Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous

Vol 7 Chapter 124: I like you

  【Read the full text of the first novel without errors, 69, your best choice! 】

  Shan Xuelian didn't return for two days in a row, Yaochi Wonderland Shan Hong had a vague feeling that something was wrong. Two days ago, he fought against the monster tide, but many monks died in the battle.

Worried about his daughter in his heart, he asked his wife to go out to find out if anyone had seen his daughter in the past two days. Several of his sisters came back soon after going out, their faces were ugly, and their hands were still Holding a black long sword.

   "**, junior sister has an accident!"

  Tell Shan Hong the truth about what he heard, and Shan Hong was so angry that he had lived for thousands of years, and just such a daughter died unexpectedly.

   And it was related to Xia Zichen... Then I realized that the black sword was actually a magic sword that had disappeared for tens of thousands of years-Xin Xin Sword!

   No wonder her daughter kept calling Xia Zichen to harm her before she died.

  As long as it is not the owner of the sword, as long as someone drips blood to drive the sword, the sword will automatically absorb the spiritual power in the body, and it will never die! Xia Zichen actually got this sword. The tide of monsters at that time... must have been Xia Zichen and his daughter who were surrounded by monsters at the same time, unable to break out of the encirclement. Xia Zichen used his daughter's life to open a **** path for himself!

   "What a vicious heart." He raised his head and roared, his eyes were blood red, Xia Zichen...that was the person he had always treated as his son-in-law.

   Unexpectedly, he, Shan Hong, also misjudged the wrong person one day.

Although I heard that Xia Zichen did not escape in the end and died in the tide of monsters, but he was heartbroken for his daughter's death, and he couldn't swallow this breath. He brought a group of elders from Yaochi and headed towards the paradise in a mighty way. And go, vowing to ask for a word for her daughter.

  When Qin Luoyi heard about this, she expected it completely, and didn't pay much attention to it. She smiled coldly and waited to see if Shan Hong could give herself some surprises.

  It has been dozens of hours since she drank that day, and every time she thinks of the words of the second senior brother, she almost thinks that she is in a dream.

  Two senior brothers have moved into her courtyard.

  Brother Jixuan provided this small courtyard with three rooms in total, a hall, a bedroom, and a room where she lived.

There are so many monks in Tongjin City, it’s not unusual for people from the same sect to live together. What’s more, although the house of the fourth senior brother is big, there are three senior brothers, Chu Yifeng and even Chu Yi who live in him. The wind brought those dozens of people, and there was no room left. So no one cared about the choice of the two senior brothers to live in her courtyard.

  Besides the hall, there is only one spare room. It seems that the senior brother and the second senior brother live together, but in fact, only one sleeps in that room every night, and the other is naturally crowded in her room.

  The three of them seem to have returned to the original Yuntian Xiaozhu.

She knew that it was not easy for the two senior brothers who were the proud sons of heaven to say that they did not object to Chu Yifeng staying by her side. Regardless of whether there was any result between her and Chu Yifeng, she was very grateful for the fulfillment of the two senior brothers. .

  Be grateful in my heart, and naturally treat them twice as well.

After a few days, the haze hidden in the eyes of the two senior brothers gradually dissipated, and the smiles on their faces gradually increased. Even during the double cultivation at night, Feng Feili curiously checked the Hunyuantian in her Lingtai acupoint with her spiritual sense. Bead, she accidentally discovered that the power of stars in the Hunyuan Dzi Bead can actually enter the opponent's body in a happy way.

  Originally, the senior brother and the second senior brother had already put part of the source of chaos on their bodies in the altar of the sapphire blue warship, and sacrificed to the altar to decompose the spiritual power in the source of chaos, and the detoxification speed was much faster.

   But no matter how fast it is, it can't compare to absorbing the power of the stars released from the Hunyuan Dzi, and this power of the stars is particularly pure and soft.

With the phaseless body, the speed and amount of star power released in the Hunyuan Dzi are completely determined by her. Not to mention how many sources of chaos are originally in the Hunyuan Dzi, they are absorbed in the ice field. The source of chaos was scary enough, so she gave the power of the stars to the two senior brothers without hesitation.

  The two senior brothers have a lot of treasures from heaven and earth, and even elixirs to replenish their spiritual power. They have been breaking through the bottleneck for a few days, and they have quickly advanced to the next level.

  Eldest brother is the sixth rank of Yu Mansion.

  The second senior brother is the fourth rank of Yufu.

  Her self-cultivation has also increased greatly, and she has been promoted to the seventh rank of Yufu.

