Senior brother, stop it, you are the villain!

Chapter 138 The Holy Lord of the Nine Netherworlds

Three days later, when Xue Li came back with the newly refined drill tool, the vigorous drilling movement began.

After careful weighing, Feng Shao set the location of the borehole on the opposite side of the river, about twenty miles away from the camp. The reason why we chose this place is, firstly, because it is inaccessible and will not affect the normal life of ordinary people; secondly, if an accident occurs, there will be enough time to evacuate the people in the camp at such a long distance.

Another reason is that the land here is fertile and suitable for farming. Feng Shao planned to arrange a spiritual field near the borehole to plant various herbs and breed various spiritual animals.

After Feng Shao bound the drill magic weapon, he suspended it in mid-air and began to control the magic weapon to drill into the ground. On the ground, there were many people standing scattered here and there. They stood a hundred meters away, watching Feng Shao's actions with curiosity.

As monks, there is a great demand for some special minerals, so they are no strangers to mining. It's just this kind of mining method that they have seen for the first time.

Under Feng Shao's control, the drill-bit magic weapon suspended in the air began to rotate rapidly. Before it even got close to the ground, countless rubbles were blown away by the wind and waves brought by the magic weapon. Everyone looked from a distance and saw that the drill bit that they thought was ugly just now gave them a ferocious feeling. They have no doubt that if they accidentally get caught in the serrations of the drill, they will definitely end up being shattered to pieces.

Many people even began to secretly wonder whether they should ask Xue Li to order such a magical weapon. After all, it seemed to be quite powerful.

After a while, the drill bit finally touched the ground. As the ear-piercing noise rang out, countless gravel and soil flew out driven by the saw teeth, and the ground trembled. The tremors on the ground were not obvious at first, but as the drill bit gradually penetrated deeper, the tremors on the ground became more intense, and everyone gradually felt like they were in an earthquake.

"Brother Shao is great! Brother Shao, come on!" From a distance, Lin Xiaoran cheered for Feng Shao, looking excited.

After hearing this, Feng Shao couldn't help but secretly smile bitterly.

Despite his calm appearance, only he knew how difficult it was to control this magical weapon. Probably because the casting was too hasty, the drill always gave him a feeling that it was about to lose control. If he hadn't tried his best to hold the drill bit steady, the drill bit would have flown out long ago.

However, the difficulty in controlling it is a minor matter. The bigger trouble is that during the process of drilling into the ground, the tremors and reaction force caused by the magic weapon cutting into the gravel are also transmitted to his body. Now Feng Shao felt as if he was being beaten with countless small hammers at a very high frequency. He immediately realized that if he controlled the magic weapon for too long, internal injuries would be inevitable.

It seems that this magic weapon still has many areas that need improvement.

Feng Shao thought while continuing the construction.

At the beginning, everyone watched with interest. But before long, they felt it was boring and returned to the camp to continue their work. Only Lin Xiaoran and Xue Li still guarded Feng Shao. Xue Li wanted to take a closer look to see if there were any flaws in the drill artifact. As for Lin Xiaoran, she just wanted to stay wherever Feng Shao was.

This drilling lasted all day.

As the drill bit gradually penetrates into the ground, it becomes easier to control the drill bit. After Feng Shao mastered the trick, his efficiency in drilling into the ground also increased significantly. At the beginning, we could only drill one or two meters deep in an hour. Later, it only took him four hours to drill to a depth of more than 20 meters.

Although the spiritual stone on the drill can be replaced, the mental energy consumed by Feng Shao cannot be replenished in a short time. At the beginning, Feng Shao could still stay in mid-air, controlling the magic weapon while observing the drilling situation. But later, he could only return to the ground to reduce the loss of mental power as much as possible.

A day's hard work resulted in a drill hole nearly thirty meters deep and Feng Shao's slightly pale face. After taking back the magic weapon, he suddenly felt his vision go dark, and he fell forward involuntarily.

Lin Xiaoran exclaimed, quickly ran forward to support Feng Shao, and asked eagerly: "Brother Shao, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

Feng Shao shook his head gently and said in a low voice: "It's okay, it's just that I don't have enough energy for a while. Just wait for me to slow down and it will be fine."

Xue Li on the side walked to the drill artifact and observed it carefully.

After observing for a while, Xue Li murmured: "It seems that this sawtooth arrangement is a bit heavy on the user. Maybe we need to add some sawtooths and modify the sawtooth arrangement..."

Xue Li drew drawings on the ground while thinking about it, and from time to time he raised his head to ask Feng Shao some questions that arose during use. Feng Shao told Xue Li his feelings in detail, and put forward some of his own ideas and suggestions. After the two people discussed it, Xue Li drew the prototype of the new drill weapon.

When Lin Xiaoran saw this, he couldn't help but said angrily: "Brother Shao, look what you have become now? Can't you rest first before discussing these things?"

Feng Shao said apologetically: "Ran'er, I'm sorry for making you worry."

Lin Xiaoran sighed, pouted, and said helplessly: "I'm afraid there will be a lot of things to worry about in the future!"

