After watching Jiang Yitan and Luo Ziheng's wonderful match, although the rest was also wonderful, it couldn't arouse their excitement.

Many families have sent people over, hoping to receive some good disciples as staff.

There are also those who just look at it, such as the two families of Gu and Su on the opposite side, a young man who is 80% similar to her is waving desperately at her.

God, how silly!

Didn't see it! !

Gu Susheng stood on the observation steps, behind him was Gu Qingyuan who quietly covered his face.

Gu Subai leaned over and bowed his hands to Gu Qingyuan and Su Yangzhou as a junior salute from a distance of a competition field.

Her dazzling status made her every move to be watched by people at any time, and of course the Gu Su family was also discovered by everyone.

Gu Qingyuan and Su Yangzhou waved their hands in the air, this child is too old and steady, solemn and solemn, he is really the complete opposite of Sheng'er.

Those who were 80% similar to Gu Subai were also noticed, and those who had some news immediately picked up Gu Susheng's identity information.

"That is Gu Subai's twin brother, Gu Susheng. I heard that he is also a celestial spirit root, or is he mutated?"

"Oh my god, what kind of perverted family is this Gu family? One Gu Yan came out, and two younger ones came. It's too scary."

"I've decided, I want to marry Gu Subai, in case I give birth to a little pervert in the future, mothers are more expensive than children, hahaha"

"What nonsense, I am the one who will marry Gu Subai"

"If you snatch Gu Su Bai, leave her brother to me."

"Beautiful thinking!!"

"Beautiful thinking!!"

A group of male cultivators were speechless for a while looking at the female cultivators who were getting more and more distorted topics. What kind of dream are they dreaming in the blue sky? The young lady of the Gu family can't get their turn.

After Gu Subai finished his salute, he felt that there was someone beside him, and he saw a young monk wearing a white robe with a little cinnabar on his forehead looking at him thoughtfully.

The young monk looked delicate and fair, with a kind smile on his full red lips, and his exquisite face made several female nuns approach him frequently.

Gu Subai sighed slightly in his heart, what a beautiful little monk.



One performed the meeting ceremony in the realm of comprehension, and the other held hands and crosses, which looked a little nondescript, but unusually harmonious.

"Fellow Daoist, is something wrong?"

She has nothing to do with people from the Buddhist Music Sect. Why does this little monk seek her?

"It's nothing." The little monk smiled slightly, and immediately made the female cultivators go crazy.

"That's it, leave"

She is on the sixteenth show today, and it will be her turn in three more games, and she has to wait for the end.

It will take two days for half of the people to come out, and it will take about half a month in the end, which is already a very short time.

The little monk always looked at her back with that smile. What a strange fate, he couldn't see through it.

"Brother Hongchan, the master told you to come over," a young monk said from behind Hongchan.

"Well, I'll go right away"

Hong Chan smiled slightly at the disciple who was passing on the message, his warm smile made people feel like spring breeze.

"Hey, what's your name, that little monk?" A fuyao nun in purple clothes waved a handkerchief, twisted her waist, and smiled softly.

"Return to the benefactor, the poor monk's name is Hong Chan." Hong Chan's expression remained the same, and he was not sullen at the other party's frivolity.

Hearing this, the female cultivators suddenly laughed coquettishly, "You are both benefactors and impoverished. Could it be that your Buddhist music sect is really like ordinary monks?"

"I heard that the mortal monks don't eat meat and are not close to women, are you the same?"

"Ah! If you're not close to women, isn't it all..."

Several female cultivators suddenly glanced at one of them meaningfully, and laughed again.

The little disciple blushed from the sight, his face flushed like a red tomato.

Hong Chan's face was not red and he was not out of breath, and he was still calm and breezy, "The members of our Zongchuang sect are originally from the secular Buddhist school, since we are also monks"

After finishing speaking, he said Amitabha, and went down with the little disciple who was a little bit embarrassed.

