Ye Chen chose the auction because he was confident that the Tongxuan Pearl in his hand could be sold at a price far higher than 500,000 Lingshi!

As for pawning, everyone knows that the price given is definitely not what it should be. But if more people participate in the auction, the price will be hard to say!

Although it hurts him a little to sell the Tongxuan Pearl, this is the only way. Although our son of destiny has always been arrogant, he also knows that Linglong Pavilion is not easy to mess with. If he can't come up with the money to buy the incarnation, he may not be able to leave the auction venue.

Ye Chen thought well and planned well. But when the auction started, he couldn't sit still.

The palace-dressed girl on the stage said, "This guest has entrusted Linglong Pavilion to sell a Tongxuan Pearl, with an estimated value of 500,000 spirit stones and a starting price of 200,000 spirit stones..."

Ye Chen couldn't help but shout, "Why is the starting price only 200,000 spirit stones? Why can't it be 500,000 spirit stones?"

The palace-dressed girl smiled very sweetly, "This guest doesn't know that auctions are different from ordinary sales. Usually, the starting price of our auction items is lower than the estimated price. Just like the incarnation just now, our estimated value is 300,000 spirit stones, but the starting price is only 80,000 spirit stones. But the guest doesn't have to worry, the price can go up after the auction."

Although what the palace-dressed girl said made sense, Ye Chen couldn't swallow this breath in his heart, and at the same time he also had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, after the palace-dressed girl announced the starting price, a slightly childish voice came from the No. 1 box: "I'll bid 200,000 spirit stones!"

After a pause, Lin Xiaoran added: "I'm determined to get this thing!"

When the people who were eager to try heard this, they immediately gave up.

In terms of financial resources, they are definitely not as good as others. Anyway, no matter what price you bid, you can't get it, so don't waste your time. If you bid rashly, you may cause others to feel bad, so why bother?

It's better to sell them a favor directly.

Although Lin Xiaoran is young, she is just a little less experienced. In fact, she is much smarter than ordinary people. In the process of bidding with Ye Chen just now, she found that no one in the venue dared to bid with her except Ye Chen. She just turned her mind and understood what was going on. Therefore, at the moment when the Tongxuanzhu started bidding, she called out the price and directly showed her determination to win.

In this way, no one really bid against her.

Seeing that the venue fell into silence and no one bid, Ye Chen was shocked and angry, and couldn't help shouting: "You are playing tricks on me!"

The palace-dressed girl was not angry, and said with a smile: "Guest, you must be responsible for what you say! Our Linglong Pavilion is a business guild affiliated to the Yunjian Pavilion. It has a good reputation in the industry. All transactions are fair and fair. As for the auction, it is originally a kind of gambling. If you bet right, you will become rich overnight; if you bet wrong, you will inevitably lose all your wealth. Since you have made a bet, you must admit defeat, don't you think so?"

Ye Chen was furious and said coldly: "Nonsense! You valued my Tongxuan Pearl at 500,000, but now it is sold by you for 200,000. Everyone present can see that you are cheating me! I demand the cancellation of this auction!"

The smile on the face of the palace-dressed girl disappeared. She looked at Ye Chen calmly and said calmly: "The guest said he wanted to cancel the auction? Have you thought about the consequences of doing so?"

"What consequences can there be? At most, I don't want the incarnation just now, I will just pretend that I have never been here!"

The palace-dressed girl sneered: "What does the guest think of our Linglong Pavilion? Since you have bid for it, you should abide by our rules. Now you want to give up, so give up. Don't you take our Linglong Pavilion and Yunjian Pavilion too lightly?"

Before she finished speaking, many guards appeared around the venue. These guards were at least at the Jindan realm, and some of them were at the Huashen realm. The guards stepped forward to surround Ye Chen in the center. One of them who looked like the captain said coldly: "Have you thought about the consequences of provoking our Yunjian Pavilion?"

Looking at the people who surrounded him, Ye Chen couldn't help but sweat on his forehead.

Having stayed in Taiwei Sect for a long time, he always thought that Jindan realm cultivators were rare, and Huashen realm cultivators were even rarer. However, he did not expect that in this small Linglong Pavilion, so many Jindan and Huashen appeared at once!

When did Jindan and Huashen become so worthless?

Ye Chen was very confident. He was confident that he could challenge across levels and beat multiple people of the same level at the same time, but he was not confident that he could beat multiple people of a higher level than him.

After a brief hesitation, Ye Chen made a difficult decision: admit defeat.

He said embarrassedly: "I... I said the wrong thing just now, please don't take it to heart..."

The palace dress girl smiled and said: "Since the guest knows that he is wrong, then I guess you have no opinion on the auction result just now?"

Ye Chen said with difficulty: "No... no..."

"In this case, then I hereby announce that this Tongxuan Pearl was won by the guest in the No. 1 Tianzi box. Congratulations to this guest!" The palace dress girl smiled.

At this moment, Ye Chen felt that his heart was bleeding. Such a great treasure, but he was careless and sold it at such a low price!

