Cultivation academy, martial arts field.

A seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl dressed in white held a blue sword and danced gracefully in front of dozens of people.

She shook her hand, and dozens of sword energy shot out like raindrops. However, although the sword energy is dense, it is orderly and distinct. The girl is like the most skilled piano player. Although the rhythm is as dense as raindrops, every time she plays it, like pearls falling on a plate or rain hitting banana trees, every note is clear, crisp and moving.

After the first round of sword energy, the girl's sword turned. At that moment, the long blue sword transformed into thousands of bodies, and like a peacock spreading its wings, it pierced dozens of different directions almost at the same time, causing everyone to shout involuntarily. Exclamations.

When the sword energy was about to be exhausted, the girl regained her sword power, and the new sword energy continued like a tide, sweeping out one after another. Faintly, a faint electric light could be seen leaping on it. As the amount of lightning increased, a "crackling" sound could be clearly heard in the air, and a vortex formed by lightning gradually appeared in front of the girl.

Just when the lightning became more and more dazzling and seemed about to explode, the girl suddenly raised her sword and raised the lightning high. The next moment, a loud rumble was heard in the air. Everyone present felt that their hearing had been taken away, and only the roar of lightning lingered in their minds.

After a long time, everyone finally recovered from the loud noise. Looking at the girl again, I saw that she had sheathed her sword, with a calm expression on her face, as if she had just completed a trivial task.

It was only then that everyone realized that they had forgotten to breathe under the shock of the girl.

After a moment, applause broke out like a flood.

The girl calmly waved her hand to signal everyone to be quiet. After the applause stopped, the girl said calmly: "What I just demonstrated to you is the 'Tianlun Sword Technique'. This Tianlun Sword Technique is very effective in group battles, but it is not as effective in one-on-one battles." It needs to be greatly reduced, so everyone should pay attention to the situation when using it. The basic key of this sword technique is the word "quick", but it should be fast and orderly, and every sword energy must be hit where it should be... …”

During the girl's eloquent explanation, everyone present listened very carefully. From time to time, someone raised their hand to ask their own questions, and the girl answered them one by one.

About a quarter of an hour later, the girl had finished explaining the Heavenly Wheel Sword Technique. Seeing that everyone no longer raised any questions, the girl said: "The Tianlun Sword Technique that I will demonstrate to you today, you should practice more when you go back. You will be able to use it fluently within three days, and you will be able to use it skillfully within seven days. If you use it skillfully, The standard is that the accuracy of the sword energy direction can reach over 60%. Okay, let’s practice separately!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone started to wail.

"Isn't it? Do you want to achieve 60% accuracy? Teacher Feng, please kill me!"

"That's right! This 60% accuracy is simply not something that normal people can achieve, right?"

"Teacher Feng, don't think of others as yourself! I really can't do that!"

"It's over, it's over. It seems like I don't have to do anything else these days. I have to spend all my time practicing the Heavenly Wheel Sword Technique!"

Amid the wailing, a faint smile appeared on the face of the girl who was originally as cold as ice. She said: "This is my requirement. Failure to do so will only prove that you are stupid. If you don't want to be a fool, then practice well. Those who do not meet my requirements will face punishment!"

Everyone's expressions changed greatly, and they no longer dared to say anything to complain, and quickly found a place to practice.

The girl walked to a corner of the martial arts arena, sat on a chair, and watched everyone practice the newly learned Heavenly Wheel Sword Technique. Although their skills were unfamiliar, they were still working hard to adjust the position of each sword, striving to meet the requirements mentioned by the girl.

Although the girl looked very young - in fact, she was not very old - everyone present was afraid of this girl and did not dare to look down on her because of her young age. Because this girl is the swordsmanship teacher of the Cultivation Academy, and no one in the entire Cultivation Academy can match her in terms of swordsmanship alone. There were even rumors that even Xiaoyao Sword Fairy Xiao Ruoyao recognized her swordsmanship talent and believed that her future achievements would be no less than his own.

When she taught swordsmanship, her requirements were also very strict. Countless students who had once been unruly had their swords broken under her sword, and were severely taught how to behave by her long sword. As for their fate, everyone present subconsciously chose to avoid it.

Because it's so miserable.

So in front of a girl, you have to pretend that you are working hard, even if you are just pretending, and you must not let the girl stare!

As a result, the martial arts arena was in full swing. Everyone was sweating profusely from practicing, and they didn’t know whether they were tired or scared.