"One yuan, your six roots are not clean, go back and copy the "Qingyin Jing" twice for me"

Yiyuan immediately made a bitter face, "Yes, senior brother"

The thickness of an unvoiced sutra was as high as his little finger, and the second half of the unvoiced sutra was a bit obscure, so he couldn't even read it.

Hey, he just came to pass on a message, why did he suffer from such an indiscriminate disaster?

There were several monks standing in the lounge of the waiting area. As soon as she entered, she was greeted by everyone's eyes. Everyone bowed slightly to her, and she bowed back.

From the moment she came in to the present, there was a person whose eyes never fell from her.

【Shit shoveler, is this the strange person you mentioned?】

Yan Ling's voice suddenly rang in her ears, he used sound transmission. When everyone saw him, they thought he was her spiritual pet.

In the cultivation world, there are some monsters whose cultivation level is not high, but they are good-looking and somewhat spiritual. Some monks love these monsters very much, and those who are raised by monks in captivity are called spiritual pets.

Most of the soul pets are female cultivators. Gu Subai, a big man, raises these soul pets without any help, which surprised everyone. After all, her appearance and personality really don't seem like someone who can raise these.

"Gu Subai, I will definitely defeat you in this big competition." Ye Wu crossed his arms, walked a few steps away from her with a cold face, as if he did not want to get closer.

"Idiots talk about dreams" Gu Subai held Yan Ling in his arms, and said words without any emotion on his expressionless face.

People couldn't understand the meaning of her words, whether she was angry or provocative.

"Oh, then you wait"

There was a hint of murderous intent in Yewu's eyes, and a small Shura field formed around the two of them.

Several monks around immediately looked at the two with great interest, and the two high-profile young geniuses actually had a grudge, what a big melon.

How did you end up grudges? Could it be because of a woman?

It is widely rumored that Gu Subai is a handsome young man.

I really can't tell that such a cold person is actually fond of beauty.

If Gu Subai knew what they were thinking, he would probably yell that he was wronged. I am pure-hearted and lonely, so why have I lost such a reputation.

"The next match, on the 16th, Gu Subai will play against Chen Yunping"

The voice of the referee elder untied their Shura field in time.

Gu Subai touched Yan Ling's fur, put her on his shoulders, and walked out of the lounge, completely ignoring Ye Wu from the beginning to the end.

As soon as she came out, screams resounded through the sky, and small flowers and handkerchiefs were thrown at her.

"Does this Gu Su Bai look so good-looking?"

"This is too handsome, I don't know if she needs a pair of monks, concubines are also fine."

"What are you doing? Your eyes are looking there. This is my mother's man. If you look again, I will dig out your eyeballs." Yu Siman immediately lost his temper.

"Look at that, I'm talking about you guys, put away the flowers for me, and tell you, I've decided on the person below, Yu Siman, and put away all your little thoughts."

"Fairy Yu, Young Master Gu has never said that she has a woman. Since she hasn't, we have the right to fight for it. Why do you decide?"

The other female cultivators were not afraid of her, and they teamed up to slap Yu Siman.

"Just because I have friendship with Brother Gu, we still know each other." Yu Siman said angrily, "Do you understand first come first?"

"If you say come first, come first, Mr. Gu's junior junior sister, Zhu Shiyao, grew up with Mr. Gu as a childhood sweetheart, so it's never your turn."

Yu Siman took a step back, with an impossible expression on his face.

Brother Gu has a childhood sweetheart, a junior junior sister!

Lan Junci beside her supported her, and her eyebrows frowned again, "Manman can't argue with others, you talk too much."

Yu Siman was still immersed in the painful blow of Brother Gu's childhood sweetheart, Junior Sister.

According to the direction of the novel, the junior sister and the senior brother are destined to be together. Lively and cute little junior sister, childhood sweetheart love!


She doesn't want it!

She doesn't believe it!

This must have lied to her!

Yu Simman's eyes went black for a while, and he passed out just like that.

"Manman, wake up Manman" Lan Junci's headache was even worse, she put her hand on her forehead, feeling extremely helpless, these juniors were too difficult to take care of.

Especially Yu Simman's this year, it's all based on face!

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