Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous

Vol 10 Chapter 62: Conspiracy exposed

   Pray for Dragon City.

  The back mountain of Shangguan’s other courtyard.

  Shangguan Nanqi stood under the big tree, looking at the two people kneeling in front of him with an expression on his face, his eyes were dark and sharp, and the two people's faces turned even paler when he looked at them like this.

   "Young master, we really didn't do it on purpose." One of them couldn't stand such a depressed voice anymore and explained: "We don't know what happened that day, the sword stabbed into the young master's body."

   Another hastily nodded in agreement. [

The situation that day was really weird. The young master's seal was powerful, but the ancestor of the Shangguan family sealed it himself. They had tried it before, and the two of them couldn't break through the barrier of the seal no matter what. Go in, and by the time they realized something was wrong, one of their swords had pierced into Liu Qingcheng's stomach, and the other into the young master's chest.

   "It wasn't intentional, so it was intentional?" Shangguan Nanqi Lengyin was even more bleak, smiling piercingly, and put one hand on his chest.


   Just a little bit, he died at the hands of these two bastards.

   "Young master, spare me!" The faces of the two kneeling on the ground changed even more, big drops of sweat dripped from their heads, and despair and suppressed anger flashed in their eyes.

  Shangguan Nan Qi snorted coldly.

   With a light lift of his finger, two men in black came in from the courtyard. Both of them looked very cold, and their cultivation was much stronger than the two kneeling down.

   "How dare you wipe the Lord, kill him!"

  The two men in black fiercely rushed towards the two kneeling.

"Shangguan Nanqi, this is obviously a scheme set up by you. You wanted us to sneak into the Duanmu mansion and assassinate you because you wanted to be a hero to save the beauty. What are you going to do now... Ah, I understand, you want to kill us and silence us !" Those two people were naturally unwilling to wait for death with their hands tied up, they stood up abruptly from the ground and fled away, they stared at Shangguan Nanqi in surprise and anger.

  As soon as these words came out, Shangguan Nanqi's face sank, and he said with a sneer: "You're talking nonsense here, what are you still doing, hurry up and do it."

  The two men in black rushed over more fiercely.

The two men who were hunted down wanted to escape, but their cultivation level was lower than the two men in black. How could they escape, and they were soon entangled by those two men. Red, and cursed at the same time.

"Shangguan Nanqi, you despicable villain, it is you who want to get the Dragon Shocking Art, so you set up this poisonous plan, let us assassinate you, and win the favor of Liu Qingcheng and Liu Patriarch, and take the opportunity to gamble for the Duanmu family , you actually want to kill us now, I, Qi Long, swear, if I can escape today, I will definitely tell Miss Liu Qingcheng the truth of the matter, I want to tell her that you are an animal with a face, you don’t really like her at all, you just want to take advantage of her She just got the Dragon Shocking Art. His father, Liu Hanqing, was seriously injured because of you. You are a hypocrite. The people you sent didn’t kill his father, and they couldn’t catch Miss Liu, so you came up with it. With this plan, I am going to get the Dragon Shocking Art and after you have completed your cultivation, you will have to take the Liu family and replace it..."

The murderous intent in Shangguan Nanqi's eyes became stronger, and he said with a sinister smile: "You want to speak out? Then you have to be ordered to go out to become the beauty of the officialdom: beautiful chief." He then ordered to the two men in black: "Hurry up!" Come on, what are you still talking about?"

The two men in black looked at each other, intensified their offensive, and powerful and terrifying spiritual power surged around them. The two men who were hunted down had already suffered serious injuries, and they were about to die. , When they were in despair, suddenly, a group of people fell from the sky and landed around them. An unfathomable force instantly shook the two men in black away.

   It was Jian Yuyan who did it.

   Standing gracefully and proudly beside him is Qin Luoyi. Qin Tian, ​​Chu Yifeng, Feng Feili, Duanmu Changqing, Duanmu Patriarch Duanmu Jinyu, and his father Shangguan Zhan also came. What surprised Shangguan Nanqi the most was that Liu Ziyu also came Now, behind Liu Ziyu, there are also some Zifu monks who came to Qilong City during this period, they all belong to different forces, and they are looking at him with disdain at this moment.

  Liu Ziyu's face was ashen. [

  Shangguan Nanqi's complexion changed several times.

  Shangguan Zhan also looked very ugly, staring at Shangguan Nanqi with eyes like copper bells, and his chest heaved violently.


Duanmu Jinyu smiled, but the smile was a little weird no matter how you looked at it: "Brother Shangguan, Brother Liu, you heard what I said just now, and now the murderer has been found... But the murderer is really beyond our expectations, hey , how to deal with this matter is up to you two brothers to figure it out."

  Duanmu Jinyu became a hands-off shopkeeper as soon as he spoke.

Shangguan Nanqi's complexion has turned pale. These people have heard all of them. They must have come here for a short while. He didn't even notice it. At this moment, he regretted it to death. Why did he talk to these two people just now? He should be killed directly. It's them, but it's too late to regret it now.

"Nizi, how could you do such a thing?" Shangguan Zhan quickly had an idea in his mind, and roared at Shangguan Nanqi, it was indeed his son who did it, so many people heard it at this time, and they just wanted to Debating also started from debating, so he could only pick out the Shangguan family first: "Come here, take this traitor down and lock him up."