After an unknown amount of time, a clear ringtone suddenly rang. The girl stood up, clapped her hands, and everyone immediately sheathed their swords and lined up respectfully in front of the girl.

After scanning the crowd, the girl said calmly: "Everyone will practice hard when we go back. The first test will be held in three days. This test will not be included in the assessment, but don't take it lightly. Okay, get out of class is over!"

After that, the girl turned around and left.

And everyone finally got out of the girl's sight, and they all let out a long sigh of relief. Just thinking of the test three days later, everyone's face was full of bitterness again.

Alas, what else can be done? Go back and practice hard!

After the girl left the martial arts arena, she saw a small figure squatting on the ground holding a branch and doing something unknown. And on the shoulder of the small figure stood a red spiritual bird the size of a dove.

The red bird's perception was quite keen, and it turned its head when the girl just walked out of the martial arts arena. After seeing the girl clearly, the spirit bird seemed a little excited and flapped its wings towards the girl subconsciously.

The little figure squatting on the ground patted the spirit bird on the shoulder with some dissatisfaction, and said in a sweet voice: "Huang'er, stop making trouble, you've hit me on the head!"

A smile appeared on the girl's face, she quietly walked forward and said softly: "Little guy, what are you hiding for?"

"Playing with ants!" After the little figure subconsciously replied, he immediately felt something was wrong and quickly raised his head, revealing the tender face of a four or five-year-old boy.

The little boy quickly dropped the branch in his hand, stood up, and said to the girl with some embarrassment: "Sister, are you done?"

"Well, we just finished a class!" The girl leaned down and picked up the little boy, "Junior brother, since you are here, let's have a meal with senior sister!"

"Okay, okay!" The little boy smiled happily.

The spirit bird flew up from the little boy's shoulder, then landed on the girl's shoulder, and rubbed its little head against the girl's cheek, looking quite intimate.

The little boy was a little annoyed and said angrily: "Okay Huang'er, you will abandon me as soon as you see Senior Sister! I won't let you play with me anymore!"

The spirit bird tilted its head and blinked, looking innocent.

The girl patted the little boy's head and said with a smile: "Okay, little junior brother, are you still jealous of senior sister?"

The little boy scratched his head in embarrassment and said nothing.

On the way to the cafeteria, the two met many staff and students of the Cultivation Academy. They saluted the two of them one after another, saying "Young City Lord, Teacher Feng", and the two of them smiled in return.

This girl and little boy are Feng Lingxue and Feng Lingyu.

Feng Lingyu is four years old now. As the only son of Feng Shao, the lord of Wuling City, Feng Lingyu could be said to have grown up in the favor of everyone. But for Feng Lingyu, the person closest to him, besides his parents, was Feng Lingxue. Because in his impression, Feng Lingxue was the best to him.

As Feng Shao's only son, Feng Lingyu was born to be the only legal heir to Wuling City. In order to cultivate a qualified future city lord, Feng Shao and Lin Xiaoran had very strict requirements for Feng Lingyu.

Feng Lingyu is still young and doesn't quite understand the good intentions of his parents. In addition, boys are naturally naughty, so sometimes they can't help but confront their parents. In most cases, Feng Shao and Lin Xiaoran would tell Feng Lingyu the truth and convince others with their virtue. But sometimes when they get impatient, the couple will beat their children.

At this time, Feng Lingyu will run to Feng Lingxue to seek shelter, and Feng Lingxue will plead for Feng Lingyu. I don’t know what Feng Lingxue did. Basically, Feng Shao and Lin Xiaoran gave up beating Feng Lingyu every time after Feng Lingxue begged for mercy.

Over time, Feng Lingyu regarded Feng Lingxue as a safe haven.

Feng Lingxue's dependence on Feng Lingyu was a bit dumbfounding.

Feng Lingyu didn't know it himself, but Feng Lingxue knew very well, what role did her plead for mercy play? It was obviously Master and Mistress who used her to find a way out for him! The couple actually didn't want to beat their son, but Feng Lingyu was really too naughty sometimes, so he couldn't do it without beating him!

At this time, Feng Lingxue's role became very important.

Feng Shao and his wife and Feng Lingxue, one of them was a good person and the other was a bad person. With some cooperation, they managed to make Feng Lingyu docile.

But the price is that Feng Lingyu is obviously closer to Feng Lingxue than his parents. This made Lin Xiaoran sometimes couldn't help but lament that his biological son was about to be taken away by others.

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