. Jiang, but no living creatures are allowed here. Let's all work together to clear these things away. Don't trigger unnecessary forbidden alarms here. You two guard the time crystal."

A white-robed man who seemed to have a high status frowned slightly as he looked at the stone-eating demon ants pouring in from the entrance of the hall, and shouted in a deep voice.


A few people followed directly, and the other two retreated to the stone platform.

If these stone-eating demon ants touch many restrictions and attract everyone, they will be the only ones to be embarrassed.

Mr. Jiang will only say that it is used to test you. I didn't expect that this can't be solved in a very short time. If anything happens in the future, can I still rely on you?

And while everyone's attention was attracted, Xiaosan'er and Xiangxiang quickly approached the wall.

Xiangxiang looked up at the severed arm above her head and groaned sadly. Xiaosan'er's dragon tail hit its head.

It seems to be saying, when has this happened?

If you want to be lyrical, wait until the task is completed.

Then, he pulled Xiangxiang and put it directly on it.

A stream of light flickered and soon went out again.

Sure enough, there is a big restriction!

Then, under Li Dan's gaze, Xiao San'er dragged the broken arm off with one mouthful.

Didn't make any noise.

The little pig Xiangxiang's ears grew bigger and he put them in right away.

The other ear opened, and a new severed arm appeared, which was embedded by the mistress.

Then the two immediately turned into lightning and came out, moving close to the ground.

One of the two people guarding the stone platform turned his head and glanced at the wall the moment they landed, and then withdrew his gaze.

The stone-eating demon ants that broke into the entrance of the hall were quickly dealt with by a few people.

They breathed a sigh of relief.

"We almost hit the red line!"

"Master Jiang, what do you mean by this? Are you accidentally testing us or deliberately testing us?"

"I don't know. Collect the bodies of these stone-eating demon ants and wait for Situ Zhong to come back later. Let's ask what's going on over there first."

Several people came over as they spoke.

At this time, the two mistresses also returned successfully.

Xiangxiang got into Zifu, and Xiaosaner returned to Li Dan's arm, making sure not to trigger the ban.

Li Dan was so excited that he didn't dare to stay any longer.

After all, the one on the wall is a fake. The breath of time is being extracted from the stone platform, and it will soon be broken and discovered.

It would be bad to block this place then.

Looking left and right, Li Dan tried his best not to cause any fluctuations in spiritual power, opened a smaller hole in the void behind him, and got out directly.

After landing again, Li Dan was stunned.

This place is not outside the main hall, but another quiet palace.

Just now I didn't dare to release my mental waves to find out what was on the other side of the void hole, mainly because those people in white robes were too sensitive.

It seems to be the palace next to it. It is very likely that the Immortal Realm or the Other Shore Realm is stationed here.

Li Dan's heart was beating fast and he thought about getting away quickly.

But when his eyes glanced inadvertently, he was stunned.

He quickly moved forward quietly and took a closer look.

When I saw that thing clearly, I felt a chill on my back, and a sense of creepiness came directly to my heart.

This place seems to be a secret room, and there is a painting on the wall of the secret room.

The one at the top is a hunched-over old man with a slovenly look, but next to him, there is a scarlet cross drawn, which represents death.

Below him, it was divided into three parts like a tree diagram.

Two of them have "?" painted under them, and the last one, the third one, has a name written on it that Li Dan could never have imagined - [Immortal God! 】

Li Dan looked at the old man at the top again, and the scene in the place of exile immediately came to mind.

There, he saw a huge heart locked by countless black iron chains.

He immediately noticed the aura of the "Scroll of Immortality" on his body, and instead of harming him, he gave him a complete "Scroll of Immortality" as a gift.

Li Dan clearly remembered that he told himself that the Immortal God was his youngest disciple.

But now, this scene seems to be confirmed.

That hunched old man should be the huge black heart in the Exiled Lands.

The first two question marks should be the two senior brothers of the Immortal God!

It turns out that they are three senior brothers!

As for the red cross, it seems that everyone thought the old man was dead.

No wonder, he only has one heart left in the place of exile. What must have happened to him back then.

But the black heart said at the time that it fell a million years ago, so Li Dan thought he was dead.

And it seems to have been of his own free will, for he said no one could trap him.

Li Dan squinted again and saw eight red dots marked on a straight line that branched out from under the Immortal God.

This is what made his scalp tingle just now.

Because on the fourth point, a name is clearly written.

Green viper!

The fourth generation of green vipers!

And attached is a lifelike portrait!

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