   "Wait a minute." Liu Ziyu sneered, preventing the members of the Shangguan family from taking Shangguan Nanqi down: "Shangguan Zhan, you Shangguan family are really good, how dare you plan on my Liu family like this, do you really think it is my Liu family?"

"Brother Liu, it's all my fault for being a rebellious son. I will definitely take him back and discipline him properly." Shangguan Zhan said in a deep voice, glancing at his son again from the corner of his eye. He did it in a more secretive way, and he was caught by others.

"Break into Duanmu's mansion to kill my disciples of the Liu family. Before that, he severely injured Han Qing and sent people to chase and kill Qing Cheng... Hmph, he can do these things alone?" Liu Ziyu said coldly, There was a fierce look in his eyes, in his opinion, without Shangguan Zhan's support, how could Shangguan Nanqi do such a thing.

  There are a lot of people here today, if he really let Shangguan Nanqi go down like this, what will be the face of his Liu family... He glanced at Jian Yuyan from the corner of his eye, and his face became even more gloomy.

   "What do you mean by that?"


Liu Ziyu and Shangguan Zhan were tit-for-tat, and they refused to let Shangguan Zhan take Shangguan Nanqi down, and even threatened to ask Shangguan Zhan to give him an explanation from the Liu family in front of everyone. There is only such a son, so naturally he is reluctant to part with it. The two disagreed, and they actually started fighting. The battle between the two peak cultivators of the Purple Mansion was like flying sand and flying stones. , the family has an overlord wife! .

Qin Luoyi looked at the two men who were pretending to be assassins to assassinate Shangguan Nanqi and Liu Qingcheng, with a slight smile on his red lips, listening to the disdainful words of the monks staring at Shangguan Nanqi, the smile in his eyes The meaning is stronger.

Liu Qingcheng got the news at this time, and rushed over with people, looking at Shangguan Nanqi's eyes, wishing to eat him. These days, Shangguan Nanqi showed her high-profile courtship, especially after being injured, he ignored his own Taking care of himself with his injuries has attracted the envy of many people, especially the jealousy of female monks.

   It would be a lie to say that he is not moved. Of course, besides being moved, he also has an unconcealable vanity. Shangguan Nanqi's status is not ordinary.

  She has already decided to form a double cultivation with him, unite the forces of the two major families, and wait until the Dragon Shocking Art is completed...then step down those who once looked down on her and despise her, and let them live on their own.

  Unexpectedly...all of this is Shangguan Nanqi's scheme!

   It’s nothing more than a calculation, but the most unbearable thing for her is that she was exposed to the world in front of so many monks, which made her lose face, and the pity and disdain of the people around her made her almost mad with excitement.

  If it wasn't for his father Liu Hanqing to pull her, how could she hold back the anger in her heart, and she would rush forward to tear Shangguan Nan Qi into pieces.

Qin Luoyi naturally also saw Liu Qingcheng coming, and also saw Liu Hanqing following her. When she looked over, Liu Hanqing did not look at Liu Ziyu and Shangguanzhan who were fighting inextricably in the air. Instead, her eyes fell on Her body, and there was a strange look in that gaze, which made her very uncomfortable.

  She frowned slightly. [

  Jian Yuyan sensed something was wrong with her, followed her gaze, and saw Liu Hanqing, his eyes flashed, and he lowered his head and asked her softly: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Qin Luoyi smiled at him and shook his head. When he left the Duanmu mansion today, he ran into Jian Yuyan. Hearing that they were going to catch the assassin, he followed them. I don't know if it was her illusion. After not seeing Jian Yuyan for a few days, she always felt that Jian Yuyan looked at her differently.

Liu Hanqing met Jian Yuyan's gaze, and couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, so he turned away casually. He had been in Qilong City for two days, and Jian Yuyan waved his hand in the other courtyard of Duanmu's house in Shuhan City. He also heard about the battle between the ancestors of the Liu family and Shangguan.

He didn't believe it at first, but just now Jian Yuyan set up a barrier around him, letting them hide outside the barrier and listen to Shangguan Nanqi's conspiracy. Didn't notice their approach.

As soon as Shangguan Zhan saw his son, he sensed that something was wrong. He wanted to rush in, but he couldn't break the barrier. He wanted to make people sound a warning, but the strange barrier could only let the voice inside come out, and could not send out the sound at all. When the voice came in, it was obvious that Jian Yuyan had done something wrong. Such a terrifying cultivation and means really shocked him.

The corners of Qin Tian's lips were smiling, and his cold and sharp eyes shot towards Liu Qingcheng. It was rumored that Luoyi and Jian Yuyan assassinated her and Shangguan Nanqi. He had already found out that the message was released by the Liu family and Shangguan's family together Among them, Liu Qingcheng contributed a lot. Although she never said that Luoyi and Jian Yuyan were assassins, the hidden meaning in her words pointed directly at them.

  ------Off topic------

  Mom came to my house with relatives. There are many things in the past two days. I am busy cooking and greeting guests.


Thank you Lukelf for kissing Huahua (100 flowers), thank you Lotus in the Rain for kissing Huahua (4 flowers), thank Xiao Xiaoyue for kissing Huahua (2 flowers), thank you Bing Xin for kissing Huahua, thank you White Lover Cai Colorful Huahua and Diamond (2 flowers and 1 diamond), thank you Ru Gelin for kissing Huahua (10 flowers), thank you for the sky is blue 123 kissing Huahua.

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