Suddenly surrounded by four people, Qu Li was not panicked, because he had clearly noticed that among the four people, only Feng Shao and Lu Qingyuan were in the Jindan realm, and the two young girls were only in the Xiantian realm.

And he himself was in the Huashen realm.

Qu Li sneered at Feng Shao: "Feng Shao, you don't think you can deal with me by gathering a group of rabble, right?"

Feng Shao said lightly: "You will know whether you can deal with it after trying it?"

After that, Feng Shao took the lead in attacking Qu Li, and the three girls also began to besiege Qu Li.

Among the four people, Feng Shao was the strongest, so he took the most attacks from Qu Li. The other three followed the gaps and continued to attack the flaws in Qu Li's swordsmanship.

Qu Li chopped Feng Shao's neck with a knife, but Feng Shao did not dodge and stabbed Qu Li's chest with a sword, as if he was going to die together. But just when Qu Li's blade was about to hit Feng Shao, Lin Xiaoran suddenly slashed at Qu Li's back of the neck with a sword. Qu Li had no choice but to retract his long sword and slash at Lin Xiaoran, while retreating quickly to avoid Feng Shao's sword. But Lu Qingyuan and Feng Lingxue stabbed at his armpits from the left and right at the same time, forcing him to retract his long sword again to protect himself.

After several times, Qu Li couldn't use any of his moves completely, which made him feel depressed.

On the contrary, Feng Shao and others cooperated and succeeded repeatedly, frequently causing wounds on Qu Li. Poor Qu Li was obviously stronger than the four people, but he didn't see any success from beginning to end.

Seeing that the number of Blood Demon Sect disciples was decreasing, Qu Li suddenly roared and shouted: "Feng Shao, you forced me to do this!"

After that, Qu Li suddenly retracted his knife and slapped his chest at the same time. Then, Qu Li's face turned red, and he spat out a mouthful of dirty blood with a "wow". The dirty blood was as black as ink, and it was hard to believe that it came from a human body.

Qu Li stretched out his hand and held the dirty blood in his hand. The dirty blood immediately turned into a ball of black mist, covering Qu Li's whole body along his arm. As the black mist spread, Qu Li's originally strong muscles suddenly bulged with blue veins, and his face also showed an extremely painful look.

Feng Shao saw this and his expression changed. He shouted: "He is going to use the forbidden method of the Blood Demon Sect! Retreat!"

After saying that, Feng Shao did not retreat but advanced, stabbing Qu Li's chest with a sword.

At Feng Shao's order, the three women all flew back without hesitation, but they did not expect Feng Shao to do the opposite. Their faces changed drastically.

Lu Qingyuan unfurled his long sword, whistled, and rushed towards Qu Li.

Feng Lingxue turned into a stream of light, like a peerless sword, and cut Qu Li in the waist.

Lin Xiaoran swung his sword, and a sword energy of Fuyao chopped straight at Qu Li's face.

In a moment of urgency, the three women all used their strongest means. However, after a few loud noises, Lu Qingyuan and Feng Lingxue were both blown away, and the sword energy of Fuyao chopped by Lin Xiaoran was caught by Qu Li with one hand, and then he exerted force and crushed it.

Only Feng Shao's sword was nailed to Qu Li's chest, entangled by a ball of demonic energy, unable to move forward. However, under Feng Shao's full strength, the demonic energy failed to push Feng Shao away, and the two froze on the spot for a while.

Qu Li roared wildly, swung his long sword, and a sword energy of seven or eight feet long chopped Feng Shao in the waist. Feng Shao looked cold and fierce, and took out two ancient bronze mirrors with his left hand, and a barrier emitting a faint white light suddenly enveloped Feng Shao.

There was a loud "dang" sound, and the sword energy chopped on the barrier. Feng Shao's face turned pale immediately, as if he had been hit hard. However, Qu Li's sword failed to work, and he died on the spot.

As a cultivator of the Spiritualization Realm, Qu Li's strength was far inferior to that of a cultivator of the Great Purity Realm like Chu Hao. However, Feng Shao performed it with one hand, and the true essence he infused in a hurry was less than 20% or 30%, so the effect of this defensive barrier was also far less than that day. Although he took Qu Li's sword, Feng Shao actually suffered serious internal injuries.

Feng Shao shouted loudly, and the Golden Crow Sword shone brightly, and the hot Yang Qi burned on the demonic energy, making a sizzling sound. Qu Li also roared in pain, and his facial features became twisted and hideous. He grabbed the tip of the Golden Crow Sword fiercely, ignoring the fact that his left hand was almost burned to charcoal. The long sword in his right hand was raised again, and chopped down fiercely again!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three consecutive blows, Feng Shao almost vomited blood. But he just stood there, refusing to retreat. Lin Xiaoran and the other three women rushed up again and launched a fierce siege on Qu Li.

