How could a mortal who had lost all his cultivation make such a bet with a girl of heaven? Isn't this obviously a gift?

Normal people can hear that something is wrong, but Shang Feixian, who is beautiful and intelligent, and Huang Fengqing, who is talented, didn't hear it.

Not only did they not hear it, they also thought that such a bet was good, at least Chen Ye could break off the engagement with a sense of conviction.

But after leaving Zhongshan City, the master and the disciple felt that something was wrong.

But after discussing it for a while, the two of them didn't know the truth. The only thing that can be confirmed is that Chen Ye must have something to rely on.

Thinking of this, Huang Fengqing couldn't help but secretly regret it. It was really careless that he agreed to such a boring bet.

So what's the matter with Chen Ye?

It turns out that Chen Ye's mother has an extraordinary origin. It is said that she is a saint of a major force in Zhongzhou. Chen Ye's father Chen Qi met this woman by chance, and they got married privately and gave birth to Chen Ye. But soon after Chen Ye was born, the great power in Zhongzhou came to take Chen Ye's mother away. Before leaving, Chen Ye's mother put a jade pendant on Chen Ye, and Chen Ye has been wearing this jade pendant ever since.

And Chen Ye lost all his cultivation at the age of fifteen because of this jade pendant.

This jade pendant is a specialty of the great power in Zhongzhou. When the wearer's cultivation reaches a certain level, this jade pendant will absorb all the wearer's true essence and nourish it in the jade pendant. During this period, no matter how the wearer practices, the true essence cannot remain in his body, but will only be absorbed by the jade pendant, which causes the wearer to lose all his cultivation.

But after three years of nourishment, the jade pendant will feed back to the wearer and quickly improve the wearer's qualifications, making his future cultivation smooth.

In addition, the jade pendant also contains a set of exercises and a pharmacopoeia, both of which are ancient secrets. After three years of nourishment, the exercises and pharmacopoeia were also activated together, becoming an important support for the wearer.

Just a few days before Huang Fengqing broke off the engagement, the jade pendant ended its three-year nourishment, and Chen Ye's cultivation began to gradually recover. And because he obtained a new technique, his cultivation increased greatly, and he returned to the foundation-building stage in just a few days. Through the message left by his mother in the jade pendant, Chen Ye learned about the special features of this jade pendant. From this, he knew that he would definitely make a big splash in the future.

And this was the biggest reliance he made on the three-year agreement with Huang Fengqing.

Because of Huang Fengqing's breakup, Chen Ye began to feel that Huang Fengqing was no longer worthy of him. Although the name of "Tianyun Five Beauties" is also very loud, it is obviously not enough to be compared with the real proud daughter of heaven. With the help of the jade pendant, he had a high self-esteem and suddenly felt that he was not the same as before. He felt that ordinary women were no longer worthy of her, and that she had to be at the level of the Nine Yin Saint.

Some time ago, while picking the Ice Soul Blue Grass, he accidentally met Lin Xiaoran and Shao Yunqing, and helped them fight off giant monsters like the Blue-Striped Snow Wolf. Although he did not play a big role, and the Blue-Striped Snow Wolf was also brought by him, he still believed that he had saved the lives of the two women!

Therefore, he believed that based on this life-saving grace, something beyond friendship could happen between him and the two women.

However, the appearance of Feng Shao made him feel a sense of crisis.

During the entire communication process, Lin Xiaoran was very polite to Chen Ye, and smiled, and gave him a piece of Qingling Jade. This made Chen Ye feel happy, and a voice echoed wildly in his mind.

She likes me!

Obviously, Chen Ye also had one of the three great illusions in the world.

During this period, Chen Ye always took out the Qingling Jade to play with when he was free. When looking at the Qingling Jade in his hand, he couldn't help but recall Lin Xiaoran's smiling face, and suddenly his heart was warm, and a commotion kept encouraging him. After hesitating for several days, Chen Ye finally made up his mind and decided to come to Yunjian Pavilion to find Lin Xiaoran!

He decided to go to Bianyun City first to inquire about the situation of Yunjian Pavilion. Although Yunjian Pavilion is famous, he has only heard of it and has never come into contact with Yunjian Pavilion.

But after asking around, he couldn't help but be shocked and angry.

Lin Xiaoran is actually engaged!

This is simply outrageous!

He subconsciously thought that this must be a means for Yunjian Pavilion to form a marriage alliance. After all, for a big power like this, marriage alliance is a convention, and daughters in the family usually do not have the right to choose their own marriage.

So Lin Xiaoran must be forced to marry someone she doesn't love because of the marriage alliance!

How can this be tolerated?

Thinking that Lin Xiaoran might still be waiting in Yunjian Pavilion for him to take her out of the sea of ​​suffering, Chen Ye couldn't help but feel heartbroken. He wanted to fly to Yunjian Pavilion immediately and righteously rebuke the Yunjian Pavilion Master who sold his daughter for fame.

If the Pavilion Master of Yunjian Pavilion still had sense of shame and dissolved the marriage, it would be fine. If he insisted on going his own way, he could only take Lin Xiaoran away first and temporarily get rid of Feng Shao's entanglement. He believed that with the help of the jade pendant, he would be able to return to Yunjian Pavilion openly sooner or later and ask the Pavilion Master of Yunjian Pavilion to marry his daughter to him in an equal manner!

I believe that by that time, the Pavilion Master of Yunjian Pavilion will definitely be happy to marry his daughter to a true peerless genius, right?