  In order to consolidate their realm, the three of them ran to more than ten kilometers of sea area to search for monsters. They fought several battles and took dozens of monster pills, and then they came back to continue fighting.

It took Qin Luoyi two years to move from the Qing Mansion to the Yu Mansion. In fact, she suppressed her speed. It is inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

  From the first time she discovered something strange about the mansion in her body, every time she advances to a higher level, she will break and recast the mansion, which will take a lot of time.

In fact, since she had the phaseless body, the strange feeling in the absorbed star power has disappeared, but for the sake of caution, she still chooses to recast it every time she advances to a higher level. Perhaps it is because of this reason that her The combat power of the mansion is much stronger than that of monks of the same rank.

  Last time, she was at the sixth level of Yufu, and Zhan was two levels higher than herself. Xia Zichen, who was at the eighth level of Yufu, felt no difficulty at all, and it would be a matter of time before she took him down.

  She also told the two senior brothers that she recast the mansion every time.

Both Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing looked at their own mansion carefully, and didn't notice anything unusual, but Qin Luoyi said that after recasting the mansion, the combat power can be enhanced, because of this, when consolidating their cultivation, the two I was very interested in trying it out.

   You must know that when you reach the Jade Mansion, if you don’t have magical tools or treasures that defy the sky, you will be absolutely suppressed every time your cultivation level increases.

   It is extremely terrifying to be able to fight against opponents two levels higher. And in the Yu Mansion, you can jump up the ranks. If you go to the Purple Mansion...Let's go up two steps, even one step up, that's enough to make people inexplicably excited.

  Ten days later, Chu Yifeng left the customs.

  Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili were the first to get the news.

  Before he rushed to Qin Luoyi's small courtyard, Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing left Qin Luoyi's small courtyard without showing a trace, leaving her alone in the house.

  The two of them often go to the alliance headquarters during the day, and Qin Luoyi doesn't care about it. When they left, he smiled and waved at them.

After walking not far away, they saw a slender white figure swiftly passing towards this side in the distance. The two of them looked at each other, their eyes dimmed, and they walked around quietly, held their breath, and hid in the distance. on the big tree.

  After he left, the two of them jumped down from the tree, and looked back at the figure who was getting closer to the small courtyard, with embarrassing and incomprehensible expressions.

   "Are we really leaving like this?" Feng Feili murmured in a low voice, "I always feel uneasy about letting them stay together like that."

   "At least we can't go back now." Duanmu Changqing's handsome face was indifferent and cold, with sharp eyes: "We agreed to let him stay. If we go back now, Yi'er might suspect that we have ulterior motives."

  Feng Feili also knew that what he said was reasonable, so she snorted coldly, then turned and walked towards the alliance.

  He has to find something to do, otherwise he will definitely rush back.

  Duanmu Changqing turned his head and took a deep look in the direction of the small courtyard, a sharp light flickered in his dark eyes, then smiled slightly, turned and fled away.


  The two senior brothers had just left, and Qin Luoyi was about to go to sleep for a while, when a familiar voice suddenly called her, the voice was warm and full of magnetism.

  Qin Luoyi turned his head abruptly.

  Chu Yifeng, who was dressed in white, landed gracefully in the courtyard, with a handsome smile on his face, and his dark eyes were full of heat, looking at her burningly.

   "How are you?" Qin Luoyi's eyes lit up, and he scanned him with agile eyes, his complexion was much better than a few days ago.

Chu Yifeng walked up to her with a smile and stood still, seeing the unconcealable joy on her bright and pretty face, his eyes became gentle, he stretched out his hand and grabbed her body, hugged her into his arms, Buried her head into her neck: "Okay, the elixir you gave is very effective."

  Qin Luoyi let him embrace him, stretched out his arms to hug his waist, he buried his head in her neck and talked, blowing out hot breath, tickling, which made her shiver slightly.

  The smile in Chu Yifeng's eyes became stronger.

  His clothes... are still so sensitive.

  Perfect thin lips touched her neck lightly, and then Shun hot kissed her small and delicate earlobe. It was soft, delicate and beautiful, and he hadn't touched it for five years.

  Qin Luoyi reached out and pushed him.

   "Yi'er, let me give you a good hug." Chu Yifeng didn't let go, but hugged her even tighter, as if wanting to melt her into his own flesh and blood.

   "Are you hugging?" Qin Luoyi muttered, and couldn't help rolling his eyes.

   "Haha." Chu Yifeng laughed out loud, and finally let go of her arm, and then quickly kissed her on the lips while she wasn't paying attention, and he left after touching her.

