Senior brother, stop it, you are the villain!

Chapter 345 The Girl's Past

"Is this Dongning City?"

Looking at the huge seal Chinese characters on the city gate, Xu Mingyu murmured.

Beside her, the nameless girl was wearing a black veil, hiding the hideous scars on her face. If one only looked at her exposed eyes and graceful figure, I am afraid that anyone would immediately think of her as a beautiful woman who could turn all living beings upside down.

Xu Mingyu couldn't help but feel sorry for the girl.

In order to hide her identity, Xu Mingyu also covered her face with a veil. It's just that her veil is white and as thin as a cicada's wings. Not only does it not cover up her unique and peerless appearance, but it adds a bit of hazy beauty, making her look like a fairy.

The girl was carrying a basket on her back. She just raised her eyes and casually glanced at the Chinese characters on the city gate, then withdrew her gaze and said calmly: "Let's enter the city quickly!"

With that said, the girl took the lead and walked into Dongning City. Seeing this, Xu Mingyu quickly followed.

Dongning City is the largest city within a radius of more than 500 miles. I saw people coming and going on the street, rubbing shoulders. The sounds of vendors hawking and bargaining came from both sides of the street. The noise was filled with the smoke of fireworks, making it a lively scene.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Xu Mingyu felt an inexplicable pain in his heart. She suddenly remembered the time when she traveled down the mountain with her brothers and sisters and went shopping in the cities they passed. At that time, they were harmonious and friendly, united and helped each other, and had warm smiles on their faces.

But now, those smiles have gone away from him, and many faces have disappeared forever.

At this moment, Xu Mingyu suddenly felt deep regret in her heart. She couldn't help but ask herself in her mind, was she right or wrong when she chose to support Chu Qing and betray the sect? Why didn't she get the result she wanted, but ended up being betrayed by everyone?

No one could tell her the answer.

At this time, the girl glanced at Xu Mingyu and saw the confusion in her expression. But she immediately withdrew her gaze and asked, "Do you know where to buy herbal medicine?"

Xu Mingyu was awakened by the girl's voice and came out of her reverie. After thinking for a moment, she said: "The drugstore not only sells medicines, but also buys and collects them. In addition, places like Danyao Pavilion and Linglong Pavilion also buy herbal medicines. But I think Tianshui Youlancao cannot afford to buy ordinary herbal medicines. Yes, we’d better go to Danyao Pavilion and Linglong Pavilion.”

"Elixir Pavilion and Linglong Pavilion?" the girl murmured. For some reason, when the three words "Linglong Pavilion" were mentioned, the girl felt vaguely familiar.

Just when the girl wanted to recall when she had heard the name "Linglong Pavilion", a sharp pain suddenly came from the depths of her brain, and she couldn't help but groan, and at the same time, a big drop of blood flowed from her forehead. Sweat.

here we go again.

After a while, the severe pain slowly disappeared from my mind. When the girl came back to her senses, she saw Xu Mingyu looking at her with worry.

Xu Mingyu was also frightened by the girl's reaction just now. If she hadn't supported the girl, she would have fallen to the ground. Seeing that the girl had returned to normal, Xu Mingyu quickly asked in a low voice: "Sister, what happened just now? Your face looks a bit scary."

Even through a layer of black gauze, Xu Mingyu could see the girl's facial features that were distorted by pain.

The girl shook her head and did not answer, but said: "Let's go to Linglong Pavilion now!"

For some reason, the words "Linglong Pavilion" not only sounded familiar, but also had a friendly feeling, which made the girl subconsciously choose Linglong Pavilion.

Xu Mingyu had no objection to the girl's decision and nodded immediately.

The two have been together for two days, but Xu Mingyu never knew the girl's name. She didn't understand why the girl refused to tell her her name. She guessed that maybe the girl also had her own secrets. As everyone knows, it's not that the girl doesn't want to tell her, but that the girl herself doesn't know her name.

Yes, she has amnesia, and has been for five years.

The beginning of all her memories was in a mountain forest, surrounded by broken limbs and broken arms, and the ground was covered with monks wearing various costumes. Judging from the wounds and blood on the monks' bodies, it was obvious that they had been dead for a long time.

The girl didn't know who she was, where she was, or why she was here. She just vaguely felt that this was not a good place.

She left this battlefield and walked at a leisurely pace. She didn't know how far she had walked. Fortunately, the girl saw many wild fruit trees along the way. The girl quenched her hunger and thirst through the wild fruits on the fruit trees.

Just like that, the girl walked forward aimlessly. She didn't know where she came from or where she was going. She couldn't even remember how far she had traveled or how many days she had walked.

Until they came to a village.

