Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous

Vol 10 Chapter 70: Unlucky Han Xiang

  Looking at Feng Feili's monstrous face, and frowning slightly as she looked at her with impatience and indifference, Liu Qingyan's heart skipped a beat, and she finally came to her senses. I read

  Feng Feili clearly disdained her overtures, and wanted to get rid of her relationship... It was not what she thought before. His eyes quickly glanced over the people around him, and his face turned red suddenly, and he didn't know whether it was from embarrassment or embarrassment.

   In front of so many people, she didn't want to really lose face. Although she was not as popular as Liu Qingcheng in front of Liu Patriarch, she was also a truly proud daughter of heaven, the daughter of Liu Hanfei, the head of the Liu family.

She opened her mouth to speak, trying to say something back, but a gleam flashed in Liu Xuanyi's eyes, she stopped Liu Qingyan from speaking, and said a few words of innocence to Feng Feili and the others, and then calmly Taking her farewell, she led Liu Qingyan and the others towards the city gate.

  Feng Feili and the three quickly left behind Shenhong. [

  Liu Qingyan walked last, biting her lip very reluctantly, turning her head three times at a step.

  Liu Xuanyi glanced at her, his handsome face suddenly turned cold, and he glanced at his sister with a dark look, with a hint of warning in his eyes, Liu Qingyan was startled by his look, and hurriedly followed.

When we returned to the other courtyard, Song Hen was waiting at the door. When he saw Duanmu Changqing and his party coming back, he respectfully stepped forward and saluted, not shying away from Qin Luoyi and Feng Feili. has been found."

  Qin Luoyi raised his eyebrows.

She has heard from Duanmu Changqing that in the place where Shangguan Nanqi directed and acted as a hero to save the beauty, there is an extremely powerful killing formation left by the seniors of the Duanmu family. Below the formation, there is also a secret passage used by the Duanmu family to escape in times of crisis. Only a handful of people in the entire Duanmu mansion know about it.

Shangguan Nanqi designed this play. After the accident, Duanmu Changqing and Duanmu Jinyu naturally suspected that the Shangguan family had tampered with the formation, and even suspected that the secret passage below had also been exposed, so they sent many people to investigate secretly this matter.

  Duanmu Changqing's dark eyes dimmed slightly, and he narrowed his eyes dangerously: "Who is it?"

   "Hanxiang. My net," Song Hen said.

   "It's her!" Duanmu Changqing snorted angrily, and a murderous intent shot out from his eyes. He could trust Song Hen's ability. Since he said it was Hanxiang, there must be conclusive evidence.

Feng Feili's eyes fell on Qin Luoyi. During this time, he had seen Hanxiang several times. Hanxiang was originally from Duanmu Changqing. Why was she sent away by Duanmu Changqing? Naturally, it is clear that seeing her and meeting Duanmu Changqing these few times, she sticks to her duty... I didn't expect that it was all an illusion.

   When did this woman collude with the Shangguan family?

As a Yufu monk, she is not very proficient in formations, how did she see that there are formations there, and she can turn a very powerful killing formation into an extremely powerful killing formation under the noses of many guards with a little change? A formation that can hide the breath even blinded the vision of the top monks in the Zifu.

  Duanmu Changqing also wanted to know.

   A group of Yuhong went to Duanmu Mansion in Qilong City.

   At the place where Liu Qingcheng was assassinated, Duanmu Changying in a black brocade robe stood with his hands behind his back. The white moonlight fell on his handsome body, making him even more graceful and majestic.

  Han Xiang knelt on the ground in embarrassment, with a look of horror and despair.

  Zongying stood by Duanmu Changying's side, his expression was condensed, and his eyes were terrified. Seeing Qin Luoyi approaching, his eyes became a lot more cordial.

   Along the way, Qin Luoyi already knew that the person who found Hanxiang was Duanmu Changying. And he knew that it was Han Xiang who moved his hands and feet, of course he didn't find any evidence, but used soul-stirring technique.

   It sounds like it should be fragrant and unlucky. [

It is related to the secrets of the Duanmu family. During this period, Duanmu Jinyu and Duanmu Changqing have sent many members of the Duanmu family to search day and night, but their focus is on the Shangguan family. Unfortunately, after searching for a few days, there is nothing. breakthrough,…

   Duanmu Changying also paid attention to this matter.

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The other party knew the secret of the Duanmu family, so complicated and powerful formations can be changed at will. If this person is not found out, it is really reassuring. What's more, what they want to know is whether that person knows the secrets under the formation. Tao thing. I read

  Duanmu Jinyu and Duanmu Changqing focused their energy on the Shangguan family, but asked him to strictly investigate the people in the mansion, not letting go of any clues.

  The first suspects were naturally the monks who knew that there were formations and secret ways here. Unfortunately, Duanmu Changqing observed secretly for a while and found nothing wrong.

Came here suddenly today and stood there for a while, but ran into Hanxiang, Hanxiang was stopped by him, but his eyes flickered slightly, Duanmu Changying asked her a few words, she was even more uncomfortable, Duanmu Changying had a whim, So he used the soul-stirring technique on her, and asked her if she saw who changed the formation here that night.

  Hanxiang, who was controlled by the soul-hunting technique, naturally obeyed him, and soon explained in detail how she and Shangguan Nanqi colluded together.

  Hanxiang looked at Duanmu Changqing with desperate eyes, and begged for mercy in a low voice: "Young master, Hanxiang is confused, please forgive me this time." A faint look of anticipation flashed in his eyes.

