After arriving at Wuling City, Dai Zhixin entered the city without much effort.

As Dai Zhixin had expected, although the current Wuling City looked solemn from the outside, it was empty inside. The plots of land were only in their infancy, sparsely populated, and quiet and peaceful.

But this empty and desolate scene seemed to Dai Zhixin like stacks of banknotes!

No, it should be silver bills!

Now Dai Zhixin has begun to think about how to start her real estate business!

"According to the description in the book, there are four markets in Wuling City, namely Xinghuafang in the northeast corner, Anpingfang in the southeast corner, Xuanchengfang in the northwest corner, and Yandefang in the southwest corner. As long as these four plots are occupied in advance, you can own a large number of shops. When the time comes, I can rent out the shops and become my own landlady, making money while lying down!" Dai Zhixin murmured excitedly.

"Well... Miss, do you think we should find a place to stay first?" Guard Lang couldn't help reminding Dai Zhixin when he saw that she looked like she had never seen the world.

Dai Zhixin finally realized and nodded quickly: "Oh, yes, we should find a place to stay first. But is there an inn in Wuling City?"

"This... let me go and ask first."

After asking around, Guard Lang found out that there was no inn in Wuling City at the moment. All guests were temporarily staying in the manor of the City Lord's Mansion, but that was limited to guests with invitations. If there was no invitation, they could only temporarily stay in the Xuanyangfang and Mingyangfang guesthouses to the north of the City Lord's Mansion.

Among them, the Xuanyangfang guesthouse was inhabited by cultivators, while the Mingyangfang guesthouse was inhabited by ordinary people. Wuling City did not have strict restrictions. Ordinary people could go to Xuanyangfang or cultivators could go to Mingyangfang. It was just that birds of a feather flock together, and people were mostly used to living with people of the same kind, so this regional division was formed.

This guesthouse is not very luxurious, and it is certainly not as comfortable as the manor of the city lord's mansion. However, since it is free, Dai Zhixin feels that it is acceptable.

So the two went straight to the Mingyangfang guesthouse.

After arriving at the guesthouse, Dai Zhixin realized that her idea was too naive.

It is indeed free to stay in the guesthouse, but it is necessary to eat. Since the surrounding area has not yet formally formed a stable trade route, the prices of various materials in Wuling City are still relatively high. It costs five taels of silver for an ordinary meal!

This is a robbery!

Dai Zhixin couldn't help complaining in her heart, but since there was no other choice, she could only stay there uncomfortably.

During the meal, Dai Zhixin also paid attention to the discussions of the people around her.

Those who live in the guesthouse are naturally those who don't have an invitation. Among these people, most of them are caravans. They traveled all over the country, were knowledgeable, and talked about things that Dai Zhixin had never heard of before, which made her eyes light up. When she heard halfway, she couldn't help but speak up.

At first, the merchants were very surprised. After all, Dai Zhixin's attire made her look like a lady from a wealthy family. She should have lived in the manor of the city lord's mansion. Why did she come to the guesthouse and mingle with these peddlers?

However, with the ability to deal with people in the real world, Dai Zhixin easily dispelled the merchants' concerns and began to talk unscrupulously.

When Guard Lang saw this scene, he couldn't help but hold his forehead, regretting that he had brought the young lady to Wuling City.

If the master knew that the young lady didn't care about her image, would he be furious?

Dai Zhixin couldn't care about these. Because all her energy was used to collect intelligence.

Yes, she talked with the merchants not to chat and have fun, but to collect intelligence.

Although Dai Zhixin still remembered a lot of the content in the book, after she really traveled to the world in the book, she found that the description in the book was too broad and many details were not taken into account. In order to gain a foothold here, Dai Zhixin did her best to get to know this city.

As for her father's thoughts? It doesn't matter at all! Because she originally planned to never go back after coming here.

Anyway, a family that used her as a tool for marriage is not worth her going back.

During the conversation, Dai Zhixin really gained a lot of information that was not written in the book, but was very valuable to her.

For example, Wuling City has opened up the sale of land deeds, and many cultivation and martial arts sects are preparing to set up branches in the city. For example, several families are ready to move their entire families to Wuling City...

Obviously, the two major events of Yunjian Pavilion's establishment of prestige and Feng Shao's gift yesterday have made many people realize the value of Wuling City, and many people have begun to invest in Wuling City. However, since the potential of Wuling City has not yet been seen, investment is still limited to a small range.

Some businessmen also discussed whether to buy a land deed in Wuling City, build a house, or simply move their own business here. Although they were quite tempted by Wuling City, they were still hesitant to buy the land deeds and build houses.

