Senior brother, stop it, you are the villain!

Chapter 267 Ziqing's shocking change (Part 2)

Lin Huanger

When the elder heard the news, he vomited three liters of blood on the spot.

He could guess with his big toe who spread the rumor. He was furious and scolded the second elder in his room for a full hour. When he was so excited, he almost died on the spot.

At least he was not destined to die, and he finally breathed.

This matter was widely circulated among the cultivators, but most people only discussed it privately. After all, the Purple Purity Holy Land was a big family, and it was not comparable to the power of ordinary sects. Even though the Purple Purity Holy Land was seriously injured, everyone was still afraid of it under the accumulated prestige.

But the Chongyang Sword Sect and the Xuanlei Sect did not have so many concerns about this. Not only did they not have any concerns, but they were overjoyed because they realized that the opportunity to overthrow the Purple Purity Holy Land had come!

So they began to spread the rumor, and added a lot of specious details, even making up what kind of poison the Purple Purity Saint had, and where it came from.

The speaker swore, and the listener was half-believing and half-doubting. But no matter whether everyone believed it or not, the rumor at least spread throughout the entire North Continent under the instigation of the two major sects.

But when hearing this rumor, the most difficult thing was not the people of the Purple Purity Holy Land, but the people of the Tiangang Sword Sect.

The Tiangang Sword Sect and the Purple Purity Holy Land have had a friendship for thousands of years, and it reached its peak in the generation of Fenghuang Ji Wuya and Narcissus Mo Wei. Since then, the two major sects have established an unbreakable relationship. Even though there are constant problems within the Purple Purity Holy Land, the friendship between the two sides has never been affected.

However, no matter how good the relationship is, some things cannot be overstepped. Just like now, the Purple Purity Holy Land is in chaos, and the Tiangang Sword Sect sent people here to help stabilize the situation. As for who is right and who is wrong, the Tiangang Sword Sect will not care.

But this rumor has put the Tiangang Sword Sect in a dilemma.

Killing the leader of the sect, even if it is placed in the Demon Sect, people will criticize it. The Tiangang Sword Sect claims to be a famous and upright sect, and of course it is not willing to go along with such scum. But if the elder really did such a thing, then the current behavior of the Tiangang Sword Sect is no different from helping the evil.

You can take people away directly, but it is not possible, which violates the morality of the two major sects "being of the same blood". After all, the Ziqing Holy Land has become like this now. If the Tiangang Sword Sect does not defend it, then the Ziqing Holy Land will suffer?

After repeated consideration, the Tiangang Sword Sect decided to take a trick to cut off the firewood.

Directly ask the elder to invite the Purple Qing Saint Lord.

In recent years, the Purple Qing Holy Land has always claimed that its Saint Lord is in seclusion to seek a breakthrough. Whether others believe it or not, at least this is the situation on the surface. If you want to dispel the influence of rumors, then the best way is to dispel the rumors directly.

But facing the request of Tiangang Sword Sect, the elder was hesitant and incoherent. After talking nonsense for a long time, the final conclusion was: the Purple Purity Saint Lord cannot be invited out.

Hearing this, the elder in charge of the Tiangang Sword Sect suddenly understood clearly.

It seems that the rumor is not a rumor, but it is very likely to be the truth.

The situation has become more difficult.

Interfering with the internal affairs of other sects is a taboo for famous and upright sects. If Tiangang Sword Sect rashly intervenes in the internal affairs of the Purple Purity Holy Land, it is easy for people to think that they want to take the opportunity to control the entire Purple Purity Holy Land.

But in this situation, Tiangang Sword Sect cannot help but intervene.

After two days of internal discussion, Tiangang Sword Sect finally came up with a solution: summon all the disciples of the Purple Purity Holy Land to jointly elect a new Purple Purity Saint Lord!

Tiangang Sword Sect means that I will not interfere in the internal affairs of the Purple Purity Holy Land, but I can make the decision to let you, the Purple Purity Holy Land, solve the problem yourself!

At that moment, the Tiangang Sword Sect announced this decision to the Great Elder. And they did not come to ask for the Great Elder's opinion, but to inform him.

The Great Elder was so angry that he vomited three liters of blood again.

But the situation was stronger than the person. No matter how dissatisfied the Great Elder was, he could only grit his teeth and admit it due to the strength of the Tiangang Sword Sect.

But he did not do nothing. After thinking hard for a night, he privately found the elders of the Tiangang Sword Sect and told them about the situation of the Purple Purity Saint.

He first admitted that the Purple Purity Saint was poisoned to death. Then he turned the topic and pointed the finger at the Second Elder. He said that it was the Second Elder who really poisoned the Purple Purity Saint. After the Purple Purity Saint was poisoned, he knew that there was no cure, so he handed the power of the Purple Purity Holy Land to himself. He has been working diligently and hard for the past three years just to overthrow the Second Elder's lineage and avenge the Purple Purity Saint.

The elder spoke vividly, and when he was moved, he even shed tears and looked grief-stricken. The elders of Tiangang Sword Sect had to comfort him, saying that if the Purple Purity Saint knew about this, he would definitely not want to see you like this.

