Sell Evil

Chapter 13: underground tunnel

Chapter XIII Underpass

"That is to say ... if I react too drastically, those who hide in the dark will lose their breath, because they worry that I will disappear forever with the secret." The count continued, Tianyi said.

Tian took a sip of coffee from one end and said, "Of course, since I have concluded a deal with you, I will naturally guarantee your safety and solve these people once and for all."

"Master, what do you plan to do?" The count asked at this moment, in fact, a scene was being constructed in his mind: Tian Yi was in a cave with a torch, and the surrounding walls were filled with evil. Symbols, there was a pile of foul flesh in the house, and Tianyi danced frantically in a black robe, and then read a bunch of mantras. Then, far from Rome, those who threatened their safety collectively were cursed by the curse. Sudden death.

"The plan is simple. It is divided into three steps." Tianyi stretched out three fingers: "The first step is to hide the treasure; the second step is to release the news to tell them that the treasure has been hidden; the third step, you take the treasure The secret of the hiding place is dead forever. "

The count counted pale, "Master ... don't make a joke."

"Don't worry, it doesn't make you really die." Tianyi said, "Just burying the name of Kiecher de Boze, you will be absolutely safe after one death."

"This is the case." The count thought for a while: "Everyone thinks that the treasure has been buried forever, and I left the world with the secret of the treasure ... It is a once and for all approach!"

"However, this involves another problem, which is our transaction." Tianyi said, "If I help you solve the treasure problem, it is another transaction."

"But ... is that part of my security problem, isn't it?" The count asked.

"I tell you this three-step plan, so that the treasure problem becomes a part of your security problem." Tianyi replied: "I can also solve your security problem in other ways, but if I do that. The situation is not The same, the trading conditions on the treasure issue will become very harsh. "He paused and looked at the earl's eyes:" So, it is up to you to decide to adopt my suggestion and reach a second with me now. Transaction, let me use other methods to solve your personal safety problem and accept a more difficult condition to solve the treasure problem in the future. "

The count seems to have a choice, but we all know what he will do: "Well, master, I believe in you."

"Do you believe in my abilities or do I really want to help you?" Tian smiled.

The earl's throat knot squirmed, and he heard the words go on and on. Tianyi and himself are not relatives, and they don't get half the money. The conditions of his first transaction seem to be inexplicable. He just let himself save an injured young man. Why is this weird wizard thinking from my perspective? The conditions are harsh or not, how do I choose, and what is the difference for him?

As soon as Tian looked at the tangled expression on the other side, he seemed to get great pleasure. He went on to say: "Oh ... you don't need to answer. Come and listen to the conditions of the second transaction."

The count was tense, and his heart mentioned that it was his throat. He couldn't speculate what kind of request this guy would make.

"In fact, you should think about it and you should know what the conditions are. That is, you will always give up your position and identity as the chief of the Templar Order, and I will not transfer it to anyone until I create a 'death' for you." Tianyi said.

The earl had a feeling of relief when he first heard this. He thought about it. This was not so much a condition as an inevitable one. According to Tianyi's plan, he had to give up the position of chief commander, even his original Titles, identities, and even names must be discarded.

"I'm afraid I have to accept this condition to fulfill my promise to my uncle," the count replied.

Tianyi said, "Your uncle just doesn't want the treasure to fall into the hands of those of Philip IV. Don't take him too high. The so-called" hidden to the end of the world ", but he is worried that he cannot enjoy these treasures. Circumstances make you swear. "

"As long as the gold and silver do not fall into the hands of the enemy, whether it is inherited by the future Templars or transferred to the hands of others, I can accept it, but ..." the count said positively: "I think those 'treasures' are not It should be circulated in the world, but it should be buried, preferably forever. "

"Huh ... what do you think is your business?" Tian Yi said indifferently: "In short, our transaction is now concluded. Just follow my plan, after completing these three steps, all your problems will be solved , You can live the life you want to live without having to continue to face these dangers. "

The Earl replied, "Master ... you are basically helping me for free. Forgive me, what can you get out of this? Are those treasures buried forever, is your original purpose?"