Dai Zhixin sneered in her heart after hearing this. Ha, you people who have no vision will regret your hesitation today sooner or later!

No matter how much the land deeds cost, you must buy as many as possible! Because the more you buy, the more you earn!

But when Dai Zhixin confidently inquired about the price of the land deeds, her face immediately fell.

Land deeds are big and small, and the locations are good and remote. The largest land deed has ten acres of land, which is enough to build a five-entry courtyard. The smallest land deed is also one hundred square meters, which can build a residential house. The good locations are close to the city lord's mansion and the meeting hall, such as Xuanyangfang and Mingyangfang, while the remote locations are far away from the city wall. Not to mention the transportation, the lighting alone is also a problem.

But even the smallest area, and the location under the city wall, a land deed starts at one hundred taels. As for those good land deeds, such as a ten-acre land in Xuanyangfang, it costs one hundred thousand spirit stones.

Yes, the currency unit here has become spirit stones, which is not something that mortals like them can afford.

Dai Zhixin had a bitter little face, and couldn't help cursing Feng Shaolai in her heart. Why did this guy set the price of the land deed so high? He is simply a profiteer who eats people without spitting out bones!

She completely forgot that her goal was to become such a profiteer.

Although her family is rich, she doesn't have much money. In order to gain a foothold in Wuling City, Dai Zhixin had sold everything she could sell before coming here, and collected more than two thousand taels of silver. This money can barely buy a small courtyard in a good location, but where does the money come from to build a house? If the money for building a house is also counted, then where will the location of her land be?

Dai Zhixin looked sad.

Could it be that as a time traveler, I have to go back home after walking here?

No! I can't be so pessimistic and negative! No money, right? If you don't have money, then go and make it! Although I don't know much about this world, with my knowledge in the world, can't I play this ancient economics?

Thinking of this, Dai Zhixin cheered up again and continued to gather information. Soon, she heard another piece of information that was very useful to her.

The Council is recruiting city managers. As long as you have the ability, no matter where you come from, the Council may accept you!

Dai Zhixin's eyes lit up immediately. Isn't this prepared for me? I am a time traveler, and I can't manage a city?

That night, Dai Zhixin fell asleep with full of expectations.

Early the next morning, Dai Zhixin went straight to the meeting hall with great interest.

This meeting hall is a new thing for people in this world. The city lords of ordinary cities are not so interested in managing a city. For them, managing a city only requires knowing how to collect taxes. As for urban planning, people's livelihood construction, food supply and the like, there is no need to worry about it, ordinary people can handle it themselves.

So there is no need to set up a special department to manage the city.

But Feng Shao didn't think so.

For other city lords, the city is a foundation. But for Feng Shao, the city is a career. Since it is a career, it must be done well and made big. Wuling City is not his goal, but just his starting point.

Therefore, Feng Shao was particularly concerned about the city management issues that other cities had never considered, and therefore specially recruited city management talents from the outside world.

In order to recruit talents that meet the requirements, Feng Shao also specially formulated a standard. Only those who meet the standard can be recruited.

Many people who think they are very capable volunteered to go up, but were rejected. The reason for the rejection is also very simple, that is, they do not meet the requirements.

Many people are confused. How difficult can it be to manage a city? Why don’t I meet the requirements?

Bai Shuanghua, who is in charge of personnel recruitment, has almost turned gray in the past few days.

She originally thought that city management was simple, but after studying with Feng Shao for a while, she found that the real city management was completely different from what she imagined. There are all kinds of issues that need to be considered, just like a housekeeper.

It is precisely because of a certain amount of experience that Bai Shuanghua knows what kind of talents are needed for city management.

But what kind of people are applying for the job these days!

Everyone only talks about how to make money when they come up. There were all kinds of things, such as collecting agricultural taxes, collecting commercial taxes, and collecting corvée labor. Some people even proposed to establish a business and a bank in the name of Wuling City, and use this as a basis to establish a trade network radiating to the surrounding areas, and then make a lot of money.

The latter made Bai Shuanghua quite excited, so she temporarily recruited them into the meeting room. As for the former, who only talked about how to collect taxes and corvée labor... just let them go back to where they came from.

For several days, there were many applicants, but few who met the requirements. Seeing that Wuling City was open, but even the officials were not gathered, Bai Shuanghua was so worried!

This morning, Bai Shuanghua sat in the meeting room as usual, but she had already started thinking about what to eat for lunch.

I thought I would have to sit there all morning, but at this time a woman dressed in rich clothes came in excitedly, and shouted to Bai Shuanghua as soon as she came up: "I want to apply!"

Bai Shuanghua: "..."

This was the first time she met a female applicant.

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