Senior brother, stop it, you are the villain!

Chapter 286 Benefits of the Cultivation Academy

When Feng Shao received Tang Fei's invitation, there were only two days left before the end of the year.

As early as three days ago, he had returned to Wuling City. But he did not come back alone. Behind him, there were two people.

One was Liu Shou, and the other was Lian Yingying.

Lian Chengyuan knew very well how fierce the conflict between the righteous and evil in Beizhou was. The two sides could fight almost anywhere and in any way, and they were the kind of people who would kill each other as soon as they met. Unless he could guarantee that Lian Yingying could stay in Qingming Mountain, what happened a year ago would happen sooner or later.

Parents who love their children will plan for them in the long run. Although Lian Chengyuan was reluctant to let his daughter go, he also knew that Beizhou was not a place suitable for Lian Yingying. After hesitating for a few days, Lian Chengyuan finally made up his mind and decided to let Lian Yingying leave with Liu Shou and go to Dongzhou.

No matter how powerful the righteous sects such as Tiangang Sword Sect were, they could not reach Dongzhou. As long as he went to Dongzhou, he would no longer have to worry about Lian Yingying encountering any danger. Moreover, she had Liu Shou by her side, and Liu Shou also proved his affection for Lian Yingying through his actions. With him around, Lian Yingying would surely not be hurt.

The only person who could not understand was probably Lian Yingying herself.

Lian Yingying initially expressed her firm opposition to Lian Chengyuan's decision. She grew up in Qingming Mountain and had deep feelings for both Shura Road and Qingming Mountain. It was really hard for her to accept that she had to leave her hometown so suddenly.

For this reason, Lian Chengyuan and Liu Shou had to persuade her in turn. After persuading her for more than ten days, Lian Yingying finally agreed to their decision and came to Wuling City with Liu Shou.

But along the way, Lian Yingying's face was obviously not very good. Even though the prosperity of Wuling City exceeded her imagination and the people here were very enthusiastic towards her, she still felt like a "stranger in a foreign land".

Seeing Lian Yingying frowning for many days, Liu Shou also felt a little melancholy. He wanted to help Lian Yingying get rid of her depression, but unfortunately, he was a straight man and lacked the ability to understand girls' delicate thoughts. Many times, Lian Yingying said "I'm fine", and Liu Shou actually thought she was fine in his heart, and was so happy that Feng Shao wanted to kick him in the ass.

But after all, this is the couple's business, so he shouldn't get involved.

As the New Year's Eve approached, the whole Wuling City became lively. This year's New Year's Eve was different from last year's. Last year, Wuling City had just been built, and the whole city was empty. The only lively place was the City Lord's Mansion. In addition, some changes happened in Taiwei Mountain, so this year was not very comfortable.

But this year's Wuling City is much more prosperous and lively than last year. Of course, the most important thing is the happy event that happened recently in the City Lord's Mansion.

The Lord of the City was blessed with a son, and the birth of a new life also foreshadowed a vibrant New Year. Therefore, everyone in the City Lord's Mansion is looking forward to this New Year.

In the past few days, Lian Yingying looked at the busy City Lord's Mansion and felt confused. She couldn't help but ask Lin Xiaoran: "Sister Lin, what day is it recently? Why is the City Lord's Mansion so lively recently?"

Lin Xiaoran is two years younger than Lian Yingying, so it's not wrong for her to call her "Sister Lin". Hearing Lian Yingying's question, Lin Xiaoran smiled and said: "Sister Lian, we have a tradition in Wuling City, that is, we celebrate the Spring Festival every year. Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, so of course the City Lord's Mansion is lively."

"Celebrate the Spring Festival? New Year's Eve?" Lian Yingying was even more confused, "Do we monks also celebrate secular festivals?"

Lin Xiaoran teased his son in his arms and smiled: "Originally, I didn't celebrate this kind of festival. But Brother Shao said that in fact, the festival itself has no special meaning, and the meaning is given by people. If celebrating a festival like this can make everyone happy and lively, and can deepen the relationship between each other, then this festival is very necessary."

Lian Yingying listened, with a thoughtful look on her face.

Due to their long life span and years of seclusion, monks are emotionally indifferent and naturally will not celebrate such secular festivals. Especially in a demon sect like Shura Dao, everyone in the sect respects strength. If you have strength, others will naturally respect you, and there is no need to use festivals to deepen feelings.

After thinking about it, Lian Yingying suddenly realized that as monks, they were so snobbish that they almost forgot the most basic emotions in human nature.