Xue Li smiled at this time and said: "I have almost understood the problem. I will go back and improve it now. I will make you a better-use magic weapon in a few days. I will leave now and won't delay the two of you two! "

With that said, without waiting for Feng Shao and Lin Xiaoran to reply, they flew towards the direction of Yunjian Pavilion.

Lin Xiaoran walked towards the direction Xue Li left, stamped his feet and said angrily: "This Uncle Xue doesn't speak like an elder at all!"

Feng Shao couldn't help but laugh when he saw Lin Xiaoran's cute look.


Jiuyou Mountain, Jiuyou Holy Land.

In the dark Jiuyou Hall, a middle-aged man wearing black gold-patterned clothing sat on the main throne. He looked at the young man kneeling on the ground in front of him with a cold expression: "You mean, Holy Son?" Was he killed by Feng Shao from Yunjian Pavilion? "

The young man said solemnly: "That's right! In the entire Qingdi City, except Feng Shao, no one can kill His Royal Highness the Holy Son. As for the rumors, they are not credible."

The middle-aged man snorted coldly, with a hint of anger in his voice. The young man suddenly felt as if his chest had been hit hard, and a mouthful of blood surged into his throat. He struggled to suppress it and swallowed the blood, but his face had turned pale.

The middle-aged man asked coldly: "Then why, apart from you, none of the people who went to Qingdi City came back? Where have they gone?"

The young man replied: "Disciple doesn't know. But I heard that they have all been taken in by Feng Shao. Maybe they are already in Yunjian Pavilion."

"Oh? Does Yunjian Pavilion even dare to take in the traitors from our Nine Nether Holy Land? You are really brave! Do Lin Fengtian and Xiao Ruoyao really think that our Nine Nether Holy Land dare not attack them?"

The young man quickly said: "Lord Holy Lord, Junior Sister Zuo and the others may not have betrayed the Holy Land. Maybe they also have unavoidable reasons?"

"Why? If they really had their reasons, they shouldn't have left the Holy Land without even saying a word! Xin Ruxiong, you'd better tell me the truth. Does the death of the Holy Son have anything to do with them?" The middle-aged man looked at the young man. There was already murderous intent in his eyes.

Xin Ruxiong took a deep breath and said: "Please, Lord Holy Master, please be clear to me! Junior Sister Zuo and the others are loyal to the Holy Land and have never had any intention of betrayal. How could they leave the Holy Land rashly if they were not forced to do so? Maybe...maybe that's what happened. Feng Shao used some shameful means to control Junior Sister Zuo and the others, so that Junior Sister Zuo and the others would obey Feng Shao's words!"

After saying this, Xin Ruxiong lowered his head deeply. He didn't dare to look up because he was afraid that the person sitting on top would see his guilty conscience and realize that he was lying. So he could only lower his head like an ostrich and wait for the other party's decision.

The brief minute of silence made Xin Ruxiong feel as long as a century. Drops of cold sweat rolled down his forehead and fell to the ground along his face. After a while, the ground in front of him was soaked with sweat.

Finally, the middle-aged man spoke again: "In that case, then go and tell the Saint to bring me Feng Shao's head! If she can do it, then she can continue to serve as the Saint of the Nine Netherworld. Female. If she can’t do it, then she is a traitor to our Nine Nether Holy Land!”

Xin Ruxiong responded in a deep voice: "Yes!"

After leaving the hall, Xin Ruxiong couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat from his forehead. The trembling look had long since disappeared, replaced by a look of excitement.

Although this is a bit risky, it is obvious that he made the right bet! After the current difficulty is overcome, the position of Holy Son of Jiuyou will be his sooner or later!

On the day when the Nine Nether Holy Land disciples rioted, Xin Ruxiong was also present. But he just watched from a distance and had no intention of helping Chi Xuan. Because to him, dead Chi Xuan is far more useful than alive.

Just as he expected, Chi Xuan, who had already offended the public, was tortured to death by the disciples in the most cruel way, and even his soul was taken away by Zuo Linglan using a magical weapon. Therefore, even if Jiuyou Holy Land uses ghost magic to summon Chi Xuan, it is meaningless. What Xin Ruxiong wanted to do was to pin the crime of killing Chi Xuan on Feng Shao.

Feng Shao was very powerful and had conflicts with Chi Xuan. Regardless of motivation or strength, Feng Shao is the biggest suspect in killing Chi Xuan. Although the news that Chi Xuan was tortured to death by Jiuyou disciples was seen by countless people in Qingdi City, Xin Ruxiong had enough confidence to put the blame on Feng Shao's head with his sharp tongue.

And the final result did develop in the direction he expected.

As for taking Feng Shao's head, it is obviously not feasible. After all, Yunjian Pavilion is not that easy to mess with. Even Tao Yan is afraid of the strength of the Lengyue Sword Emperor. But it doesn't matter. Whether Feng Shao dies or not is not a big problem. The key depends on Zuo Linglan's attitude. As long as he finds a way to persuade Zuo Linglan to return to Jiuyou Holy Land, then his goal will be achieved.

Looking at the sun hanging diagonally on the horizon, slightly green due to the miasma of Jiuyou Mountain, a smile appeared on Xin Ruxiong's lips.

The weather today is really good!

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