Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous

Vol 10 Chapter 74: Death Valley Holy King

  Bai Yi naturally didn't appear here for a reason.

  After Ouyang Ling disappeared inexplicably, it took Bai Yi a lot of effort to break the barrier he set up.

  After leaving the extreme north, he didn't care to find the source of chaos that he wanted most, so he began to look for Qin Luoyi's whereabouts. Even Ouyang Ling was afraid of that demon owl, and his strength was indeed very strong.

  He stared at Qin Luoyi, and he didn't know what he was thinking. He was very worried if he couldn't find her soon. Qin Luoyi didn't have the jade slip he left on him, and Bai Yi spent several days trying to find her.

At this time, seeing her peacefully, her spirit was shining brightly, her cultivation base was much stronger, and the heart that had been worrying about her was finally let go, and her mood suddenly improved a lot, and seeing Qin Luoyi smile brightly at him as soon as she saw him, her mood was soaring better. [

   Regardless of the ghost monk Xie Luo who was trapped in the barrier with a shocked expression, he walked up to Qin Luoyi and handed her a jade slip: "This is for you."

  The jade slip is milky white, crystal clear, lying in the palm of his slender and gracefully shaped jade, reflecting each other beautifully.

  Qin Luoyi recognized it as a soul jade slip.

   smiled and took it.

  The piece on his body was smashed by the demon owl, he should have sensed it. His eyes fell on the jade slip. This piece of jade slip was different from the one that he asked him to refine, and it was almost the same as the one that Ouyang Ling gave him.

  The piece I asked him to practice at the beginning can only feel whether his life is safe in this world, but this piece, if she needs it, she can crush it at any time, no matter where it is, and the white clothes can come quickly.

  It takes a lot of effort to practice this thing.

The dark phoenix eyes were shining like glass, and she smiled and said a few words, feeling a little doubtful that Ouyang Ling and Yaohuang were not by his side, but this was not the time to ask these questions, she did not forget Trapped evil Luo.

  Standing in front of the barrier, the smile on his face was still there, but his phoenix eyes were cold and sharp, and he didn't go around, and said straight to the point: "Where did you know about the Hunyuan Dzi on my body?"

  Hearing the Hunyuan Dzi, a faint light flashed in the dark eyes of the white clothes.

  Xie Luo naturally recognized Qin Luoyi.

  He has seen her portrait.

It was his order to let people bring her back to Luocha Mountain, but he didn't expect that if she was brought back, his own Luocha Mountain would be destroyed, and the other two disappeared, even Feng Jinna was taken away. The person who had been trapped for nearly a thousand years was also rescued... When he came out of the black water pool, he felt that something was wrong, and immediately ran for his life regardless of other things.

   Unexpectedly, she was still caught up.

  Looking at the white-clothed man beside Qin Luoyi, he was even more puzzled, his red eyes shone with a strange light, and his mind was spinning rapidly.

   "Your cultivation speed is too fast. If you don't have Hunyuan Dzi, how could you have such a fast cultivation speed?" His voice was gloomy and hoarse, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

  Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes kept staring at him.

  Naturally, he didn't believe what he said, and sneered: "Just because I practice too guess that the Hunyuan Dzi is on me, do you think I'm easy to fool?"

On the Xuantian Continent, Jian Yuyan is more famous than her in terms of abnormal cultivation speed, especially after the two peak cultivators of the Purple Mansion from the Liu family and the Shangguan family were vulnerable to him, why didn't he guess that the Hunyuan Dzi Bead was On Jian Yuyan? [

   It's a pity that the soul-hunting technique is useless, otherwise it wouldn't be so troublesome.

  Xie Luo's eyes flickered, and he snorted and said, "People who get Hunyuan Dzi Beads practice very fast. What I'm saying is the truth. If you don't believe me, I can't help it."

   Taking advantage of their unpreparedness, they moved their fingers, and a dazzling black light turned into a long sword, and shot fiercely at the barrier, trying to take advantage of the situation to break through.

Even if there is no Hunyuan Dzi Bead, he can't fall into the hands of these two people. Ghost monks practice against the sky, killing evil, and vowed to be incompatible with righteous monks in the world. Besides, he has to go to his other In a hiding place, the longer he stays outside, the more his life essence will be lost.

Bai Yi glanced at him, with a hint of indifference in his narrow and quiet eyes, then turned his head and smiled at Qin Luoyi: "He is a ghost monk, he has no soul, and he cannot search for souls, but I have a way to know his words. I met some people all the time."