But it is hard to say what he thinks in his heart.

Anyway, the matter of re-electing the Purple Purity Saint was not shelved because of this.

The fact that the Purple Purity Saint was poisoned was confirmed by the elder. But no one knows who the real murderer is. On the surface, the elder is the most suspicious, but the suspicion of the second and third elders cannot be completely ruled out. Now that the third elder is dead and the second elder is on the run, the Purple Purity Holy Land is left with only the elder in charge.

Of course, there are other elders in the Purple Purity Holy Land, but they are insignificant and their opinions are basically not considered.

The Tiangang Sword Sect is an outsider after all. They are not judges and cannot preside over justice. In addition, there is no evidence at hand, so even if the elders of the Tiangang Sword Sect do not believe the words of the elder, they can only pretend to understand on the surface.

No matter how the elder said that the second elder was not trustworthy, the elder of the Tiangang Sword Sect was unmoved, which made him angry and hateful. In the end, no one knew what he was thinking. Suddenly, he had an idea and said that the two most qualified to succeed the position of the Purple Purity Saint Lord were the two direct disciples of the Purple Purity Saint Lord, that is, Tang Fei and Murong Pianpian. So he suggested that the two people should be directly recruited back to the Purple Purity Holy Land and the Purple Purity Saint Lord should be selected from them.

The elder of the Tiangang Sword Sect thought that Tang Fei and Murong Pianpian were probably dead, so they would definitely not return to the Purple Purity Holy Land. Although the elders of the Tiangang Sword Sect also understood this truth, they could not easily draw conclusions because the life and death of the two people had not been confirmed. Even on the surface, we have to recruit these two people back first. As for whether they can be recruited back, that is another matter.

As long as one of Tang Fei and Murong Pianpian comes back, someone will take over the mess of Ziqing Holy Land. But if they don't come back... then we have to continue to discuss the succession of Ziqing Saint Lord.

The elder also "kindly" said that Tang Fei and Murong Pianpian might be dead, but they might also be alive. If they are still alive, then the two may be looking for a place to recuperate in a remote corner. So in the short term, they should not be able to come back. So he suggested that it is best to wait for three months. If Tang Fei and Murong Pianpian still can't come back after three months, then discuss the matter of re-establishing Ziqing Saint Lord at that time.

Hearing this, the elder of Tiangang Sword Sect looked at the elder meaningfully for a while, and then slowly nodded in agreement.

It must be said that the elder is still very capable. Originally, because the poisoning of Ziqing Saint Lord was exposed, they fell into a passive situation, but he eased the situation with just a few words.

Not only that, he also used the "dead" Tang Fei and Murong Pianpian to buy himself a three-month respite. Next, as long as he completely eradicated the lineage of the second elder in these three months, the last Purple Purity Saint Lord would still be his.

The elders of the Tiangang Sword Sect were not fools, and they guessed the idea of ​​the great elder on the spot. It was just that the suggestion of the great elder was reasonable, and he was inconvenient to interfere too much due to his position, so he could only agree.

The situation returned to the hands of the great elder. Although there was a time limit, the great elder was confident that he could wipe out the lineage of the second elder before the three-month deadline!

His plan was good, and the only thing that made him fail was that Tang Fei and Murong Pianpian were indeed still alive!

The next day, the Tiangang Sword Sect issued a notice to the entire Upper Domain, ordering Tang Fei and Murong Pianpian to return immediately, without any mistakes!

It was five days later when this announcement reached Wuling City. After learning about this situation, Tang Fei and Murong Pianpian were a little confused for a while.

After returning to this world, the two did not plan to return to Ziqing Holy Land, and even planned to spend their old age in a foreign land. But now the situation has changed again, which makes them a little hesitant.

If the Ziqing Holy Land issued the notice, the two would definitely not believe it. Who knows what trap is hidden behind such a notice? What awaits them after returning is most likely not the throne, but the grave!

But it happened that the Tiangang Sword Sect issued the notice...

The Tiangang Sword Sect is recognized as the first sect in Beizhou and the leading sect among the righteous sects. The Tiangang Sword Sect attaches great importance to its own reputation, so the notice they issued is backed by the reputation of the Tiangang Sword Sect. After Tang Fei and Murong Pianpian returned, they were guaranteed by the Tiangang Sword Sect, so at least they were safe.

But being safe does not mean that everything is fine. Tang Fei felt that as long as the elder was not dead, there would still be danger after they returned. The biggest possibility is that Tang Fei or Murong Pianpian will be established as the puppet master by the elder, and the power of the holy land will still be controlled by the elder. The two people without foundation basically have no chance to fight against the elder.

But now, it is the only chance for the two to return and regain power. This opportunity is rare, and it will be gone if you miss it!

Logically speaking, if they want to be safe, the two should ignore this notice directly. As long as others think they are dead, they can live well. But when he thought that his master died so unclearly, Tang Fei couldn't swallow this breath!

Therefore, after hesitating for a long time, Tang Fei decided: return to the Ziqing Holy Land!

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