Ye Chen gritted his teeth and tried to control himself from looking at the No. 1 box. He was afraid that the surging murderous intent in his heart would be noticed by the other party.

But he had secretly sworn in his heart that he must make Lin Xiaoran pay the price!

"Your Tongxuan Pearl has been auctioned. After deducting 10% of the commission fee, you can get 180,000 Lingshi. The payment of 1 million Lingshi has been deducted from 180,000. How do you want to pay the remaining 820,000?" The palace-dressed girl asked with a smile.

For the first time, Ye Chen found that this smile was so hateful.

After taking a deep breath, Ye Chen said in a calm tone: "I will pay with 80,000 Lingshi, and the rest will be deducted with magic tools."

"Then I wonder if the customer plans to pawn or auction it?"


After suffering a loss once, Ye Chen naturally would not believe in the so-called "auction" again.

It must be said that Ye Chen, as a son of destiny, is indeed rich. He took out magic tools from the storage ring one by one, and there were many valuable ones among them. After Linglong Pavilion got Ye Chen's magic tools, it first valued them, and then purchased them at 70% of the valuation. This price is a relatively reasonable dead pawn price. If it is a live pawn, it can usually only be sold for half of its value.

Although this ratio seems to be very unfair, in fact, the prices offered by pawnshops in the world are even more unfair. The purchase price offered by Linglong Pavilion is already very fair. If it were another pawnshop, I'm afraid they would only get two-thirds of the money.

But even so, Ye Chen was already in pain.

Feng Shao watched this scene from afar. As Ye Chen took out one magic weapon after another, Feng Shao clearly saw that the luck on Ye Chen's head changed from dark purple to light purple, and then from light purple to dark red...

It seems that Ye Chen has really suffered a lot this time.

But what surprised Feng Shao even more was that almost half of Ye Chen's luck loss this time was absorbed by the Tianhua Jade Slip. He couldn't help but look at the No. 1 box of Tianzi and pondered.

Who is the person in that box? How come she can benefit from suppressing Ye Chen?

After all, Feng Shao hasn't seen Lin Xiaoran for seven years. As the saying goes, a girl changes a lot when she grows up. Not to mention just hearing a voice, even if Lin Xiaoran stood in front of him, he would not recognize her for a while.

At the same time, something even more infuriating happened to Ye Chen.

After Linglong Pavilion got the magic weapon that Ye Chen had mortgaged, it auctioned it directly at the venue. This time, Lin Xiaoran did not bid again, and others naturally bid without scruples. Then, amid the constant bidding, Ye Chen watched the magic weapons that he had just mortgaged at a low price being sold at least three times the price. He was so angry that he almost vomited blood. If he hadn't been concerned about the force of Linglong Pavilion, he would have fought with people on the spot!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Feng Shao also picked up a leak. What he picked up was not something else, but another fragment of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Clear Mirror held by Ye Chen, the Zhutian Mirror.

After getting the Zhutian Mirror, Feng Shao clearly felt the connection between the Zhutian Mirror and the Luantian Mirror. If the two mirrors are activated at the same time, it can become a powerful defensive magic weapon.

Seeing that the good things that originally belonged to him were divided up one by one, Ye Chen was very upset and simply stood up to leave. The three lackeys followed Ye Chen tremblingly, not daring to say a word.

Zhang Yu and the other three originally came to learn from Ye Chen. Seeing that the valuable magic tools were bought one by one, they were surprised and envious.

However, the one who surprised them the most was not someone else, but their "Senior Brother Shengzi", Ye Chen.

The reason why the three of them became Ye Chen's lackeys was nothing more than seeing Ye Chen often bring some good things to them. They were grateful for this and hoped to get more benefits, so they praised Ye Chen in everything.

But it was not until today that they found out that the little things Ye Chen gave them were not a drop in the ocean, but a drop of water in the ocean!

It was not worth mentioning at all!

As the saying goes, a little bit of kindness, a big bit of hatred. If they didn't know Ye Chen's wealth before, it would be fine. But when they learned that Ye Chen could easily take out 80,000 or 90,000 spirit stones, their minds suddenly changed.

Their previous thoughts were, how many good things did I get from Ye Chen. And now they think, how many good things did Ye Chen still not give me.

Comparing the two, they suddenly lost their balance.

But they concealed it very well and did not show their dissatisfaction. And Ye Chen was angry, and he did not notice any changes in these three people.

But just when Ye Chen and others were about to leave the venue, a loud bang suddenly came from the dome of the venue. Then, pieces of rubble fell one after another, and the venue suddenly fell into chaos.

The guards of Linglong Pavilion were shocked, and they jumped up and rushed to the huge hole that had just been punched in the dome. But not long after they flew out, they flew back and fell to the ground with "bang bang bang", not knowing whether they were dead or alive.

In the chaos, a hoarse voice resounded throughout the venue like thunder in the sky.

"Hahahaha! All of you, die! Who dares to stop me?!"

Before he finished speaking, Di Yu had already jumped up, with a look of astonishment in his eyes.

"Chu Hao, it's you?!"

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