  Qin Luoyi's eyes lit up, looking at the handsome brows in white clothes, he couldn't help but bend the corners of his lips upwards, his already beautiful face became even more beautiful.

  Why did she forget the white clothes?

   asked him enthusiastically what to do.

  Xie Luo rushed out desperately, his feminine face became very distorted due to excessive force.

  Unfortunately, after working hard for a while, they still failed to rush out. The two people outside the barrier were talking to themselves, without glancing at him out of the corner of their eyes. They obviously didn't pay attention to his breakout, and couldn't help but feel their hearts throbbing.

Hearing Bai Yi said that he can know who he has met recently, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he kept calm and said with a sneer: "Why, you want to kill everyone I have met? Fortunately, you are still cultivating immortals. What's the difference between a person like us and us ghost cultivators?"

  Qin Luoyi was not irritated by his words, but Liang Jingliang looked at Bai Yi expectantly, and Bai Yi's eyes were darkened by her bright eyes.

   effortlessly looked away, and raised his hand to remove the barrier.

  Xie Luo jumped up, seizing this fleeting opportunity to escape quickly.

  However, his actions were already expected by Qin Luoyi and Bai Yi. Qin Luoyi stopped him easily, and a purple magic seal quickly formed on Bai Yi's hand, which directly pierced into his eyes.

  In an instant, Xie Luo's whole body seemed to be frozen, his eyes were wide open, without blinking, and after a while, pictures emerged in those eyes that were shining with a strange red light.

  Feng Jin is the most in the picture.

There was even a scene when Feng Jin fought with him a few days ago. The two fought fiercely. Xie Luo was actually not as good as Feng Jin, but he had formations and altars to rely on, and the power of those formations and altars Not to be underestimated.

  However, Feng Jin has the evil spirit of the underworld, and Xie Luo dare not get close easily. In the end, the two tied and both were seriously injured. Apart from Feng Jin, there are two ghosts in black and red in the picture, and there is no one else after that.

   "Could it really be their guess?" Qin Luoyi narrowed his phoenix eyes and muttered to himself. Is it that simple?

   Simply released the other two ghost monks in the space of the bracelet.

   Bai Yi cast a spell again. [

The red-clothed ghost cultivator has never been out of Luocha Mountain, but the black-clothed ghost cultivator has been out a few times. There are traces of him in Qilong City and Shuhan Bieyuan, but he is very good at invisibility. She didn't even notice his whereabouts.

"I can only advance this spell for one month now, and the time before that is too long to reproduce." Bai Yi said, from the reproduced picture, the three ghost cultivators knew that she had the Hunyuan Dzi on her body, Really just guesswork.

   Bai Yi withdrew the spell.

  The three ghost cultivators woke up from their daze, especially the red-clothed ghost cultivator and the black-clothed ghost cultivator. Seeing that Xie Luo had fallen into Qin Luoyi's hands, they couldn't help but look ashamed.

  Qin Luoyi naturally wouldn't let these three ghost cultivators live, even putting them in the bracelet space was disgusting, especially when she saw Xie Luo, she thought of the black pool of blood.

Raising his hand, he easily wiped out the two ghost cultivators with slightly lower cultivation bases, making them completely disappear into the air. Xie Luo was unwilling to die like this. When Qin Luoyi's attack fell, , his body suddenly became several times bigger, and instead of retreating, he rushed towards Qin Luoyi ferociously, wanting to explode himself.

  But Qin Luoyi was well prepared, how could he be hurt by his desperate move? With a chuckle, he quickly backed away, adding a layer of enchantment to his body, and the powerful self-detonation impact was all blocked by the enchantment.

  Bai Yi has been standing beside her, looking at her with a smile, and didn't make a move. He knows that with the cultivation level of those three ghost cultivators, they can't hurt her at all now. The tiny corpse after Xie Luo's self-explosion floated in the dead void, his eyes flickered, thoughtful.

  Qin Luoyi blinked narrowly at him.

  Feng Jin looked at the bright sky in front of her eyes, her little heads tightly twisted together.

  Qin Luoyi chased after her alone. Although he knew that her cultivation base was not weak, but in the void, if she didn't pay attention, she would be completely lost and never come out... He still couldn't help worrying.

He has already used the Baiyutai to go in and search for it, but unfortunately he did not find it. The crystals collected from Yang Lian and the others are all the lowest crystals, and the spiritual power is scarce, which cannot support Baiyutai to keep flying in the void. .