The girl was overjoyed to finally see a human being and walked into the village to seek help from the villagers. But what she didn't expect was that when the villagers saw her, they looked like they were ghosts, with frightened expressions on their faces. The children were even more frightened and cried when they saw her. What's more, some villagers used weapons such as hoes and forks to attack them.

In panic, the girl turned around and ran away into the forest. And in her ears, the cries of the villagers always echoed.

"Get away! Get away! Don't come here!"

"You monster, stay away from our village!"

"Kill her! Kill her!"

Fortunately, she ran much faster than the villagers, and eventually left them far behind.

The girl didn't understand why the villagers treated her as a monster until she fell into the stream in a panic and saw her reflection.

What a terrible face it was! Scars coiled on her face like ugly earthworms, muscles rolled up, bloody and blurred, more like a monster than a human!

The girl screamed in horror, her mind blank.

After a long time, the girl finally came to her senses. She touched her cheek with trembling hands, and finally confirmed that what she saw was not an illusion.

But reality.

Tears flowed from her eyes unconsciously. She finally understood why the villagers were so scared when they saw her. Not to mention those rural villagers, even she herself would feel scared when she saw this face.

But this face does not belong to others, but to herself.

The girl covered her face and cried bitterly.

Girls all love beauty, and no one can accept such a scar on their face. At this moment, the girl felt like the sky had fallen.

After an unknown amount of time, the girl stumbled to her feet and wandered aimlessly in the forest.

Now, she had no idea where to go.

The sun rose and set, and the stars moved. As time passed, the girl wandered aimlessly in the forest. When she was hungry, she picked a few fruits; when she was thirsty, she drank a few sips of stream water.

The girl thought she might continue like this until she encountered a large group of monsters.

The monsters were very powerful. As soon as the girl came into contact with them, she knew that she was no match for them. Without thinking, she turned around and ran away. But the monsters were like crazy, chasing after her, making shrill and terrifying howls.

Chased by the monsters, the girl fled to a cliff. She failed to stop, and fell headfirst into the cliff driven by inertia, screaming in despair.

When the girl woke up again, she found herself in a secret place. The secret realm is full of spiritual energy, birds singing and flowers blooming, and it looks like a paradise. The girl wandered around in the secret realm, but did not find the exit to leave the secret realm. It was in this secret realm that the girl was trapped for three whole years.

Fortunately, there was food and drink in the secret realm, as well as an ancient secret book. The girl studied the ancient secret book and quickly cultivated to the state of harmony under the nourishment of the secret realm's spiritual energy. The secret realm was also opened again at this time.

Originally, the girl planned to die alone in the secret realm, after all, the scar on her face had not been removed. With such an appearance, she could not show it to others. In this case, it would be better to find a place where no one was to live for a long time. But reality did not allow her. The moment the secret realm was opened, she felt that her body was rejected, and then she flew out of the secret realm involuntarily.

The girl who walked out of the secret realm was once again at a loss about her future life.

Because she didn't know where she should go at all.

After thinking for a long time, the girl decided to find a place where few people went to live in seclusion.

The girl went north and finally stopped at the foot of a mountain with abundant spiritual energy but no one. She cut down trees and built two cabins. The cabins were quite simple, but they were a place for her to shelter from the wind and rain.

During the construction of the cabin, the girl had doubts in her heart. She felt that she seemed to have built such a cabin before, and someone had told her in detail how to build a house. But no matter how she recalled it, she couldn't remember the appearance and name of the person who taught her to build a house until she felt a sharp pain in her head.

So the girl had to give up her memories.

In this way, the girl has been living in seclusion at the foot of the mountain and has not interacted with anyone. Fortunately, there are few people here, and the nearest village is dozens of miles away. Except for the herbalists and hunters who appear from time to time, the girl can hardly see anyone else. And every time someone appears, the girl will carefully hide herself so that outsiders will not notice.

The girl thought that she might spend the rest of her life like this, but late at night one day, while she was collecting herbs, she encountered a large group of monsters again.

This time, because the girl's cultivation had greatly improved, the monsters could not threaten her at all, so she did not hide, but chose to observe secretly.

Not long after, she saw a girl being chased by monsters. The girl seemed to have cultivation, but she still could not resist so many monsters, so she could only choose to escape. During the escape, she was constantly attacked by various birds and beasts, and she had many scars on her body.

The girl who saw this scene could not help but feel compassion, because she remembered herself and the scars on her face. The girl knew that if she did not go to save her, then even if she could survive in the end, she would be like herself, and she would have to bear a face full of scars for the rest of her life.

So the girl decided to take action.

Even the girl herself did not expect that this action would change her life.

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