Thinking of this, Lian Yingying suddenly felt a little excited about the upcoming festival.

At this time, Lin Xiaoran suddenly said, "By the way, Sister Lian, what do you think about the suggestion I made to you yesterday?"

"This..." Lian Yingying hesitated. Because Lin Xiaoran's suggestion yesterday was really hard for her to understand.

In recent times, the overall construction of the Cultivation Academy has finally been basically completed, and only some temporarily unimportant facilities are left. Therefore, Lin Xiaoran decided that the Cultivation Academy will be able to carry out the first enrollment work in the first month of next year.

However, before recruiting students, the Cultivation Academy must first establish a teaching staff.

With the strong backing of Yunjian Pavilion, there is no shortage of teaching staff. However, the Cultivation Academy was not founded by Yunjian Pavilion, so Lin Xiaoran believes that not all teachers can be recruited from Yunjian Pavilion, but also from other places.

Lian Yingying and Liu Shou are very suitable candidates for teachers.

Liu Shou has agreed, but Lian Yingying is still hesitant.

Liu Shou agreed because of his personal relationship with Feng Shao, and he also has a sense of identity with Wuling City. In his opinion, being a teacher in the Cultivation Academy may be just a means of integration. He is very happy to be able to integrate into the life of Wuling City as soon as possible and to help Feng Shao.

But to Lian Yingying, Feng Shao and Wuling City seem a little strange. And the Cultivation Academy is something she has never heard of.

In the traditional concept of cultivators, cultivation is about inheritance, and inheritance represents the potential and foundation of a sect. Therefore, all sects attach great importance to inheritance and will not easily teach their own skills to outsiders. All those who want to practice skills must become apprentices, and becoming apprentices is a manifestation of loyalty. Only those who are loyal enough are qualified to practice skills.

But what about the Cultivation Academy? It doesn't care about the so-called "loyalty" at all! You can go to the Xiuzhen Academy for money, and you don't have to be responsible to the Xiuzhen Academy after graduation. If you don't have money, students can also sign an employment agreement to advance future salary to pay tuition. After paying off the tuition, students don't have to be responsible to the academy.

This teaching concept looks a bit like the kind of deceptive martial arts schools in the secular world!

But how can Wuling City, such a big city, deceive people in this way?

What surprised Lian Yingying even more was yet to come.

Lian Yingying thought that such an academy with almost no constraints on students must not be very strong. But when she saw the library of the Xiuzhen Academy, she was silent.

Before this, she never knew that there was such a large library in the world! And the number of recorded exercises is even more astonishing!

Not only that, the exercises included in the Xiuzhen Academy are not the ordinary ones that are everywhere. Many of them are ancient exercises that Lian Yingying has only heard of in legends. It is said that they have been lost for many years. But this kind of technique, which is considered a priceless treasure in the eyes of countless people, has as many as tens of thousands of copies in the Cultivation Academy!

Could Feng Shao have robbed an ancient sect?

For a moment, Lian Yingying felt that if a master with enough strength suddenly appeared at this time, he only needed to rob this library, then he would never have to worry about wealth forever.

But Lian Yingying still felt that the Cultivation Academy was unreliable, after all, this model was too weird. In addition, although the Shura Road was not a top sect, it had its own foundation after all. Lian Yingying, as the eldest lady of the Shura Road, did not want to teach her own practice experience so easily.

The reason why Lian Yingying did not refuse immediately was mainly because of a promise made by Lin Xiaoran.

Lin Xiaoran said that any cultivator who became a teacher in the Cultivation Academy could choose any three of the designated technique secrets to practice. After practicing the three books, if you still want to continue your studies, the teacher can exchange the corresponding technique by paying contribution points.

This is just the method!

In addition to the method, there are many benefits, such as herbs, pills, refining equipment, and the Gathering Spirit Tower. If any of them is put out there, it is enough to make everyone in the entire sect break their heads. But here, these are just basic benefits!

Lin Xiaoran also emphasized that this is a benefit that only teachers in the Cultivation Academy have.

Lian Yingying is very serious and thinks that the Cultivation Academy is really unreliable.

But the problem is that Lin Xiaoran gave too much!

So Lian Yingying really couldn't say no, and could only tell Lin Xiaoran that she would consider it for two days.

At this time, Lian Yingying looked at Lin Xiaoran's sincere smile, and there seemed to be a voice in her heart that kept echoing.

Maybe, maybe, probably, it is really a good choice to be a teacher in the Cultivation Academy?

After a long silence, Lian Yingying nodded with difficulty: "Okay, I... I agree with your suggestion!"

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