  Yang Lian and the others originally had a lot of crystals on them, but when fighting against the blood mist and skeleton puppets, they almost used them up, and Feng Jin's naturally used up long ago.

   "Senior Feng, I found it, I found it."

  Yang Lian leaped over from behind holding several crystal stones. These crystal stones were found on the ghost cultivator's site by taking the crowd back.

  Feng Jin raised his brows, quickly took it, broke through the void, and was about to use the white jade platform to find Qin Luoyi again, when a not-so-stable hole appeared in the void, a pink figure emerged from it.

  Following her came out a white figure, who also looked very young, with a slender figure, plump and handsome, and looked like a fairy.

  Feng Jin's eyes lit up.

  Long Jin jumped up happily, and ran towards Qin Luoyi.

   Knowing that the ghost monk was dead, Feng Jin laughed out loud. Although he regretted not doing it himself, he was still very happy. Yang Lian and the others suppressed their excitement and cheered.

   Everyone was very excited when they narrowly escaped from death. Li Mei's family was in Dongwan City not far from Shushan Mountain. After being excited, they invited everyone to celebrate.

  Qin Luoyi refused.

Feng Jin hasn't returned to Feng's house for nearly a thousand years, and her injuries are still quite serious, so she waved her hand and left quickly. Before leaving, she couldn't help but look back at Qin Luoyi, and the person beside her. White clothes.

  He couldn't see through Qin Luoyi's cultivation, and he couldn't see through the cultivation of the man in white.

   secretly sighed.

  There are talents from generation to generation, and he hasn't been born for a thousand years. I'm afraid that there are many amazing, talented and stunning people in Xuantian Continent.

   Tianlong Mountains.

Death Valley.

In Death Valley, which is frightening to hear, the aroma of wine is overflowing at this time. In the center of Death Valley, there is a hot spring pool filled with rich spiritual energy. Two spirit beasts, one black and one white, are lazily lying in the pool , holding wine in hand, squinting his eyes. Talking one after another.

   "We've all been here for several months, and we don't know how those people are doing now."

   "Don't worry, he shouldn't be dead."

   "I hope, it will be troublesome if one of them dies. Let's go tomorrow, find her first, and then bring her here to practice together..."

   "That's a good idea. We'll all practice here in the future. This is a blessed place for cultivation. It's better than my Lion Tiger Cliff. I haven't seen that woman for so long. I really miss her."


   "What is your reaction? I can't think about her. I haven't seen her for so long. Her alchemy skills should have improved again. There are so many treasures here, enough for her to make many pills."

   "Uh, you thought she was making alchemy for you?"

   "Of course, otherwise what do I want that woman to do?"


  Qin Luoyi and Bai Yi hid side by side in the distance, looking at the two leisurely and comfortable spirit beasts, couldn't help but roll their eyes, the Hei Emperor would miss her, shouldn't she be deeply honored?

   "Hei Di."

  Hei Di was startled, and suddenly opened his eyes, the eyes were shining brightly, and looked around.

  There is only one person around.

   "Damn it."

  He blinked hard and muttered something.

   Dahei originally had his eyes closed, but was startled by his sudden movement and opened them. He looked around, and then his face darkened.

   "Surprised, what are you doing?"

   "I seemed to hear someone calling me just now."


   "I literally heard someone calling was that woman's voice."

   "Which woman?"

   "The woman we were talking about just now."

  Dahei gave him your sick look, then closed his eyes again, took a sip of fine wine, and didn't bother to talk to him anymore.

   "Could it be that I miss her so much that I have hallucinations?"

  The black line with a **** face.

  Where is this?

   This is the Death Valley in the Tianlong Mountains of the Xuantian Continent, a place where monks from the Xuantian Continent will never set foot. How could Qin Luoyi come here?

   "I'll keep you sober."

  Da Hei looked at Hei Di with malicious intent, stretched out his paws and pushed its whole body including its head into the pool, causing a huge splash of water from the pool.


   A burst of crisp laughter like silver bells suddenly sounded.

   Dahei held Heidi's hand and let go.

  Hei Di took the opportunity to get out of the pool.

  Both of them looked at Qin Luoyi in a daze, obviously they didn't expect that she was really here, but when they saw the white clothes beside her, they knew it again.

   "Who dares to break into my Death Valley and startle my Holy King and Holy Queen!"

  Dozens of majestic spirit beasts suddenly emerged from around the pool, with fierce eyes, staring at Qin Luoyi and Bai Yi, and shouted angrily.

