Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous

Vol 10 Chapter 76: horror in the water

  The moon is as bright as jade, and the silver glow against the night sky is extraordinarily bright. -》The breeze is blowing gently, bringing bursts of fragrance. A few stars are scattered in the corner of the sky.

  The night is deep, and the soft chirping of insects is very clear in the silent night.

Qin Luoyi closed his eyes and sat cross-legged on the jade stone. There was a pool of transparent "liquid" in front of him. Under the pool was a dazzling flame. The "liquid" in the pool was constantly churning. The majestic spiritual power is surging.

  The puppet in Tsing Yi stood quietly on one side, staring at the pool indifferently without blinking.

  Compared to when he first entered the ice region for more than a month, Qin Luoyi's aura was stronger, and his whole body was shrouded in a faint white mist. His skin was snow-white, and his face was elegant and beautiful, like a fairy of nine heavens in the dust. [

   "In a few more days, the spiritual water should be ready." Smelling the fragrance in the air, the person who had been cultivating with his eyes closed stood up from the jade, with a happy smile on his delicate lips.

  As she expected before, with Bai Yi here, there was no suspense in entering the Ice Realm. The barrier of the Ice Region and the powerful formations set up on it were basically useless to Bai Yi. After leaving Death Valley, they entered the Ice Realm very smoothly.

   What made her even more delighted was that the three kinds of spiritual plants that were missing were all found in the ice area, and they were all mature. After picking them off, she immediately began to refine the spiritual water without delay.

  Refining the spirit water is not easy, nor can it be refined overnight. It has been nearly a month and a half since she started refining the spirit water, and the spirit water is only halfway through.

   Fortunately, apart from being a little troublesome at the beginning, the subsequent refining only needs to be kept at a certain level of heat, and these puppets in Tsing Yi can do it, so she keeps on the sidelines and continues to practice.

   Half a month ago, she survived the thunder tribulation and successfully cultivated the Golden Spirit Flower.

  There is a puppet in Tsing Yi who can help her absorb the power of Thunder Tribulation. Her Thunder Tribulation is extremely dangerous. The Tsing Yi Puppet has changed from bronze to silver, and its strength has greatly increased.

  Because of Xie Luo, for more than a month, she didn't go anywhere except when she was promoted, and only practiced hard in the ice field, trying to improve her strength.

  Walking gently to the entrance, I happened to find a figure looming in the room not far away, my eyes lit up, and the smile on my lips grew stronger, I didn't expect Bai Yi to come back.

For more than a month, she was refining spirit water and alchemy at the same time, but Bai Yi didn't stay here all the time, and would go out every one or two days. Although he didn't say anything, Qin Luoyi also guessed that he was looking for Chaos source.

  Bai Yi's obsession with the source of chaos seems to have been integrated into his flesh and blood.

  The source of chaos obtained from the fire domain was consumed in the misty valley last time, and this time she consumed some in refining the spirit water, leaving nearly half of it, which she gave to Bai Yi.

After refining this spiritual water, it will not be easy to refine it again. Most of the items for refining the spiritual water this time come from the blessed land of the cave. If you want to get some things together, it will be impossible without thousands of years .

Looking back at the bubbling spiritual water in the pool, she pretended not to notice the figure in white, and left again, confessed a few words to the puppet in Tsing Yi, then opened the door and walked out, before taking a few steps, her feet paused , and continued to move forward.

   A few miles away from where she lived, there was a small lake with clear and emerald green water. The moonlight was shining on the lake water, and the lake water was rippling when the breeze blew.

Qin Luoyi walked all the way to the edge of the lake, and then stopped. There was a dazzling light like glass flashing in her eyes. In the moonlight, she looked at her fair and beautiful face, and the smile on her face became even stronger. concentrated.

  There are fish swimming in the water.

Looking at the fish, Qin Luoyi squatted down, and easily caught a fish in her palm, then stood up, grabbed the lively fish with one hand, and took another He gently caressed it with one hand, and then suddenly pinched the fish's mouth and gills with great force.

  The fish, which was uncomfortable to leave the water, quickly rolled its eyes. Seeing that it was about to suffocate to death, Qin Luoyi suddenly let go of his hand, squatted down and gently put the fish into the water. [

  The fish that escaped death swam away quickly, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Qin Luoyi giggled when he saw this.

A white shadow flashed in the distance, looking at the person in front of him who could laugh so happily alone, his eyes softened, and the perfect thin lips couldn't help but evoke a smile. Just as he was about to walk over, he suddenly He paused, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Qin Luoyi, who was originally standing on the shore, unbuttoned his belt, revealing his white jade-like skin. The clothes slipped off his body quickly, and in the blink of an eye, all that was left was an attractive bellyband and a pair of clothes that could not cover much of the attractive scenery. obscene pants. Half naked and walked towards the lake.

While walking, she played with the fish in the water, and the laughter like silver bells kept escaping. The water level was not high, only reaching her waist. When she reached the middle of the lake, she scooped up a handful of water with both hands It splashed on the face, water drops fell from the face, and then stretched out his hand to untie the bun, and the long black hair immediately poured down like a waterfall.

  Standing behind the tree in white, looking at the people in the lake, his eyes became hotter, but he didn't have any intention of avoiding it.

  The starry sky is dazzling, and the moon is as bright as water.

  The pair of jade arms that are constantly holding water on the body are "naked" and "exposed" in the air, swaying in white, like lotus roots coming out of water, like white jade growing warm, with soft curves, beautiful and moving.