"Since you can objectively get the results you want, don't ask me what I did." After drinking all the coffee, Tian got up and put the cap behind the black robe on his head: "Come with me Well, before dusk, I will show you where the treasure is. "

"What? Now?" The count asked.

Tianyi did not answer, but made a "please" gesture with one hand to signal the count to walk forward. The count hesitated for a few seconds without asking further, heading for the bookstore door.


After seeing the red double cross, Darkwater immediately planed and burned the surrounding loess with his hands, and dug out a small hole two or three times. Then he turned back to the humane standing behind him: "Don't stand right behind me, move a few steps to both sides."

After everyone heard the words, they were listed on the sides behind Darkwater, giving some space. Darkwater held the right palm face on the mark and kept it for about five seconds. The red double cross mark gradually changed color. , Issued a turquoise light.

Then, the ground a few feet behind the dark water suddenly collapsed, and after a second, the adjacent second piece collapsed, a distance deeper than the first piece, and so on ... After the gravel and sand fell and fell, a two-meter wide staircase extending toward the ground appeared in front of the eyes.

"This passage has been closed for hundreds of years. We better wear a breathing mask before going down." Darkwater said, opened his backpack and took out the mask he had prepared in advance.

Others did the same, and Lodovico kept watching, although he didn't plan to go down, but before the expedition went down, he would naturally use all available opportunities to listen to more information.

"How deep is this passage? Can we expand the passage by digging?" He couldn't wait to ask Darkwater.

Darkwater replied: "The depth will naturally exceed that large pit in the center of the Colosseum, but I cannot know how deep it is. I suggest that you do not try to use external forces to attack the ruins or the surrounding facilities. It is difficult to predict what the internal impact will be. "

Lodovico nodded on the surface and said that he was already thinking about whether to wait for fifteen minutes, and let the "reserve team" follow.

After everyone put on the mask and took out the flashlight, dark water walked to the front and stepped into the dark channel. The gunsmith followed him closely, followed by Suiside, followed by ten steel commanders, followed by the consultant and Venissa.

In this order, both parties will be more at ease. On the inverse cross side, the consultant must always follow Vinessa at all times. He has to monitor this woman for not using the ability of her companions, and she has to be careful about any conspiracy. On the other side of the steel commandment, the three dangerous elements were separated in this order, and the strongest Suyside guarded the two in front. Vinissa walked to the back of the team and looked after the consultant.

In this delicate atmosphere, everyone took the first step to explore the ruins unconsciously.

Except for the ladder mechanism triggered by dark water at the top, this step channel does not extend obliquely downward. If you go down, you will find that the channel is a spiral step. The lateral length of the step is about two meters. There is a step and a half distance on the surface for people to stand, that is, three people can stand side by side on a step.

The passageway is like a dragon coiled on a pole, which spirals counterclockwise and extends to the ground, so at this moment, instead of advancing towards the spire of the center of the Colosseum, they are walking straight down. However, it is not too far from the spire of the steel precepts. If the ruins are indeed a pyramid structure, if they go down a certain distance, they will encounter a **** of the pyramid underground.

The stairs at the foot and the walls on both sides seem to be just stone and dirt. UU Reading includes several sections of stairs at the top of the passage that are not made of metal. Many people are muttering in their hearts, how is such a channel established? How could dirt and stones be fixed in this shape? The crowd walked all the way down and did not see anything like wood or metal supports to support the structure of the passage, which was totally unreasonable.

Venissa did not consider such a problem. Since this channel exists, there must be some scientific or non-scientific force to keep the structure stable. At this moment in her mind, she was busy estimating the depth of their downward movement, and calculated based on the angle formed by the **** of the pyramid and the earth, the depth of the spire, the distance between the entrance of the passage and the digging pit, and so on. You should be able to explore the outer walls of the ruins in about 100 meters. At the current forward speed, and the **** of this passage ...

"Did you see that?" The consultant interrupted her thought suddenly, and whispered.

"What do you see?" Venissa asked back.

Because they wore masks, their voices were dull and did not attract the attention of the team in front. The consultant intentionally kept a little distance from the people in front of him, and tilted his head to Vinissa behind him, "You look at the wall carefully ..."


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