The Broken Dragon Terrace is located at the junction of Zhongzhou and Dongzhou, deep in the Henglong Mountain. The Broken Dragon Terrace rises 3,000 meters above the ground, across the top of the mountain, and stands tall and majestic. It is hundreds of feet in radius, roughly circular, like a sword cutting horizontally, and as smooth as a mirror. Because of its special shape, the Broken Dragon Terrace has always been the most popular natural battle site for cultivators.

There was the decisive battle between Fenghuang and Xueyi in the distance, and Xiao Ruoyao fought against 17 sword cultivators from Chongyang Sword Sect recently. Without exception, they all became famous since the battle at the Broken Dragon Terrace. Therefore, in the eyes of many cultivators, the Broken Dragon Terrace is still the best place to achieve prestige.

For thousands of years, this holy place of decisive battles in the minds of cultivators has seen dozens of battles. The two sides of the decisive battle ranged from the Jindan realm to the Dujie realm. But no matter what realm they were in, their battles could never damage an inch of soil and stone on the Broken Dragon Terrace, which gave the Broken Dragon Terrace an extra layer of mythology.

According to ancient rumors, Henglong Mountain was formed by the ancient real dragon, and Duanlongtai was formed after the ancient real dragon was cut off its head. But no one knows the truth. Over thousands of years, many myths and legends have been derived around Duanlongtai, many of which are not only widely circulated among cultivators, but also talked about by ordinary people.

Chu Qing also grew up listening to the legend of Duanlongtai, and also yearned to become famous in one battle like Fenghuang Ji Wuya and Jianxian Xiao Ruoyao.

In his original conception, he would become the leader of the righteous path in Beizhou and even the entire Upper Domain, and lead all the righteous cultivators to fight against the demon sect. In the end, he would carry the hopes and sustenance of everyone, fight against the leader of the demon sect here, and kill him, and become famous in one fell swoop.

Of course, the most important thing is that after the decisive battle, he will win the hearts of all the beautiful female cultivators in the world, and he can also open a harem with peace of mind and enjoy the happiness of all the women.

It's a pity that dreams are full and reality is skinny. He did come to the Broken Dragon Platform today, but he did not come with glory and hope, but with infamy and embarrassment. When he saw the Broken Dragon Platform, what surged in his heart was not pride and ambition, but humiliation and depression.

Chu Qing was exhausted physically and mentally after many days of running around, but he could not get rid of the depression in his heart, which is what the monks often call "unclear thoughts". Generally, monks seek clear thoughts by cultivating their minds, trying to make themselves indifferent to fame and fortune and not be surprised by honor or disgrace.

But Chu Qing is not an ordinary monk, he is the son of luck! Who has ever seen the son of luck wrong himself? So the way they seek clear thoughts is very unconventional.

Their choice is to kill.

Make me angry? Kill!

Steal my opportunity? Kill!

Block my future? Kill!

Hinder my fame? Kill!

In short, kill, kill, kill!

In their view, there is no problem that cannot be solved by killing. If there is, it must be that they have not killed enough. Kill enough, and naturally the thoughts will be clear.

In order to cover up their bloodthirsty behavior, they even invented the word "decisive killing" to make their behavior justified.

Chu Qing is such a person. He only uses killing and slapping to make his thoughts clear, and has never considered the issue of cultivating his mind. Therefore, when he encounters someone he can't beat, such as Xiao Ruoyao, he can only keep it in his heart. In the long run, it will inevitably lead to chaos of his own qi and blood, and in serious cases, he will even go crazy and his meridians will be broken.

Family members know their own affairs, and Chu Qing is also very clear that his current situation is very bad. In desperation, he had to temporarily settle on the Broken Dragon Terrace.

After landing on the Broken Dragon Terrace, Chu Qing immediately sat down to meditate and regulate his breath, trying to sort out the increasingly chaotic qi and blood in his body. He regulated his breath like this for several hours in a row, until night fell and the crescent moon hung obliquely.

Chu Qing put away his mind method and breathed a long sigh of relief. The qi and blood in his body have been sorted out almost. Although the hidden dangers cannot be completely eradicated, it is much better than when he was on the road.

Looking at the dark night, Chu Qing's face was gloomy, and the people who had humiliated him during this period kept flashing in his mind.

Feng Shao, Tang Fei, Lin Chao, Yu Binglan, Xiao Ruoyao...

Thinking that he was originally in high spirits, but in a blink of an eye, because of these people, his forces disappeared, his comeback was also hit, and even the mountain top that he had finally conquered was taken away, Chu Qing was furious and couldn't help but roar.

Chu Qing roared like this, and he roared continuously for a stick of incense, and roared until he saw stars and the world was spinning. But the good thing is that he felt that the depression in his heart was relieved a lot, and the circulation of qi and blood seemed to become smoother.

Chu Qing sat cross-legged on the ground, panting heavily. But at this moment, Chu Qing vaguely smelled a faint breath. This breath was cold and strange, but extremely powerful, which surprised Chu Qing and subconsciously wanted to fly away on the sword.