The red apron was soaked with water, and it was tightly fitted to the body, revealing a seductive curve. The long black satin-like hair was half-wet and scattered on the shoulders, making the skin on the back even more beautiful. It is as white as jade, so beautiful.

  It can be called a magnificent work of art.

  Pure and white, with a little bit of luster, like icy muscles and bones, "confusing" people's minds.

   "Little fairy..." Bai Yi murmured.

   Couldn't bear the longing in his heart any longer, and walked out from behind the tree. Apart from that alluring figure, there is nothing else flashing in his eyes. The person who was playing in the water seemed to have noticed the movement behind him, and turned his head suddenly.

  A flash of surprise flashed in the dark and agile phoenix eyes.

   Immediately, she remembered that she was still in the water, and she was only wearing a bellyband, her pretty face flushed, she exclaimed, and she stretched out her hands and clasped her arms to protect her chest.

   Such movements unintentionally made the chest more heaving, and water droplets slipped from the neck, just slipping into the gully on the chest.

   Bai Yi's eyes were even darker.

  The white clothes exuded a soft white light under the moonlight, and her figure was set off to make her slender and taller. In the blink of an eye, she came to her side and stood opposite her.

  Qin Luoyi raised his chin slightly, opened his red lips slightly, looked at his handsome face in a daze, and said after a while, "Bai Yi, when did you come back?"

   There was coquettishness in the voice, and there was a slight trembling that could not be detected.

   This surprised Bai Yi.

   Looking at her, the eyes became deeper and hotter.

   "I came back at night. When you came back, you were cultivating." Stretching out her hand, the white clothes brushed away the black hair scattered around her cheeks, her fingers inadvertently touched the fair skin, and she felt warm and smooth. [

  His hand paused.

Qin Luoyi glanced at him, and with that amorous glance, he raised his hand and patted his fingers, stepped back a few inches from his side, lowered his head to look at himself with only his bellyband and obscene pants on, na na He explained: "I thought you were not here, so I practiced and came here to take a bath... You get out of the way first, and wait for me to change my clothes."

   Turn around and leave.

  Bai Yi reached out and grabbed her.

   Somewhat domineeringly, he hugged her into his arms.


Qin Luoyi let out a soft cry, and his whole body limp on his body, with a slight shortness of breath, he raised his head: "Bai Yi, you... let me go quickly." She struggled, but seemed to be weak, watching On his handsome face in white clothes, especially his red lips, there was a look of anticipation in his eyes.

  The breath in the white robe was unstable.

   Staring into her eyes, he slowly lowered his head.

  Qin Luoyi quietly put his arms around his waist, his eyes flickered, and then lowered his eyelids, waiting for his kiss to fall.

  Bai Yi kept looking into her eyes, looking at her drooping eyelids, and when he was about to kiss her red lips, he froze suddenly, but the body in her arms froze, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

  The expected kiss did not fall, Qin Luoyi opened his eyes in confusion.

   Staring into her eyes for a moment, the handsome face in white clothes suddenly changed, and he slammed his body away, watching her stagger, and then yanked her back.

   "Bai Yi, what's the matter with you?" Qin Luoyi, who was driven by him, looked ugly, glaring at him angrily, and didn't bother to cover his chest at this time.

"What's the matter with me?" Bai Yi smiled coldly, with a violent force in his hand, he quickly turned her over and pressed her on the rock behind him, for fear of hurting her, he didn't use much force, just restrained her, and shouted sharply: " Who are you, how did you get into her body?"

   "What nonsense are you talking about!"

  Qin Luoyi's face darkened, and he wanted to drive him away fiercely, but he couldn't do so. Although Bai Yi didn't use much force, he firmly restrained her.

"You understand if I'm talking nonsense!" Bai Yi's voice was even colder, and a cold storm gathered in his eyes: "Where is she? Get out of her body immediately, hurry up, or I will arrest you immediately." Your soul will blow your soul away!"

   I was angry and angry.

He didn't come for a few days, and Qin Luoyi was taken away by someone. Fortunately, he came back in time. He could feel that there was no Qin Luoyi's aura in his soul, which meant that Qin Luoyi was not chased away. When he got out of this body, he was suppressed by her and fell into a coma.

"You..." Qin Luoyi gritted his teeth and stared at him, his chest was so oppressed by his pressure that he couldn't breathe evenly: "What are you getting on your nerves, let me go, cough cough, Bai Yi... I've been in the ice region Only by cultivating can you not be taken away by others."

  Bai Yi pursed her thin lips and snorted coldly.

"It seems that you want me to do it myself." Holding her tightly with one hand, the other hand squeezed out a complicated formula. In the blink of an eye, purple light condensed on his fingers, and that The purple light quickly grew bigger, covering Qin Luoyi's entire body, and there seemed to be countless small vortexes in the purple light, pulling her spirit outward vigorously.

Qin Luoyi closed his eyes in pain, let out a soft moan from his mouth, and soon passed out, Bai Yi had been carefully observing the purple light, and when Qin Luoyi was unconscious After it passed, the purple light was not abnormal, and the look of the white clothes became extremely dignified.

  The soul that seized the house, he failed to detain her!

  ------Off topic------

Thank you lukelf for kissing Huahua (50 flowers), thank you Ru Gelin for kissing Huahua (30 flowers), thank you qux39 for kissing Huahua (12 flowers), thank you Zhuzhu Lele for your diamond, thank you for the blue sky 123 Kissing Huahua, thank you Yuyi Qingwu kissing Huahua (10 flowers), thank you white lover Caicai kissing Huahua, thank you lotus in the rain kissing Huahua (3 flowers), thank you Xiaoxiaoyue Dear Hua Hua.

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