That day, Chen Ye found an inn in Bianyun City and settled down temporarily. He sat by the window, looking in the direction of Yunjian Pavilion, while secretly calculating in his heart.

After all, Yunjian Pavilion is the most powerful force in Dongzhou. With his status, it was very difficult to get in. He was afraid that he would be kicked out as soon as he reached the door. Therefore, he had to find another way.

I heard that Linglong Pavilion and Qingxing Hall are subordinate to Yunjian Pavilion, and Qingxing Hall also has a branch located in Linglong Pavilion in Bianyun City. After Chen Ye studied the pharmacopoeia during this period, he felt that he had made considerable progress. Among them, the third-grade elixir "Soul-Reinforcing Pill" has been lost for many years, and he has also learned how to refine it from the pharmacopoeia. With this alchemy skill, he might be able to get acquainted with Jia Chan, the leader of Qingxing Hall, and gain the opportunity to enter Yunjian Pavilion through Jia Chan.

As for why the recipe for the Soul-Reinforcing Pill has been lost, but he was able to learn it from the jade pendant his mother left for him...don't ask, it's just for the plot.

Anyway, once many things fall on the head of the child of luck, the logic starts to become weird, so you just get used to it.

The next day, Chen Ye went straight to Linglong Pavilion and asked directly to see Jia Chan, the leader of Qingxing Hall.

After this period of repairs, the buildings originally destroyed by Chu Hao have been rebuilt. At this time, Linglong Pavilion showed no trace of damage, as if nothing had happened.

When the shopkeeper of Linglong Pavilion saw Chen Ye's behavior as a young boy, he felt a certain amount of contempt in his heart. When he heard that he actually asked to see Jia Chan by name, the shopkeeper couldn't help but sneered: "You kid doesn't know where he came from, so how can you meet Hall Master Jia Chan if you want? I advise you to go ahead. Leave quickly, don’t make any mistakes!”

Chen Ye has become accustomed to being ridiculed in the past three years and has become immune to any ridicule. He didn't take it seriously, and just said calmly: "I have a business to discuss with Hall Master Jia, please make it convenient."

The shopkeeper sneered and said, "You still have business to discuss with Hall Master Jia? But I don't know what kind of business you want to discuss? Where did you dig up the spiritual grass, or did you figure out some strange elixir?"

Chen Ye smiled slightly and said, "I can't tell you this. Unless Hall Master Jia comes to see me in person, there will be no business negotiation."

The shopkeeper frowned and was about to scold Chen Ye when he heard a pleasant female voice say softly: "Since this little friend has business to discuss with me, let's ask him to talk to me!"

It turned out that Jia Chan happened to pass by the back hall while the two were talking. When she heard that Chen Ye wanted to see her, Jia Chan couldn't help but feel a little curious. She secretly peeped at the young man from the back hall, and saw that he looked confident and calm, without any hint of flinching. This also made Jia Chan feel that maybe this young man was worth seeing.

When the shopkeeper heard this, he had no choice but to bow his hands to Jia Chan and say, "Yes!"

And Chen Ye finally met the famous master of Qingxing Hall. I saw that although the Qingxing Hall Master's face was covered with gauze, he could not hide his beautiful talent. Especially those eyes, which are surprisingly big and watery, seeming to have an inexplicable attraction. After just one glance, Chen Ye felt as if his whole body was being lured away by these eyes.

Just as he was gradually losing control of his mind, a cool feeling came from the jade pendant and poured into his brain. His mind suddenly became clear, and his slightly gloomy expression immediately returned to normal.

Jia Chan said softly, "Hey", as if she was surprised that the young man could recover so quickly. But then she smiled faintly and said, "Young Master has extraordinary determination, and I admire him very much!"

Chen Ye felt ashamed secretly in his heart, but said calmly on his face: "I have heard for a long time that the master of Qingxing Hall is beautiful and fragrant, and his appearance is peerless. When I see him today, he is indeed worthy of his reputation."

Jia Chan said calmly: "Young master is joking. Since you said you have business to do, let's talk about it over there!"

"This..." Chen Ye pretended to hesitate and looked around. Jia Chan immediately understood and said, "Master, please come with me."

The two of them walked through the inner courtyard and came to a secluded and elegant residence.

After entering the residence, Jia Chan said: "This is a little girl's resting place. It is a bit crude. Please don't blame me, sir."

But Chen Ye shook his head and said with a smile: "Exquisiteness does not work, but clumsiness goes a long way. Perhaps it is because Hall Master Jia is not limited to external things that he has such wonderful rejuvenating medical skills!"

Jia Chan smiled and said: "Young Master is so complimentary. Now, can you tell me what kind of business you want to do?"

Chen Ye suppressed his smile and said seriously: "I wonder if Hall Master Jia has heard of the 'Soul-Reinforcing Pill'?"

"Soul-solidifying pill?" Jia Chan said in surprise, "I heard that the soul-solidifying pill is one of the pill formulas left behind by the Qiankun Palace. It has the effect of strengthening the soul and has been lost long ago. Listening to what the young master means, could it be that the young master actually has this soul-solidifying pill? Dan’s prescription?”

Chen Ye nodded and said, "That's right! I just want to use this soul-fixing pill formula to do a business with Hall Master Jia."

"In that case, let me ask you to give me a price!"

Chen Ye shook his head and said, "What I want to exchange for this soul-fixing elixir is neither gold, silver nor spiritual stones, but an opportunity."

"What opportunity?" Jia Chan asked curiously.

"An opportunity to meet the master of Yunjian Pavilion!" Chen Ye said seriously.

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