  Qin Luoyi glanced at him with anger and annoyance. The corners of her delicate lips couldn't help evoking a very faint smile, and then she pulled him to the side on a beautifully carved jade stool and sat down.

  Chu Yifeng recognized at a glance that this exquisitely carved and lustrous jade stool was a gift from the emperor.

I remember Qin Tian said that his father Zhennan Wang not only prepared a lot of things for her because she was coming to Penglai Xiandao, but also put all the gold and silver jewelry that his father gave her into the storage. quit.

  Qin Luoyi sat down opposite him.

  Chu Yifeng narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a little dissatisfied.

   Too far away.

   "Yi'er, come here." He beckoned to her, signaling her to sit beside him.

  Qin Luoyi pretended not to see it.

  His chin resting on his white and moist wrist, he tilted his head slightly, staring at him with some doubts in his pitch-black phoenix eyes, and said, "Last time you said you were a teacher...Which expert did you worship?"

  In a few years, a person with a venerable cultivation level entered the Yufu. Although it was only the first level of the Yufu, the speed was indeed terrifying, and he was a real master.

"Yi'er, you are finally willing to ask me." Chu Yifeng raised the corners of his lips slightly, and a bright light flashed in his eyes like a shooting star across the sky. The suet white jade ring finger worn on the thumb, the movements are as elegant as flowing clouds and flowing water, with a romantic and uninhibited elegance.

  Qin Luoyi's eyes flickered slightly, and he smiled mockingly.

   "Do you still remember the fairy teacher I mentioned to you before you left?" Chu Yifeng looked at her pure and beautiful face, a faint light appeared in his pupils, but the smile on his lips was slightly playful.

   "Master Immortal... Uh, you worshiped him as your teacher?" Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes widened, and he said in surprise, "Didn't you just find someone at the beginning..."

   "Of course." Thinking of what she did back then, Chu Yifeng still gritted his teeth: "Do you think you can hide it from him...or my father?"

   "That's true." Qin Luoyi blinked his slender eyelashes, and echoed with a smile: "He shouldn't be a member of Shenglong?"

  The spiritual power of Shenglong** is many times stronger than that of her original planet, but it is far inferior to that of Penglai Xiandao. It is difficult for monks to form a mansion. The one with the highest cultivation level there is her father, King Zhennan.

   "No." Chu Yifeng stared at her, shook his head, and then told her everything about the past few years.

"That fairy master is actually the old head of the Qin family from Xuantian?" Qin Luoyi was completely stunned. One of the Seven Great Aristocratic Families in Heaven.

"Well, I met him twice before." In fact, when he passed by a small border town in Chu State, he saw the old man standing on a dangerous bridge in the heavy rain with a sad expression and hands Standing on the stone bridge, leaning down, I misunderstood that he was looking for death, and ran to save him.

   And then he was hooked on him.

Originally, he wanted to rush back to the palace immediately, but he was dragged by the old man and talked for a day and a night - of course, he was the one who was talking, he listened to himself, even if he wanted to leave, there was a formation around him, and he couldn't get out at all .

  Finally, the old man who was so quick to talk had enough to say, without even looking at him, Yu Hong left. At that time, he knew that this old man must be very difficult.

  Later, he passed by the town several times, and met him twice on the stone bridge.

   "He didn't accept you... but let you worship his dead son as a teacher?" Qin Luoyi couldn't help but twitched his eyes, and said with a strange expression.

Chu Yifeng glanced at her, kept turning the jade finger on his finger, his expression darkened, and then said softly: "The old man's son——I was killed by someone, and my wife was also killed together. The life and death of their children is unknown, and the old man has been looking for them all these years."

His wife did not collect the money during his lifetime. After Qin Luoyi left, he brought people and King Zhennan together to destroy Zhao State first, and within a few months, he merged Zhao State into the territory of Chu State, and then reunited. I went to find the old man, and knew that he was from Xuantian Grandma and had been to Penglai Xiandao, so I wanted to worship him as a teacher. After a long time of hard work and hard work, I used all kinds of means to worship the old man's son. Well, the old man is his ancestor in name, but in fact he is equivalent to his brother.

  Qin Luoyi's heart skipped a beat.

   That child is Qin Mo's younger sister.

  Qin Mo also said that they had been looking for that child for twenty years, and they had searched all over Xuantian Grandma and Penglai Xiandao but found nothing. Thinking that the old Patriarch of the Qin family would appear in Shenglong **, he should not give up, so he went to Shenglong ** to look for the child.

  What surprised her was that her elder brother also went to Xuantian**Qin's family**... It turns out that there is no child beside the father and mother.

  A look of sadness flashed in her phoenix eyes.

   "My brother, is he okay?"