The demonic energy that Qu Li stimulated with his own blood and essence was quite fierce, but it could not withstand the frequent and fierce attacks of the three women. Under the siege of the three women with all their strength, the demonic energy was finally broken. Lin Xiaoran saw the opportunity very quickly, and without thinking, he chopped out with a Gushe sword. Qu Li screamed, and the demonic energy in his body suddenly dissipated.

Feng Shao felt that the pressure on the sword suddenly lightened, and the tip of the sword pierced Qu Li's chest without any hindrance.

Qu Li lowered his head, looked at the long sword stuck in his chest in disbelief, laughed miserably, and murmured: "I didn't expect that I would die here..."

Before he finished speaking, his ferocious head drooped weakly.

Seeing that Qu Li was dead, the four people breathed a sigh of relief. I didn't expect that even besieging and killing a second-rate sect's Spiritual Transformation Realm cultivator would be so difficult.

In fact, Feng Shao had considered using the Nine Heavens Fire Cauldron to kill Qu Li earlier. However, the Nine Heavens Fire Cauldron was not a magical weapon specifically used to kill people, and although the Nine Heavens Fire was powerful, it was not difficult to avoid it, and it was very easy to accidentally hurt teammates.

Feng Shao himself could think of several ways to resist the pressure of Jiutian Lihuo Cauldron and wait for an opportunity to counterattack. If it doesn't work, the worst case scenario is turning around and running away, even Jiutian Lihuo won't be able to catch up. Therefore, this thing can only catch people off guard after all, and is not suitable for use in head-on confrontations.

Fortunately, although it was a bit difficult, he succeeded in killing Qu Li.

Now that Qu Li is dead, there is no suspense about the outcome of the next battle.

With the participation of Feng Shao and others, the originally stalemate battle situation immediately turned to Feng Shao and others' side. Feng Shao and others specially selected the strongest people to attack, and killed several people in just a few moments. After the remaining people persisted for a while, seeing that there was no hope of victory, they suddenly lost all fighting spirit and turned around and fled.

After a chase, except for a few Blood Demon Sect disciples who ran extremely fast, everyone else was killed on the spot.

After the battle, everyone cheered. Especially the outer disciples of Taiwei Sect shed excited tears while cheering.

Feng Shao was not busy cheering, but immediately organized manpower to treat the injured.

Although this time, Taiwei Sect's side caught the Blood Demon Sect off guard by deliberate calculation but some disciples were still injured or even died during the battle. The injured disciples were temporarily treated, while the disciples who died in battle were hastily buried. Under Feng Shao's arrangements, everything seemed to be in order, giving the Taiwei Sect disciples a feeling of "finally having a backbone."

After that, Feng Shao summoned Lin Xiaoran, Han Biyun, Zuo Linglan and others to discuss the next plan.

The next goal is simple, that is to recapture Taiwei Mountain!

But now that Qingyangzi and others are in the hands of the enemy, the disciples of Taiwei Sect will inevitably throw themselves into danger. Therefore, before taking back Taiwei Mountain, we have to rescue people first. Although Feng Shao had already asked Ye Chen about the place where Qingyangzi and others were imprisoned, because Feng Shao had already sneaked into Taiwei Mountain once before, presumably the security on Taiwei Mountain is now tighter than before, so he sneaked in again. Not very feasible.

However, considering that most of the Blood Demon Sect's disciples had died in the previous battle, there were probably not many manpower left on Taiwei Mountain. Therefore, after repeated weighing, Feng Shao finally decided to attack head-on.

But a frontal attack also requires skill.

After Feng Shao glanced at everyone, he said calmly: "I am ready to challenge Weng Jiao head-on in my own name."

Han Biyun was startled: "Senior Brother Feng, don't you want to have a one-on-one duel with Weng Jiao?"

Feng Shao nodded: "That's it."

"No!" Lin Xiaoran immediately objected, "That man is at the Divine Transformation Realm. Brother Shao, you are only at the Golden Core Realm. How can you win against him in a head-on duel?"

Feng Shao shook his head and smiled: "I don't have to win, I just need to hold him back."

Afterwards, Feng Shao told everyone his plan.

After everyone listened, they couldn't help but look at each other. Han Biyun hesitated and said: "Brother Feng, is this method really feasible? Will they really be fooled?"

"Yes." Feng Shao smiled confidently, "Because they can't afford to gamble!"


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