One of the monkeys directly ordered: "Take them down!" Then he turned back to Dahei and Heidi and said, "Holy King, Holy Queen, you continue to play, these two things that don't have long eyes are handed over to us." , and it will be cleaned up in a moment."

"Clean up what? Go away." Dahei jumped up from the pool, and jumped to Qin Luoyi's side with a smile. Two spirit beasts were about to attack Qin Luoyi and Baiyi, and its eyes glared. , the two spirit beasts hurriedly retreated. "When you see her in the future...they are like seeing a holy king, do you hear that?"

The big copper bell eyes looked around, all the spirit beasts around were extraordinary, but no one dared to disobey his orders, their eyes were puzzled, but they couldn't help but hurry up... Seeing Dahei's majestic appearance , Qin Luoyi smiled even brighter.

  Hei Di crawled out of the pool covered in water.

   Flick the water violently.

   With a majestic expression, but the smile in her eyes is hard to hide, this woman, I really can't help talking, she came just as soon as I said her. This will save them going out for another trip tomorrow.

   Except for Dahei and Heidi, all the spirit beasts retreated.

   "Holy King?"

   "Holy Queen?"

  Qin Luoyi looked at Dahei and Heidi, a shrewd flash of wisdom flashed in his eyes, and he said slightly teasingly.

   "I am the Holy King, and she is my Holy Queen. We have formed a dual practice." Hei Di raised his head and announced to her proudly.

  Da Hei glanced at him.

Seeing Hei Di's complacent look, Qin Luoyi smiled, and after not seeing him for a few months, his **** was eaten up by Hei Di, and the two of them actually came to this Death Valley to occupy the mountain as their own. king.

   It was already in Qin Luoyi's expectation that Dahei would be wiped out by Heidi, but he was not too surprised by their double cultivation.

  But he said in his mouth: "Could it be that you forced my Dahei... Don't forget, my Dahei has a backer."

  Looking at it from a high position, and looking at the white clothes beside him as if pointing.

   Bai Yi chuckled.

  The eyes that looked at Qin Luoyi were like the stars in the middle of the night, dark and bright, with inexplicable heat.

  The reason why Qin Luoyi came here was thanks to Bai Yi, who said that when he passed the Tianlong Mountains two days ago, he saw Dahei and Heidi here, but he didn't stay, and went directly to Shushan.

   "This holy king wants to find someone to practice double cultivation, do we need to force him?" Hei Di snorted softly, full of arrogance.

  Qin Luoyi leaked his anger. He pretended to be puzzled and said, "Really? I remember when I was at Lion Tiger Cliff..."

  Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Hei Di, who shouted loudly at the monkey with its head upright listening to the corner: "What are you doing there?"

   His complexion is not good.

  Qin Luoyi suppressed his laughter, but he didn't tease him any more. If he continued, Hei Di would probably become angry from embarrassment.

  Turn your head and talk to Dahei.

   Curious how the two of them came here, and Hei Di became a holy king. Hei Di drank the monkey away, and when Qin Luoyi asked Dahei, his expression was a little strange.

It was only after making side-steps that I realized that the original holy king here was also the same as the Great Black Emperor. It was a beast with a strong cultivation base. Gu, with a tyrannical personality, killed the original holy king of Death Valley, and treated all the spirit beasts here extremely badly, and would slaughter the spirit beasts inside if things went wrong, and even took all the cultivation resources here.

More than three months ago, Dahei and Heidi followed Chu Yifeng to the Tianlong Mountains. They were also worried when they learned that Qin Luoyi was missing here, so they searched for it in the Tianlong Mountains. When An saw Dahei, he was astonished, and immediately tricked Dahei and Heidi to Death Valley.

   That Bi An wanted to **** the **** **** to become Mrs. Yasai, and also wanted to kill the black emperor. The black emperor was furious and went on a killing spree. After a lot of effort, he finally killed it.

However, Heidi was seriously injured and almost died. He was brought into this forbidden area by Dahei to heal his wounds. He thought that the spirit beasts would avenge him when the Bi An died, but those spirit beasts hated the former Not only did the Holy King not intend to kill them, but he also regarded the Black Emperor as the new Holy King.

  ------Off topic------

Thank you lukelf for the flower (100 flowers), thank you lzzlyt for the diamond (20 diamonds), thank you Zhuzhu Lele for the diamond, thank you for the colorful diamond from White Lover, thank you Xiaoxiaoyue for the kiss Huahua (5 flowers), thank you Huahua from 123, where the sky is blue, and your annual meeting tickets.

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