But at the moment when he was about to run away, a thought suddenly popped up in his mind that even he himself felt inexplicable.

This... Could it be a great opportunity?

If it were someone else, they would have run as far as they could after smelling this powerful and strange breath. But Chu Qing, as a son of luck, has always believed that wealth and honor can only be achieved through risk. The son of luck may have a despicable personality, but few people can match his courage. After thinking of this possibility, Chu Qing made up his mind without much hesitation.

Find the source of this breath!

After carefully exploring for a while, Chu Qing realized that the breath came from the west side of the Broken Dragon Terrace. He carefully descended from the Broken Dragon Terrace and followed the breath all the way west. The further he walked, the stronger he felt the breath. In this way, after walking for nearly two hours, Chu Qing came to a cave. And the breath came from the cave.

Chu Qing hesitated for a moment, then went forward and entered the cave.

After going deeper into the cave for more than ten steps, Chu Qing reached the end. He looked at the boulder in front of him and was surprised to find that the breath came from behind the boulder. Chu Qing knocked around the boulder and soon found a loose stone. He pressed hard on the stone, and the boulder immediately made a "chi chi" sound and moved aside.

And behind the boulder was a deep and long corridor.

Unexpectedly, this cave looked inconspicuous from the outside, but there was a different world inside.

Chu Qing stepped forward and continued to move forward.

Although the corridor was narrow, it was surprisingly long. Chu Qing himself didn't know how far he had walked, but he thought he had already gone deep into the belly of the mountain. Although he didn't know what was waiting for him ahead, Chu Qing's heart was getting more and more excited. Having experienced many secret realms, he knew very well that such a deeply hidden place was very likely to be the inheritance place of some ancient great power.

In other words, this was a great opportunity given to him by God!

Walking in the corridor, Chu Qing had even begun to imagine how he would improve his cultivation after obtaining the inheritance, become a giant, or even hold power in one side, and then establish a super power to avenge those who offended him!

When Chu Qing thought that those enemies who were originally high and mighty would kneel in front of him and beg for mercy one day in the future, he was very excited in his heart, and even trembled with excitement!

Sure enough, there is always a way out!

In the joyful fantasy, this overly long corridor soon came to the end, and Chu Qing didn't even feel the passage of time.

At the end of the corridor, there is an extremely wide cave.

The cave is a hundred feet in radius and ten feet high. In the center of the cave, there is a slightly glowing pool, and a skeleton is sitting in the center of the pool. Chu Qing looked closely and found that although the skeleton was in human form, there were obviously some bones behind it that did not belong to humans. After observing carefully for a while, Chu Qing finally knew what bones these were.

These are wing bones!

Humans with wings? No, maybe it should be a monster that can already transform.

But... didn't they say that there have been no monsters that can transform in the upper domain for thousands of years?

Chu Qing walked forward with doubts, wanting to find out. But when he walked to the pool, he stopped.

Because there was no light source in the cave, he couldn't see the clear appearance of the pool just now. Now that he got closer, he found that the pool was bright red, and he could faintly smell a strong smell of blood.

This is actually a blood pool!

The blood pool was slightly glowing with white light, but this white light did not seem to come from the blood pool, but was isolated from the blood pool, locking the bloody smell of the blood pool firmly nearby.

Chu Qing squatted down and carefully put his hand into the blood pool. Then, he felt a pure energy passing through his arm into his body, making him feel physically and mentally happy. He couldn't help but brighten his eyes, and was about to enter the blood pool to absorb energy, but after glancing at the skeleton, Chu Qing suddenly had a bold idea in his mind.

Could this skeleton be the legendary strong man?

At this moment, a low laugh suddenly sounded in the cave.

Chu Qing was startled and couldn't help shouting, "Who! Who is playing tricks? Get out of here!"

The voice said in a teasing tone, "Little guy, you came to my place of fortune, but asked me who I am? Is there anything more rude in the world than this?"

Chu Qing opened his eyes wide and said in a lost voice, ""

The voice laughed softly, "Why? Didn't expect that I could still talk to you? But it's no wonder, with your shallow realm, it's difficult for you to understand the existence of me."

Chu Qing suppressed his pounding heart and asked in a deep voice, "Junior accidentally broke into the senior's cave, no offense, please forgive me."

"Accident? Haha, do you really think you came here, Is it an accident? Have you never thought that I have been sitting here for thousands of years, why did a little guy like you break into my cave until today? "

Chu Qing asked in surprise: "Is it the senior who summoned me?"

The voice laughed: "At least you are not stupid enough."

Chu Qing asked hurriedly: "Then I wonder what the senior summoned me for?"

"Before asking me what's the matter, aren't you curious about who I am? But judging from your reaction just now, maybe you have guessed it?"

Chu Qing swallowed his saliva and said: "If I guessed correctly, the senior should be the master of the magic way, Xue Yi, who fought with Feng Huang Ji Wuya of Tiangang Sword Sect on the Broken Dragon Platform thousands of years ago!"

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