Chu Yifeng misunderstood, thinking that she only saw herself, not her brother, and was a little disappointed, so he said: "He is fine, your brother is going to a critical moment, and I will go out first, so I came to find you. "

   Qin Tian was brought by him.

On the grounds of his weakness, he persuaded the old man to take Qin Tian into his sect. Qin Tian originally had a wife, but a monk, as long as his wife agrees, he can become a teacher again. Some monks It is not surprising to have two or three prostitutes in one's life, but such cases are rare after all. If it is not someone with outstanding aptitude, ordinary monks, especially high-level monks, will not accept apprentices who have been accepted by others.

  He went to Xuantian ** four years ago.

But when they arrived at Xuantian Temple, the old man threw them into the bathing room, soaked them in a kind of fairy liquid that he accidentally obtained on the way to find his granddaughter ten years ago. There are many natural talents and treasures, as well as many strange black crystals that contain abundant star power. He personally supervised their cultivation, and made it clear that they would never step out of the Qin family unless they entered the Yufu.

   So it was delayed until now before he could find it.

  If it weren't for the Qin family's iron wall and the old man's strength, he would have been unable to suppress his longing and came to Penglai Xiandao long ago.

   After finally getting out of the customs and reaching the first level of Yu Mansion, he didn't wait for Qin Tian to get out of the customs, and directly brought people to Penglai Xiandao.

  Qin Luoyi rested his chin on his hand, silently.

Her forehead is full, her chin is delicate and round, her bright red lips are slightly pursed, her phoenix eyes are as clear as autumn water, and as bright as stars, she just sits there quietly, attracting infinite charm, causing Chu Yifeng's heart to tremble slightly. swing.

  reached out and took her other hand.

  Qin Luoyi was thinking about Shenglong's father and mother. Now that she has a sapphire blue warship, she will bring Dahei and Heidi along, looking for a safe route, she should be able to successfully cross the sea area of ​​thousands of miles, and go back to Shenglong ** to have a look.

   "When the tide of monsters and beasts is over, I will take you to the Holy Dragon Temple, and then you will be able to see your brother." Chu Yifeng said softly.

  Qin Luoyi looked up at him.

   "I want to go back to Shenglong ** first." Going to Xuantian **, she originally had that plan, but when the tide of monsters is over, she wants to go back to Shenglong ** first.

Chu Yifeng understood, held her hand even tighter, and smiled happily while staring at her beautiful face: "I will accompany you...Yi'er, no matter where you go in the future, I will accompany you, just in time...going back this time, Also do what we failed to do last time, Yi'er, I will give you the most grand wedding and welcome you into the East Palace."



  Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes flickered.

  She gently broke free from Chu Yifeng's hand.

  Chu Yifeng's eyes dimmed, and he stared closely at her eyes: "Yi'er?" He thought that after what happened a few days ago, she would no longer reject him.

   "Chu Yifeng." Qin Luoyi sat upright, looked at him brightly, and said in a low voice: "I like you, I really like you."

Chu Yifeng felt relieved, and smiled, with unconcealable joy in his eyes, his voice was low and hoarse: "Yi'er, I like you too." My heart hurts from liking her so much, I wish I could integrate her into my blood .

   "I have a double cultivation partner." Seeing his delighted handsome face, Qin Luoyi felt ruthless and told the truth.

  He should know about this sooner or later.

  Chu Yifeng's expression changed, and he stared at her blankly: "Yi'er, don't make fun of me."

  Qin Luoyi shook his head: "I told you last time, I won't lie to you."

   "Feng Feili?" Chu Yifeng's chest heaved violently, his eyes were as deep and sharp as a cold pool, and his body slowly straightened.

  That monstrous man, did Yi'er really fall in love with him? He couldn't believe it, and he didn't want to believe it!

"Not only him, but also the second senior brother." Qin Luoyi went all out: "Chu Yifeng, I like you, and I also like the two senior brothers. If still like me, I will go back to Shenglong with you** marriage!"


  Chu Yifeng couldn't hold back the blood churning in his heart anymore, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, splashed all over the white marble table, and Qin Luoyi was also splashed with blood.

   "Chu Yifeng!"

  Qin Luoyi didn't care to look at her, and hurriedly turned to his side, trying to reach out to help him. She knew he would be sad, but she didn't expect him to... felt pity and pain in her heart. Chu Yifeng swung her hand away with a palm, Qin Luoyi didn't pay attention for a moment, staggered and almost fell.

  ------Off topic------

   I really don’t have time, uh, I definitely didn’t stop here on purpose, well, I floated away with the lid on the pot.

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