   Isn't the Shangguan family and the Liu family fighting now? With such a result, she knew that both the master and the young master were very satisfied, not to mention that although she changed the formation, except for Liu Qingcheng and Shangguan Nanqi, it didn't hurt anyone else, right?

   And she is Yun Hong's daughter.

   Now she is very annoyed that she shouldn't have walked here today. If she hadn't been greedy for a short distance, she would have met Duanmu Changying here, and no one would have known what she had done back then.

   "The soul-stirring technique... If it's not necessary, you'd better not use it in the future." Duanmu Changqing ignored Hanxiang Lihua's asking around, but walked to Duanmu Changying's side, and said lightly. Deep in the dark and cold eyes, there is a trace of concern. The soul-absorbing technique consumes a lot of soul power, and frequent use is not conducive to cultivation.

  Duanmu Changying looked at him with a somewhat complicated expression, with glaze-like brilliance flashing in his eyes, and then quickly nodded with a smile: "Got it, I won't use it easily in the future."

  Duanmu Evergreen is becoming fragrant.

  Looking at his tall and straight back, Duanmu Changying looked a little sad, and Zong Ying sighed loudly. That's all for him, anyway, he has lived for thousands of years, and he will die when he dies.

  But Duanmu Changying is so young, originally such an amazing and talented person, and now he has only one year of life left... It's a pity.

   Fortunately, Duanmu Changqing did those things to Duanmu Changying after he knew that he was controlled by Jin Dongyan a few years ago, and the relationship between the two brothers has eased a lot.

"Based on your cultivation, you can't see that there is a formation here, let alone set up a formation. Tell me, who told you to set up such a formation?" Duanmu Changqing stood in front of Hanxiang, pitch-black He looked at her coldly and sharply. Han Xiang is not proficient in matchmaking, "Could it be your father?"

"No." Hanxiang hurriedly shook her head and denied, "A man came to the mansion two years ago, and he told me." She also knew that she would definitely be punished for this, and she also counted on her father Yun Hong to intercede for her in front of the master. , naturally he will not be involved.

   Duanmu Changqing asked about the man's appearance.

   "It's Jin Dongyan,..." Duanmu Changying walked over, pursing her thin lips. The sharpness in the good-looking eyes could not be concealed, Qin Luoyi also determined from Hanxiang's description that the person was Jin Dongyan, the former suzerain of Tiandaozong.

   "Apart from the formation here, what else did he tell you?" Duanmu Changying's eyes were faintly silver again. [

As soon as Hanxiang's expression changed, the eyes looking at his eyes became a little dazed in an instant, obviously controlled by Duanmu Changying's soul-hunting technique: "No, he only told me about the formation here, and said that here is The most interesting part of the entire Duanmu family is that the formation can be changed at will."

  Jin Dongyan taught her nearly ten kinds of formations, all of which were changes from the original formations here. As for the reason why Jin Dongyan taught her, even Hanxiang herself didn't know.

   Now that Jin Dongyan is dead, no one will know his original purpose, but Duanmu Changying, Zongying and others intuitively feel that this person has no good intentions.

  Knowing that Hanxiang will cooperate with Shangguan Nanqi because Shangguan Nanqi has been pursuing Liu Qingcheng in a high-profile way, and after she wanted to use Liu Qingcheng and Shangguan Nanqi to deal with Qin Dongyi, Duanmu Changqing was furious. "You colluded with outsiders and trapped my Duanmu family in an unrighteous way. You should be punished for your crime!"

   "No... young master, I was wrong, please forgive me this time." Han Xiang, who woke up from the trance, finally panicked when she heard Duanmu Changqing's cold mouth to kill her.

  Duanmu Changqing waved his hand, letting Song Hen bet her mouth and push her down. His eyes fell on Qin Luoyi's body, and a look of guilt flashed across his eyes.

  Hanxiang... He will never spare her again.

  Hanxiang, whose mouth was blocked and unable to speak, was even more panicked, but her cultivation was not as good as Song Hen, so she didn't need to struggle. Turning around, she glared at Qin Luoyi with eyes full of resentment.

  Feng Feili was also angry.

  The two brothers and sisters looked at each other, and there was a tacit understanding in their hearts.

  This Hanxiang must die.

  Duanmu Jinyu returned to Qilong City, knowing that it was Hanxiang who changed the formation, and out of anger, he directly asked Yun Hong, who was still refining weapons in a secret place, to find him.

Knowing that his daughter had made a big mistake, Yun Hong not only found Duanmu Jinyu to intercede, but even got Duanmu Changqing's name, but Hanxiang was executed in the end. Because of Yun Hong's relationship, she died very simply and did not what suffering.

  Of course, this is all for later.

  That night, after leaving Duanmu's mansion, Qin Luoyi tore apart the space and left Qilong City. Before leaving, she gave Duanmu Changying the only bodhi seed left.

  She could see that although Duanmu Changying deliberately concealed it, she still noticed the weakness revealed from the depths of his soul. Apart from Hanxiang, I'm afraid that he has used soul-stirring techniques on people these days. And he overdraws the soul power in his body without any scruples. The main reason is that he feels that he has more life.

   "There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. Don't give up easily until the last moment..." When handing the bodhizi to Duanmu Changying, she said to him cautiously.

  ------Off topic------

  Thank you, Mengkang Kangmao Fanfan, for the flower (100 flowers). Thank you Xiao Xiaoyue for kissing Huahua, and thank you for kissing Huahua at 123 where the sky is blue.

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